Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Feb 1935, p. 7

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sjfrr7 vr tidmaut fkbbuaby mlomj the acton frefe press faof it ihnt oosttlt pom lb rancb grow richer trujcker than the friendly sort of man fcn the tnmbler labor totter than tho cheerful fellow can la uamean and churlish nclgbor any bitter than the one who about dad good morning and luasllithiill him on just top and think about it hare you ever known or seen mean man who succeeded just be came he waa so mean hba you find grouch whh honors and with money in his pouch ton bet bw didnt win them just because he waa crouch vymrtl no4beaivpoorr ifyou smilfr alons the way and your lot will not be harder for the kindly things you say dont imagine youi are wastmghine for other that you spend you can rise to wealth and glory and still paufte twenty years ago riimi the iseoe of the free free of thatbday ftebraary 15th 1915 mr wultam frank and family who have spent the past year in town are returning to their farm in nassagaweya thta week the fine new wonderland theatre ww opened on wednesday evening to the ohght of crowded bouse the ener prlae of mr gregory in determln lnc to have modern and commodious premises and the readiness of mr prod fiecord to undertake to provide such building have borne fruit last thursday evening the young peoples guild of boston church paid fraternal rteit to the young people of knox church on monday evening georgetown epworth league visited the acton league the fourteenth legislature of ont ario opened last week with new lieu tenant governor new premier nrw speakert three new ministers in the chronicles of ginger farm written specialty far the free fress try gwendoline clakk last weeks chronicle should have ended to be continued in our nexv because you couldnt possibly expect me to write and not mention the radio any morel not knowing anything about the progiams or the drtuto wdo contribute to them has made this last week week of discovery shall tell you some of my discoveries of course they wont bw hew to you but want you to know that am sharing some of these enjoy ments with you first there is the morning news which we digest along with our breat fast also we glance at the clock when tho tune la announced it is grand hav ing the correct time every day our clocks have had habit or being ave minutes slow or ten minutes fast ami always when think they are ten min utes fast they are sure to be five minutes slow and then the weather forecast when the report comes through be coming much colder it saves lot of arguing when tu thenmlldren to take an extra scarf as they set out for school about the middle of this week dis covered the delight of listening in to the cheerio club love hearing the little birds whistling so gaily and find the happy little songs and poems can do lot to lighten days work another soulsatisfying fifteen minutrs comes with harvey robhs organ selec tions played from department store auditorium and also take great en joyment from barbara seattles sales alks not because iwant to buy any ihlng fce in elevr for many years the local merchants have been campaigning against mail order houses or the buying of merchan dise rfrom any person except the local storekeeper they have asked the local newspaper to help them spread tills gospel this the papers did and in ad dition many refuse to carry advertise ments of any but local concerns they thought this woo good business ftllround as it would build up local sales and help tho newspaper in the end ail this was few years ago with very short memories tho mer chants today reoinfftjfljkntejngtfr ure tho very thing they have askctj the newspapers to fight in the years past here are some instances some outside printing concern sends out sqilcltoru cl advertise through the mail cheap prices on letter heads envel opes statements etc the prices are less than the local printers dollar or so athouaand many send their business out of town yet expect the local printer and local people to buy off them automobile manufacturers furnish forms stationery ana what not to local dealers yet expect the local printer to buy their cars chain stores ship their sales bills nil over the country at low cost to bmncheu yet expect the local printer to buy of them banks buy stationery out of town yet expect the local printer to carry nn account or be able to pay his note the only excuse is the saving of few dollars on each order of printing while sending money out of town which can never return this applies especially to the smaltcr localities but in tho larger cities there is about the same condition plants doing prlnung outside tlie shopping district and frequently thousand or maitj miles away are given the work yet tho buyer of printing de pends upon the local population for business thai is just as true in one fil neabsightep business folic suocesfl of the egg laying conic it is reported from the egg laying contest that to date morality among the pens entered has been loww than in any other year clnco tho begin ning of tho contests there la markid increase in eggs laid when compared with lost years figures it can also be uald that at this point the production so far la as good as an that has ever been re corded in the history of the canadian egg laying contest the poultry breeding peii at this time of the year some thought chould be given to the flclecuon of the breeding penu trap nest records are the best means of selecting blide for this purpose however where there are not available it is considered wise to select fcmalcu of good substances body capacity clean cut well deflnedheads with good clean flat boned shanks and