mob two the acton free press thursday february ilet jim mljj acton jfcer fia rohtlihj mt tvttrdj at acim 0uri subsckipttoh rates ji umjmd suw arfditioul suable coi botfc old ad d4es should wimm du of tddftm mibmtl camcxllatiowswe 6m that mm cf tra cwm ail to tcrnlt beur xpbtw who ab carried man cr aa xtadad ar ta caatcal tka mric cj aumittuccs by rcxistarad latter or cttstiow will ha carted arraan wvar advxrttsixg ratxsucal mtfc ic um far int haacrtioa aav ujk far aach oa taaaruaa imdarv wc mt aach faarrtiao wuck faoa tawtiirar urn oifcho votlea qwllyta aa co hjutnetiotm anh coacarta catcrtaiajmats church or oraaiaiia oacatiaaa att wc itat aw ckarn kryortt af atias fccu adaaly teacrtcd cruc la aleaaanaab aoticaa aad nc aar um aytra far birth marruft aad death aatic rraa soabll odtottiaaawnta ic per word chars asc caah haofcad ci alao mc cmtra wham pplicatioaa ara addraaaad to tut oaua duplay advertiaiajx rata vary aobordias tpoe caatractad alcheuch awory aracaatioa will ha takca to avoid araar the free fvcsa accept advartiafaa la iu oaluaui oa the uaderstaadiaa that it will att be liable for aay arrer ta aay edertlaccaat pubushad hereuader proof of euch edvertiaeracat reqoaeted in writime by the edvertiaer aad retnrued to the free frese buaiaeu pface duly aiaaad by the edvertiaer aad with each error ur carrectmmm plataly aoted ia writing thcraoa aad ttuu caea aay error ao aoufid is oat corrected by the prae free its liability ehsll act ixc uch proportloa of the entire coat of much advert the epace occupied by the aoted error bcere to the whole epace occupied by each advertisement aecof dluls kdltor telephones editorial and bniuwu office 174 perhaps bit personal the coincidence last week of the editor of thtt free press being appointed to office in couplo of local associations both in the same week brought to mind the fact that possibly without realization wo were accepting too many offices and some of them would pot bo carried on well or perhaps tho affairs of running hewspaper and printing office would suiter so we cfiecked back to see whither the editor had been unconsciously drifting wc found our list something like that of the municipal officer of mun icipalities of the siieof acton the two latest posi tions had been president of the acton and ward chairman oftho local liberalprogressive association previous to these if memory serves us right the editor was member of the acton free library board secretary of the acton welfare board secretary of the murray memorial commit toe second vicepresideifj of acton fall fair jrtem beror acton arena gommittee since arena erection member of tho board of stewards of the united chdrch and honorary president of tho local church hockey league in addition jast fall the editor was made justice of the peace if there are any we have overlooked we believe we might be pardoned these duties just naturally seem to evolve in con nection with our newspaper work if hobbies would seem necessary to keep occupied the editor still has uniform of acton citizens band and trombone and makes irregular appearances at practises and engagements and rehearsals and wo mention with great deal of thankfulness for good health we have missed only two intermediate hockey games in which the locals have taken part in the past five yearswerecal thescanljctcr note appreciarionof the fact that we do not feel we have been overlooked we are not feeling overpopular or swellheaded with variety of positions because out recollection carries back also to the one time we offered our occupied ihv eo scr ana we position at tho polls and on orher occasions our ser vices havenot been in demand community service has great deal iivthe way of satisfaction but pos sibly minimum of financial recompense wc do not regret any service it may have come our way to jender our home town and we trust we have not been overselfish in accepting these duties which have seemingly been our lot to fulfil wc appreci ate fully the confidence of many of our friends and hope to continue to work cooperatively for actons advancement and greatest of all the pleasure has been the opportunity to associate with numbers of men of acton and vicinity who have served in various other capacities in the same community service the sunday 8choql lesson sunday february 1934 peter heajlfi lamb man ooldcn text but potcr vaald auvcr and oold have none but wluit han kmt ivo thee acta luoon text ac 1lp 312 study alao ac 14 31 mk 2030 is 35 10 tim 30 place tho templo door hetuitliul