th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 15 ,2 01 8 | 14 Halton Regional Police are investigating an armed robbery at the Nor- val Convenience Store. Shortly after 9 p.m. on Monday night, two indi- viduals rushed into the store and demanded the employee at the cash open the till and hand over ciga- rettes. The individuals were carrying a black firearm and assaulted the employ- ee before fleeing. "The victim, the store clerk, was pretty shaken," said Detective Paul Har- rower with Halton Region- al Police. "The injuries were minor in nature." The suspects are de- scribed as two males, one being around 5 feet 9 inch- es, wearing a black mask and dark clothing; the oth- er is described as being six feet tall, with a muscular build, also wearing a mask and dark clothing. Police are continuing to investigate the incident and have yet to determine the cash value of what was taken, or what direction the suspects fled. Anyone with informa- tion is asked to contact De- tective Mike Skoularicos of the One District Crimi- nal Investigations Bureau at 905-825-4747, ext. 2420. ARMED ROBBERS INJURE CASHIER AT NORVAL CONVENIENCE STORE Halton police are seeking two suspects involved in an armed robbery that occurred at Norval Convenience Store on Nov. 12. Veronica Appia/Metroland NEWS Public Notice OVERNIGHT PARKING RESTRICTION Uniform Traffic Control By-law No. 84-1 prohibits parking on any highway between: 2:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m. (Daily) November 15, 2018 to April 15, 2019 Motorists should note that Parking Control Officers will be on patrol through the duration of the parking restriction period and will ticket and/or have the offending vehicle removed. Snow Removal The placing or pushing of snow or ice onto roadways or cleared sidewalks will obstruct or encumber vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Do not push snow across roadways because the trail of snow does turn to ice. The Town's Obstruction, Encumbering or Fouling of Highways By-law No. 90-68 prohibits such action. AUTHORITIES MAY HAVE SNOW AND ICE REMOVED AT THE PROPERTY OWNER'S EXPENSE Improper snow and ice clearing can be a serious hazard to motorists and pedestrians. Your co-operation is requested. Please comply with the requirements of this By-law. The winter season will soon be upon us. Be alert for snow plows and stay back at least 15 meters behind the trucks. Please avoid parking on streets during snowstorms to assist Public Works staff with winter control. Applies to all streets under the jurisdiction of the Town of Halton Hills, unless authorized signs indicating otherwise are specifically posted. Motorists are reminded that By-law No. 84-1 also prohibits the parking of a vehicle on all Town or Regional Roads for longer than 5 (five) consecutive hours at any single location, unless otherwise specifically posted. On-street parking hinders snow clearing and other road maintenance operations. Your co-operation is requested. Please comply with the requirements of this By-law. AUTHORITIES MAY HAVE VEHICLES TICKETED OR TOWED AWAY AT THE OWNER'S EXPENSE. Public Works Division 905-873-2601 ext. 2603 119 Our Family Thanks You! George, Colleen & family To all our Esso-Georgetown clients, we want to extend our sincere thanks for your support as we went through the process to become the new owners of the Guelph Street location. As lifelong residents of Georgetown, our family looks forward to serving our community, friends & neighbours. Hope to see you soon! 375 Guelph St., Georgetown (At Mcfarlane Dr. Near Norval)