thunsday wmaaxjaar um in the acton free press nuxm or whdmb bun bn in ibe gutot ol my rood ood coma to thee for frtendahlp to feel tbat asms one la with me ttwuan un au day saw aemk cmqplo bat am atin louatr and hungry for human cheer no ufe has touched mine in undtr ko hand baa claaped mine in frlcnd ahlp aty hoar gpiptjr and my hands are idje help me to feel thy presence 80 that the disappointment of this day eahall not overwhelm me keep jne from becoming cynical and bitter keep me warm and human and set new faith before my eyus new hope to live by and new spirit with which to over come discouragements ottide me to that very necessary thing of life work abide with me and be my friend the name of him who went about doing good amen ackerly twenty xeaks ago the lame of the free prcaa thursday atsueh lib 1915 chronicles of ginger farjm wxttfea bpeefellj tar name of paper by owenbounk clftvatc it has beat sid that thjmuestwr to man hearvla through his stomach vwry true of oourw every woman knows that it might also be eftjd with equal truth that the surest way to womans heart is through kindness to her children thus with reference to the first tru ism we find our poor deluded mala creaturen occasionally treated to some unexpectedly appetising fcout in lieu the usual homely fore and which thty consume with silent satisfaction silence being good omen became the only time the average man is known to maker any comment on the food that is servrd is when there fa something wrong with ltl and so tho meal is consumed and thu man poor innocent dear lights uj afterdinner pipe of peace never reall lug the feast was but prelude to request which likely as not is so art fully peoentcd that the man gats tho fueling that the idea was first given birth within his own fertile brain and so he idiosyncrasy found to affect matty adult ii6ayncrasy among human beings is hot merely an occasional phenome non statistically 00 per cent of all tcdalth are susceptible to reaction of mora or less moment when brought into contact with some reagent ac cording to llygcla the health maga zinc while the mechanipm of idiosyncrasy is not understood it is tjulto definite to be look on ns dihuiso in which there have been ten weeks of con tinuous jeighlng so far this winter the grants to the various agricultural begins to feci pretty pleased with him societies in hajton county by the po self and thinks his wocren folk oro vhacial government last year were mighty lucky to have fellow around acton 300 ebojueslng 336 nelson and who shows bo much consideration for tho fnh rlttd nil nit makeup of the individual la autli that he may readily burlington 303 trafalgar 248 hal ton county fair 350 total 067 00 esquuinjr council is urging tho acquire peculiar sensitivity toward certain substances generally those of protulu nature this typo gives rise to uoh familiar symptoms as hoy fevlt and asthma tho victim of tho second typo of hliohym niriy dlsplayu profound hcnhl tivlty uhiiit brought into contact with certain urul and other cl mlcul rcan nt not notchkurlly of tho protein naturu inrtunutuly tho munlfesta lions ro often toittlm to tho akin qntl il rio to rash or to nn eczi mu uh for example in tho ciuto of poluon ivy hlle tho tendency toward tho con dltlons nninlfertcd in tho lrt tyk of ldlosyncrusy in tiih rl tabic tho second type has nothing to do with inher itance shellfish printers ink furs feath ery mowers tobacco sniokt horn rimmed tjiiitehr pi fumes und tolo phone eurpurces iir all cupublo of criatlnc idiosyncrasy in certain per wuw according to exiiinplcri jlvon what we need in ims some people would like to invent something here is an alphaoctical list of what we need automatic shaving apparatus to bo worn while asleep bridle for horscu which provides control without usa of the painful bit cigarettes that do not shed tobacco nsh digging instruments on the line of germanys roveavrr ja the reason for the economic djawtcr throatcnmff qermany is explained in report by our commercial counsellor at berlin mr tnelwau qoxmanya foreign trade has declined severely to that she cannot buy abroad and thji in turn reacts upon all her energies for she has to deny foreign material mich as cotton to her own in mlniaturo plough for tho use of the duatrles for tho home market amateur gardener trade aha injuuce haa brought oermany emwttatrxulininirangna mrc to rarertotseiioiis exenongo uuil main street sidewalks dor use of titles not only as regards her note aged aha infirm fog djupcucra oolf balls which cannot get lost headlights on motor cars which auto cover but also lit relation to her foreign indebtedness and to her supply of raft material iler need for foclgn trade is even mottcauy dim when approaching on