in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, F eb ru ar y 14 ,2 01 9 | 48 ART EXHIBIT AT IROQUOIS RIDGE HS Grades 9-12 students at Iroquois Ridge High School displayed their talents at an end-of-semester art show recently. At left is Karim Demachhkle with one of his favourite pieces, Bird's Eye, and two other works; in centre is Anahita Ruia with three of her caps and acrylic on canvas pieces; and at right is Annabelle Pare, with some of her art works, including the pencil on paper piece entitled 'Sibling'. All three artists are in Grade 12. Graham Paine/Metroland Got plans for the weekend? FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS AT INSIDEHALTON.COM