good healthy appcareance of vigour and activity choose only hens that lay eggs averaging twentyfour ounces to tho dozen the male birds should if possible be delected from among birds of known parentage rertluxen for foiled plants suitable soil for potted plants is loam well supplied with humus form ing material by the addition of well rotted manure leaf mould etc to furnish readily available plant food mix pound of bonemeal and onequarter pound of muriate of potash with each 100 pounds of boll nitrogen may be applied when the oppcoranoe of the plant would appear to wan ant such treatment tliat is when growth locks vigor and the foliage is of pale yellow ish green this may bo done by making solution of ounce of soda or sul phate of ammonia to gallon of water and applying at the rate of two to four nmwfl rwr rt1wh jyti yrry futrt nf morning noon alfffe night by betty barclay when winters snows blanket home highways the heart yearns toward tho sunny southern lands and when the coarse sturdy foodu of winter begin to pall on the taste jaded appetites yearn for tho fresh exotic flavor of summer fruius you can odd tho tang of the tropics to your cooking in spite of biting gales and frozen at eels natural unsweet ened plncappo juice frequently served ai morning drink may also used in preparing rnonxasty dishes it will mpiirt rare new flavor to you cook ing this flavorouttfi ult juice squeezed from sunripened pineapples and now avail able ln various sized containers is es pecially healthful in seogon lacking in many fresh fruits its wholcsomco fruit sugars minerals and vitamins have an alkaline reaction tending to offest the acid reaction of heavier winter atopics pineapple juice added to your menu moning noon and night will keep your family happy and healthful through the rigorous days of winter try thoe new recipes and improve some of your favorite vegetable dishes by cooking theui in onethird pineapple juice and two thirds water my lady cream fie eggs cup granulated sugar cup pineapple juice va teaspoon lemon juice scat egg yolks add half of the sugar and beat well cook in double boiler until thick add the pineapple juice and lemon juice and continue cooking until it thickens again fold in the beaten egg whites to which tho balance of tho uugar has been added pour in baked plo slicl and let sot then bake in hot oven until brown 400 degrees let cool before serving deviled steak fl servings fvg fk they were comparing ideas about for eign cities and one man said london is he foggiest place in the world oh no said the other ive been in foggier places than ixmdon was that asked his rrlend doftt know where it was came the reply it was too foggy flukal dally except sunday sunday only frenchman ah you climb tho mat terhorn that bi foot to be proud of englishman pardon me sir you mfcan feat frenchman so you climb it more than once eh isotas 013 pjqt mp the chicago flier that passes throvgb here at 935 eastbottod stops ts georgetown at 044 going west dally except sunday dolly except sunday dally except sunday sunday only do you want your daughter to be pretty heres how one girl put roses into hercheelcsond rounded out thin face mothers who are anxious for their daughters to be healthy and attractive will be interested in the story of cer tain young girl who was pale run down underweight when she went to competent authority to have ijer blood tested she weighed only 01 j4 pounds the test revealed the trouble llcr blood was loo poor in quality to keep up her strength weight and vital ity iler blood was below normal in the number of red corpuscles and in vitally necessary haemoglobin she was instructed to take two of dr williams fink pills bo called because they have apmk sugar coating three times day or month and then return for an other blood test thirty days later changed happy girl came back she had gained nine pounds her blood tested almost nor mal in its haemoglobin content and was slightly better than normal in bum fv inrrttm1 she rft trfr time tables at oton going kaiii dally xcept sunday standard tacb x3s pm 11mpjb travel bvi pally ajn daily except saturday 1146 jsl dally 315 pjn saturday only 315 pjn dally elfi pjxl daily 1115 pm jaturdaya sundays and holidays only 103 dally except sunday 700 ajn daily 005 ajn dally 1345 pji dairy 4ju dally 640 pjn dairy 000 pn jobaiiiifisoiid on the leglslatrre oenehea arthur denham of lowvlue waa killed by falling tree while working in the bush on the farm of geo rlchardoon at bowville hemstreet has been reappointed assessor of milton at salary of 100 mabri fflopperhopkinson at the metho dlst church acton on saturday ttoburuary 20th by rev draper wilfred james shipper to 3lawrina bopklnson both of acton formerly of england tied mootre at mount pleasant form kramosa on tuesday mornings feb ruary 33rd jama moore aged 16 years children suffering from worms soon show the uymptoma and any moth can detect the presence of these parasites by the writhings and fretting of the child until expelled and the system cleared of them the cannot regajn ha health millers worm powders arc prompt and efficient not only for the eradlcuon pt worms but also as builder up for children that are run down in consequence touving on faith saves him money a4 of big company uim trust in printer and receive tangible benefit another strong argument against price cutting has been presented this time by garretaon president of tho becirlc oae and rubber company in an article in nations business on why do my company buying for several month mr aarretaon while still carrying on as uie head of his company had been acting ako as its purchasing agent to find out if his com pany had been doing its