Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Feb 1935, p. 6

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the acton free press thursday muiuaitr list im ffe sono hb sings itw mail who wins is the mmn who goes ahead with hti work each day wbott nevec stack by bjs adfen lucx bat makes or hta labors play lyom early dawn he will labor an and knows that the world all right and he clues song tut he goes along far it sharpens his appetite the man who wins is the man who and sees that aty is blue he is alwayq there with great big share of smles and of sunshine too he never growls tfhcj ho never howls that the world layout of gear but he meetsthe shocks and the jealous knocks with great broad emtio of cheer menu hints bceipee fer new and navel dishes hooaebold ideas and transform an old favorite ytcth chooolatb flavor brery housewife knows that oldfash ioned bread pudding when it is care fully made can be delicious but bread pudding can be sup2nicly delicious when to its old fash looed goodness la added chocolate chocolate bread pudding served with whipped cream or hard sauce be comes dessert that is sure of an en core from every of the family try it see lor yourself chocolate bread ftjddina 1w squaiia unsweetened chocolate cups milk eggs slightly beaten cup sugar teaspoon salt teaspoon vanilla cubed stale bread add chocolate to milk and heat double boiler when chocolate is melted stir until blended combine eggs sugar and salt add chocolate mixture gradu ally stirring vigorously add vanilla place bread in greased baking dish pour mixture over it and let stand 10 minutes then mix well before baking place dish in pan of hot water and bake in moderate oven 350 degrees 60 minutes or until pudding la firm serve hot with hard sauce of cold with cream serves reaijly novel pudding olnokr pudd1no tahjet for making junket pint milk tablespoon cold water tablespoon sugar teaspoon lemon flavoring cup whipping cream ginger cookies llrcak amoll ginger cookie or left over cake in to each dessert dlh dis solve tablet for making junket in tablespoon cold water add sugar to milk also lemon flavoring worm to luko waim 110 degrees not hot and remove from stove add dksolved tablet for making junket tlr few seconds and pour at once over ginger cookies chiu in refrigerator txirve with whipped cream and bit of grated preserved singer pruit oarmbls put through tood chopper cup ngs cup sevded raisins cup walnut meats cup stoned datejj tablespoon candled orange peel moisten wlui to tablespoon oranae juice until of right consistency to mako into amall balls roll in powdered sugar yth supplied in jpcmaud when ever dr thomas eclectrlc oil has bet introduced increased supplies have ikmu ordered showing uiat wherever it go this excellent oil imprtiises 1u poker on tlie people no matttr in wlmt latltudu it may be found 1u potency is never im paired it put up in moit portable shape in bottles and con be carried wltn out fear of breakage canadas vinlyari wlille wliie biasing dot not occupy ij jtfowjwiit position lu tha national ucooomy of canada as it does in wma ot the older countries of thti world it is nevertheless of considerable important and especially so to tlie fruit former ol the niagara ivnbilisbi here tlie bldlw xrystamosrcomptotdiycuncuncraied trf canada the acreage dovoted to tlio pro duction of grapctt according to llie de cciullal census of 1d31 os 16158 of which 15d50 wer in ontario and 03 per cent of ontario mape acreage is lo cated hi tile niagara peninsula aklibugh tlie wiile trade is and of the oldest in th world uw planting of vim yards in ontario of comparatively recent origin dating back to 1811 tl canadian grapo and wine biduatry is baed on dirfcrtiit type of imp utah thi grown hi other countries riw niagara while grapu which was introduced in 1b83 and tlie concord blue grape whult orig in concord mamachujwltj atv the prlnelpal varieties grown thr niagara aceounta for 18 jkrr cciii of the total actcagt and the concord re presents 73 per cent the heavy arte age of conoord bi not all accident us from the growers standpoint there is no other oommoxdy grown variety that toqumss it hi all round dupendablllty hardiness vigor yield disease reaut nt and quality jndgo of men by their convot toward ood but never by cod toward them palmer so many hearts akebrave so many heaits are brave each day see the lifted banners of their courage shine oulof tho myriad eyes that look in mine the banners mankind carry as they march to prove that they arc undefeated still though tired feet must often drag be hind though there be scarcely strength to climb tho hill bravo women and brave men who go their way without tlie blare of music down tho street without the cheers or the encourage ment of words thai would be heartening and rwitt so many have the courage to rq on undaunted by thtlr loss or puln or fear ekaten perhaps ytfc holding ui tli boula tlio bettutirul bright