21 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,F ebruary 21,2019 insidehalton.com 8102 BURL INGTON / LONDON / NIAGARA FALLS / S IMCOE / mytopdrawer.com NEWPATIENTSWELCOME Call Today 905-257-5628 Sigvaris Compression Stockings & CustomMadeOrthotics Diabetic Foot Care &Nail Surgery www.dundaschiropractic.com Trafalgar &Dundas, Longo's Plaza Chiropody (Foot Care & CustomMade Orthotics)Diabetic Foot Care, General Foot Care CustomMade Orthotics Nosheen Chaudhry, B.Sc. D.Ch., M.P.H. Registered Chiropodist Compression Stockings & CustomMadeOrthotics Diabetic Foot Care &Nail Surgery Online Bookings or Call TodayOnline Bookings or Call Today www.dundaschiropractic.com 905-257-5628 Trafalgar &Dundas, Longo's Plaza Sore Feet/Arch/Heel? Ingrown Toenails? PlantarWarts? Hard to Cut Toenails? Corns/Calluses? Sore: Feet It's about trust. Our rela- tionship with our readers is built on transparency, hon- esty and integrity. As such, we have launched a trust ini- tiative to tell you who we are and how and why we do what we do. This article iswhat we do. This article isw part of that project.This is a column. If you look at the top left- hand corner of this page, above the headline, you'll see the word OPINION. That's your first clue.your first clue.y The article also includes my headshot and a line at the bottom explaining who I am and why I am qualified to write this piece - elements you wouldn't see in a newsyou wouldn't see in a newsy article. I think of these as signposts; they let you, the reader, know where we're going. For this piece, our destination is a common un- derstanding of the types of content you'll find in our newspapers and online at in- sidehalton.com. They also reinforce our mandate to be transparent and honest in how we pre- sent our content, whether online or in the newspaper - in this case drawing a clear line between news and opin- ion. Our Torstar Journalistic Standards, which you can read in full at insidehalton- .com, describes news as "ver- ified information based on the impartial reporting of facts, either observed by re-facts, either observed by re-f porters or reported and ver- ified from knowledgeable sources. News reports do not include the opinion of the author." News also includes ANALYSIS, which our stan- dards define analysis as "critical or contextual exam- ination of an important and topical issue based on factu- al reporting. It provides an explanation of the impact or meaning of news events and draws on the authority and expertise of the writer. Anal- ysis articles do not contain the author's opinions." A story labelled CON- TRIBUTED was not written by one of our journalists, but submitted by a member of our community. OPINION articles can include columns based on the author's inter- pretation and judgments of facts, data and events. Edito-facts, data and events. Edito-f rials, which reflect the news organization's position on an issue of public interest, are also opinion. Editorials are not meant to be a neutral presentation of the facts and because they present the newspaper's voice, they do not include an author. We must also draw a clearWe must also draw a clearW line between journalism and advertisement. There should be no confusion that the boxed ads promoting products and services at lo- cal businesses or giving in- formation about goings on atformation about goings on atf town hall that appear online and in the paper are pur- chased space. But any paid content that could be con- fused with a story is labelledfused with a story is labelledf as SPONSORED or ADVER- TISEMENT. Labelling content by its type or providing a signpost is just one way we aim to be as transparent as possible with our readers. We wel- come your questions and value your comments. Email our trust committee at trust@metroland.com. Karen Miceli is manag- ing editor of the Oakville Beaver. OPINION IS THIS A NEWS STORY OR A COLUMN? WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? WE MUST DRAW A CLEAR LINE BETWEEN NEWS AND OPINION, WRITES MICELI KAREN MICELI Column