in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 28 ,2 01 9 | 14 Halton police issued near- ly 200 tickets during a recent campaign aimed at distract- ed drivers. Project "It Can Wait Hal- ton" ran from Monday, Oct. 28 to Friday, Nov. 8 and fea- tured a combination of dis- tracted driving law educa- tion and enforcement. During this campaign of- ficers handed out 199 ticketsficers handed out 199 ticketsf and gave nine warnings. "#It Can Wait Halton was a public enforcement cam- paign aimed to positively in- fluence driver behavior andfluence driver behavior andf reduce the use of hand-held devices while driving," said Halton police Deputy Chief Jeff Hill. "Enforcement of distract- ed driving will continue to be a priority for our officers, but our hope is that through continued education there will be a reduced need for en- forcement going forward."forcement going forward."f Halton police and Halton Region rolled out the aware-Region rolled out the aware-R ness campaign, educating residents and motorists about the impacts of dis- tracted driving through their websites, the media, so- cial media and digital/print signage. Officers said the #ItCan- WaitHalton hashtag gar-WaitHalton hashtag gar-W nered 707,130 impressions over social media, while their digital and print sig- nage was passed by motor- ists more than three million times during the course of the campaign. "Halton Region and the Halton Regional Police Ser- vice continue to work togeth- er to ensure our roads and communities remain safe," said Halton Region chair Gary Carr. "When you are behind the wheel, everything else can wait." The Halton Regional Po- lice Service and Halton Re- gion would like to remind drivers that Ontariòrivers that Ontariòrivers that Ontarios dis-rivers that Ontarios dis-rivers that Ontariorivers that Ontariòrivers that Ontarios dis-rivers that Ontariòrivers that Ontario tracted driving law states that while you are driving, including when stopped in traffic or at a red light, it is illegal to: • Use a phone or other hand-held wireless commu- nication device to text or call- you can only touch a de- vice to call 911 in an emergen- cy; • Use a hand-held elec- tronic entertainment device, such as a tablet or portable gaming console; • View display screens un- related to driving, such as watching a video; and • Program a GPS device, except by voice commands. Residents are remindedResidents are remindedR that they can report a dis- tracted driver through the Halton Regional Police Ser- vicèicèices Road Watch Online re-ices Road Watch Online re-iceicèices Road Watch Online re-icèice porting tool. To learn more, visit For more tips on how to avoid distracted driving visit hal- NEWS DISTRACTED DRIVING CAMPAIGN NETS NEARLY 200 TICKETS Start planning your dream vacation with hand-picked travel deals and inspiration just for Canadians Visit