greater than with ua oermany largu coming traffic efficient industrial apparatus run ink which docs not leave on ugly stain nlng nt hgh speed needs an outlet be yond tho homo market if it is not to be when upset jolt absorbers for use in city crowds knot untying instrument sow much choked with its own products if omu means of financing jaw mater string wasted by impatient use of imporu cannot bo found thy oerjnsn tho knife machine whujrun down for want of fuel lotcjikoys which set upa prolonged and thx wholcsfiicmo or tho provision bound when mislaid of work will bajopardljecc moat tenters to ascertain tho tenderness the cotton pmduclngcoun tries wth to of mtat while upon tho butclicrs cotton and yet oermany with ho counter splendid cotton machinery cannot fiid art em us ward humorist knight of broad highway ariiuius ward tliu humorist was the uhsumed imuit of charh hrowne their comfort etc of course tho men folk cant gtt around the women in that way because county council to take up the matter woman do not get tho same satlafai of the upper canada college lands with ton irom gastronomlcal performances the minister of education in view of tho women however have hecn known to ft uint thf ww acreaarenot being piut with eatisfn at some imexnccs itpwutc tn u11h1 uilucn is great injustice to late ed llttlo attention or spontaneous fiat hc camo to u1 tlu name payers ury an ouuider of course has onlv llure was an artcmas members of the intermediate epworth to mention to mrs iank how cule th ward patriot of tho iu volution league provided an excellent program at baby is and mrs blank is his friend for judg nhd tiio ftrat com their patriotic oancert held in the school life thuu we find an epidemic of baby mander in chief of tho continental room kissing and generous distribution of army whose odd name llrowno hiilm auction sales being held during the nlckes at election time with its afte have found in tin putfos of tils uchool next week or so are paul kennedy math of indifference histories anyway notes writer in william brown john qlbbous andl now if you want incidents to prove the kansas city btor it was name john crawford thcao statements let rae tell you th that btruck bis tccuitrlc fancy and it the ontario government intends to committee of ladles wail appointed to vfus tho name under which in his day levy war tax of one mill on the dollar meet certain board of trustees ho made fame at homo and abroad on all taxable property in the province business of course bald one of tha kko hamlets yorlck he was natu robert sinclair formerly of acton is huiics at the meeting where the laduj nl jester clown who re new editor of the rainy river batte were appointed to the committee lols tubgd to tako wrloualy and who and hao also been appointed assessor of the board good feed and get uved hla lfc the town at tho salary of 300 00 them in good humor before we talk urowno had little schooling excopt died businessl this they dldtho men training that cunio to him crippsin ttrin township on thurs fed tho ladies were successful in their printers devil it was the day of tho day 36th february pallia miszion and the board of trustscs tramp phnte and tho printers wan without doubt uey ure pratv noise absortxru which can bo carri into any toom and exclude all ohulde noises ordinary umbrellas which can be folded and placed in handbag or pocket when not in use pedestrian catchers for fronts of all motor cars quiet road repairing machinry hodcnt exterminators which dispense with tho uko of poisons and traps smokers pipes which novcrnoed cleans ing distasteful job at best of times irouf rs for business and evening wca wh ch cannot go boggy at the kncci unbroakublo gas mantles vi am in indicator tor all foods wiving instrument for ladles hair which provides reully permanent waves xmas gift indicators which will prevent tlu buyhig of ltclca prejnts without spoiling that element of surprise yawn proventor which removes thw desire to yawn in wearying but sensl tlve company zymouc disease protectors to bo worn by compulsion at closed in public gatherings foreign cxcluliuc enough to buy enough fo iicr requirements woodhau in georgetown on wed found the journeymans stick in uls nesday february 24th 1913 catherine and the moil po hatsu0 of craftsman widow of the late ambxow woodhall dlplonmtic board in the world at aged 67 years deed they were so now ladles if you cvr find your the friend all sufferer dr selves appointed to committee to inter thonuu eclectric oil is valuable riuw any menfolk and are little remedy to all those who buffer pain it dubious about how they will take yjhj could uollclt ride tall7 cauky holds out hope to everyone and realises it requret just remember the wisdom ol