Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 14 Feb 1935, p. 2

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the acton frebtress thtmsdatt kebbuakt 14th ims bhj artnn hretflrsbb 8cbscut70m ratssfu par yssu la mus usussmi state re s4ditaoi sufla oopln ftc ami mw am bou fivaa whs caifckllatipnaw thm of smm tte to thi ntmctitioa ltmtsl ft cmaa titer uo to malt bcfar cxplratw white wab cnfttitas wm mt carried in srrs tt am art at jat alaaa wa ara aa to caacal lha anbaenaar wis ffca aarlca cqataaaaa ittaaraa audi ba auda by tcsiaterad utter maar wdr advxktlsmg ratslaal hatteaa tao par ua ter int bwcrttea par us lar amch avbaaoaaat teaartfoa waaaii sc pa itea ffor cacb iaaarttea te black fee trpa par m1h il houcm qaaliljto aa ces btf iutractloaa sack aa coacarta cmsrtsta ts cbarcb aaccrty or orxaalsattea teaatiasa par uaa smlai araam ebara avjc kaporta aaacuan tbald stssuj la frs la maaaarinai aoticaa aae aad mc par uaa astra for hiaii birth sfarri aad death aalicaa fas samau aswactjsiwunta tc per word amiaimbas cbaraa sjc caah bac jact alio mc ntn whea apptlcatiaaa ar addr ta tbte oalca display sdvcrtlsiaa ratea vary aooordtec te bpaca caatracteo for alcbooah avary pracauttea will ba tabaa to avoid arror tba fraa pvcaa accept advartlaias ia its columns tba vadaratandiaar that tt will not ba uablv for amy arror la aay advoruacaaent published hereunder bauu praof of aach advertisement requested ia writiac by tba advertiser and returned to the free pru business omcm dajy slanted by tha advertiser and with sneb error or earractiana plainly noted ia wriky tharooa aad ia thst caaa if any arror so noted ia not corrected by the pre press its liability shall not exceed each proportion the entire cost of such advertisement as tbe space occupied by the noted error bears to tbe whole space occupied by each advertisement gaelof diils editor tklepuone editotial end buslqcss office k74 kcsldenca edfldf ontario condition the monthly bulletin of the bunk of montreal summarizes bnslnes conditions in ontario as fol lows tho volume of wholesale business is larger than that of last year retail business is experienc ing soasorial lull following the best christmas trade for several years with noticeably better demand for luxurymerchandise collections are fail in the cities and slow in country districts manu facturing activities continue to be well sustained automobile plants aro busily engaged in thb pro duction of new models allied industries are also busier steel and iron mills aro experiencing in creased activityr furniture manufacturers areejuiet pefulthatlheanha4exhib4tion new placo will result in art improved volume of orders textile knitting and hosiery millscontinue well em ployed the hidb market has strengthened tanners repott increased sales boot and shoe factories have received satisfactory volume of spring orders rubber tire and footwear manufacturers continue to bo well occupied and sales arp substantially ahead of year ago the domestic flour markot is normal but export business is negligible tbs sunday school lesson sunday kbbuaby 17th 173455 income taxpayers of 173455 canadians paying income tax for the hscalyeari932 were 1294 drawingihconies 50000 year or more according to return tabled in house of commons by minister of nations revenue matthews answering question by spencer battle river there were 2893 with incomes between 20000 and 50000 75407 with incomes between 3000 and 20000 and 03801 with incomes of 3000 or less total collec tions of income tax for the last fiscal year reached 6139017 while excise tax for the same period brought 54244031 domestic and 8070575 on im portations why not temperance advertising deputation from the joint council of printing trades of toronto and hamilton petitioned recently to have the ban lifted on liquor advertising in tor onto and again premier hepburn has turned down the proposals and rightly so it will he noted that the request for tho lifting of the ban came from the cities and not the rural districts certainly the rural printers woulfl welcome additional rovenuo along legitimate lines but it is noteworthy thnt so far no organized delegations have waited upon thegovern ment to beg for liquor advertising the premier evidently has an idoa of tho rural feeling of the province in refusing to grant this request onta aoesuotwantany widersaloof intoxicalingbever ages it docs not want rising generations educated to bo patrons of tho liquor interests tho opening of the beverage rooms give already too much oppor tunity for all to secure the liquor they want if any advertising regarding liquor is to be done rt should be along educational lines of temperance among the young folks paid for from the revenue the govern ment derives from the salo and the license fees there is no ban on such advertising but there seems to be monoy to pay forsuclieducationaltcmpcronc peter preaches oood cntzkn ship temerance lesson ooldcn text lovo worketh no 111 to his neighbor lovo thcrofore la tho ful nimcnt ol tho uv ro 13 10 lomou text pot 1117 10 study alio ro 13 114 eph 1323 titus 116 nrao ploco babylon nnnlnn dhrlntlnnn pll arlm walk 1113 tho tltlo ol this leuoa comes tar short