th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, Ju ly 25 ,2 01 9 | 4 FULL-SERVICE RETIREMENT HOME 905-877-1800 222 Mountainview Road North, Georgetown Seniors enjoy an independent lifestyle with comfortable accommodations, personal care and other supportive services. Retirement living can be the best of times when you live in an atmosphere of comfort and family caring. Mountainview Residence Of Georgetown POWERFUL CONVERSATIONS FOR PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION Ph.D. 905-873-9393 38 Oak Street, Georgetown, ON • INDIVIDUAL & COUPLE COUNsELLINg • ANXIETY/ DEPREssION • LIFE & CAREER ChANgEs • PERsONAL gROwTh COUNSELLING & COACHING SERVICES Ph.D. RP 905-877-CARE (2273) DR. ANOOP SAYAL DR. ANOOP SAYAL Family and Cosmetic Dentistry located in Georgetown Marketplace Mall Q:Is thumb sucking bad? A:Yes and no. First, it must be understoodthat thumb sucking is a "natural reflex". An ultrasound test on a developing baby will often show him or her sucking a thumb.When this habit goes on for too long, however, orthodontic problems can often occur. By the age of six or seven, the child's permanent teeth are just beginning to arrive. Before then, thumb sucking will cause few problems. After permanent teeth arrive, abnormal pressure from the thumb can cause the front upper teeth to become "bucked". The bottom front teeth then become crowded backward. A misalignment of the teeth occurs. So, how do you stop thumb sucking for your four or five year old? Some have found gloving the hand, dipping the thumb in vinegar and increased attention to the child help. In the end, though, treatment depends on how long and often the thumb sucking occurs. To avoid any permanent damage, don't delay your attempts to stop this habit. Professionals Ask the Find local professionals here every Thursday! For advertising information please call 905-234-1018 or email ALEXANDER TRENTON, DENTURIST 905.877.2359 I 18 CHURCH STREET | WWW.GEORGETOWNDENTURECLINIC.CA Georgetown's trusted choice for hearing care 360 Guelph St., Unit 44 Georgetown (In the Knolcrest Centre) 905.877.8828 Armstrong Ave Delrex Blvd Try before you buy! At Halton Audiometric Centre, we are committed to your hearing healthcare. To find out if hearing aids are right for you, come in for a complimentary assessment and try the latest digital hearing aids risk free!