jcruaalcm exposition tho laldo beggar ls pctr arid jolui were men ot pruyrr at tho regular jcyviah hour of prayer wp sec them wending way to ts templo cr pa s6 17 dan fl 10 21 tho ninth was the hour of prayer bccfluflo it was the hour of sacrlaie ex 20 39 ki 18 and all ap proach god in prayer must bo pn tho ground hed blood it woo thjj very hour at which jcous died ana opened up for us way into the holiest ot all cf lu 23 4446 heb 10 10 20 peter first took good look at the man and then demanded his attention two good points for any one who would bring christs power into tho lite of an other peter did hot give the man what ho naked for for he did hot have it to give tils pockets were empty but ho oa full or power peter had had on excellent opportunity to set silver and gold ch 45 37 aa rule it how been the men without silver or gold who have done the most for the worlds jilrjcstgom ocor 111 ahuttr aiicc full of meaning fell from peters ups what have that give every christian ought to be able to say that pet 10 11 peter bade tho man do the very thing he couldnt do but tho naturaly impoos ble is possible in tinr wammoffr talfzrtff pst t3el th utl ances of prltnilcd rnan ptfr closes with to appeal 12 there is salvation for any one in that name tal vatlon for no one outside of it tlw council were in dilemma peter and john refused to be intimidated they wonted to punuh peter and john but could not for tho people were glorifying god for what had been done tha council the fore had to content them selves with thtcuts weather signs bain likely during tho day if the inside of wlndqwglaas is very cloudy in the morning if tho ghiea is only slight ly misty or quite dry look for fine day if before use cake of soap is dry this lo good mg but when it is damp rain is coming after putting lump of sugar into cup of tea or coffee see what happens to the bubo ra il these are omauoxid soon got to the side it shows air prcsuure is high and the conditions will be fine when the bubbles aro huge and remain in tho middle atmospheric pressure is low and rain and wind are likely when the salt is dry ojd powdery no rain is likely but if ii moiit the weather will be bad no retraction gall pleaded colored suitor at the conclusion of an impassioned proposal cf you don marry mo ahu go crazy humphl sniffed the unmoved belle an whos gwlne fin it out7 doughm egyptian liniment la rvrnark able in its quick effective action re lieves instantly bums sprain toothache and neuralgia invaluable for sore throat croup and quinsy before he closes his one tremendous overwhelming sentence ho points at the man utandlng right there livlntf testl mony to the power of jesus name and adds this man stands here before you whole the scene has changed peter the accused has become the accuser tho council had becomo the culprit at the bar indicted and onderftnei peter follows up his advantage and drives his charge homo wth swinging blow of gods hammer the scriptures 11 cf jcr 23 20 pa 118 22 if tho acts of the apostles is fiction its author is master hflaoimdfcjjaja news salada tea now has blend for every purse yellow label 28 lib brown label 33c lb orange pekoe 40e lb all leaders in their class buttons wish she sighed that we lived in house where everything was done by touching buttons and wuh jild her husband that lived in shirts that had buttons to sa now mucir two kijls were strolling round th shop presently they itoppcd beside lofc troy filled with samples of pox ultur brabd of tooth paste joothjiutcr cjainiedjtin rau iaia one of ulb samnlfrt hr fxrlalmfd in tha bdflbrjal belated it seems rather peculiar and belated turn of events that reciprocity agreement is being arranged by prime minister bennett and the conservative party the peculiarity of the situation liesin the fact that twentyfour years ago the conservative party was directly opposed to such move and defeated the government led by the late sir wilfred laurier on slogan of no truck or trade with tho yankees and flagwaving campaign just as late as the last election prime minister bcnncttrwcntrto tho country pledged to blast his way to the markets of the world now on the eve of an election reciprocity measure fs put forth one wonders if such move at the present time is not twentyfour years behind the times and scarcely sufficient to meet the circumstances of tho day and generation while measure of reciprocity would no doubt be helpful to trade generally at any time it is doubtful if such plan is but drop in the bucket at