of dosoilblng tho contorts ol the lesson very amjul segmant of tho lesson has to do with citizenship as such that section however oi groat importance especially in the titles in which we are now uvlng with such widespread tendency to contempt for all authority in tho homo the school the state and tho church on tills earth tho believer la asojourner pilgrim this is not hie home phil 30 wo should never forget our pjgrlm character because we are pilgrims we should abstain from hold away from fleshly lusts tho word lust as used in the bible covers wider olass of phivlcal desires than is covered by it in tlio modern usage of the word these fleshy lusts war against tho soul that is tho reason why we should abstain from them as sojourncr4 and pilgrims wo should also havo our behaviour sctmly ocautllul among tho ocntllcs our whole conduct in wo and act should be of such character as to top tho mouth of tho unbdlcvuig who would damage christ by crlthdug his people our conduct should bo of uuch lorocter to semnel the enemies of christ lo glorify lou beiauo of our good xl tho christians duty regarding valkntiroc kessacie on st valentines day rvs massage to full ot oowars and red hearts to dear uttle friend theres verse inside and uttle white dove and the veno says send thai to you with my lovo am happy to send to this dear friend df mine heart rull of love with my sweet valentine now hurry dear postman please do not delay dflivor my meusogo on st valcnunele day recollection kt the only paradise from yhlch wo cannot bo turned out rich clvu ruers and their laws 13 14 rightly instructed chrlstaln holds all rulers of every form of civil govern ment in highest respect as ordained of god for tho work of government and propaganda welcome and unwelcome news it was welcome news to the annual gathering of tho fall fairs to learn that there would be nc decrease in the governmental grants to these socie ties this year these organizations have had suf ficient obstacles to surmount the past few years without lower grant being given another note however that may cause alarm in some centres wa warning to delegates that they neednt be surprised if they find themselves in little prayermeeting with carroll superintendent of fairs one of these days if they wink at the law and sponsor lion racing at rheirfairs mr7ria7s1ia1itnderttlyterni cd the prizes awarded for such races as thoft from tho sheep swine and cattle breeder who is the real object of assistance and betterment at the fairs limitation in the money expended for horse racing is necessa at most every and jipiving ot purses in keeping with the other items on the prize list acton in not lacking in goingjovcr our exchanges the other day we read this item from the winchester press it gave such sense of satisfaction with the new building that acton will shortly have that we reprint the article ii full the trenton courieradvocate refers in its editorial columns to nn observation by one dr thornton who spoke of the lack of some place of meeting in the evenings for the young men and women of every community und goes on to say the lack of such place is and will be driving them to places which are not fit place to be the doctor is of the opinion that the churches aro neglecting their responsibility when they fail to open and to keep open their sunday school rooms and other public gathering places and the doctor is right we do not agree with the doctor nor with our much esteemed contemporary you cannot induce the young people to go to the church edillco as whole and other than the denominational barrier thereare always those who regard the church edifice whether it is the main auditorium or the sunday school rooms as too sacred place for frivolities such is the young people enjoy the municipal authorities might bottcrbuild recreatiorfroom torthe younrj people where they could enjoy such games as bowl ing pool chess and even gymnastic exercise even to boxing after all the young people of today are to fee the controllers of the destinies of this worlj twentyfive years from now tlienwliynot give thcjii the best we can to fit them for fficir work instead of allowing them to shift for themselves hriheintavst of goodrsport editor hugh tcmplin didnt mince words when fya told of rhe fergus hockey clubs muddle of affairs that resulted in the suspension of the whole team the courage to speak irt tho interests of clean sport and part of his comment on the matter is so interesting that we quote in part tho hockey season ended suddenly and ingloriously for tho fergus team this week just at tune when tbe team seemed about to fulfil its earlyseason hope and when public interest whs being aroused when the injured players were back again and fergus was fairly certain of place in the playoffs the whole club hi suspended for the balance of the season tho suspension of tho team isji bad blow to fergus this town has built up good namo in sports which is now endangered the players und fans will be disappointed the arena management will suffer loss but it is the hockey club which is hardest hit we understand that the individual members of the executive put up large financial backing on their personal