Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Feb 1935, p. 1

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sixtieth ycnr no 34 acton ontario thursday february 21st 10j5 iiiht homeprint pages five cents hockey group playoffs in 44 deadlock in two dames elora won jfrom acton by 31 on monday and acton won from elora in thirty minutes overtime by 31 in acton last nightsbrown starred in the nete for elorathird game necessary to declare group winnershecuc battle before capacity crowd ldste to nearly midnight two accidents to players selection of news items group final saturday gartp arrangements were mad short ly after one oclock this afternoon for the group final between acton and elora to be played in gnelph arena on saturday night at 830 admission price are tho wune vlc tor adults loo cor chil dren under 12 and ie seals loe extra ernlo woruey of tor onto who ref creed soon good came here hud nbrht wiu again bo in charge of the pnw elora fcapton elora hockey team proved superior over aoton on monday night in thy first game of tho group playoffs when tocy won by score of 31 it woo of course delight to elora tans and ii crepe hanging ceremony lor the acton followers twice already this season acton had won from elora and then for the rocks to get twogoal lead in thi arst cdl the playofte this of course written on tuesday following the first ame were just taking the atmos phere of that day and date not knowing what will happen on wednesday and bfefore this appears in print were not going to dwell on the hearty rending scene but get into the play as we saw the game there are times when even sports arc too sod for word we know just how mudvlho felt when mighty case struck out only wo can write poem about it there was good sheet of ice no alibi here the game started rather slow bora seemed content to try the long hots and go in for tho rebounds run rntells tnjssed on nice pass from fisher when greer saved tho situation norm morion madoahlus abotonbrown blit he saved then in scramble in the elora net brown was again victorious marys do nicerush but hadno luck bus morton missed tho goal by indies and orm lost his stick when ho was in posi tion for nlcu shot after ecventeo minutes of piny runnells scored on pass out from selling that left greer to chance to save score 3timnells missed oit nice solo effort brown denied ui morton brouiers an iher one tliat looked like counter when tlio eloru net minder was out tho period ended at lo and much us it harts to be truthful elora on tlio play certainly destrved to be leading there wcre uo penalties when 13 jlunnells drew penalty in ihe second period elora played nice defensive hockey biu morton when he wus right in acton was play lug loose defensive game nnd leaving too much to greer elora was checking lose morton brotjiers were in again at brown saved and greer robbed runnells when ho was right in terry also lost on decision with brown exiling went otf for putting andersoi tne boards nnd acton put on the pressure when they were shorthanded bora wm checking acton to flntui and right in on their shots anders went olf for tlpplng runnefc just as tile period ended still 10 for elora having the bcjt of the play penalties of tlio period were runneui selling und anderson of course acton started period three sjhqrthunded but the acton boyn tool the offensive jack kentner elwt hot fmp at brown and helling retaliated and qulnn wings ridley belling runnells and runnells alternates referee jack hemphill kitchener from that nice press btx that we didnt leave feeling half as comfortable as on th other time we wioto notes there oh well somebody had to win and wo guess it was ejoras turn on mon day tho crowd was estimated at 000 the biggest to ever witness game in elorap nice now rink theres lot of things that might bo said about different pluyvrs on tho actcn llieup but every team has un ofl nlght and tlio locals sure put up per formance below par on monday theres hockey trio that hud very original song on monday evening wo hope lta prophetic note rings truer than us musical key when lie went right in on greer walters went right in but hud no luck and tnk long shot that luid brown guessing on its roll elora was slumming rubber at grier after six mlnuutf of play walters uvined tlie hcore for acton thin save the acton fulls something to holler jboul waiters wu otf for puttuig selling into uie boards greer went down to save score elora prjed hard when actoii was short handed and givd grier plenty to worry about finally froni one of these scrambles tn front of the goul runnel scored en pass from fisher bus morton qverslurt the net on his chance to top it olf for elora