quality of cheer so nuny hearts ore brave though well tliey know how rough tlie rond tt tliat their feet miiit go grace noll crowell ijore uiou and winter weatlier iul been the caue of keeping mewt folks of my agu indoor tlie llpptry wulks walks have abu iatn factor but pebruary well nigh over and the rpring will ijon bo hero again fol low the sport and doings of tlie younj folkji but only tlirough vite puts puej columns interested but not foolish enough to think can still toko an active lnte ct ijke lol of old yolks more fumlllur with tin events of half century ugo and therefore turn up tho files of vitt pact pwkjof 1085 and take real time or as the yoanger iet uould lay kick out of recalllnir the event of otlier day and genera tlons so here are the items gleaned from 1885 tlie morning exprvej an monday uas ituck now bank at llmchouite for over an hour we art sorry to be able to state tlutt while ijcatlng at the rink the otlier night mr jos ilght fell and sustained rather bewro gosh on he head and otlier injuries place us first name of adamsvllhs passed away this week joseph allen formerly of acton la erecting new livery stables in bramp tod the new building will he 70 feet long by 34 feut wide divided into large driving house table and harness and feed room below with huge hay loft and good slscd hail above cha stable has the new patent hay raek and also waterworks in connection there with tho qalvatioxf army held jubilee in their barracks lost pvlday evening the eongregaton was very large filling tho building to its utmost capacity it in the intention of the army to hold another jubllw toinorrow all ore invited lost betwcci spcysldo and acton short time ago good christy ttlft hnl tho party pudlng the above will bo rewarded with the hat found on my head on my arrival liomo by apply tug to aldlrman franks hcrcs an item from one of too ad vvtlscments just copy it to show tho younger folks tho difference of the day and generation all parties ex cept thoso running yearly accounts in debted to us over three moths by note or book account are requested to sette at once and save costs of collection just note that part in brockets those running yearly accounts but must close for this week in my recollections persistent asthma most distres sing characteristic of this debilitating disease is the persistence with which re curring attacks come to sap kway strength and leave the sufferer in sut of almost continual exhaustion no wiser preca be taken than that of keeping at hand supply of dr kelloggfe asthma remedy famous as the most potent remedy for eradictlng the disease from tho tended air passages canadian ptjr4 the young gents who pay their at tention to couple of jolui street belus should not exhibit so much hilarity at tlli ihf udy ileuiinupilly ad at very late hour lait sundiy night about 30 on tukfeday nuht tho uigbio and one cor of ji tot bound freight ran oif ua tr bwtwen rock wootl iuicl tfuelpli beyond delaying trarflc for uourd ho uauuig woj done at tlie last meeting of council two nioumu paacd at tioi riooiit public meeting were preseihed and on tlie streiigtli of these councillor itmltli gavi no ueo of his intention at next meeting of council to hitrodac by law to rake si 000 with uhlcli to purcluu and beautify six ttcra of land for cemetery purposed llie meetings neld bl the lvwn hall lost saturday afternoon and evening were largely attended by thoiju hlterest ed bi uiu fciublbjunent of eltlier thxowi factory vt at tlit meeting of the coujicll niotion was madu tobitroduc5 byuiw to up lolnt chief coitatsble and one or more constables for the viluge of acton another motion was to tlie effect that the reeve be paid flo for charitable purposes live mile kating rado tor jld medal will take place in quulpli on prlday evening apclght and other piomblttnt skaters will enter uier coil tabt mrs tficru adams one of the pioneers who first nettled hi acton and gave the pur farming is playing an increasing ly important pajt in tho fur trade of canada tho value of pelts of ranch bred unlmals now representing about 30 per cuit of the total annual valuo of uil raw fur production of tlie dominion lliere are now over 000 fur fariru in can ula of which more than ooo are fox farms hie total value of the ani mals on the farms nearly svaji milhoa dollars altlouuh tlie silver fox by far the most important otlier kinds of fur beari animals ore be big raised ucieisluly on canadian farntt thtlirf the last three yearn more muskrat skins wero cucd tlian any otlier kbid rho mink in particular aecrru to tlirlvc captivity other kinds of unimals ralmkl on farms include raccoon bkunk marten llslier coyotte badger lynx fitch ferret ueusel nutria mukrat and beaver while canada lues over been an im portant source of furj tlie fur trade having been dominating hifluetice hi tlio dkcovxty and development of tho country tlio raining of wild hi captivity for tlieir fum is of comparative