security from every angle it looks like dumb trick to say the least and smart prac tices by other clubs provide no excuse for tho fergus lapse the jforgus editor doesnt place the blani sn the or any of tho other teams anyway edltottlal notes tlie pufiltciuve appreciated the past week the convenience of having both doors uvitilnble for use at tho post office divinely ordained rulers la rcslstilg 3od lio 13 therutoru ho subjects himself to every ordinance pi theirs whethtr he thinks itid the wisest pos jjkhlc ordnuicj or not wluit la tho liw otthclandsortlic tatgor in cltyj ho inquiry und liavlng found it ho oboa it he doai it tua inaiur of chlstloii duty pou tilk ixmtfs sake tlu kings and governors of ivtci day voro not christian men nor werii tlity as it rule men of huh moralitind irtls but uiit did not alter tho duty of thoio who were undiir th cm ii the will of ood hoarding ilia eonservanui 151 the christian ia bondservant of ood le he is servant wlio is uie purchasul property of uie master whom he bcrvc3 such service is the only true freedom many who boot of their freedom inaka uis buppowd freedom cloak of wlckedntus it is the will of ood uiat his servants shut the moutlbi of tho foolish men who know not god not by asserting our liberty hut by doing good the moct convincing of all urfcuinrnl lu life rul of dotntf good it is lho duty of clulstians to hold all men in high esteem despising and scorning no man no matter who vile or full of error ho may be mans man for tlmt to iovb ovcry brouurf every bellevtr hi chrlat to hold ood tn reverence und uieioforo to do ills whole will una 15 to piy that deference to tho king that duo his poultion iv uyjn tothojuists oluio null but to tho will of ood one is christian to the uxunt he has tlio mind of christ clirlsts manner of feeling and thinking the mind of chrut was to suiter in uio uh cf will gb christ could ha avoided suffering in the ileui if hiul so chosen in uio xlrst place it was purely voluntary on ills part that he lvlr becumu fteih but beyond uiat being in uio flesh ho could if he would haj avoldtd suffering in uio flcah hut to liavo uofiu no would lmvo involved ills fomit uio nal of obcdlcnceto persian balm the pcrfc aid to beauty essential to real femlnlno dis tinction rulu always in ttur highest expression of beauty its us keeps tn hands alwnyo soft and flawlessly whit indispensable to the whole family im parts added cjianri the mother serve tho faiiusr hah fixative and cooling shaving lotion and protects the tender skin of tho child persian balm la the true toilet requisite men but he points out the possibility and method of better way how the gentile uve as one reads verse it becomes in creasingly evident uiat those to whom peter wrote tho lofty exhortations of this episue had not alwayu been saints and yet uio highest possibilities of christian living were open to them indued often times uio fpulest elnncis have become uio fairest salptu tlio great question is not what we have bee beca of the vilcness of nature but what wo may became by uiej power of grace con trast uiis verse with ch 36 23 etc etc truly ours is wonder ful gospel in its transforming power it p5j it is great mystery to the godless why christians do not have fcllowsli with uicir fo ikfl any one who has no hankering after uic theater and the vilcness no characteristic of uie stage or uie dan co and the lewdness which it ifecdiand fotter is vtry odd and he knows uiat uw one who rtsists uiescl ay at hi pctcrv day uicy speak evil of thi one uho should never be pcrmlttedto daunt uie followers of jesuit nor rhoiild the criticism of uinse who arc teparutcd from uiem in uiought und deed not other uian uie courage and truattm ool canadas tame wild animals visitor to canadas nauahal parks for many years have enjoyed uie unumal experience of meeting bands of bighorn uneep or family of black bear on use mountain highway or playing golf under tho curious gaze of herd of lordly elk or of sighting nearby the us ually timid deer while travelling through uie stiects of these mountain resorts plrsttlme visitors to uie parks ore amazed at uio lack ol fear shown by these and other wild animals sanctuary conditions provided by these great scenic playgrounds ore responsible fur the ta men esq of uie wild animal life in the national parks not only is re and lake prouerved in its primeval state but uie tlora and fauna aa well are being conserved for tbe benefit and en joyment of this and future generations by policy of rigid protection each park is divided into suitable number of dintrict bach district is in change of park warden who responsible for fire and gome protection and who lives in cabin at some strategic point with in his district besides the home cabin there are stopover cabins about fifteen miles apart along the trails orer which the warden is required to patrol ail home cabins and many of the stopover cabins are provided with telephone con nections as well as orefighting equip merit and such other necessities as to enable uie warden toi travel on hli patrol wiuioul encumbrances in jasper no tional pork there ore seventeen such districts and in boorf national park there are fifteen