Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 7 Feb 1935, p. 3

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tburbday february tth ibm the acton free pkesb pacui ffiijp ifirpf firpfib mart tflrg the valentine party dress margaret banoster ndgamor in the shape of roay aatln gather pouen past the perfume counter one aped just sip sweets at same time as she was passing she beard craah and turned sharply to see thin white faced little cash girl wringing her hands above the wreck of cutglass bottle that lay on the floor of the aisle on my landul the little cash girl was nobbing hysterically oh whatil do broke it and can new moke up for it just for moment in that big store they were isolated tho two of them volcrlo and the cash girl just for anions iuures tiiijjty unique ways if lutnc different tlilgs lit her uicukmi nvrtlng the pollination of dlfterfid plaiilh sonic pliintm it is true curry it hilt prthhm without any outside ltd whatever others use the wlndk sui tlilr fluent wtillmtlll otliern arc com plficly imwerleadto help themselves own with the ul of tin wind irub iihlythi niiht common of this type la white clover any iat iihihiit maga zine on of nitiiris cleverest htna nfoment happy brown eyes looked into curried out before our eyeh without frightened gray onea wont they our being iiynro of it having omit ted from tho htnirltire of thin plant jraa ttt dress looked back ot her from her thrift her thrift however hadcar lo tho window was almost led its own reward at the end or two understand said valerie then that vw brazenly beautlfulf with lb weeks she had managed to put away cldent theyll uurcly not any mean by wlu can u1 vi blamo von for dolnir somcthlmr that himte ik owif bhmnifc tmturo provides jahlmmer of bright uatln at nineteen twenty dollars twenty beautiful whole blamo aoing wmcwmg uia mtcawork atollarjund eigbtyflyc enta the aatln hhi couldnt help doing faithful nt mont of mtch wort may have been synthetic who knows lb valerie sutherland it was as lovely sunuet coud know it rould be becomlnjrr she told hereon sadly just know it would pink any shade of pink has always been my best color the dxcus seemed at the moment to be auvotfllvo and laughing even dress in shop window must have known that valeile was speaking the truth when she said that pink was her color valerie you see woo one of those slim browneyed brownhaired girls who are 5ust made to wear pink after all the dress sseemed tobe aaytng nine teeneighty five isnt such big price for apaity frockl valerie had known at the beginning however nineteen dollaru and eighty im chrrled on by tho lt tho blooms ivlnc ji huhntunre which tho 1mm do dollars you couldnt help doing tlien had come her mothers illneus the little cash girl however and her little brother broken shoes wringing her hands while ah about her or tho twenty dollars had evaporated as in wave rose the sharply sweet scent 4n of kl fowl ho dew evaporates under the scorching beat of some strange exotic flowef jfa one required service for the of the suut jof tho most cxperrilve numbers aho li onhnt wlui the uoobed it costs more than two weeks or nnu bloom mimll era inn sundlng tn front of the shop window tary todays pay day ondini mean polhii ndmw to mm body and are then looking aftha plp glimmer of satin thafc wonfrs nave any money to take ciirrlil to otlnr bhwn beyond tho glass of tho showcase ome and there aint hardly thing in wu to ilntcrtulim what amount valerie despised even the thought of that to cat in tho house maybe ill lose my of hi work doiiihy insccth two organdie dreek she had made it her too inl him1 ftatrh of white clover self rultta on ruffle it was gualnt in just second the bubble of valeries xvro choain wih hmunded plciuresque and wv she admitted jv it uharply as aharply as the wlui kthh to irnvi ntrai of cutblom ncrfume botue had burst there llil and tli otlur wnh lift td of tin hon bo 1h1 flv khrlv flve cents woo just as inaccessible as partly that buth was not real party dress cutglass perfume bottle had burst there no matter what you did toit no matter was not time to ask the cash girl for jt tuh ji how skillfully you pressed it it was just details of the accident there was onclol patch ylel plain homemade organdie well there not ovcn iiino to say word of com wau no help for ltl no matter how she rt for tightly niarcclcd woman in felt she would have to wear it to the blftdc taeu gown was bearing down cocl whxib ua compnrcd to the 00000 liiiiltliy oneg yield by the open patch nine hundred dollars and eightyfive oents would have been it was on im possible sum especially at this time this had been in tne first place such ian unusually hard week mother had fttffered one of her sick spells and the doctor had ordered unusually expensive inedicmejnert theodorex shoes had cnosen this week to break through at tne toes they had broken through so completely that there wasnotveycnthe slightest 