this time in view too of tho imperial trade agreements of 1032 and of the fact that great britain remains canadas best customer it will be interesting to see the re action in the mother country to canadas overtures with the united states the governments plan of rather contradictory measures and grasping at straws to save rather desperate political situation is one that scarcely inspires confidence when leaders arc badly needed editorial notes albertas oil production in 1934 totalled 1265040 barrels compared with 1013040 barrels in 1033 during the shipping season 103334 canada ex ported 3476114 barrels of apples breaking all pre vious records guelph now has troubles of its own to look after in hockey circles without bothering making trouble for all the surrounding towns chickens usually come home to roost some of the concession lines could be kept quite passable all winter long if little snow fencing was supplied at few points where the deepest drifts always accumulate not so new while there may be quite bit of furore in sonie circles in the city regarding the cancellation of the frilb attending the opening of the legislaturetthere isnoimuclwmrnirt the rural sectionsover the fulfilment of premier hepburns election promise perhaps the reason lies in the fact that most of the guests came from the ciy editor mcdonald of the cheslcy enterprise who was for some time member of pa dra tttimti tu that the unemployment insurance scheme is receiving every aid to test its usefulness it passed parliament without vote recorded against it seems as if most cveryonctswillirig totryartyrhmgortccn ycais ago he did hot attend the state dinner in speaking of this subject he says the editor of this paper cannot agree with those who censure the cabinet for declining the invitation to attend the lieutenant clark principal ofjarvis collegiate tor onto fear we have made one grevious error in our system of rflnmtion we hitve hpftti trnrhing power that there was in that mighty name came into that manvt lmrjtent feet the moment he believed and sought to obey cf 18 peter toot only bade him to walk but took him by the hand and raised him up ho had learned that fiom jesud mk 31 iyus training as physician comes out in his details about the feet and ankle boned it wail the gladdest moment of the mans life he leaped up utood mom ent in wonder began to walk and then bcgaii to leap and pntlsa god mo walked to good place with his new strength gods own house lie couldnt do much but praise god there was no gucsuwoxk about this miracle the man was well known to all the observers and the reality of the mro wati evident and urimlstakahlc it was utterly different fiomthc caaesof mm today who pro claim that they liavo been healed when to all appearances they arc as sick ever tile people who witnessed the change were filled with wonder and amazement and many were converted ch the miracle simply served to get hcarlru for the gospel ptter ijefore the sanhedrui 810 peter and johns being brought be fore and tlielr treatment hy thcue rulers were on txct literal fulfilment of the prediction of jesus mat 10 11 their attempt to hinder the preaching of the gospel really gave wines to the bupel pttcr had seen this body together once before whfcn josuswas tried and con demned on that occasion ho was thoroughly frightened and cowed arid played tlio poltroon but now lie calm and fcarleal tho resurrection of jesus from the dead and ills own baptum with the spirit has wrought tins great change tho jewish and other wonder workers were accustomed to perform their marvel by the power of some name as the name or ono of the patri archs or tho name of solomon or the unspeakable name of jehovah so the council very naturally asked peter and jolui in wlint name they luul healed the lame man the real object of tlw question was to trap them into an answer that would be the basis of ac cusation and condemnation just at umtnomejitrthefolyplrittcaiiiomoii peter and took possession of him and ailed him jmus gracious promlsa for such an emergency tills was ful filled mat lo ig no cf lu 13 1112 ac 13 this promise is for us in any nf itlmi chinese wlovxrbs he who tolls with pain will eat with pleas uie forbearance is domestic jewel something id learned twery time book is opeiltd who aims at excellence will be above mcdtocrltyr who alms at mediocrity will fall short of it clerk how much are these pleaser the assistant smiled pleasantly they arc gratis madam ho replied yes know that the girl retorte impatiently