luck and laboe ptodle so blajrw hsh for uuir failure when ukj real truth that thj ore loy these proverbs iibout luck and labor ore worth re membering luck is wating for faomethlnssf what kind ask toot at you stationary sort of persxn or do you reach our for better thing the business man uie farmer tha rast er who just stands still in his tracks satisfied wlih what he had yestexdat and trying merely to keep inst has no reason to feel any crest confldepcs ts uie future the world moves too ass for him the business concern tn par ticular must constanuy reach oat ux new trade old cpstooies move asray eutne of them pass sway aad peoples habits change and they go around fsoss place to place to buy things hfrg needs to advertise bold ms wb uie changing world and tt son troubled with constipatior for past 25 vurt then allbeam brouht welcome relief labor wiui keen eyes and strong will wll turn up something luck lies in bed and wishes th nctmau would bring him news of legacy labor turns otit at oclock and wiui busy pen or ringing hammer layj uie foundation of fortune luck whlneu labor whistles luck nllis on chance labor on chanicur luck slps don to poverty labor strldesupttord to lndepcndv head this viantary utter from mr lecoar have been troubled with constipation for the past years tried practicahy every cathartic without results recently determined to give kuoggs axlbkav fair trial keliojf has not only helped tne but believe it an actual relief for chronic constipa tion mr henry lccour ad dress upon request io insufficient bulk meals kellogg alibkan provides bulk to aid elimination ik alss furnishes vitamin and iron tho buk in allbean is gesj tle and safe for normal individ uals often more effective thsst bulk in ruiti arid vecetabfts aa at does not break down within the body isnt thin natural food plcasahter than patent medicine just eajc two tableipoonfulu daily chronle cases willi each hical if not re lieved sec your doctor get the rtd andcreon our grocers mudo by ndon ontario lellogg keepon the sunny side of ufs sewnasfsnostnethcriwlgrrtoiria second plucc to the hockey gatiicb these days fonvji feu winter months the game holds sway cigarette smoking in canada continues to in crease in 1034 the consumption of fuctoryhvidc cigarettes was close to five billion an increase of per cent over 1033 god und love to man lie therefore cho to suiter us jufferng hi the flesh was nectiiary incident of obeyhtg ood and iurving man ho it is for every one tim is ilooiu or later ttlf mti whn flhaflllltuy in ciiruuiu there uio about twice ns many school children as there are farmers and as many as there air men all other occupations combined fuch year onefourth of canadas population iippeurs schoolrooms either as pupils or teacher the new bank of canada one and two dollur bills aro soon to appear while they are to be smaller in size they will go just as fur spending as the lurgci blh now in circulation if one desire weight the silver dollur to bo issued in may muy be sought but will be found just as cuive ua the uaper cur rency and livui to uie utmost of his power for tu fellowman must iuffr lot it in hlu body fcomihow thure will nlwuys ba conllllt when uie time of decision comes to win hi unit conflict we mut arm ouwelvts tlie right arms ore uio mind of christ uk tllat iiat1i auttflolu ik tub vus1i iia11i cucailfcd rflom gin tliuid are ut llrit sight puffing ds llut their mwmlng li simple the thouyht in tills uiat the one who juts suffered hi the flesh us chi ut did rauitr uum sin ch 17 haui caused from sin in ollu words thu invariable cost of sioplng sinnhig is to sulfur ralhir uiuii in pretty high jrlco some lu this eifmoilug uilnk but noiiu too high are you willing to piiy uie pricu ilurt on lnvlguruuug vtality iibout uible eullcs vtrse ulls uio outiximo of arming ourselves with uie mind of christ two lives are optn to iw uie life uheh suyti will live unto uie de sins of mail wealui honor ouati pluos ur utc or uie life which soys will live unto uie will of ood which life ire you living those to whom fetor wrote hod lived unto uio desires of grocery values frvs cocoa tiiwiiiki viib in 19c malted cheeses 12c plum jam wagstaffes fiffl 32o21c tomato catsup ayimr 21c 23c bovril w22c37cg7c mustard kw 24c vinegar iwu ul wh4e soap 31 oo surprise soap 10 39c princess tl perfect silver polish ut 13c 22c aylmer tomatoes 14c pineapple norris stf i9sn 27c libbys delicioui pork ahd beans scoutsl save the label 19 fv diud 1eacres19c fmv dij apricots 25c fsmcy ovsllty prunes it lod dates iu 23c pu qubc mspla syrup thiuut suw wafersj55c ckolc stlcd peaches tr 16c aytmsf cuolc piiuj cherries aylmr natural flavor soups tomato or vcgatabla tins 5fc fint bulb imacaroni or fine it spaghatt 14 fisalfoad swl corn3 si peas2 beans 21c llbby irnmdmt saul kraut 21c hand plckd white bcans at 13o quality first economy always likiitmo bananast special 23c doien small navel oranges 23cdozfai iceberg lettuce heacb for ioc medium navel oranges large navel oranges 39c dozen 51c dozen grapefruit seedless for 25 cooking onions potatoes rtfs for 10c 10c peck mill street phone 58 acton ontario asv

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