4ise of jk them to cobbler for repairs the shoes and tho medi cines had put such dent in her already urn purse that new dress was out atone with fierce ache in her eyes of the question oven though valerie wltli an agonized question in her heart cad been dreaming of one almost va stooped to pick up that piece of with sigh with her hands tightly clenched in her jacket pockets valerie turned shaiply away from the window bho had to wink to keep back the tears that were rising in her brown eyes savagely she kicked at little stone that lay in front of her on the slde ik sheriadtoklckrtbcanething just then it was that chance kick that thr tna11 changed the whole course of the day thaiw4iorpsbtosatonuc threateningly upon the small culprit ill her wake came tall seriouil man its the buyer gasped the cash girl and turned if possible whiter than over oh god alio sobbed and rier words were not profane either some presidents served while parents survived four futhrrs and eight mothers had tlwi blnentrir pleiihuroof seeing their tho woman in taffeta had swept down wmn nerve as preuldents of the united upon them little cxmrf had gather stated fcd swiftly curious utile crowd of grant served an postmaster hoppcru thr man who vos evidently la oriint ahd his floor manager nervously angered the tlmr uved forfqurtoen years after she had kicked more than tc stone she had kicked loose piece of fluttering the woman in taffeta spoke and her voice was os stiff as her marcel hlh 1rehiuency anudedtwoyearbe yorcrhodld calvin coolldfie was admlnltered mm ouch of office by hl father john announces new delicious blend quality low price grcl paper that lay close bealdo th cm dont bavo to tll you aha aald yy to tho trembling cash girl what thfc means llvjnj when he went to tho white iiourc an wnn john qtilncy adams volciio did not know just what the former prenment john counting on new drees in factl it aftetall 7tmight bo only prompu hcr to ar all tha adum wtikhlnutonv mother late winter valentino pay and her aoap wroppcrl cmy party dress was the ogandle one that was leftover as legacy frtiin tho long post summer the organdie one that would just barely stand another waih ng she needed lovely frock to wear to valentino party that very night it an important party uho knew bo scarcely stoop hcr fingers wcretrem blbitf so that alio could hardly pick up tliu ureen frugment so thut slie could scarcely smooth out the rumpled folds all ut once uin her whole soul was saying wild lltuo prayer of thanku ftlving the green paper was twenty oouse koger had been so anqus over dollar bill crumbled and dirty the matter other acceptance shu had have been yuig there on the agreed to go of course but ehe had not sidewalk in front of the shop window cosh girl was stranger somehow it ullvo ut tlie time of iiim iiimirtiral she woo iaklng so that she could wa1 thaughmeuilng inside of her mo whh mw buktmmadimh moth rapoke duddenly even the pi nk tlreoj erof john adams mrs nrlly mndl was forgotten nil at once vcrytlilng nan wnu living at tho time her non known at tho time of the invitation tfaat she would have to go hi organdie it is tragic to be young and pretty to crave nice clothes and to so seldom be able to own them valerie at twenty was the sole support of widowed mother and little brother the mere natter of rent und food wou soultcarlng some dayti let alone tho business of new alothcu it was not that valeric minded wearing shabby clothes usually that lit ahe had not minded until she met roger athcrton valerie hod never gone out very much until he came into her life she hod lived so quietly that alio had not needed festive gowns it was onlyj ftcr meeting roger only when he began to be some tlung of habit with her that uho started to crave the little lux uries that so enhance girls prcttlnes roger you sec was used to luxurious people he himself had plenty of money ills luncheon invitations did not bean just hit or rails cafeteria meals when valerie was taken out to dine he was always taken to smart hotel when roger took her to party it was real party ut which people wore beau tiful clothes roger wad new in his profession lie was only very young lawyer utrug ung one hejlaughlngly called himself he had an income however and uialrhats tho man made all tho difference in the world tetffm though hft hllk tnghlnffi that need itot cut into his pleasures valeria knew without being told hi so teiny wordd that roger was interested in her interested in more than ciktual way it watt his interest that mode the matter of the proper clothes at the ihno seem very important indeed roung man she toltf herself likes to have the admiring eyes of other young men upon the girl whom he escorts he does not like to hve hie young woman hie choice seem shabby valerie had been put to it to live up to the reflected glory of rogers income it had meant much uewlng ut night after she hod returned from luird day kt the office