buying on the aame principled advocated and followed in its selling and regret to say he stated in tho mrtic referred to that we were committing some of the con omio sins were weie trying to correct with our selling policy the past ten years he continued we have bought stationery mnd other printing in fhuadelphla baltimore pittsburg and other cities in the con vtmtional buying manner every time we placed an order our purchaelng agent arst put the thumb screws on the last artistry her way of imparting store news as if it were confidential affairj is little short of genius one morning was particularly charmed with selections from tho music of some of our greatest composers play ed by the navy band but got quhu ehock when it was announced that the progtejn would conclude with the national anthem and then they struck up the star spangled banner with truly british egoism forgot there was any other national anthem besides god save the hjngl and oh mustnt forget to tell you of the thrill we all got when we listened to broadcast from england wad mashing potatoes when caught thd announcement and the potatoes were poinptly left and forgotten jcomc quickie xcaucdtg partner who was in the kitchen washing his hands its broadcast from london england was it thrlu again real ins how ordinary this must sound to some of you people but want you to think for minute supposing you had been sixteen years away from your old home whether that home be in canada british isles or the states wouldnt you be thrilled the flrst time you hoard voices coming over the air dlrectwrom place you have known ani loved place you have longed so after to see again it didnt matter bit to ue who the people were or what they said our great delight was in recognizing the familiar accent unmistakable proof of 1u origin the broadcast was from literary club in piccadilly how did wish we might also have heard few ordinary remarks from bomo passerby in piccadilly circus piieferably in lonesttokoodness cock ney accent then wu would have hod real bit of fc14 london not out of courts our radio is only long wave sot so we are not likely to get these treats very often another dkcovery was the womans ufevkiw generally at wher one can always be sure of good speakers and good music nellsons progrctm is another musical treat we also love the cheery whittle of ttklppy and the happy little song that introduced orphan annie part ner comes in in tlrau for the evening news ana aiaxtcustyavaleaniernoler news of the bluebird bo far we have not been very succe ful in getting good even big programs tho one great point chat most mer chants fall to grasp la that every dollar they send out of tho community is gone on theother hand every dollar spent in the community returns directly or indirectly directly it will mean the sale of merchandiao to tho printer or his em poyecs if money is not spent with them they will not have any money to spend indirectly the printer arid his employ ees pay taxes support local enterprise contribute to the upbuilding of the com munity again if pauper prices ore paid loi printing or unythiug ulsc only paupers call buy mercluuidise it is lesenjng of buying power bound to react against community in the ultimate pros perity or good buflmecannqt be esub lislied in pauper community if there wore fewer buyers at pauper prices there would be fewer concerns offering goods at pauper price merchants who want local trade must patronize local industry ou the basis of fair prices it is tho only wuy toward good bualnced condition and cure for price insanity bowmonvllle stausman three weeks not quiti thkthlng clcgyman had been asked to address congregation of soldlert he hiid never liod any experience of the army and was rather diffident of his powers conieiring with one of the officers ho said onxloutily have never addressed soldiers bcfoo how ought to talk to them my dear sir was the reply forget thatwe are soldiers and remem ber that we are first men treat exactly as you would your own congre gation tho clergyman looked little blank am not quite euro that can do thathe sold dubiously you sei am chaplain at lunatic aayluml teaspoon mixed dry herbs flanked steak huge onion tablespoon flour tablespoon butter teaspoon salt vj toaupoou pepper teaspoon paprika teaspoondry mustard vi tablespoons cider vinegar oup pineapple juice meuvtrh butter and brown uie sliced cnloti and powdered herbs xemove onion and brown the steak which has been cut into pieces by inches and rolled in flour add remaining flour brown slightly then scasonlncd and hot pine apple juice cover closely and simmer for several hount or until steak is tender knendous lot better and looked jl had roses in her cheeks and everyone said that her face had rounded out and she was positively pretty charming color and soft clear skin dependalmost entirely upon the blood because the blood carries the vitality and nutriment that builds the com plexion the soft clear skin of every pretty baby is proof of it and the girl mentioned above is living evidence that good looks which have been lost through impoverished blood can be re gained by taking the proper remedy there is bo need for so many girls to endure sallow uninteresting com plexion nor to remain listless nervous and easily tired out for when these are symptoms of blood that is lacking in vitality tt williams rink pills will restore strength and pep and tone up good looks toot equally effective for people of all ages fullsize box soc at your nearest drug store mh special tn eye iiiallaai ortboptlo treatments 108 wyndham st next to phone ales quality accuracy savage go the free press of fers you watches diamonds china canadian business review