Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Feb 1935, p. 5

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tetobsday tkbrxjxt mt ims the acton free press paob vm items of social and personal interest various loue gleanln conccrn ibg vfettou and follm vtoiung of pcraonal inttrtat pollys diamond by thomas baldwin hockey playoffs in 44 deadlock continued from pace one talnly outplaying elora brown aaved from marzo bearing inches ander son was just little late an nice pass and nartr missed the corner of tho net ulu sabra nelson spent several days polly dttnton attractive vales runnello tn ft nlco on arecr bul with friends in toronto tins week we are elad to report that air chas conway is little improved this woul mr bj moore of philadelphia pa is visiting for few days at his home lira william johnstone la visiting with her daughter mrs maclean at weston mr browne left thlsmoroug for midland to attend tho funeral of his brother mr worrell oonway of huntsviiu spent the woekend with hu father mr girl pt the silk lingerie aertlon of the ware department store was upend inj bleeplcbs nuiht uer conscious neas wtas whirlpool of conflicting emotion fast revolving wheel of de sire and doubt every hour ht bo she would rise the big boy handled it olbbona went off fur boarding man and the period coded 20 for acton and the round tied at nil bus morton and olbbons were the only penalties selling hoj been injured by hit from thu puck conway mr and mrs james mclntyre of tor onto visited at the borne of mr and mrs murray on sunday mr and mrs jos doble and jlmmi of bluevalc spent sunday with mr and mrs james dobbie brock avenue from thftnarrmvcot in her wageriy uuullufcdjajimcjnllaiertqtl furnished room switch on the small soon to tho bedtime story and over electrlc bulb that jutted out above tune selling was unable to come on the bureau and featd her dark htar trie ice in this part of the play an tied eyes on beautiful blue white dla examination showed possible fracturu man aim ply set in flvelte circle of of the skull and he wan badly injured old fashioned how cold cacti lime none of the fans however seemed to she rose shi slipped the ring iitesalrj iee him receive tho injury ly on the third finger of her it hnndj terry thriu in the first over arched her atrial and curved her finger tlmu when the red light flicked but upward tooie ihjit and rev lied in play nad hccn bic or side jack kentner missed when right in on brown and terry had no luck greer stopped three hot shots in row and was going nice ptrct flvo mlnuies and no coorc pisher went right in but the tiny sword like luniefl of fire that lurked and leaped to meet her excited gaze she might have been measured for the ring flawless gem that fit perfectly polly visualised the nonchalant man wshe would employ next morning aa she flahhed the trensure before daisy mohnn onlsy would spy it the moment they fold up their counter miss gordon waugh prm cover together it was matter of dpal of st clements school toronts hip and tuck between polly and daisy spent saturday with mis alma conway to gain the permnnept devotion of bid barrow the handsome department mr oeorge russcll of toronto spout che past weekend with his brother mr xqdward russell of acton ontaro rev and mrs poole and mr ocoige poole were colled to norwch on sunday owing to the illness of mr poole sister mrs johnstone of delaware who has been sp several wedes with her father mr oonway has returned to delaware mr and mrs vyallaco and master ray of toronto spent tho weekend at the home of mr and mis prank swack hamer ray is remaining fur couple of weeks to visit his grandparents mr and mrs westlako morrlstan wish to announce the engagement of their daughter miriam to louis son of mr and mr herman of compb 11 ville rho wedding to tak6 place in march messrs mcdonald crowsons coin rrs and cole und wright at tended the ho union dbmer in oullph last saturday eommemorauvo of tho landing hi prance twenty ytar njo of the pirst contbitent acton hod nlco rush no score and uie round still deadlocked no penal ties in tho second