wursday txbrtjary utn 1935 the acton free press six oclock on the night of the friel dinner and lecture at the auditorium philip atanton oopl teta rat wmtbrn unirexidtra hockey team and known to the school fan by the affectionate title of grinny tele phoned nia left forward rodney woln might oh bed steve called an extra workout at the rink tonight want ua to have last try at those new stunts he thinks will knock zjftwranoe cold means well have to crab bite andbeat it to the hippo pronto dads letting me have the car so ni honltfar you in twenty min utes then was suspicious silence heller hello say red did you get me did indications of the temper wnlch had helped to give the nickname time and again the unerring shots of the rljjhi forward were fumbledtnptfio hands of the left forward time and again students howled and the coach heaatb artubcr again by hetty baroxtay hearts are trump on et valentinos day so what could please your valentine party jruceta better than valentine heart salad if there is to be dancing you will wish to serve punch hero is litlo menu and recipes for the suggested sated and punch valentine heart salad with sweet french dressing checso biscuits salted nuts red and white hcartshaped mints coffee tho punchy wilt be jjeryed later valentine heart saiiad on lettucecovered salad platen its appropriateness were audible in rod ney wainwrlghts voice are you teulng me weve got to mlso conunander jriel for hockey practice looks like it im pretty down my aelf about the mlxup but cant see bow crabbing will help steves word is law you understand that aw cut it rodney was truculent ti steve thinks tm passing up the chsnoe of trials choosing me for the polar trip be has another think coming you and dont need an extra practice tl woobuw what uie pig idea dont be an egg red pnlup de spised arguing ita teamwork we need to defeat lawrence not individual star playing lawrence is bringing along ton or so of eastern pressure weve 90 to be letter perfect or go under bunk im not reporting to the rink tonight thats final if youre crasy enough to let steve crimp jyour big chance with friel go ahead aggie can substitute for me hes done it before red just minute please in spite of hi exasp philip was worried ho knew that rodney needed the extra drilling that excitable and erratic he was the most likely to break under pressure besides lie him self was human deep within him was an instinctive protest against the other attending the dinner without him ho made his voice persuasive you area thinking straight red aggie isnt speedy enough to fill your place ho 11 slow the rushes and ball up the com bines if this were an ordinary prac tice there would be nothing to it but its for the big gome the championship of wes against emit nx on the sob stuff uodnoy laughed sarcastic snort it you think the honor of the forwards needs uphold ing hop to lt im going to the 3rlcl dinner and get myself choucn for the polar trip with you out of the run ning it ought to be clncli cheerio old top the great building on the campus known to tho student body as the hipp was packed to capacity on the night the western universityiawrciice hockey game seven thousand excited fans stamped howled and exchanged good haturedchafflng ou the easterners in their striking suits of orange and black shot goals and warmed up gener ally for the coming fray the loe was like silver under the powerful tungsten lights tho band played and school pennantu ii uttered gaily from post and rafter when law rence retired and the university team cli to the ice pandemonium broke loose hockey lifctory was about to be imule tonight western ttnrvcrsttywantc tr desperately to win lawrence know that back east in their school town jifcit as many thousa were watching waiting and pinning their faith to them the music ceased with splendid crash bell rang both teams skated to po ooal keepars arouelisd before their nets the race for the xastemwestem university champion with sweet french dressino blend together thoroughly table spoonq lemon juice cup salad oil teaspoon salt teaspoon paprika cup any red jelly serves to 13 paradise punch cup lemon juice cup grapefruit juice cup raspberry or loganberry juice quart water cup sugar orange slices out small fancy shapes for garnish blend ingredients thoroughly serve very cold the orange tillces should be cut from cleanskinned seedless oranges serves 1210 goose raising por pboflt simple that uvtry farmee should avail himself of tlio opportunity tho ex pense is very small the birds require very little care either winter or sum mer they are almost immune from dlimob and gosling onoe hatched oaithpiytook4hctnk4rrur4iur ahn sur wo orancrror heart of tlio enemys defence with daring land ah abandon that dum found ed oven himself whenever the milling was the thickest his dark hood bobbed up and down like cork he matched stftrrtghrmotbttraffipee hip was on philips position was that of rjght for ward rodney played left forward in addttkmthet erjsea centre and goal guard jprom the first all eyes were focused on philip the glare of the arc lights he looked auucn nervous out of sorts where was that buoyant smile which had earned him the affectionate title of orlnny7 where was that good natured confident oontagtoui smile flashing out at opponent as wadlly as it did at colleague all around was heard the same query whats the matter with stanton call hebe sick plays brought him so close that those at the rail could see his eyes grim and hard hot alight with that xultant en thusiasm which time and again had inspired team and rooter to keep on in the face of threatened defeat tonight that magnetic challenge was lacking philip played brilliant hockey but it was