review of business conditions in canada during the first eleven months of 1034 issued by tho dominion bureau of ktatlstlcrf allows unmistakable improve ment in tho canadian economic situ ation advance were miyle in most of the 04 significant factors nino only showing decline in somo coses gains of more than 00 per cent were hlode the features of the unproved economic con ditions in 103i were the recovery in pro ductive operations and the advance in government bond prices oovcrnmcnt bond prices reached the highest point since thd prewar period th index of commodity prices gained nearly per cent the increaso in canadian farm products prices wan j54 per cent indicating thai the gap be tween farm and general prices was partly readjusted the official index of com mon stock priced during the first cloven montlis of 1034 was 300 per cent grater tlion in the uame period of 1033 ths high point of mining stock prices for ibetetsalwaysgome station sonajwheru louder than the one we are trying to get except of course on hockey night the hockey broadcast always oometf in very dearly and some pour hotgh bor hockvv famy ylm know lfc recent years was reached in august last the gain in tho cloven mouth average or 1034 over 1033 was 304 per cent employment maintained much higher level in 1034 productive operations continued the revival started la 1b33 tho index of the physical volume of business during the period under review advancing 103 per cent tlie volume of mineral wa onty wricrf could bo lnore complete jian com lyin off ihaf 91 vet eko favourito magailnes sends you your local newspaper and gives yourself and family enfo onf fhr glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario business punted taew balniaw is idilutt printer who did the job and then tried to get another printer to beat his price while the price actually paid were low the method piled up lot of expensive oorjespondence and we suffered losses uiu dense mwl and the lack techni cal advice about two months ago sent for local printer and after explaining our buytntf policy told him we would give him all our work he expressed appre ciation and assured me that hi company would givo us the bout of service and 00 opejailon at the tjme we needed some special forms the last such forms had been boughfr another rlt nri hid mm 11 a4b0 per hundred when ute local man aw the samples he asked if we could not use titandard form and we found tha it would do just as welt on tho atandard form we saved j30 per hun dred on another torn we had two words printed in rd our prbitcrexphunodt that if he could print tho line in black he could eave us 9i0 per hundred there were several other savings and they had escaped an experienced pur chasing agent for years am satisfied that our new method of buying on trust will amvo nearly ssoo year on printing alone and that the indirect waving will be several times that stun about hockey than we do come in for an hour or two to enjoy all the ahouu and thiilis of the game thatcome to ua over the air ytact we liave enjoyed aonts really gom programs but am sure we have alio mwd lot through not knowing exactly where to find the stations or whetlier the program listed are good bod or in different there now hope you are not bortxl to uw faut tx xfay by next week shall be able to writ about something eha our battciy will probably he run down by unit time any way than tn uw nrt eleven months of 1833 thebidemf manufaeturlnc showed gahi of lhs per oont constiuctlort con traou amounting to tll04doodreoord ed gain of 344 per cent the output of electric power exceeded all records when id 080 km kilo wot hours were produced hi the elevenmonth period gain of 30 per cent hallway freight movement was up is per cent and the groas revenue of the two principal oalkadwt rail ways ahowid appreciable gains export trade advance 23 per cent and imports gained 207 pe qcnt uonk debits allowed gain of flb pr cent whole year why hof fake advanf age of fhi remarkable offer that means real laving in money to you7 guiranlet to li liberty magazine 52 issues 200 kcfbrial1leviewt7 100 get ur prioes ail karintbag ttjta wonderful offer available to old add bew bubacriberi to thi hewapaper we guar antee the fulfillment of all magazine sub acriptions and you have iooitlvb absurance that this generous offer is exacuy us repro aented if you are at present aubacriber to any of these magaxinea your iixntt will be extended mail this coupon today keralau balm the delight of dainy femininity imparts fragrant charm to the complexion tones up the srln and hiaked it velvety soft in texture cooling refreshing it is delightful to use never leaves vestige of sticki ness invaluable tor handu face and us hair fixative wonderfully sooth ing and protective especially recom mended in canes of roughness or rhm caused by weather conditions iauts derot on big uruirial road ouuiide london there is certain crossing which has acquired notoriety owing to uio number of accidents theie one day car drow in to garuge hear tbfa notorious nt and the driver said to tho nearest mechanic havu you got any spare partsp yes uald the mechanic yt just go forward half mile to the cross roads and help yourself lfcwe cwpristrmoro2inrtercheckln pubticorlong 4siredl fill out coupon tareully gentlemen enclose please send kne the throe magnxlnt chocked with years bubscxiptlon to your newspaper name rr snteett oh ita town and province save money mail today ttcanadian magazine 100 cj national horns montwy 100 canadian horlicij hirti home maga ana 100 tocethen with newspaper irsltltll zihel acton free press the acton free press acton ontario

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