shu haddways utanagud very well however by refusing his larg er invitations bho hod always man aged that in until uiis especial time this one she had not quite been uble to kandle roger had asked her to the party whole month ahead of time so far ahead that she could not make logical excuse ife hod said you must cornel iwy feather and mother will be uiere in fact he hud laughed the party is wing given iar them theyll just be in town for few dy his family lived fas forawuy city and tliey wont be aoiisned unless tlicy meet you fpu ee bis voice had grown deadly berl us lire spoken to tliem absut you that was all but lt was enqugh to et valeries pulses rjujurhig to make her heart shig all uirough uiut muntll valerie liad planned for the party tihe hod done without luncheon witliout bus fore wlth at even such minor matteru as ujo ptmno cajjs she had economised until ha was holloweyed with the effort of for hours it might have been stepped on by hundreds of fcot by the look of it but valerie felt that it had that moment been placed in hcr path by friendly guiding rand money found on the street she told herself cant possibly be identified nobody will come looking for it ever it not like mohey in purse its just anybodys money tho pcmoh who would drop twenty dollars so carelessly must have plenty of other money why she had whirled toward the window qgaln whys jt just tho right amount kineteenelghtyflve read the sign on the pink drtss and trie pink dress was iiotlaughlng any more it was beckon big despite 1l beckoning her conscience was bothering valerie she turned rather wildly to the person who stood noxt to her the person was woman with kindly face valerie spoke with rush to the woman just picked up bill it might have been dropped hours ago or only minute ago did you hap pen to notice she broke off faltering the woman apoke just you were standing there looking in tho window she said man went by re dropped what seemed to be fragment of paper see the womonvt hand was pointing was forgotten except tho agony that had lumen hocmia tho iiutlortu executive been in her voice when tho girl had said unjl writ ouno xmlk outlived her win thec was hardly anything to oat hi tho jaineu polk house mother of james oarlleld you mustnt blame her she said william hekinley attended tho swiftly to the uheugowned buyer lhd their whih uh did wasnt her fault might have knocked jrh jiimw roolt on march aalnab it when wau passing of who hw bon tonu tho try holm course her brown eyes held the gaae ui angry woman ill make good ijow much was uie perfume fv hkj em ay the floor manager still fingering tho sniih soncl from the french and lapel of his coat turned uway tlio iuchiih without cnr free unil eiwy crowd of shoppers began to evaporate iiiitl if ih the rtii me frederick tho cjreut the little casli girl with eyes as bowlld kiive to tho roynl pnluee ho built near ered and incredulous as the eycu of potmlnm in 1717 mine knmi oepo lat dog who has found friend wds wiih lie nlcknuiue of the wlfo of staring at valerie the perfume buyer lflfttvurtv nnntxlc one of nn was slirugglng us she stooped ubove tlie wi mnruhulk she ktoirtm out broken bottle one of our finest llfo lh wiihlienvcmnn and while her perfumes she said uhortly to valerie the cost of it just twenty dollars mechanically valerie unclasped uie tightened fingers of her hand in that valerie did not pause the womans pointin flng folnwn hlr nlmn half block distant portly elderly figure dressed hi immaculate broad cloth alio ran after that figure push ing her way uirough uie crowd oh air alio gasped as she came up to tho mans side did you drop uils in hoy hnnrt rd nvlinilwl fwn bill the elderly gentleman was regardhig her benevolently bless my soul he ejaculated what an honest child it ytss he laugsuid did drop it hoped somebody fonid it wamm pick it up its on old hu laughter grew custom of mine finders is keep ers still chuckling he turned sliarp ly uway und stepped into waiting shin ihnolslne in momeht hewas whhlrd out of valorlevi sight and life yor momeiit the girl stood gasp ing was lllct fairy tule almost without her own volition uien she turn ed und was running back to uie door way its mine roger will her cheeks flushed hotly at the word love me hi it ills parent wonder if uieyll uunk im pretty rirgotten were the team that hud glimmered in her eyes orgotteii was the apprehension her fear of shabbl txtium ivjuotutn was everyuilng except the bill that she held tightly in her huiidjmd the dress uhit fluttered in rosy mkt before her eyes she filtered the utore it was luxurl ous gay and brilliant that store rapld rly post uie glove counter she went past uie stocking counter and the one uiut showed tine sllkutider wear at last slid wuri tfttlng past the perfume counter uiat stood 111 front of the elevator uie elevator that would whluk her to th floor an which one could romatu hunbnnd wuh in the ninlt during tho nnimiionnlc