selling put tile game hi thi bag when he scared from anotlrr scram wp 0oouneutcrtt was the final two knbiiitus of liectlc windup to the period when ac ton trud to uet some goals buti morton wont oif for tripping selling uul rleilerlouk body check that prttly hard ttie end was sensational ciiougu but the rmult vus 31 mvti for the first ilmo this year uie locals hud tasted defeat kvnuhles went to wullvrs morton and morton tho linuup wus actoii greer goal gibbons and kentncr defenee morton centre terry and morton wings wultrs andrraon murzo und joe kenlner alter nates xlora firotfa gual walacrand drey ter defence uuunrlls centre rhshr tho norfolk observer makes tho fol lowlng remark prior to tho hearing of tho slmcoo protest against guclph if ulo local club carries protest down to tho rarlflcd atmosphere of on ii executive committee room the charge aro apt to have all tho force and effect of pea shooter in naval engapennnt apparently slmcoo has hud experience with tho previously actok elora for all tho hockey the acton inter mediate failed to play in elora on monday night they made up in good measure at tlio acton arena last night when they trimmed the visitors by 31 in battle thahastod for udrty minute overtime and failed to break tho dead lock on the round of 44 anytan mint dldiitgctttrealtwhblul worth of hockey last night is mighty hard to pleasrf there were well over 1200 paid admissions and the arena was pretty well jammed ulthough there have been bigger ciowdj in acton arena the bandhad all tlio old familiar tunes from ooontown to sweet adelalnc and with the final note of the national an them roir ueiit up that lasted until well near midnight but icl go on with tlio game because its long ttory play started with both teams tak ing itome long ihcu and elora was right on tlie defeivilve acton was different team from the elora game and right on their strldo wulters and albbois made the flrt ut tempt that came near tho score the acton crowd got thrill when terry ccored but play had been stopped before uie kfbre wan mnd acton won travelling like bunch of deserving champions and outnluylnj elora runnels one pf tliem got right in past tlie defence but greer saved mnrzo placed nice shot right on and selling was right in but greer cad runnells drew penalty and aibbons almoiit had rebound brown smothered with hying rubber and the auburnhaired net minder certainly did some nice stopping and especially wlvn acton put all live men foruard terry rot actons first lilly when let hot one bo jut mid ay between the blue li and the goal nnd nlpvcl in cormr of the net piut brown joe kentner war bick in shape and right on with iiil ijiots terry went down uliun hit with stick hi tlie face und had to go to the divtlng rooms cut lip and an cic almcut completely closed made the rot of the game lurd for thu acton itar bun and norm morton were clou and walters overshot in ulo flnol stages of tlie period willch ended 10 tor acton und uie locals deserved th had on uie play runnells as tlir valentine party mr and mrs swacjchamev held very enjoyable yoentlno party at uiulr homo lost week when about twentyfive of their friends gathered and spent tin evening ploying progressive euchrj when tho games wero over tho hostess curved dainty lunch after which tho lucky players were awarded prizes tho party report very enjoyable evening uoldap aspect arrested chief mcphcrson and constable cook man were in toronto yesterday and ted tyler and xjuanard brownlow ac companied them tho identification was mode of one of tho young men who held up tylers scrvlco station in actcn week ago saturday police are on tlio trull of the other two implicated in tlm affair and their direst is expected im mediately planning aoton pair yesterday tlio directors of acuuc eajjf pair met in the counclpch amber with good attendance and president rumley conducting tlio meeting report of tlio delegates to the pairs convention was given tlio meeting fully and proved very interesting commit tecswctc named for tlio various tyanches of tho work and plans mode for bigger and better fair for 1935 many details for tlio pair in september are already well in hand and organized milton hockey men teny accusation tho executivo commlttco of tlio mil ton mockey club meeting there on tues day entered strongprotest hi regard to the stat recently mode by the georgetown club and denied in every respect the accusations of angurf duncan of that organisation the milton club hod no knowledge whatever of any agreement with georgetown club as to use of ineligible players it was clulmudv in further proof that no agreement was made milton understands that george town did not lwvo enough players