in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 8, 20 18 | 12 Bid Now Bid Now forBiG SAViNGS at Help Yourself with Big Discounts & Help Us Help Others Bid NOW Bid NOW Bid NOW at November 3-17, 2018 THank YOU to the following Rotary supporters: UPS Store 905-842-3149 Robertson amusements Ltd. 519-942-1930 Bob Zimmerman Ca 905-845-5460, Dr aliki Family Dentistry 905-845-3211 TE LL YO UR FR iEN dS ArborMemorial Inc. Did you know you can transfer your pre-arranged funeral plan to Glen Oaks at no additional cost? Ask us how today: 905-257-1100 3164 Ninth Line, Oakville, ON byArborMemorial GlenOaks Funeral Home &Cemetery Already Pre-Arranged Elsewhere? BEST BUY CORRECTION NOTICE NEWSPAPER RETRACTION FOR THE BEST BUY NOVEMBER 2nd CORPORATE FLYER Christopher Robin Blu-ray In the November 2nd flyer, page 15, the Blu- ray version of the movie Christopher Robin (Web Code:M2228488) was advertised with an incorrect price. The correct price for this movie is $29.99. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our valued customers. Kerr Street Mission has become a hub of care for the community and is a place where so many find support, friendship and a helping hand. We are able to help our neighbours in need thanks to the generous support of our community. KSM is very blessed to be one of the recipients again this year of the Gift of Giving Back Food Drive with the Oakville Rangers Hockey Club. Founded in 2005, The Gift of Giving Back is now the largest food drive of its kind in Canada that supports, educates and empowers thousands of young athletes to compassionately give back to their community Since its inception - they have raised over 2.6 million pounds of food for local communities in Canada. The Oakville Rangers Hockey Club will have over 1800 players participating in the food drive this year. We are so thankful for these young hockey players and their commitment to help feed their community in need. If you are looking to help the Gift of Giving Back Food Drive or Kerr Street Mission directly, please reach out to us as we are always in need of financial gifts and food donations. Please donate if you can. To learn more about KSM, or how you can help - please reach out to us @ 905.845.7485 or visit Kerr Street Mission 485 Kerr Street, Oakville P: 905.845.7485 Charitable Reg. No. 897106845RR0001 Many people think: "If on- ly I was richer, I would be happy." Not necessarily. Canadians can be ambi- tious and chase the almighty dollar. But if you are looking for the magic formula to in-for the magic formula to in-f crease happiness, don't count on that formula being more money. We have known this forWe have known this forW several decades. In 1974, economist Richard Easterlin from the University of Pennsylvania published a paper measuring economic prosperity against happi- ness. His findings showed in- dustrialized countries had experienced phenomenal economic growth over the previous 50 years. However, the happiness of citizens did not change. Money can buy many things. Money can't buy hap- piness. Perhaps it's time for a re- set. A time to rethink your priorities. Don't pursue wealth for its sake alone, pur- sue happiness. Princeton University re- searchers surveyed 1,000 peo- ple in 2010. Emotional well- being increased with a high- er salary, but only up to $75,000 per year. People always seem to want more. That seems to be human nature. We move to big cities to capture the high paying jobs. Researchers from the Vancouver School of Eco-Vancouver School of Eco-V nomics and McGill Universi- ty published a paper in the spring of 2018 reporting that Canadians living in large cit- ies are less happy than those living in smaller communi- ties. I have a suggestion. Create a financial plan with only one purpose: To make you happy. Where do you want to live, what occupation and there- fore what income potential isfore what income potential isf there? How long do you want to work? One of life's realities is that we need money to pro- vide a desired lifestyle. Now, rethink your happiness fi- nancial plan and add in some financial realities.f Perhaps you will have to make some adjustments on what a perfect life would be. The key to this exercise is for you to start articulatingfor you to start articulatingf what type of life is most im- portant to you. Try not to make the mistake of just try- ing to make a higher income and accumulate more wealth. Your financial planYour financial planY should focus on the type of life you want to live. Peter Watson, of Peter Watson Investments MBA, CFP®, R.F.P., CIM, FCSI, offers a weekly financial planning column, Dollars & Sense. He can be contacted through www.peterwat- MONEY DOES NOT MAKE YOU HAPPIER OPINION CREATE A FINANCIAL PLAN WITH ONLY ONE PURPOSE: TO MAKE YOU HAPPY, WRITES WATSON PETER WATSON Column V IS IT U S O N LI N E @ IN SI D EH A LT O N .C O M