spectacularly individual down the line he went like whirlwind baffling the opposing guard with irri tating maneuvers mystifying with tricky stick handling timing positions just little before bis opponents expeeted them but when he passed the rubber to bis left forward rodney in that cap acity was always breath late in re oeivlng it groaned when philips masterly atusjs0 small individual heartshaped shriveled because rodney was off aide moulds of cranberry jelly surround tho rest of the team were living up to wltn oji of seedless oranges ar all that won expected of them in tho ranged to look like the scalloped edges matter of speed they were nonplussed of an oldfashioned valentino serve into bewildered uncertainty however at the lncxplalnable conduct of the two forwards never hod philip played so selfish gune never hod rodney bungled so many sure shots perplexity and strain communicated themselves to the grand stand rooters became suspicious cries of rotten put him out hes throwing us down emanated from all parts ofthe arena before the end of the first period rodney found himself ridiculed to the bench confused amazed angry realizing that philip by some subtle strategy was making him pay for haying cut the but practice to attend the frlel dinner this was exactly what philip meant rodney to understand as is the way with sunnytempered people rage groov ed his mind to single track all he bad thought about for the last forty eight hours was to humiliate waln wrlght and to show him up before ardent if fickle fans he knew jhat hodrjey hadggrrrtcd and counted correctly upon being al lowed to play to the big game even if he did not attend the loot grind no matter how furious the coach might be or how desirous of disciplining his truant left forward he would feel him self helpless in the face of the teams need rodney was valuable player he had speed utambia and body that worked with ail tomation like precision no one but philip suspected unless it might be the coach that without tlio co rightforwafdrtlod noys game would bo flop philip gave line to rodneys fuel timed signals so accurately that tho received pauses acted as iballast to the others excitability withhold that support and hodnoy in tlio parlance of tlio rink would blow up sport fans ore as unstable as weather cocks thoy boo as avidly as they clwcr several crroru fumble or two hint of panic in pinch and vcn star may luid himself sent into ignom inious retirement philip well versed in fan psychology deliberately put two and two together and waited for the answer four sooner than he had ex pected rodney went to pieces jeers and gibes completed his downfall he wou benched where unless some unfore seen contingency arose ho would re main raging but helpless corves him right bloated philip throwing himself into tho fray with re newed satisfaction pigured ho could pult boner and got away with it did he7 hes got another think coming watch our smoke now lawreneot were going to show that piker we can win without him aii though to re tuts tho boast the unexpected happened lawrences left defence gathered his center and right forward into middle jco hi triangular combine which for an instant puzzled their opponents some one hi the orange and black grubbed the puck in the loau passed it to tho center and the center let fly too late the players under stood and lunged tho shot went true the rubbcr tippod into the net as the bell clanged the end of the flrtit period theciluuo score board were visitors western philips heart was bitter within him from the start the second period was font philip with the coachs words ringing tn his ears to keep rushing and case ojr sunstroke whats ailing mr trout bo had snnhtrokc flo on who ove heard of flab with sunstroke well you bco sunfiah bumpad into htm news when he got patient where did you spit your fls vercoat doctor doctor got this when mr bnci had appendicitis how has blend for every purse glum oyster the csuentlals to cuocess in goose raising are free range and an abund ance of greenieedtho breeding stock and the goslings will live well if there is an abundance of tender grass or clover oven if gralnu or rriashes are not fed the breeding geese should start to lay about the middle of march and the eggs should bo sot as soon as enough have been laid to make it worth while the sooner tho eggs ore set after being laid tho better the period of incubation 31 days eggu may be sot in incu batons under hens or under the mother dam whuts the matter with you it is goi practice tojprlnkl jr oyster wua just wondering why yellow label ilk brown label 33c lb orange pekoe 4qc 1b ah leaders in their class 28 aocldkntti and compensation lug wad the besx he ever had sliowu time after time lie brought the crowd lo 1u feet with his sensational hook checks when wltb tactical skill he drew la redoes goal guard momentarily from the nots with fake shot and gve his own center chance to baali and whip tho puck into the mesh tlio fans went wild hub it into lawrence sovebvthou sand throats shouted siryultanwusfcr one hiore goal and we got the rink seemed to shake wben the rushed and lawrenco blocked visiting team has hard time whining recognition but one could hot help applauding the effective way in which the fifesterners played their code they staged defence that evcil partisan critics were farced to admit was masterpiece one to one the score stood one to one it threatened to re ntalu philip playing tho greatest game of his earner and knowing that he was playing it wad nevertheless in vicious mood the alause his school yells the heartwarmbig support of his skat ing mates were dust and ashes in lib continued on page six tlio eggs with lukewarm water once dally when