slgn ed to su for these three men georgetown alsoenterednloliroup plav offs last year with two of these overave playerflfnking par tltwas declared united church youfcf people tt the meeting on tuesday evening ol tho united young peoples society waa hi charge of the citizenship group under the leadership of mv george 11 poole tlie scripture lesson was read by mr elwood johnston nnd mr poole led in prayer vocal duett by misu rutli gibson and mr pred colo accompanied by mlis bessie young uaa very hiiicli special fea ture of tlie evening was an nddrenj given by dr neville hurrop oji india and its people tills proved to be not only interesting but educational and instruc tive having spent number of years hi india the speaker delighted hu hearers with come very vivid descrip tions of that country tlio meetlnu closed with hymn and tho ml7pnl1 benedlctlpn fru tenants the first leaseholders of quarters in the new murray memorial bullduigln acton mcveji into thojr quar tern yesterday the actoii public utllltle coniniksioiu hie new olf ice furniture arr that und cords and equipment uere transferred to tlie new quarters und sign nou hantfi in the window of the former oiflce moved the new furniture is in keeping with tlie new oiflce surrounding thrc is nothing elaborate but very ap piourlute xtrrwtinkt lldleutrnctw meeting of the nassagaweya council mr simpson delegate to cood uoads convention auditors keport consid ered satisfactory nussagawryu council mot in tho township ball on monday pebruary lltli accounts were passed as follows euley relief 1504 snyder relief 14 00 norrlsh bros wdlef 3760 austin dredge relief 10 8l elsvy relief 301b elsley relief 15302 dr black relief 6200 dr stevenson relief 40so marshall relief 800 cameron kitchlng sheep killed and worried wilson co bonding trea surer and collector chas darby auditor malcolm holmes auditor municipal world subscriptions roud superintendents voucher no 2400 63 00 1500 15 00 1000 10433 cepud for supply of wood for tho township ball council in committee examined ihe auditors report and found it satisfac tory mr edge was appointed caretaker of 41m mwaxtslal pound aml monument mr if simpson wart appointed as delegutu to the convention of ontario association of rural municipalities and stanley pulton delegate to tlie gokl roads con ven lion council adjourned to meet march 4th at one oclock arena news hockey every wcckky and activity galore sweaters konated for teams uae by mason knilimt co activity every weekday jeems tlie slogan for tlio acton arena these days managers jack kentner and jumcti mills und secretaiy prank bolloway have busytim eo cttrttrrunglngsched csand keeping an ice surface for tlie demand nnjlkufcofiiriilatlon only one to draw penalty elora was itill ontho dofonslvo in uiu second peitod and acton pressing the play tvrry back outhcjce but looked pretty groggy norm morton went right in but brown saved mario inuscd from faceolf pluy wus at tie lilcri net und then walters drew pen iilty for trlpplngr plsher followed jiltn to the penulty box for alaslilng jijck kentner terry und morton pasd some hot on at at brown but again he uirtird them asltlt acton wus pushing thi pluy even when playing man short the elora net wufi full of players but broun kept tlie puck out acton hud plenty uf ahou but brjiwn was uood and bltlueky uunnells the sunu one went off fee slashing und bellini followed tor board lng aiuurson lvrlod ended at 10 and elora to ttleii sliort acton btill one down on tlio round what uti opportunity and did actoii use it bit mortcti made the score at when he took brotliers puss tn tie up tli round acton then went ufter mh but brown starred for tlio visitors lhi uhots went ut hint so fust thry couldnt kept trurlc ot uid acton wua cr continued on page plve of modern deign have been provide tor tlie screirya main office the bourd room is fitted with board tabl and half dozen chairs three now lighting natures supply the ilumlna tio if tl le lie vquu7teni iitl fo mil cl more appropriate to tlu jioitlonand bulncsa that the commission occunies 11 hit uffulra of uie uiunlclpallty lullrl ut tumu wu1 cou y3tod000 this vu cojits of dbect relief to tlie xatenay era of toronto this yvur will be hi the nelghbo hood of 3000 000 according to reiort submitted to board of control by welfare cotnmujoner lavfir this estimate did not lilclude uie us sutance from the pederal und provin cial governments in 1uj3 uw citys fclmre qf xhrect relief was 3400 wl while in 1034 it oinonnud to 317 375 tlie increase to ulmcst 4000000 means ubout one mill additional to the tux rule and another problem for die board of control tho ustlmuted increase in direct relief costs