th ei fp .c a Th e IF P -H al to n H ill s | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 16 ,2 02 0 | 4 EVERY EVENT SHOULD BE A SPECIAL EVENT 363 Maple Av. West | Georgetown, ON | 905-877-5236 WEDDINGS RELIGIOUS CELEBRATIONS BRIDAL & BABY SHOWERS BIRTHDAYS RETIREMENTS CELEBRATIONS OF LIFE Celebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with usCelebrate with us Georgetown's trusted choice for hearing care 360 Guelph St., Unit 44 Georgetown (In the Knolcrest Centre) 905.877.8828 Armstrong Ave Delrex Blvd Finally, test drive hearing aids that let you decide at your own speed. At Halton Audiometric Centre, we believe the only way to know which hearing aid is right for you is to experience the benefits in your day-to-day life. Take home and test drive state of the art hearing aids today with NO COMMITMENT OR DEPOSIT REQUIRED. Call us today for your free consultation A Georgetown dentist can check one more item off her bucket list after her re- cent brush with celebrity and fame. Dr. Asha Bhanot, owner of South Georgetown Den- tal, was a contestant on the season première of Ellen DeGeneres' Game of Games show, which offers up su- persized versions of the most popular games from her talk show. The local mother audi- tioned for the spot after at- tending a taping of Ellen's daytime program last spring in California. A cou- ple months later, she got a call from one of the popular comedian's producers to ar- range an interview with a casting director. "It was another month before I heard back that I was actually being invited for a taping of the show," she said. "I was so excited." Upon arrival with many other contenders, Bhanot was selected and made it on- to prime-time TV. She was cast to play El- len's Mazed and Confused game, which sees two play- ers compete for an intense 60 seconds to find the large maze's exit, all the while be- ing blasted by fog and cop- ing with jump scares by peo- ple in costume. "It was incredibly hard," she said. "The games on that show are absolutely crazy and huge. You walk in and see this massive stage - it's like nothing I've ever expe- rienced before." While the show taped in the summer, the season pre- mière didn't air until Jan. 7, meaning Bhanot had to keep her excitement under wraps for several months. And although she didn't win, it's undeniable for the Ellen superfan that the best part of her experience was getting up close and person- al with the kind-hearted co- median herself. "It was a dream come true to finally meet her," she said, noting she always has Ellen playing at the office and even watched her come- dy special on Netflix when she was in labour with her son a year ago. "When you see me giving her a hug and going crazy, that's a genuine reaction. I was so over- whelmed - I was meeting my idol." NEWS LOCAL DENTIST CHOSEN TO COMPETE ON ELLEN'S GAME SHOW MELANIE HENNESSEY mhennessey@ "The games on that show are absolutely crazy and huge." - Dr. Asha Bhanot Georgetown dentist Asha Bhanot meets famed comedian and talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. Asha Bhanot photo