37 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,F ebruary 27,2020 insidehalton.com Extremely honoured ... but not just for herself. Staying true to the On- tario Library Associa- tion's vision of "Together for Learning in theirfor Learning in theirf School Library/Learning Commons," Heather Sto- ness had a teamwork mindset upon learning she'd been honoured with this year's Teacher Librar- ian of the Year Award. "It felt amazing to re- ceive this award knowing that the colleagues at my school and in my board recognize and appreciate our Library Learning Commons," said the Emily Carr Public School teach- er-librarian. "This award would have never been possible without them. It is only by working togeth- er that we are able to make the Library Learning Commons a place where students can succeed, push their imagination and find their passions." The award honours a teacher-librarian who's demonstrated leadership in the implementation of school library programs through collaboration and inquiry-based learning. Stoness certainly fits that bill, according to Emi- ly Carr Principal Cynthia Snowden, noting that the school's library offers the opportunity to explore in a myriad of ways beyond traditional literature -- such as a makerspace en- vironment space. "She encompasses all of the characteristics and criteria of this honour." So, what makes being a teacher-librarian so re- warding for the new award winner? "Being able to co-teach with different staff and connect with all of our stu- dents," said Stoness. "I ap- preciate being able to cre- ate and innovate with my students and I love (that) every day brings some- thing different when we gather." Emily Carr Public School's Heather Stoness has been recognized with the Teacher Librarian of the Year Award. HDSB photo TEACHER-LIBRARIAN HONOURED WITH PRESTIGIOUS AWARD COMMUNITY "It felt amazing to receive this award knowing that the colleagues at my school and in my board recognize and appreciate our Library Learning Commons." - Heather Stoness