in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 9, 20 20 | 8 Help the University of Guelph improve hearing healthcare across Canada..adanas Csorce arachtleag hnireah Connect Hearing and Professor Mark Fenske at the University of Guelph are seeking participants who are over 50 years of age, have never worn hearing aids and have not had a hearing test in the last 24 months, for a hearing study that investigates factors that can influence better hearing. Study Parameters The researchers will examine listening in a range of situations, from one-on-one, to group conversations, watching TV and wider social contexts like supermarkets and other noisy environments, and how it effects connection and socialization. Why Participate? It is estimated that 46% of people aged 45 to 87 have some degree of hearing loss, but most do not seek a solution right away. In this study you'll be playing an important part in determining the key factors around identifying hearing loss and what influences the decision to seek treatment. Participants will be significantly adding to growing knowledge surrounding hearing loss. *Wingfield, A., Tun, P. A., & McCoy, S. L. (2005). Hearing Loss in Older Adulthood: What It Is and How It Interacts With Cognitive Performance. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14(3), 144-148. † Study participants must be over 50 years of age and have never worn hearing aids. No fees and no purchase necessary. 1. Cruickshanks, K. L., Wiley, T. L., Tweed, T. S., Klein, B. E. K., Klein, R, Mares-Perlman, J. A., & Nondahl, D. M. (1998). Prevalence of Hearing Loss in Older Adults in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin: The Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study. Am. J. Epidemiol. 148 (9), 879-886. 2. National Institutes of Health. (2010). You can register to be part of this groundbreaking new hearing study by calling 1.888.242.4892 or visiting All StorAge & Fur ServiceS Are AvAilAble All YeAr At our HAmilton FAcilitieS • 905-528-1177 BACK ON BRANTBACK ON BRANT At Our NEW Pop-up Store 460 BRANT ST. DT.BURLINGTON • 905-528-1177 our new collection oF tHe FineSt • Furs • shearlings • reversibles• Outerwear • shawls • vests • hats • glOves and mOre; PluS our vintAge collection Open Until The End Of January Check out our great restyling, recycling, re-imagining of your older fur. Parking: Locust St. lot available 25% - 70% OFF all StOck! in Upper Canada Place Mall Halton police are inves- tigating following a knife- point robbery in Oakville on Thursday, Jan. 2. At around 8 p.m., three men were hanging out in a Wilson Street park, near Lakeshore Road West, when they were ap- proached by three sus- pects. Police said one suspect pulled out a knife and then stole a wallet and a back- pack from the victims. A second individual re- portedly showed the vic- tims a gun during the rob- bery. Halton police were called to the scene a short time later. They searched the area with a canine unit but could not find the sus- pects. The first suspect is de- scribed as male, black, 18- 25 years old, tall with a thin build. He wore a black jack- et with a hood, black pants and black shoes. The second individual is described as male, black, 18-25 years old with a thin build. He wore a black puffy jacket and jeans. The third man is de- scribed as black with a thin build, 20-25 years old. He wore a black puffy jacket. Anyone with informa- tion about this incident is asked to contact Halton po- lice at 905-825-4747 ext. 2216 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800- 222-TIPS (8477). 3 MEN SOUGHT FOLLOWING KNIFEPOINT ROBBERY DAVID LEA Knife and gun seen during Oakville robbery. Graham Paine/Torstar NEWS