but how much aro thovt worms caiuc fretfulnea and rob to infant of kep um great nouruhar mother graves worm fexterrolnator ml clear the stomach and intestines and restore health ulneiia in the modern view the sons of men who wore overalls and earned an honest days living by tho sweat of their brows to leave the tasks of their fathers governors dinner during the eight sessions th rtterotficiecoiumns was in ho legislature wc never attended one of the big social bunfeeds to which an invitation is sent every member of the legislature wc refused for two reasons because wo criticized in the legislature the expenditure on government house and because we did not have dress suit and wouldnt spend the price rent ono so our readers will see there were those of demo cratic principles in the legislature long before the hepburn government look over tho reins of office it takes strongminded man to buck longestablish ed society precedent as premier hepburn has done in turning down tho big social function which is paid for out of provincial funds canadas homo markets absorb approximately 85 per cent of canadian farm produce tho home market has come to bo almost the solo outlet for wjth tmj exception of bacon and there ire only throe products wheat apples and omo of which more than 50 per cent is exported editor wright of the mount forest con federate last weeli reached the age of four score years and is still active in the conduct of the splen did journal which represents mount forest the fkki putss joins with others in extending felicita tions on this occasion and the wish that he may long be spared to wield his influence in the weekly news paper held john casey professor of journalism in the university of oklahoma has this to say of the home town newspaper without its newspaper the small town would be like sch6ol without teacher or church without pastor in tho uggregato tho country newspaper determines the outcome of more elections exerts greater influence for constructive community progress is read longer by more mem bers of the family and constitutes with its millions of readers better advertising medium than any other group of newspaper or periodical publica tions and testimony leter had already batu lillcd with the spirit at ivntaooat elf mid will be again little furtluir on 31 therefore it ii very cloar tliat the nlllnc wlthtlie spirit not meiitln4keee for al bub mnod to be repeated with each new em ergeney ot service herein ilea the nel or continual ptayer for that which we already paue peter allawer la won derfully akllliul but lta wudom was not due to piter natural endowment but to the spirit lett to hlmaeli peter wtuj farnoue blunderer peter van extremely deferential and courteoua he acknowledge the high poaltloln and uutlioruy of ida irlierrovatods th9 holy tiplrlt does not make man me con trol judo and overbearing but gentle and courteous oal aa 53 cf juila 00 yet lttef was bold fcarlmj frank and ouupokcll there wart no com promltung of ulo truth no leasing ovrr of their gulll the council had apoknl evasively of tlw thing done as simply tills it is keen and uistomtorthg tlirust of peur in his reply to say if you refer to good dccxl done to btrcngthlcsa inipoteno man cf jilo 10 33 the council doubtlearl wlncid thfn without lkcluuon peter tela them that it was hi the name of jesus christ the one whom they had cruci fied the one whum ood on the other hand had raised from the dead hut of grocery buying attention focusses on three essentials thai carroll have always msde the features of their policy these are quality savings service for over 40 years have we catered to fas mill imltipf tk llr nf nnan tnfnjrr wv namy qkij serving the foods you want the way you want at prices you want to pay our boast and were the one oustandmg system of grocery stores that purely canadian carrolls select sandwich biscuits 25c fancy evaporated peaches lb 19c fancy aj seedless raisins lb 10c old colooy pore mspu syrup iuu28c syrup maua 18c pancake flour aw jmima pkrj 15c toddy ilaua 43c coaa pvtactioa cocoa utb23o fjfod corn woodbarys faoal soap carrolls owa cleanse 25e lux flakes fee id pkg 20c pple leaf row sss 13 salacfa tajgjy omatoescfe323 hawes rapid lustre floor wax kirks big cake castile soap 23c famous mi laundry soap comfort bar 18c icatrrotlxsnaiwrreiri extra large fresh lemons 21c dozen large navel oranges per dozen medium navel oranges per dozen 54c 40c seedless urapefruit 5c each lettuce heads for 13c mill street phone 158 aeton ontario