9 | The IFP -H alton H ills | T hursday,F ebruary 28,2019 theifp.ca Robin Williams, An- thony Bourdain, Kate Spade ... well-known peo- ple who recently took their own lives. Following tragic losses such as these, people may be more aware and talk openly about suicide, but these conversations tend to fall to the side as time goes on. Many of us shy away from talking about sui- cide because we don't know what to say or do if we are concerned about someone in our lives or we don't know how to rec- ognize if someone may be at risk. Common signs that someone may be hav- ing thoughts of suicide in- clude the following: • Withdrawal from peo- ple and activities he/she usually enjoys • Changes in mood or behaviour, such as seem- ing more down or angry • Risky or reckless be- haviour, including in- creased substance use • Hopelessness or help- lessness, such as saying "Things will never change" or "Nothing will ever get better" • Talking about suicide or death directly or indi- rectly, such as saying "I don't want to be here any- more" or "I don't think I can go on" It can be uncomfort- able and frightening to see someone struggling and not know how to help. If you're concerned, con- sider these actions: • Remember that sui- cide is about ending pain, not about dying. It's more about "I don't want to live like this" than it is about "I don't want to live" and people may want to find another way to cope with what they are struggling with. • Don't be afraid to ask about suicide directly. Asking "Are you thinking about suicide?" will not give someone the idea - it will give them permission to open up about what they are feeling. • Take any talk of sui- cide seriously. Don't dis- miss it as attention-seek- ing or exaggeration. • Know supports to suggest. Offer to call the 24/7 COAST Crisis Line with the person or sit with them while they make that call to talk to a professional. Support is also available at local hospitals - could you go there with them, or is there someone else they would like to call to be with them? • Don't promise to keep thoughts of suicide a se- cret. You can't be the only helper - more support is needed to help keep the person safe. • If you are concerned about someone's immedi- ate safety, call 911 to get help. Keep the COAST num- ber handy - 1-877-825-9011 - and think about taking an Applied Suicide Interven- tion Skills Training (ASIST) course with us at CMHA. Get more details on our website at www.halton.cmha.ca. Talking about suicide and supports can save lives. Keep the conversa- tion going. Melanie McGregor is the communications and advancement specialist at the Canadian Mental Health Association Hal- ton Region Branch, which provides mental health/addiction commu- nity support and educa- tion. Visit www.hal- ton.cmha.ca for more information and follow @cmhahalton on Twitter. PROVIDING SUPPORT TO PREVENT SUICIDE OPINION KNOW THE SIGNS AND DON'T STAY SILENT, WRITES MCGREGOR MELANIE MCGREGOR Column OUTDATED kiTchEn OR BATh? OUTDATED kiTchEn OR BATh? SURFAcE REFiniShinG SURFAcE REFiniShinG YOU TiME AnD MOnEY! YOU TiME AnD MOnEY! $AVE$ CABINETS • COUNTERTOPS • TILES • TUBS &MORE! Before After! My home is stuck in a time warp! VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 247 Armstrong Avenue Unit 10 Georgetown Monday-Friday, 8:30 to 4:30. Evenings and weekends by appointment. Call for a free estimate: 905-494-1915 EachMiracle Method franchise independently owned and operated See our work atMiracleMethod.com/brampton 905-873-0000 May 3, 10, 11, 2019 at 7:30pm May 4, 5, 11, 12, 2019 at 2pm Tickets now Available John Elliott Theatre Box Office: 9 Church St., Georgetown Phone: 905-877-3700 PRESENTED BYPRESENTED BY SALES SERVICE INSTALLATIONSESA #7003060 DEKEReLeCTRIC ltd. 905-702-0515 Visit our new website! www.dekerelectric.ca Puzzled about backup power? DEKER has the answers! Call today for a free no obligation quote on a GENERAC backup generator. Shelter 519.833.2287 Thrift Shop 905.702.8661 www.uppercredit.com info@uppercredit.com Charitable Registration #893738872RR0001 Help Support the Animals at UCHS - Donate Today Your donations at work Helps cover the cost of feeding and care Veterinary Care (spaying/neutering/ vaccination and emergency care) Provides a safe, clean and enriching environment for the animals Visit uppercredit.com/donate for more information on how to donate