ly recent origin ihc earnest authc itlc record of tlio successful breeding of tho fox hi captivity was in xrlnco tdword island bi 1b78 yifur 1sd0 come period of rising prices for furs ajd tlio fur farming hidustry grew rapidly spreading ako to tlie otlier provinces intercut alio develop hi tlio raising of otlier kinds of anlniak for tlieir furs canada exports annually lare quant itli of raw furs london and new york bouig tho moit important markets tx porui far tlio calendar yeur 103j totalled 12 140 015 of which the united king dam received us 8jg and tho unied sutei 3n 027 an important industry in canadu in connection wltli tlio fur trade is that of tlie dressing and dyeing of furs in 1gjj estublujuuenli making fur goo as their principal product numbered 333 and the value of tlielr output totulltid 11551095 compared with 10 7014138 4n 1wj pur coafc item of munufacturo and lncreastb are sliown hi tlie number made for botli men and women most spectacular gain well known openair preacher once remarked that he could prove any atheist fool in loss than ten minutes man stepped forward from the crowd and ac knowledged he was an atheist although not fool in his estimation in answer to tho preacher flrat qeujtlon he said ho had been on infidel for over tweny years all that time have been writing and lecturing against religion there is notliing hi ltl very well said th preachcr three minutes have passed pvill leave it to tlio audience to say whether or not man is fool to spend all thoto years writing and lecturing about lomcthjng tiuvt haj nothing wha cer in it 4mu been made by turmunb wtncn fashion has again mode popular tlio number increasing from 510 hi 1031 to 033 hi 1033 and to 14 80 in 1033 understood teacher ws giving omu advice to his son at tlie end or the lecture lie said now my boy you understand per fectly uhat moan ycii sold the you tit it ball doan to this doeijit it if do well its be cause of heredity if fall its my own fault qu if my tliroa hby boyri wrd rmt icai with coha or peevuli from tliuir tooth gmva tb ui llaby own ablot tuid thny wire 90011 malchn tuiys mrs twly 47 mill wood ltd toronto tbotta nwn llttlt tubjats rcmova tlio eauimi of frotlulnltfj sad tltu child in com4 unipy sud well again all tin com uiou oiluieuu of littlu ft ik lerrt iruit ly nod tarj corrected with wlllituofi llalytow lullnts rioti ja at your druggiat music hath chahar contlnuod from pago three harper looked at them and smilad jack turned on tho radio and said listen dad it 11 come in in moment then from the loud speaker this is station mwx our first selection is the regimental march of the loamshlro regiment at the prcihnmary roll of tho drums harper with an effort raaed himself on hut elbow and his face lit with pleasure and as the music went on ho grew quite excited thats real marching ho sad can sco cm now heads shoulders square every man in step and every map credit to tho regiment then suddenly lapsnglnto delirium lie shouted look at em horo they come see cm swing along here comes the colonoll good old chap ihtj colonel with his last rcnialnlng strength ho raised himself to sitting position aid his right hand camo to the snluto his voice trailing pit to wiit per as ho said for the credit of but the sen tence was novor finished ills head fell forward lie dropped back on hlrf pillow and with one long sigh another brltiah soldier had answered tlio last toll csu jack and alma stood with bowed heads for few moments then jock led her shaking with sobs out to thj car jack being an oh leer hi the local mllltla company saw to it that arrango ments wero made for military puneral and conspicuous among tho floral tri butes was large wieath of red white and blue flowers bearing the inscription in ever grateful remembrance prom jack and alma worsen ho died credit to his reglmenfe youth ventures the london pree press reports party or boyaand girls held in wortly school on new yoaru eve none of the partici pants its states were over 17 accord ing to the evidence or city detective the promoters or the party had planned to have beer and wine one lad of 10 however appeared with quart bottle or whiskey that ho had stolen for the occasion ho appeared in court and testified that some of the boys drank tho quart what tho resultn were so far as tho party went is not disclosed itio tuatlon is la men tab one but it is not strange youth is ambitious to inxluc its eiders cupcclally hi the thing that ore considered smart nnd up to date if tho press and the radio tjtalt the cocktail party if the amtm people who are supposed to be social leaders can only cscapo from stupidity uhrn thty are primed with grog if tho parents can think of gettogether that is not duly quid ted what cm one expect tho ea youth todo who do you suppose mainly rcoponslbln for tills indiscretion of promising can adian youth perhaps he has met one am sorry the law does not permit me to send you to the