in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 7, 20 19 | 16 No Heat? Call 289-205-3443 Fastest Emergency Service • Heating • Cooling •Water Heaters • Plumbing • Duct Cleaning • Protection Plans BUYONE, GET ONE HEARING AID BOGO 50%off Promo Code NSP-BUYO-OAKB NIHB, VAC and Worker 's Compensation Provider This limited-time offer applies to private and ADP sales of select hearing aids and is subject to change without notice. For ADP sales, the 50% discount is after the grant is applied. This offer cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts for hearing aids. No-cost hearing tests are provided to adults ages 19 and older. Child hearing tests are conducted at select locations for a fee, please call the toll-free phone number above formore information. Some conditionsmay apply. Please see clinic for details. Offer not valid in Quebec. Offer expires 03/29/19. This limited-time offer ends March 29th, 2019. Call us today to book your FREE, no obligation hearing assessment! Better sound sensitivity, improved ability to locate noises and an easier time understanding speech. Of course two hearing aids are better then one! Come in to receive a free hearing test and take us up on our new promotion for 2019: BOGO - Buy one hearing aid and get the second ½ price during this limited time event. NEW 2019 PROMOTION Bronte 2419 Marine Drive Call Debbie at 1-888-870-7965 Kyle Letourneau, Hons. BA (psychology), HIS, Hearing Instrument Specialist Fewer than a quarter of Halton kindergarten par- ents feel connected to their communities -- and fewer than half say their kids are getting an hour of exercise each day, according to a survey released in Janu- ary. Our Kids Network, a co- alition of Halton Region organizations that serve children and youth, re- leased some of the results of its Kindergarten Parent Survey on Jan. 16. It found that only 23 per cent of par- ents report high levels of neighbourhood cohesion, which is a significant driv- er in positive outcomes for kids and families, said Dr. Elisabeth Wells, a re- searcher with the organi- zation. "It means that children have role models outside their families and that peo- ple are more likely to con- tribute to the community," she said in a release. "Feel- ing connected to our neighbourhood and our neighbours matters." Other findings include: .40 per cent of kinder- garten students are get- ting one hour of physical activity every day; .74 per cent of kinder- garten children receive childcare on a regular ba- sis; .41 per cent of parents of kindergarten children of- ten or very often feel rushed and pressed for time; .Parenting confidence has decreased since 2015; 60 per cent of parents feel very or extremely confi- dent as a parent, compared to 68 per cent in 2015; and .94 per cent of kinder- garten children are eating breakfast and 77 per cent are eat fruits and vegeta- bles three or more times a day. This is the sixth time the survey, which is con- ducted every three years, has been completed. Our Kids Network collected re- sponses from 2,681 parents whose children attend kin- dergarten with the Halton District School Board or the Halton Catholic Dis- trict School Board. Partners in the Our Kids Network include those school boards, as well as Halton Region, Hal- ton Regional Police Ser- vice and several agencies that provide programming for young people. The or-for young people. The or-f ganization says its goal is to "nurture and support partnership and collabo- ration at the neighbour- hood level. Community agencies, faith groups, schools, regional and mu- nicipal staff, recreation departments, and commu- nity members all work to- gether to provide and im- prove opportunities for lo- cal children, youth and their families." HALTON KINDERGARTEN PARENTS DISCONNECTED FROM COMMUNITY, SURVEY FINDS EDUCATION