set under tho mother goose or under hens and twice dally when sot in an incubator tho moistening of thts lggi koeps tlio embryo from becoming too dry and sticking to tho shell es pecially at hatching time aosllngt require much heat aflr tloy are liatch ed and it is safe to leavo in tlw incubator or under tlie mothor gooso for about two dayu after hatching tlio ulr hi tlio incubator chamber should hi maintained at tlio same temperature after tho birds liuve hatclied but tho goslings should bo let down into th uumery wlien they huvo dried off imd arc able to move around freely when the gojjlngs ore ready for feed ing it is good practice to place gron had iuar the ncit or brooder and tbl the joung birds pull tlio tender uiooa thcmwlves tills will induce them to uart feeding por uuj first few days goslings ijiould bo fed on bread crumbs mokujied with milk when tlio young birds axe about week old thoy may be given mauh composed of equal uarts by weight of comineal barkyruciu bran and sliorts tills should bo mode moist but not sloppy tlio birds should be fed tliree or four times dally for about two weeks whim uio weatiier 1s fine they should bo given tlwilr liberty but they should be protected from cold valna and conllned at niglil until the weather geui warm give tlio goslings hood start and thxy may then be turn ed out on good pasture and tlio feeding of mash dkcontmued maku sure that tho goslings liave plenty of ahiule and liberal supply or fresh drinking water before them at all tuni tl ioralslngn iif upnock oy get bi so they couldnt huvt lent in the moatfed that have no in tbetn insomnia cure whatu tlio best cur for luuomsusi you know of siocp odd campaign palgn isnttrlot ye hes pausing out good olgara farm work onrs greater opportunities or better returns for the money invest ed than doud gooeo rakung when bananas abu it in do you know when banana is rips poaalbly you think because is turning yellow that is sufficiently mature to eat tins ju not correct liowevor until the banana becomes speckled that is shows brownish spots it is uq ripa enough to use green immature bananas contain con siderable btorch similar to the raw potato btarch as tlio fruit beoomts ripe uils starch turns to sugar it is not ao many years ago that bananas were sold at uo much each now this fndfc suiyjm obtained at quite low cost by trutdoeen or pound one of the most valuable properties of the baharia is that ltcan be shlpppl in tho green state and ripened as needed coiksidering the long distance that bananas he to bo shipped this is great advantage honeymoon 15 ovett when wo were first married used to waken my husband with kiss every morning and now after three muntlishe bought him self an alarm clock husband was marvel there were 437fl accidents reported to tho workmen compensation hoard during the month of january compared with 432b during and 38o during january of last year tho fatal cases numbered 30 as compared with 1c last january total benefits awarded amounted to ti0g 070 83 of which 409525 wos for compensation arid 590545 32 for medical aid tlio total benefits awarded last january were 343310 01 jsu your homo medicine chest among the utandard household remedies that should ulways bo on hand in your home mcdlcbio cliast none is more im portant that rr thomas isclectrlc oil its manifold uscfulna in rcliovlng pain and healing filckneju ki known by many thousands tluroughout tho land al ways uso dr thomas eclectrlc oh for relieving rheumatic and sciatic pains treating sore throats and clients coughs burns soalds cuts bruslcs and sprains areyou building or remodelling dont commit yourself until you got all tho facts about bams stool trues plonk truoa or cantilovor typos miiko full umo of our twenty yoars experience in barn building let tho knginoora in our turm build ina department udvisoyou llioir borvlcos aro ubuolutoly froo to farmers vho uro building or romodouititf write today fcr guolph st prioa out vclarliiit klo kt toroato maa uootrl udisod wiui wonderful mvsatsol wasnt her yoa might think so uutllyou basl heard my hukband something of nag isnt your wifs 1uu boaraar mhea something wt aam manufacturing customers hirty per cent of ones customers cense being custom ers every year they de or inovo away or become iluniu tu to this is ghnstly loss and alas it is one impossible to prevent it means that retailor has to be very very busy every month getting new customers to rcpluce tho monthly wastage and to gain few more customers in excess of the annual loss in order htliat hii business sfiall grow thtt iatarrhikgsusrto dt nothing in thd way of customer attraction and replacement how can new customers be attracted various things can be done the most obvious way is just to ask noncus tomers to do business with you that is the hrst thing to do and your invitations will get attention just because so few retailers will be your competitors in this asking activity you can ask peonle to do business with you by post by per gonal calls and by newspaper advertising and of course your store windows can and will be invitations beyond asking you must fulfil customers expectations this by the quality of your service and the rightness of your goods und prices what customers like when they go into store is attention and interest without fussiness they like briskness in those who serve them customers want nothing extraordinary just plain attention ind courtesy customers ure continually measuring stores matching one stores service goods pricys and atmosphere against those of other stores and they steadily drift to those stores where they are served in all ways most in uccord with their likes newspaper advertising rtieleasr costly results considered