th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, A pr il 26 ,2 01 8 | 32323 To this day, police have few details about who killed Paavo Henttonen. It was the cleaning staff that found the 54-year-old manfound the 54-year-old manf stabbed to death in the entrance of his Georgetown apartment on the morning of May 17, 2002. Police say he took a taxi to his apartment, a converted space inside an old industrial building on Rosetta Street, after spending the evening at the Bar- ber Towne Pub. There were no signs of forced entry or robbery inside the apartment, which they found smeared and splattered with blood. Detectives believe he was stabbed repeatedly with a kitch- en knife from the apartment and believe that in the process, the assailant was also injured. The site was rich with finger- prints, blood and evidence, however, nothing matches with the forensic database. Two days after the murder, Henttonen's 1997 green Chevro- let pickup truck was found at Mountainview Road and Do- minion Gardens Drive, its inte- rior also stained with blood. "Investigators have contin- ued to pursue avenues related to previously identified person (s) of interest," said Halton po- lice Det. Kevin Britton. He add- ed that the investigation led po- lice to probe other individuals linked to the Halton area, how- ever, they cannot specify wheth- er they think the killer acted alone or with others. "There are several individu- als designated as person(s) of interest in the case, however none of these have been elevat- ed to the status of suspect," he said. Police believe Henttonen had a significant amount of cash on him at the time, and believe that the individual, or people in- volved in the murder knew that. "He lived a fast life, owned businesses, made lots of mon- ey," said his brother, Pentti Henttonen, who came down from his home in Fort Francisfrom his home in Fort Francisf to arrange the funeral when Paavo was killed. He remembers his brother as a kind man, and says he always carried large sums of cash as a result of his line of work. Henttonen was in the busi- ness of purchasing and flipping industrial food processing ma- chinery. He would purchase equipment from closing facto- ries and facilities, resell what he could, repair vending ma- chines and sell the rest as scrap metal. After the murder, Pentti says Henttonen's business partner cleaned out his warehouse, which was attached to the apartment inside the industrial building. He says it was full of equipment and metal. "I don't know who it was, but he came in there and cleaned everything out," said Pentti. "I don't know what kind of rela- tionship they had." Henttonen was estranged from his wife and had a youngfrom his wife and had a youngf son at the time. Brent Henttonen, now 28, is still hoping for answers about his father's murder. The builder from Innisfil re- members the day when he learned his dad had been mur- dered. NEWS 16 years later, police still don't know who killed Paavo Henttonen Above, Brent Henttonen was waiting to be picked up by his father on May 17, 2002 to visit with him for the weekend when he found out his dad had been murdered. Right, Paavo (Paul) Henttonen. Alexandra Heck/Metroland l See PAAVO, page 34 ALEXANDRA HECK Halton Police photo IT'S TIME TO VOTE! WeWeW received hundreds of truly inspiring nominations for Canadian immigrants who have made a significant impact since their arrival. Now it's your turn to help choose this year's winners. VoteVoteV TodayTodayT Title sponsor: Presented by: Media sponsors: Old World Quality New World Satisfaction since 1983 BASED IN GEORGETOWN SERVING ALL OF HALTON & PEEL REGIONS & ORANGEVILLE • Complete Residential Re-roofing • Repairs • Financing Now AvailableAvailableA • Metal Flashing • Cedar Roofs • Copper Roofs and Flashing SHINGLES • CEDAR • FLATS • COPPER Fully Licensed and Insured. Call for a FREE Estimate 905-702-7977 Email: | toll free 800-683-2999 Cell: 416-996-9338 It's Lonely at the Top! Platinum 2017 Halton Hills