th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, M ay 9, 20 19 | 10 "I want to ask all of our leaders a serious question: do I deserve a future?" he asked. "In the future, I want to see green forests, clean lakes and comfort- able summers. I want a fu- ture where we live within our environmental limits. We have the power to make a difference." Jonah Hobbs, a George- town District High School Grade 9 pupil, contended that climate change isn't a political debate, but rather a human one. "Clean air and a livable climate are basic human rights," he said. "If we don't protect nature, we can't protect ourselves." According to research from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Re- search, presented by Grade 12 Christ the King Second- ary School student Han- nah Robinson at the rally, society will be past the point where it can stop run- away climate change by 2030 if immediate action isn't taken. "That gives us 127 months until we as a hu- man race reach the point of no return," she said. "This change is beyond needed and is needed now." She went on to quote Greta Thunberg, a 16-year- old Swedish climate activ- ist, who said, "I want you to act as if our house is on fire, because it is." "That's why we're here today, to shout at the gov- ernment to wake up, be- cause they are sleeping in a burning house and need to wake up before it's too late," she said. A visibly choked up Fo- gal then opened the mic up to other children in atten- dance who wanted to speak, like nine-year-old Fiona Robertson-Jammer, who said she has learned if climate change keeps hap- pening, all of penguins and polar bears in the world's colder climates could die. "If they all die, it could affect the nature of other animals," she said. "The more animals that die, it could affect the whole Earth." May 3 marked School Strike for Climate Action Day in Canada, and Fogal said the Georgetown rally was registered as an offi- cial strike - potentially the first one led by a politician in Canada. "Today we are on the map," said Fogal. "We have to get political on this; it's the way it has to be. We need action from all levels of government." Mayor Rick Bonnette and Dr. Lesley Barron, the federal Liberal candidate for Wellington-Halton Hills, added their voices to the call for political action on climate change. To turn words into ac- tion, Fogal brought a reso- lution to Halton Hills Council on May 6 to declare a climate emergency that requires "permanent, ro- bust changes in how the corporation conducts its business." The motion, which was passed unanimously, rec- ommends a variety of mea- sures that can be taken, in- cluding a transition of the municipality's fleet to elec- tric vehicles, setting a goal of net zero emissions by 2030, updating Halton Hills green building standards and establishing a climate change task force. NEWS Continued from page 1 CLEAN AIR, LIVABLE CLIMATE 'BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS' THE ISSUE: CLIMATE CHANGE LOCAL IMPACT: HALTON HILLS RESIDENTS RISING UP TO DEMAND POLITICAL ACTION Georgetown's Mallory Henderson is joined by daughters Sadie (left), 5, and Sophie, 7, during the Citizens' Rally for Climate Action at Dominion Gardens Park May 3. Melanie Hennessey/Torstar STORY BEHIND THE STORY A councillor's recent motion declaring a climate emergency in Halton Hills has heightened local interest in the topic. The IFP attended a rally to better understand residents' concerns. AMICA GEORGETOWN IS HIRING Amica Georgetown, a senior lifestyles residence, is hosting two job fairs. We are recruiting passionate and caring team members to help us enrich the lives of seniors. Saturday, May 11, 9:00am-3:00pm Wednesday, May 15, 10:00am-7:00pm Presentation Centre Georgetown Marketplace, 280 Guelph St AMICA.CA/GEORGETOWN We are hiring for the following roles: Registered Care Partners (PSW) ■ Wellness Nurses ■ Concierge Housekeepers ■ Sous Chef ■ Cooks ■ Dining Room Servers ■ Dishwashers TEE TIME MELANIE FRAZER 905-877-5236, Ext: 400 | *HST APPLIES ALONG WITH OTHER FEES. PLEASE CONTACT THE CLUB FOR DETAILS. Enjoy the private club experience with our 2019 Trial Membership offer. REDUCED FEES FOR MEMBERS UNDER 40! TEE TIME PLAYHERE FIRST! CONSIDERINGMEMBERSHIP?