overtime period bus morton had close one on brown and llkuwko jack kentner terry brown and few more piled in the elora goal but not tho puck marzo and gibbons were right in but tho auburn haired boy saved another five minutes and no score runnells tackled terry pretty when stopped as he always did for hard comlt ho had him referee dldn fc con ktore detective who amused the girts with bis snappy conversation seeing the rlne daisy would surely and surreptitiously point it out to ed moment chatter at the llnniie counter of course kd would mask his curiosity twinkle his eyes and say something like putting on the itltx this morning what pollyr who says bot she w6uld return casually some solitaire eh purely ha would take htr hnnd and examine the ring if the floor munitger was not look ing oh thntt she would tlnj re ply with flippant provocation hats an heirloom in melng its uu nice morning thoiiuht would ghe it an ring and no mlht hnnter procewl until alin hucedd in nil1ng illnnei in vltntlou from unit iircoinpllnlifw in vliw of lu cniuhlmttlon of charm ompnth kolltnlr and one ultitt frotl how emild nmlti fill nt any lonitr poll una h1iic re nlwiut ld rho iood lilm win limit duwn uliown up 1ikk tiiank ohtklng fntt for miothi day hiio wua btlu in kind to the li rn of her flriit dllem ma rut tlil tin of cold water ue ihe congo misson nous tell the ttory nm tu cupfulh of bhak coffee of widow whose husband kft ur tri0i ipr ie mlutlnn iircilnt neltlur uny lniuranou policy hor fctock faid bonds tliere ore none lucli in a1 tho itor mnttors congolaxwt htr only muuu of support tranhplrod prcciiv aa polu luid fan tiny field uv mil distant which conwlvwl onlux iiimnc alls has to till with ho as thr iffirjf tv no plouglis hi this country shu kt3 up with tho tlrt tinge of liuit in tlw jjldcr it seriously anderson blaxcd an other orjo right on brown another ten minutes and no score both teams wvr3 tiled but elora was the most worn out it looked like acton game when gibbons scond from scramble in the first minute of tile third overtime period and fans went wild with hau cupel and what not on tho lec elora eciit all hiuidr down for goal marzo and kentner nowrly retcrcd when elo vtl left tlut footed with all handr for wurd acton went on tlie defetyiivc mid hora uil prtttlng but grjtr was ing nicely then 11 ibo runntlu scold on nice nbound to tie up tlie round again bufl forton went olf for boartt lg muii and acton wint rlglit in to core even uhen uiort handed pcrioj ended at for acton and tie on the round tlie otflclak nilud tlk cwiwd nat the gome war oer and rujji for the exit un on then rluit ttbout throuuh tho narrow wlnilou nnd time for the ccau oj uln iei it was reiiorttd atrlvl fotlllutodroiw4mdbre4iktlkatuu cumw waj to hoto aflnlth jl and but for his outstanding work acton would have won the group honors after all it would have been tough break for cither team to lose that game perhaps it is better to give all an op portunlt for third gome gate records sliow 1213 paid admi slons receipts of 307 50 last nigh fergus arena officials made bid for tho play off game for that arena perore leaving lost night those fights among bpectatora aftc ure game and thcrowdyim in the or rldorstctwtcn periods arcn any cmbel llshment to actons record all fana are satisfied that acton came from behind and evened tho score wuj elora third game certainly ncedd between theo two teams to decide dinner verybodya agreed great game and in tho acton dressing rooms th old therm song resounded pack up your troubles wliatcver arena is decided upon advise reinforcement of uwj sides preston trimmed guclph by in the flrrt gamo of tlio round ouelph goes better in tho committee room deci sions than on tho loo incidentally prceton was tho team that won from acton hi tho group lost year and tlie first gome wasn bo jcr preston cllkay ttestroveb folded with ii hlthptchw whirod yon let tluitv pnl ii1l1 lintt the oiji ry loavlng oil no eourw but to east make ready to yo to that tlmj onmoua nllence field her hoe in litr basket und basket on her head but jie doc rot cro the threshold