Pa ge 2 T hu rs da y, M ay 7 , 2 01 5 - H om e an d G ar de n - w w w .th ei fp .c a 4 1 6 • 7 6 8 • 3 6 3 7 LANDSCAPING old fashioned hometown values & professionalism Lawn - Garden - Nursery - Gifts Mulch - Soil - Gravel - Firewood Images provIded by proven wInners 12771 Hwy 25 • Acton 519•853•2480 THIS SUNDAY FLOWERS! THIS SUNDAY FLOWERS! THIS SUNDATHIS SUNDATHIS SUNDA BRING MOM FLOWERS! *Open All weekend! *WE HAVE MANY UNIQUE & HARD TO FIND VARIETIES *Gorgeous Hanging Baskets from $15 *Patio Planters - Bursting with colour from $25 *Large Rose Bushes - Lots of colours *EXPERT STAFF HERE TO HELP! HOME, LAWN & GARDEN How to maintain your concrete paver driveway (NC) An interlock driveway or walkway can add distinct curb appeal and elegance to an otherwise dull outside of your home. This is typically the first element that anyone sees when visiting or passing by your house; there- fore, it's important to maintain and keep it in top condition. If there is a valid argument against select- ing properly installed interlocking concrete pavers, it is that the jointing sand used to stabilize the pavers creates ongoing and frus- trating maintenance issues. It erodes with the onset of wind and rain. It is fertile ground for airborne weed seeds and an inviting home for nearby ant colonies. This is especially true with the popular high-end, tumbled pavers with irregular edges and rounded corners. Larger spaces between pavers mean a greater chance that sand will wash away. However, there are several simple solutions that maintain your interlock pavers and allow hardscape projects to withstand the test of time. Invented by Techniseal polymeric jointing sand is a high-tech mix of graded sand and binder. Activated by water at installation, the polymer molecules form a strong yet flexible bond with the sand. Polymeric sand prevents erosion caused by sweeping, wind, rain, and even pressure washing. It also inhibits weed growth and resists insect infestation; leaving pavers clean at all times. Representing, on average, less than four percent of the overall cost of a paver installation, polymeric jointing sand is an effective solution when it comes to erosion control, weed inhibition, insect resis- tance and overall surface response to move- ment. For homeowners look- ing to do their own DIY maintenance updates, in- stallation is easy. Just sweep the polymeric sand into the empty joints like regular sand, compact it and wet it. This results in years of enjoy- ment of your new or existing pavers without the hassle of spraying weeds, re-sweep- ing sand or cleaning it up where you wish it wasn't. Effective maintenance also means no cracking or heaving in the spring. Available in both tan and grey, polymeric sand can even enhance the aesthetic appeal of your paver projects. With a quality polymeric sand, you can expect zero maintenance on your pavers as well as peaceful and relaxing summer days for several years. More information on paver joint maintenance is available at techniseal. com.