war nhe followed the nrmy from eiimp to com funm und frutuno cuina tho coiiplem wny and hey entered the court circle thouch hand lay uie crumpled wntydouari khuli pionhnht woman her bill mechanically she handed the bill iiindc her tho ihukii to uie buyer id like receipt uho ulj ktnrk of tho vmirt llu earned lior said aloud in her heart she said aftr the nickname which ktll clings to hor all it wasnt my money it wiui just fort of lodued to mc somehow as lie walked bock down uie aisles of uie store wlui uie empty receipt aj tightly clutched as uie money had bocn she found uiat siie was laugh and meunfj without conutralnt fouuditag tb epwetrtb la feu the kpworlli leajruo wiih founded in cleveland ohio may 18 1880 by hi laughing aloud it did not aand kup of flvo kocletlm of methodist like her own voice that was doing uie youne people no mrtlculur individual laughing eiuicr it was only us fihe went past uie window in which uie pink fioemn cftpeclally identified with the founding tho lengue taken ita mimo for kpworth juirlsh lu unlnnd where catlndreis stul flaunted its arrogant jo weal foundcr or mothodlw price tag that her laughter turned swifuy io sob was horn it has jrown rapidly is reprokentel in both tho methodlat church north and south and has oecn liraiirhoh in doyen foreign countrleu includlug china there nre 00000 after uie supper dkdies had woshad and put away after mrs suui erla hul iudtccri mpterri uhd2000otiiembrs bed after tlieodore uie lltuo brouier had finished his home work and luten ed to his bedtime story linger arrived re was very grand in his dinner jacket kvt of rowau tnkr tho countries now known us great very immaculate and very successful netherlands ivunee aiihtrla hiinkitry swllxorland lux tlusrf sui muiuu uaoliuimttolu looking an uhe went blip uie tiny living room to meet him valerie was very conscious of uie fact uiat she did not look either grand or suocessul ghu was immucu lata enough for wince uie had come home from uie office slio had washed und pressed uie white organdie dress had cleaned hcr white summer shoes and had shampooed her hair vat ull that she wat aware of ui font that tlo tipotless slioes were just summer sliaes masaucrudlng kud tliatvtherd were badly worn places under eomo of tho organdie ruifles ttfe wanted to cry out to roger oh let me stay home please dont insist on my going to uio party dont want to meet your father and mother bi uils dowdy dress she wanted to burst into uwlft hys terical tearti all thoughts of tears vanished however after she met the look in rogers eyes iiay but youre lotuly said roger iu im stared at her never saw yuu look iweetr valerie was lluslilng tjie flush deep ened hnul it reached ull the way to her fiuity hair tut she heard rouerro lieating himself why he was saying never hi ull my life kuw anyone look jui jujit right do you know he laughed boykhly almost called up today ut your ort lcc to ask you to weur that especial ureas too ive al ways bccri crusy about it umust be continued on luie obi albania cechoflnvrtkla yugoaluvla monaco italy ilnlciirhi orce tur koy hyrl mettoimtamla iautlne logypt the ihinlerlands of uorthern africa touching the mediterranean mt and rnnln find torhnnil were in cludiwl in the unman empire at the height of htf power homehleututyi wtmetliiii hietitried wi lnteiihe thut the kufferer not only iokim all ilenlre at and fdeep hut devloph inelamholla which leudii to liikunlty anil death fart army med ical nhieerh reiiitrniwr in extrenm ciuiea an disability which warrant furloukl or even tlhuliarg in or der to have inhllera life couleru w4kly numb tuvtu varloiih iheoriewmr he origin of hu kiiperntltlon nuiwituiltik hie ninnher blrteim are iidv aiueil hut probably flw one mst uiihly rlreuhityd ih thalj it iimkc from hie fact that tltlrleen personk wit down tn lie inut niipper with rhrlm juki lufiire hie betrayal by luihiri jin iiptklltiin unit frl iluy ui ihlileeiith iumih evil to man kind it explained by the fiiet that frl day heeiitm fearel un ihe duy of the itiuhkini carit sto stoking steam said wtigley 55 interviewed and asked to what he at tributcd his phenomenal success the late mr wrigley of chewing gum fame replied to the consistent advertising of good product but asked the reporter having capturedi practically the entire market why continue to spend vast sums annually on advertising wrigleys reply was illuminating once having raised steam in an engine he stated it requires continuous stoking to keep it up advertising stokes up bu and keepsk rjunning on full head of steam this applies to your business too orrinrnrfce7iteiof your product tell people all about it tell tliem what it does tell tliem its advantages tell therrrtvhcretoelrit teilthentnln the press and keep on telling them everybody reads newspapers free press advertising pays nwiffiiiiiiii if you expect to sell you must advertise

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