of ubout 7iooc0 wouii be reduced by suoooo if pro gram of work was provided uie coni mlstiojiivr staud wlien vork is pro vkled umse ricelving it ure btrlckeu from rellvf rolls and ure compelled to pay ulelr debu ovtr tor laurtlnneczorul the hydro and otiur services tuesday uicie were 300 spectators to ree uie three games played in tlie rural league two complete bets of sweaters for the opposing teams have been donat ed to the arena by uie mason knitting company these distinctive calom of blue and white enable tho oppctiing teams to play to better advantage and are great help for all nnd an asset to uie artna tp assist the clubti and arena in defraying expenses uiero will hereafter be an admission charge of 5c for spec tators iioo are uie realits of tlio weo thursday february 14th in the rural league brookvlk won from blua sprlngi by 71 lome school and racic wood played ton 22 tie york road took eden mills into tow at 72 friday nffht in the church lcagu anglicans defeated tho united church 42 nnd the piesbyterlans won by 80 from the catholic team lome rlles and ltmehaiise 11lq ployed uiat night uitli the former winning by 00 saturday afternoon lojne rules won by 41 from tla brampton peeldufferln regiment team saturday nght wis band night for the skater ulth petty fair attend ance on monday night tin mdyet league had their innings kings team won 1y0hryaeterrnmhyn ind kentners earns puyed to 11 draw lome rifles won frbm llmehouse by 42 tuisduy night wis big night in tlr rural league und llnal games that night were ended at fl 45 lome school nnn fiim vdnnirili ut tolhluj sprlug und yok rsud battled it out in yscorelju game of pretty fiutiiockey fcr this league brookville put the skids to rockuood to the tune of g0 tlireu games in the rural league left time yet orjoiifisbo jstow n1 rui lo neuhlit by 33 it lt note wo th fact unit in this game uie jones boys scorinl all of the goals of uie game wcdiioiduy ntht the story will he found hi the int mediate hockey record column elwhere in this issue tht llnnl jtlundhiu in uiu ohurcti lcaeuo li ail folloutr xrojbyterlun 11 uniud 13 at jaiipli anlicmi the pluyoffs in uils jlogiw will com miucc next week tub kveninu mkal oioehtvk mrs nfulaprop uilnk napoleon wan tjr greater soldier tlion buna pjrte prlend but uuy uw synonymous mrs malaprop tliut may be but ulways huvu conunded uiut nujmjicxjii was by fut th lnrp symmymou of uie two various interesting items of news chimney hre chimnvy lire and overheated stove pipes eallrd out the flrebrignde to the homo of mr john pallas john street jesterday at noon hemlcal ex tlngulvlicr and few palli of water ex ungulslicd dio lire aild tho domago was bllghl it was not necessary for uio brigade to use urn chemical lino meetinf of knoc womens mixlonary society the womens missionary society of tho presbyterian church hold their rvbruary meeting ut uio homo of mm mcdonald with ulo president mrs georgo murray presiding mrs blow and mrs cooper kd uio devotions splendid paper from uio study book was given xt wus decided to muko qulltu for uio wckt miss gray gavw piano soo mrs cooper was appointed to meet wlui uio ladles of uio other churches to arrange uio program for tho worlds bay of prayer to be held hi the bap tist church on march bui at the electric fixtures are purchased library grant is increased ii council decided to wreuse free library grunt by 250 effective vbi netf iuarten are occupied final payments on contracte will not be made until about may jsj jos reid awarded contract for supplying kiphtin fixtures for clo of tho meeting tho hostess served tea und tockil half hour was much enjoyed bocus check artist operatlnc in oakvilie district search for bogus cheque artuti bo llevedto bo moving west on uio lake shore is being pressed by police follow ing uie vlcumlzing of oakvlllo mer chanbi tlio man obtained 17 from two onkvllle tradesmen last week and 15 from port credit mens wear merchant his meuiod of operation is to phono uio me chant giving him uie name of reputable citizen and ask if he has any objection to his sending along man wlui cheque for eoma goeds tlio cheque is usually made out in uio namo of uie citizen and endorsed by person osteusiby uie man who presents it his meuioda have been very effective to date and he was walking but wlui merchan dise and money meeting uf united wotneiiu missionary boeleiy tho monthly meoung of uie womena muilnnury socle ty of theuuibhlchurclt was held ut uie home of lars ii harrison on thudny afternoon lost wlui vey gratifying attendance the president mrs burberee wau in the chair prayer liervlae was held pre vious to uw meetjng conducted by mrr aicjc mcdonald following uio devo