until eliu he hid word ulth the matter ami then aiio journtya on her way the topi ait uil little church and joins hi thu morn lug pmytr rxrvlc then away to work until uvll pait midday she cannot rtad yut he filtliful auxlll iry mlinber not eonttiit wltli giving her elom adding topped nt ioll en of thft counter iihont inform tho moor bfviiine croidd and dmih hiw hor thrut1 rt li nd touard htu ear wareliiri urin and come htmlllng ovrv llu 1iiioii it plutt nlnmut hm ctlil in ik mini durlni thoho out f1 ph hh bourn hi did hold ler hand hi did umlno the rliil ry taunt ho kclji up her uetkly pie igi to the church recently little bundll of bill we found in uil collection pliie with tiny scrnv1 on failed bit of piper and no one uould hit kno uho mude thb gift had not sonuone ele urittlh for hor ond he rcnilinbei ed it later nix iafevji sir itoruld wllbel force allen hd jpealiig recuitly at luncheon bu lncjtii and profc lonul in in tiohdoii ijigland lias uiu to uiy ibout liquor and revenue sir itojiald fir drev th attention of nvtautiitrieo toute gcntirflli crown lwil all rljlit iollv use to irl in il it juuj ulu uiii iii iot ifu could pick un suv llv jmi lo nut thla nun hint ilou ntiout hlu with nit nluhi hint uan tin lir eiont or the day for ll the uid was tin prl man tie recol fr mi the fln tr in in for being tlfte lutt in from lunch how the hoiim lrauid until tin tn nt tvtnt of tin du dlu her wltli ld over di ort after nn iitrinung hour at httlr ill lie maid ft gllinpiio that tpurl tirlln polly ou know how jt in hfc iu hold coruultation wiui team manafciients aicrs referee and ii officials followed and it wil finally decided to quit the bos uen oil mlfbty uciry and arrant em enl wert made to cone sjlling direct to tlie jiopltal at guelph for ray examination and attention tho line up vor lloro broun toal wolr and drey er defence runncil centre plilicr and qulnn ulnc rldlc runmv selllnj runnell alternate and on cub goalie acton grcr oil jacl kentner and gibboiu defuicc morton centre terry and morton ulnt walto ii mar jj jo kentner vuid andl on alter itc referee ern wort ley toronto fact that the revenue from trade uie really gra rivinue tho nk nou hut bom id nn in ft and nh mo ri lcm fnr rom til s1di 1livfs there uie no tnand on uil bix office for money bacl for lick of entcrtum mmt ecurod play cle in con idirlng that roup title it taue on the outcome acton boj tertilnlj ohoued th ir uperlorlt in tlie game et night own we the tar on the tlora team what is more powerful than tno combbied armlet of tlio world what luii destroyed fhnn nit thp wari of tho hatlons rho aniwer is given hi striki ttylo of peronlilcatian thus am more deadly thibi bullets und ivo wr eked mo homer tliajn tlio ml htl rleic gum tparo no one and find my victim nmong tlie rich and poor alike the young and old tin rtrong and weak wido3 and orphan know mc loom up to wudi pofportlons th it lot my lndow over every field of labor from uie turning of uie grinclto ii to uie moving of eve railway train mo aero thousand upon uious uida of war lrner ycir lurk in un acn placci und do mcvt of my uork silently you are warnrd agihut me but jou heed not am everywhere in the house on ui trhi lp the andoith wnt scuubert never married there has been much speculauon as to why schubert intensely susceptible to feminine charm never married the truth is that he lost uie one woman in hki llfo with whom he woo really la love theresa brob wus fascinating girl she was not beauty but had enormous personal charm and vitality in 1821 sho was married against hor own will to man chosen for her by her rather sho never told schubert how much she was in lovo with him and he felt that she had turned him down cause ho was poor at tho time of her marriage schubert was unj local choir master and conduc tor of tho church music uurlng uie wedding ceremony ho was called upon in his professional capacity to sing and piny ho did it but afterwards expres sed himself ery blltcly saying wo men cannot love they uv only play with men look pleasant ixease em stark ro opt6metrist will be at hachlins store