Pa ge 2 T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 1 7, 2 01 5 - H om e an d G ar de n - w w w .th ei fp .c a Great Fall Colour! 3 Gal. Mums Reg. $8.99 FALL ENTRANCE DECORATOR PACKAGE! FALL ENTRANCE DECORATOR PACKAGE! FALL FRESH CLEAN UP PACKAGE Call tobookyour appointment today! ONLY$199.99 FallWelcome Planter, Reg. $34.99 Autumn Style Planter, woven wicker planter included. Reg. $69.99 All Fountains are on sale! NOW $24.99 12"Harvest Planter, Reg. $34.99 All Nursery Stock 30%-50% off! 3 FOR $21 Welcome a New Season! Choose fromahuge selection! 40% off 1 largepumpkin, 2 corn stalks, 1 strawbale, 1 threeGal.mum, 1 scarecrow, ANDAFREE doormat (select style) ONLY$49.99 Reg. total retail $79.99 OPEN 7 DAYS AWEEK: Monday - Saturday 9am - 6pm, Sunday 10am - 5pm Sale period: September 17th - 23rd All itemswhile quantities last, subject to availability. Category offers exclude "TERRA Essentials" Burlington (905) 332-3222 ·Milton (905) 876-4000 Waterdown (905) 689-1999 ·Vaughan (905) 832-6955 ·Hamilton (905) 692-6900 FREE DOORMAT INCLUDED Fresh selection! All Perennials 30% off Genoa conversation set, NOW$1499.99, Reg. $2499.99. SAVE $1000 HUGE SELECTION! DEEP DISCOUNTS! SAVE UP TO $1500 PATIO FURNITURE END OF SEASON SALE! TERRA CARE ONLY $24.99 ONLY $49.99 HOME & GARDEN Get your lawn ready for fall Many people feed their lawns every other month through- out the spring and summer months. But did you know that fall feeding is considered the most important application of the year? A lawn fed three to four times a year develops a deep root system to resist heat, drought, and wear. It also develops thick green top growth to naturally resist weeds, disease, and in- sects. Feeding when the grass no longer needs mowing, be- fore the ground freezes, gives the lawn the extra nutrients it needs to survive the winter and bounce back in spring. Look for a fertilizer with higher nitrogen (N) and potas- sium content (K), the first and last numbers on the bag. These are the nutrients that help promote a stronger root structure, disease resistance, and hardiness in cold weather. A properly-fed lawn produc- es a deeper root structure, ca- pable of reaching water deeply stored in the soil. Fertilizer doesn't go bad if it's kept dry, so you can safely use any leftovers from the pre- vious year. Here are some tips to help you put your lawn to bed for the winter: 1. Review your fertilizer op- tions at a lawn and garden cen- tre by reading the bag. 2. Use a quality spreader or handheld model to ensure even feeding. 3. Don't apply if heavy rain is expected, and ensure the last application is on before the ground is frozen. 4. Fertilizer can only do its job if it's on your lawn or gar- den. Sweep any fertilizer that lands on sidewalks or drive- ways back onto the lawn, avoid- ing sewers and waterways. Additional tips are available online at greenerworld.