th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, A pr il 11 ,2 01 9 | 12 A NEW CEMETERY IN HALTON HILLS A new cemetery for the general public is taking shape for residents and their families in Halton Hills. Devereaux Cemetery is located in a quiet country setting on the 17th Side Road, just west of Trafalgar Road. Open to people of all cultural backgrounds, it is located beside the Holy Redeemer Cemetery. In addition to traditional burial, Devereaux Cemetery now offers two new options for above-ground interment: private estate lawn crypts for casket entombment and a Tranquility Columbarium Garden for the entombment of cremation urns. Whether planning ahead or during a time of need, our capable and trusted team will work alongside you to choose the option that best suits you and your loved ones. For more information about our team and services, contact: Owned and operated by The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of the Diocese of Hamilton 905-877-8500 | Don't miss out! Visit website for details and to register! SUMMER CAMP and PARENT AND TOT PROGRAM registration also available Sign up now for the world's most popular game. Soccer is fun, affordable, great exercise and builds social skills. LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR HOUSE LEAGUE GEORGETOWN DAYCARE CENTRE PRiCiNG - $184.00 (WEEk 1 ONlY) $230.00 All OThER WEEks We Provide: All snacks, PlUs a sub on Thursday AND Pizza on Friday 483 GUElPh sTREET, NORVAl 905-877-4376 • 905-877-4375 licensed with Ministry of Education Registration: Call or Pick Up at 479 Guelph street, Norval Georgetown Daycare Centre 905-877-4376 New & Ex citing Wee kly Field T rips & Ou tings WEEk ThEME 1. JUlY 2-5 Anything Goes! 2. JUlY 8-12 spray & splatter 3. JUlY 15-19 Buggin' Out 4. JUlY 22-26 Rock stars 5. JUlY 29-AUG 2 splish splash 6. AUG 5-9 Exploding science 7. AUG 12-16 Power Play 8. AUG 19-23 Construction Zone 9. AUG 26-30 Challenge Week Registration now open for sept 2019 Daycare & Before/ After school Programs. Transportation to and from local schools. Providing Care for infants - 11yrs Book now for HALTON - Halton po- lice are looking for one man following the theft of around $300 worth of baby formula from a George- town store on March 22. At 7:10 p.m., the individ- ual entered the FreshCo, located at 325 Guelph St., and selected six bottles of baby formula. Police allege that he concealed the formula in a green reusable bag and then left the store without paying. He set off the store's alarm as he left, at which point he ran to a waiting white-coloured Infiniti with a large muffler and left the area. While the theft of baby formula may seem strange, police say that since it is expensive and because people need it, the product is a target for shoplifters who will often resell the formula to flea markets, small retail stores or online. Officers said that any- one who actually needs ba- by formula and can't af- ford it can get it from a lo- cal food bank. The suspect is de- scribed as white, in his ear- ly 20s with long blond wavy hair, approximately five-foot-ten, 175-pounds. He wore a blue sweater, dark green pants, a base- ball cap with red brim and a red logo, and Adidas shoes that were dark in colour with white stripes. Anyone with informa- tion about this incident is asked to contact Halton police at 905-825-4747 ext. 2351 or Crime Stoppers at 1- 800-222-TIPS (8477). NEWS MAN SOUGHT AFTER $300 WORTH OF BABY FORMULA STOLEN FROM GEORGETOWN STORE Suspect photos. Halton police photos. DAVID LEA