in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ju ne 7, 20 18 | 4 1200 Speers Rd., Unit 12, Oakville, Ont. L6L 2X4 (905) 845 - 1408 | Fax (905) 845 - 5931 | Ricky Wong CPA, CA, MBA, B. Eng Ricky WongRicky W DIAMONDDIDIDIDIDIAMAMAMAMAMONONDIAMONDONDIAMONDONDIAMONDONDIAMONDONONONONONDDD DIAMONDDIDIDIDIDIAMAMAMAMAMONONONONONONONDDD Voted BestAccountant by Oakville Beaver Readers for 11 ConsecutiveYears For more information please check our website •Accounting •Auditing • Taxation Palermo Professional Centre 2525 Old Bronte Rd., Suite 470 Oakville (at Dundas Street) • Bring in your family for a CheCk-uP at our new moDern CliniC Monday to Friday 7:30 - 5:00. Evening and Saturday appointments available. Call to book your appointment or consultation.Dr. Vineet BhanDari BSc DIH DDSBSc DIH DDS 905.825.5110 Before Crowns After Crowns This patient went from a consultation to finished teeth in just a couple weeks! We can change lives ... Call us to set up your free consultation. aCtual Patient treatmentS By Dr. BhanDari Dr. Vineet Bhandari provides top quality dental care in a friendly, caring environment with his team of dental professionals. He uses modern painless laser dentistry for cosmetic and preventive dental treatments and helps his patients to achieve optimum dental health. It is our goal to help create and maintain a beautiful smile. Dentistry is a positive investment in your health, your confidence and your appearance. Since 1984BhanDari familyDentistry Porcelain Veneers❖Crowns and Bridges❖ Teeth Whitening❖ Restorations ❖Composite Resin❖Dental Implants❖ Laser Dentistry❖ Periodontist on site newPatients &Dental emergencieswelcome DISABILITY BENEFITS DENIED/TERMINATED? We protect your right to receive disability benefits Contact us for a free case evaluation 905.337.9568 4-1464 Cornwall Rd., Oakville I N J U R Y L A W Y E R S An Oakville man, who says death haunts him every day, apologized in court Wednesday afternoon for ruining countless lives. Joseph Drake, 24, was speak- ing during his sentencing at Bur- lington's provincial offences courthouse Wednesday after- noon. Drake was found guilty of careless driving in the death of Oakville cyclist Stephen Smith, 57. "I know that words mean ab- solutely nothing when a life as been ripped from some- body...and I know that it's pre- cious and so important," he said. "I've ruined countless lives. I'm sorry to the family. Not only have I ruined countless lives, but I've ruined my own. I feel guilt and dread. "Death haunts me every day - every waking moment. I feel re- spectfully and regretfully of Ste- phen's loved ones. "Whatever sentence you im- pose I will humbly accept." Drake, who pleaded not guilty in March, was driving a Saturn Vue when he struck Smith fromVue when he struck Smith fromV behind at 7:04 p.m. on Sunday, August 14, 2016. Smith was taken to hospital where he later died as a result of his injuries. Drake admitted to seeing a cy- clist while he was westbound on Lakeshore Road at the intersec- tion of Third Line, but he doesn't know how he struck him. His defence lawyer Ian Collins told court earlier this year that his client "was momentarily inat- tentive." The victim's life partner The- resa McLaughlin, along with Smith's children, a granddaugh- ter and several other family and friends were in court for the sen-friends were in court for the sen-f tencing. They submitted victim impact statements to court, but they were not read aloud. Justice of the Peace Liisa Ritchie said she wanted to take the proper time to read the sub- missions before sentencing. That will be heard in Milton provin- cial offences court at 9 a.m. on Thursday, June 7. Crown Attorney Apel Haruty- un is seeking a $2,000 fine, a two- year licence suspension, two years probation and 200 hours of community service. He said jail time was not some- thing he sought because of the unlikelihood of that happening, given that Drake had no other criminal record and only a light Highway Traffic Act record, nor was their any wilful or intential conduct. However, he said that his ac- tions had "grave consequences. "This had a devastating im- pact on the family, members of the community and his loved ones," he said. "This was a com- pletely avoidable accident. He saw the cyclist then he hit the cy- clist." Collins agreed with the sub- NEWS Driver must be punished for death, says Crown A 57-year-old Oakville man was killed when he was struck from behind by a vehicle at Third Line and Lakeshore Road. Graham Paine, Oakville Beaver JULIE SLACK l See CROWN, page 5