uonal exercises the reports of the secretary and treasurer were read and adopted mrs johnston read very interesting letter from mission ary in china mrs reid conducted uio remaining part of uxm meeting short program followed by social hour mrs johnson read valentine wtory tuo piano solos by mrs arnold and miis margaret harrison which wore much appreciated mrs bert mowat read chapter from uiestudy book on india wh ch wan exceptionally well ex plnhied the meeting cloiuid after dainty lunch was served hy mrs relds group and vote of uionks to ms hnrrt for lier home for very rentable meeting caiudau potato crop canadas potato crp hi 1034 is estim ated nt eighty mlllon bushcai which la 10 per cent greater than that of 103j nd pr cent nbovc the aye pro ductlon of the llveyeur pormd 1020 1033 in uie four western provinces the crop is etlmated ut 13081000 bushels against 13015000 in 1033 the nop wus materia ly affected in bcveral dstrlcts of the prulile provlncjs es bu drought and grusshopjierti uio totu pro duction in the uvstern section be ng ilmiut 10 per cent loner uian for the llveyeu period ttie british columbia crop however was somewhat larger uian lrno33 rniunver the 1034crodb5tuuauidat6tj3aooo buiheu or compared with 57020000 in 1033 und 60180 000 bushels for the five year period tills increased production is pirty due to an hiereased acreag or 07 per ctnt over 1023 und partly givuht than average yield jier acre witii fuvouble cilmauc condlllond losses cuuseil by diseases were not us heavy us usual und uie quality was better uian average tlie increased ucreugo hi 1031 ttiaybctxpluincdaatrttspotibowtjrtcr paid for tuhli stuck ux1033 undta some extnt to uie drop hi prices of certified seed iotutos in uioato spring for early plantings many farmer usod tabid unule potutottj bishud of expensive cer ufled seed und when uie latter dropped in price they increased ulelr acreage to lavuo extent total of 2l0aa acres wore passed for certified teed jln 1034 oompured wiui 1h603 in 1033 apd tenyear average of 32100 yields hi 034 were wrl above uie average and the total quanuty uvailublo for seed purptim was upproximauly 4285450 busliels of which ubout one million will prububly be uiadcd tugged and sold as ceruned seed at uie fortnlghuy meeting ot tho council held on monday afternoon councillors emcmluan me cutcheon dr nelson were present and reeve 11 harrison prcnldcd mrs gwiigohflvlli and mr brown representing uie free library board were present to discuss details regard big removal of the library to uio li cw quarters it warf estimated that licw urnishlngs and now shelving would cost approximately 205 which was ubout tho amount of tho surplus on lland the annual statement of uio board wurf presented to uie council the council expressed willingness to havo uio present shelving removed from the present quarters in tho town hull tlie mutter of rental for uio library lavatories and rest room were dlscusied troxnc length by tho boa represen tatives und tlie council and uio follow ing motion puswid by uie council moved by mcmillan seconded by dr nekon und resolved that the gmit to the acton free library board bo increased by 350 per annum thwhv nc fmm tlp hmi when tvv move into uio now quarters carried upon motion dr nelson waa requested to carry on uio duties vf chairman of paiance committee durbig uie absence of councillor mason tlie fouui report of uie finance com mittee recommended payment of the following accounts general account norman dfort sanitary work at town hull 00 estate jus symon supplies for arena 180 estate jos symon supplies for streets etc 133 municipal world advice 50 king mceachern supplies 315 mio 11 mcdonald repremlum on town hull 10430 wrrre blair tuppllesatraycnav 33 bell telephono co services 1315 alex tbompiau strtlfiand walks 00 1353t murray mentorlil fund uarcul wiles meals supplied guesln re laying of corner stone on building 00 geo held on account paint ing contract 20000 ii chalmers on account plumbing aild heating 500 00 mackenzie as son on ac count carpenter work und masonry 50000 j03 reljl on account elec trical contract 75 00 moonuy re stephen car diner on contract 2100 mooney re ii lawtinn on tcontruct 2000 mooney re business tax on contract 102g mooney re public utilities co mis ion on contract 501 mcmullen jo dttulbot on contract 401g news of acton and uie district georgetown doetor dies suddenly suddenly stricken with heart attack while listening to radio broadcast of hockey gome dr john paul veteran georgetown physician collapsed and died shoruy after lo oclock on tuesday night in uio guclph ocncral hospital patient hi uio guelph institution for some weeks dr paul was talking