penitentiary and be whipped said judge laetare roy of tho court of seacaens quebec to prisoner who pleaded guilty to driving an automobile while under the influence of uquor citizens are frequently killed or maimed by motorist who are per fectly sober while driving their cars so what chance do they stand with drivers of your ilk quebec with 550 000 less population than ontario but whh rfy accessto beer and wine has hod regularly twice the annual death rate from fatalities per car registration lumbago attack the caosk at bbaua nr tt sclfttlcm lumbago browns drue store rumacapsf busiiaess direct6ry dr mcniven office and realdmog corner dow avenue and jqdn street dr nelson physician and sargvoa j2ootra therapy pfcon legal nothing it ellctric eve runs train trains in germany will be operated by an eiectric rye if an invention recent ly tested by tho german state railways adopted control of train is through photoelectric cells which operate the brakes by means of light signal but the light itself is provide by the engine dynamo on the locomotive feeds lamp which throws an almost vert cal cone of li arranged on upright supports at points along the line and if the signal is against the train the mirrors will be hi euch order roofing now sim47zfxm position as meet the beam of light and throw it down on pair of phototee us rropnbt fn tfn tmnrmlghl of thai engine the electric current from the cells operates relay and the brake mag nets are opened and the train is brought to standctlll tho speed of the train con be automatically adjusted ttvabimm il roofing budtntd goaranf flghrnn and jw puca thxd paraw roods orrbroofing 8nd ridg and rafur tongfh for nm avaiaata we om cobcu8u ill ajy eastern steel products wholfc ro ifyou wash your face til glvo yoii piece of candy said grandmother and if you wash behind you earti 111 uvo you two piece grandma replied little johnn maybe better have batii cadesky omrotuetsjst wai iis in acton om monday march 11th anyone suffering from eyestrain defective vlon jjr headache should oiot miss tlie opportunity of consulting this ayeslght specialist appo ntments may be made with lit rrown druggist consultation pree orftoo hoars till to drwiliismi that first branch bank phono icw23 box km harold nash farmer barrtater soucuor notary faajw cottteyanoer eta mill street acton offt hourj 30 tv 12 00 noon loop to fi 00 saturdays 13 00 clock kenneth langdon barrister saucller notary offlcea acton oeorgasows over 8eynueks cafe ham btnx for appolntzdexita phone acton 9m gksorgetowtj offlot hours acton tnaaday aatf thtiraday 15 to to jo pi iw tngs on request dental buchanan iental nmiiiai office xh yelarrman bhxk hours bl until bvenlnv by appolntinent oma fnr kitractloaa aitemwi wai pearen dental euooessor io late dr ball phone 30 scut btreet aeta vexerjlnart drilgm bruvns veterhwy sargeoa all calls receive prompt attention terms reasonable phone 135 acton ontario oftlce iilll street harrop sc phonodaybr 3nghtb itesldcnce rower avenue acton all calls irompuy answered rates reaaonabla mmcfcjlxaneous francis nunan roojkbliider acoount books of all kind made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly anol promptly done wyndhom street ouerph ooa axelrod auto parts comttlcta block ef ntw luid ustd auto 1attlti oil hand at all tinier glvo trial 29 gordon ht gvhuii lhono and 500 more the founded of the iknk of moaued fimdy lciiomj ui lwuuli imoiusj twe wckt iftef opening uv tunk itl xfoalroj ort hlovcmbcr 3rd 1817 tivj dtivctatt pukited is it qvtcbcc uy the follfywing un tlte ruacy waj itwle an office of dcpout 4nj diiamia uij il ui tl uit branch atxu into being two odkf uuni were crciled kuiiijoii inj ytwk iferwrd ttwoulo xuai tily binvttt uhiu io euiciij 11j vfuii tat uftnlctitniljllctduallllu nrft mil lliinquuof ixsncli ljktn tyuexil tlve wotli vltich lad bttii rihiidiauly uovd in tlu untidi hlt tflai ikcy mirojucrj ose of uiiwnu etuiciiy fk vlntli ko cuujuil bialan yitm luncivej to coauiitthly dirougtiout xla dtc ti tl uink of moot uii fcjjcj lfjlkii vliciwcr uuuafu wf rinltj giving to nw uij growing coiiuiuiii llu jviiui of lunkuig umtgdi tntpli fialiue uij tounj mjjugimiiair ttuuy over 300 btntlvn me tctvuij ciiudi tdt uiacl 11 lli lunk of monucai wldi all lite nudities nj juiw jvmim kdi tlk tatii tlie fini bfincli lit quebec to tlie mot tcceiu cuie fcpciwj ilmttiintof dviuiutof mudtediteupjcual nj will corttiiiue to he evrcircd in tenu of uhd uuisin bank of montreal ustailmsuud 11117 imad oklicl monirtal modi un 11 cici1 nt hanking si uvicr ll ci u7i si ceitful ojeraliult acton lirincli fraserj manager general in wt hltciaijzk int life fire health and arjlrlfni anlimnkll and all general lined ot insurance also plata glass fidelity bomb altnuilieri 1enelon liondsy tc lkad1no oompamik3 frederick wright mairj htnxxn acton the door of opportunity these snail aa wfoopta tta sjy slii

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