acton on etiday febniary 22nd phone 1s for appointment toronto address suite 205 medical dental baudlng s5 spadlns avenoe kl ttz look plcasaht please is uie photo giaphcrs xamlliar request and it rather signif leant that you have such tiard time to comply with il when your proors come homo most of you are ajtonlshcd to find yourselves looking so glum perhaps surly you did not look pleasant even though your were told to even though you tried la it possible umt your failure is duo to lack of procuco good plan is to remember that you are not likely to look pleasant unless you feel pleafant many people go around feeling worried and anxious or perhaps resentful and their expression takes on uie diameter bucs of uiclr mood no one looks pleasant who is wondering if ho fcl going to lose his job tho first of the year no one looks pleasant who is rcicnung slight so the worried or ro ientrul unc4 are etched into the face and you find jtinoposslble tnlookplcasaiit even when you try ilook pleasant hot only when you arc posing before camera for in that coca ion mltjit even if successful look un natural look pleasant whtn you come down to uie brvakfast tabic when you tart for work uhen you aro tho busleot and when you have finished uork for uie day the worker uho aluuj looks pleasant ulu worker who wire woods grocery the tamily grocer our aim merchandiso low prices good service telephones store 37 residence 130 specials for thursday friday and saturday lbs icing sugar for jp tin mammoth peas for 17 ibd rolled oats for 9c rb thistle brand powder for 21c jpkt corn fjakes tor 9c lb large seed raisins jbyrshgaludp heinz quality goods lorc iinato ketchup 19c soups immily bu 10 kindti ue 310 oz tins for yi veg asp tomato zi 12 ibuw pastry flour 37c lb wo baiia lor 15c lb peppermint patties 19c dcluxo jelly powders 25c lb oookino was 8c lb scodlcsa raisins for 13c tlt uptons tea v2 lb valuable silverware coupons in every packet bring lcknc degrodauon and deith and yet few cek to avoid mo dltioy cru or malm givo tiling but tike all am your uoru enemy um carelciiii great thoughui und yolurstxf how can make my life leld itu fullut imd bet how can net uie oot out of lift ibex md imllir quctloiu ou ire aung gur elf frl quently you carry on our roial nnd bu ine relation with thae abaut you llie ou jet found uie raturactory an iuuuer no tlien note tiiej ydu out of life jiut what jou put into it one rtat jet simple prlnclp tried procd nnd et down ujiun uie irual3 iu never fulling truth will brlnj you sulli fa beyond all luur expectation ir tlil und jour elf laint jour it klnilu inn lh it un our ctwh ulth uiiuh nn hiiv hlu vim uiat what really inurv ted bulnr men khhtlni nnjolti woi uie net revmue uhlch accured to mvn hlt uie country and it was gro re ul of or ll nlon clmnjd and profn hioiiiii women thu ho liul linnr tho trotf to involve detlnite moral and ma wirt ull mrnlh om wul urial damage uie nauonal life 1hh ttoru lhll linii lo mllll juu to be repaired and tho cut or uiu niic lohi wo tlfty or threo qn must ui all fairness be urllten on ogaliut im tr vmiath tho uinu lit uio grotji rvuiue sir ronald dlnlt wiui the li or ltfi involved through drinking uie amount of orlmo pdue by drink uie pauikruni uiat reiulted from uie liquor habit the lunocj whle woj oaud by intoxicating drink tho fact uial mou of uio donutlc un huppimis wai uimrhow connect tl ulti liquor and unit much of to ickn and ill nourulimeut uas diucuy or indirectly attribute to he drill liablt of milllous in uiia country in cogent umii hlr rojiuld argued wluui tho oast of all uiu damage was computed uicre was ctrlalnly no net riwnue from the drbikjrad iu closd uiu action oi his tpecch by mr glad ton wouu to depuluuoii front uie trade whn he was ctuuicellar of tin kxehequer gentlemen you need not give your mlvtx any trouble about um reve iua with ttober bopulaikui not wasting uieb eoxulngs bholl know where uj obtain the revenue tie klrlr nit dt it ctlv took tho at one in to tin hub that lo il mho uch on park in tune nnd ulu uavo me tutntj the lohiifh fluitm hou lot caiidouii for hi ing tote