and joking wlui nurses dur big uio broad cast of uie toronto uonsst mikes gumo when ho suffered uio selxurc to which he succumbed before medical aid arrived dr paul who was in his 77th year wus one of uio beetknown physicians inthbrtartrorwcsternon tarlo guclph ilea for incmute tn relief ktesu rejected guclphs request for an increase in uio minimum of relief rent approprla uons from fl to vo haw been rejected by uie provincial government accord ing to letter received from hon david croll minister of public wouarc mr croll advised the city councij uie de poitment has just raised uw allowance on properties where assessment is low and this has entailed considerable addi tional outlay for unemployment reuel furuicr request that painting in guclph school to ulo amount of 3000 be permitted as relief measure has ulso been turned down fatal motor aocldeni gno youul was killed and three other persons injured when two cars collided headon on uie centre road tntlo norui of cooksvllle on thursday night last terencocasc 10 ofamejtstrvctr long branch was instantly killed when his aucludedwiulaiiedrlvenbyher bcrt bailey brampton florence gal beck 17 alderwood passenger in cases car suffered cuts and lacerations and uus removed to st josephs hos pital toronto anouier passenger in the sumo car joseph smlui 31 of lako ptomenude long branch suffered facial lacerations he wus treated by dr cantelou of cooksvil bailey bufterad shaklngup but was ouierwiso unin jured coroner sutton of port credit ordered an inquest investiga tion into uie fatality is being continued by traffic officers ray hodgson of brampton and vrellly of cooks ville amcoa indignant oveu action on gufcxpll pftotlists 1383 33 the bell telephone co asked per iiillon to erect two poles on john street to provide service for custotn pvrmllslnn was gnuiutljindtiruifl uptirvlsion of the municipal officer letter fom tlm liability insurance compuiy wuj recleved regarding uie claim of mr burak no official noilco had been received nnd uio companys investlkator would tnke up the matter tho letter was ordered filed mr mahoney architect uus iubbeit and udvihl iiot giving ilnul puyment on contracts uhtil muy itt to see if all the work was witls factory amounts were deeidod uikui to make allbuithe jllnul ptiyinents on uie var co im all uio work wan completed it wus pointed out however tliut lessees might oeeupy uio muiuojui of uie building any tlmej tenders for uio electrical fixtures hi uio new buildnlg waio ceivetl and openwl by uie council slic tendera from various firms for ttiesc supplles for complete and parts of uie supplies were received tovviinyt mccutchcmfrsecondvrj by memillusi that tho contract for uio electric light ftxtiircs for uie lntex lor of uie building be awarded to jos held at coat of 11511 not to include oxtursa for mason lo quarters ulso that he be al lotted uie cum of 344 52 to lnstal four brackets as per plans of mahoney architect carrbnl tip to motorists give woman driver onehalf uie rood it la usually wise to take to uie ditch unul she decides which haujchc wants simcoe feb 30 there should be thorough houseclean big of the cnure executive ut the next amiuil uieeung wus the declaration today of manager iat xnnes of uie slmcoo in termediates whoso protest against guelph heard jvmterday was uirown out when the delegates to uio executlvj meeting returned toduy from toronto it was learned uiut in two instance uio hockey boivrnlng botly had boldly nahnt oditfiownfrules dkwttisdttleeluu treasurer who conducted uie local case hinted out that uio uctlon of uio jn returning uie 35 protest fee to simcoe wus generous but unconsutu tionul while they also ignored uielr own ruling that oueltm tile written defen prior to uie meeting no defence whsv ever was given uio simcoe club we went to consldorablo trouble vnd expense to comply with uie as rtgulatloiis regarding protests ays mkl lgttrxiutes and wegovihrwot en of it brcu wo gave amlphwhat information we had hi advance of uie meeting lliere was general amusement toofcuy uday at uia statement isnied foboviajr uie meeting uiut simcoe failed to show tliut kulser uie guelph star had played any liockey in hershey produced as evidence was picture of kaiser in hershey uniform along with other mem bom of uie team taken while he was uiarljideoember coming events announcements of sleeting cut ri ir ilrr tent under thu hcsdlttif chrgej ccntl per line with minimum chirgs to any aanuuikemeai uf light comedy skit by fourteen main bcrs of acton womens institute wilt be presented in uie parish hall aoton on friday march 1st at 800 dano lngfotcwbhgprogram adnlsslon aso

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