this noon hi tjiu tilled with lonung it wan uondi rful ummt it iot thh fake nut to play owned ono hit that and put twtnty dol turn in th hunt too pd just tut and thought uml tliourht htlll holding tin eapahle little un rn fliuillj viiuy luguu to bu lit tlct sluruu cio idly jou tould htivt iottt awuy with that upnruur us tuny us pie sy jour pr tty swtll llttlo dame jountelr and utjuure lliats what like and co nit ou ol ly lets take lu uio via lot uotuv thln to talk to you about so me tin to auk you maybe gregory theatre totil proportion in which jou apjily it to your everjday lire it natural and recoi nld iw that wliatover leivev no purpose lp life iierutt of ili own relf and hiiklly batt hatwinch kr and myrnu loy silly symphony lmnny little liunnu hup tty broadway bill rom mtlc comedj mude by uie product of it ii ippened onv or kit carin ha1uiudw tkuuuauv 23rd bulldog drummond si kikes bacrc thrilling my tery ito tarrln ronald culmiui warner olaud and loretta young mtrry ody ileuuty und tlio lieart si iong houe where wiu rain lix nuj monday kfruruauy 25th nvhom hie gods destroy low rful drama of in uriat lovu for hl iin ttarr ug wulur connolly robert youni and doris ken yon cudy caii taker daugtiur novultltj glad llugj ui rlche wax muliuii com1no painted veil wiui orou our bo elf in uit rvlce for otheru it ki no le thj nor complicated amy of uordj but jilyl plain statement uhicli lued lnierpretmr bee ue it imply il tint the men of jour life jou ri to the rvlce of other uie fuller ilch and moic be mtirul your own life will be ome ir tint one thought nitule the centr il principle of your life uork jou ulll hav found the eccret of iu nj it not enough lmuever lint jou lnil lj ad pt the prlnclp tto of truui to be pr letletd at ir ultei viiu or on occ utoni when jail fed in lined it mu become vital irt of jou then and then only ulll it bring xs ycrf yrriilrunir ii in tho cxict and irrrrrci utd devt ip expnuli and proua into laluer nnd more magnificent euite rilla ii not onlj ue of the thlngi or nature al rtu but ulji true of huinni life it li true of the qualitle in your life in my life in the live or all other iplc nnd li ekprely true und made malll fe in uie ulflh tuid tho uncelfliih luuit knlarueinent of uil heart qualities conn only in giving the aifec tloni ehance wiat wiu it that mudo mri ualung booth hit llttlo mouier 111 uie prbton world beloved and aerly wel nieel by even the mat irdi ned crlm in il hottitd ulthln tho prliui wulu it uil her greut tplrlt of uieiulh rvleo wiu her tendi loving lympathy undf pity for evtn uie moit vlto of human urteki her whole heartid rvlcu and uu ilk dt votlon to tho caiuo what uaj it that made robert ioula teviuon who had neluur wealui nor luiilui tho imijtjir ot more real frl nds uian any ono man in hu uge it wud imply that he gave of himself his un if uh lovo and service freely und wiui out uiouifht or rtcoiniwiuvt to all man kbid mr mic wber and the beautiful budget my other piece of advice copperfield said mr micawber you know annual income twenty pounds annual expendi ture nineteen nineteen six result happi ness annual income twenty pounds an nual expenditure twenty pounds aught and six result misery the blossom is blighted the leaf is withered the god of day goes down upon the dreary seene and and in short you are forever floored vs am take il from mr micawber or from any one of thousands who know it for the truth theres no friend like cash and theres no way to be so certain of cash as to bpend within your budget begin today say to yourself so much will go for food so much for lent so much hvhuelvmtielnvrlftuity siiekwitlwi your budget and youll find it bountiful enough to leave you something over one of the very best ways to budget as you go is to read the advertisements in this newspaper often as in parade the good values of the good stores march before you roast beef or chops for sunday dinneis special style in menb shirty new drapes for the livingroom the advertisements will help you choose them all and often at saving

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