youth with tallow eolored hair pallid perafeii balm is inevitably chosen by ull discerning women delightful to use subtly fragrant cooling and atfresh ing imparts raro youtliful cluum to tho completion invaluable for soften ing and making hands flawlessly white tones and stimulates the aldrr uueful for tho fahilly aso protects the tender skin of the chill and is excellent for iont be too cuttaxn tliu ventriloquist asked tlio manager for rulil you can have it sold the manager you re getting bigger salary now thjji youd get anywljero else pon you be too jolly certahi old cluip vo been offered job in shop where thoy sell talking parrots pxst suvflbilncb we1giud my dad just been to tlio dcntktt and not new set of teeth laid 11 ltl johnny proudly ills friend looked very interested gee he repllud wluit are they going to do with his old ones johnny looked thoughtful suppoo tlily 11 save them und cut them down for me he mid no demand an artist who was spending holiday in unojl village entered tho store and oitkehl if tlcy stocked camel hair brushes no sir we don tlie shopkecpo replied see sir he added apolo getically wc never have no coll for cm nobady in thlsec parts nccout to keep camels frocdom for ttevenil years ho wan derod from one ncwhpaper oflleo to another far west as the mlttsl slppl toting carpi mick footlug it for tho most part hitch hlwni when lookad at hi terms of apaoe th mes sage of astronomy is at best one of mel the father as hair fixative and cooling ancholy grandeur and oppressive vost sliavlng lotion nji lr james jeans n1nktt figs too many to handle ninety little pigs were just ninety pigs tod many to take to market for robert king of baujroeaa northern ireland ho etarted with them in truck to aghalee but the machine broke down near the devils kibow sharp curve in the highway tne truckrefuscd to be fixed with the pigs aboard bo king put the porfces on the rood expecting ihetn to stay whero thwerff jut but whdel utau liliy spread out all over the pavement just before ernest george roundonvhib corner in his auto many of the ninety wire kilcd or crppld buta judgo le fuscd to allow damagas or to sci km et time xables ndun nationawailways at acton to bo or not to be to live intensively and richly pr merely to exlt that do puuls on ourselves will an lyon helps have you found the sunny package on your grocers shelf it deliriou tratlylocat crrcal iillimim of cimnillnna uae found kflloggs awl hbaw kufr rffrctivo hi iiih nf rorrrcting roniinon in uii ill it tlio kind rnuel by lurk itf ull in iho menu iihorulory tnraurmcnti hiiow llitit au ituan providii lull to ml clinunitton afl tlnxn alwokup phcri vitamin ulid iron uf hdll in tltih trmphnfi cv rfl iu jiiore iffcctt vr lluu that found in fruilh ami vretalilrrt in iliho nfiibld dirrtli better within the body il iiuorb iioi turc and farnm kvoft tnus crnlly this clean out the intcbtmul watlc lwl thifl nntnrnl fol lrtter than inking patrnt tnriritie two inliltv kpnimfuu all brim juily or uuuully huflirirnt chronic cagefl wilh rurh hijl if liu fmli to rive ro jicf mo your doctor enjoy atx muah aa orcol or rook into nppclixink rrjjw kl loptiu all uman con ami knurli mora net jfi tlmit part it mu pr xiuct in thrt ril 1111 crc piirlijrb afudi by uo hi ionjon no kp on the sunny side of life gotnv east dally except sunday da ly except sunday sunday onryv tho chicago flie that herrarl easibound stogaa ocorgetown at 044 oolar wes daily except sunday gjia aja daily except sunday daily except sunday sunday only 33 pom 00 pm 11 1pjb sxartdardc timb travel byr westboctnd dally a4a dally except saturday ii 45 dally 15 saturday only 15 dolly 15 dolly 15 daly iri6 saturdays sun jays and holidays only kj pm pjn ptn pjax pm dally daily dally xally daily dally eutbound except fiunday 00 fcm 05 am 13 45 pjn 30 pjn 40 pan 00 puu patterson ro specialist in eye exmlnfcn orthopiie 1rcatmenta inoch los wyndbjun bt kext to toblmw illonk los quality accuracy serrice savage co hy stilling suffering everywhere it liniment that has the blcuing of half continent it is on sale everywhere and can be found wherever enquired for canadian canned foods that ciyptlc advice 3ccd them nrt now for on instance of how the heart of woman was won itecentty tlaro cahrj to our nearest town stranger ihftyi scon him but not ipokwl to him and wasn exactly sure what tltough feature and funny noiuj stag comtrh history according to tin ilrltannlea the atago couch was public convtynnco of him until the other day but since inown in ngland from the slxtoonth both at home and abroad canadian tben have had the friendliest regard century llie improvf nient of tho canned foods aro enjoying increasing for him becauw know there is iomo roads sthd putting currlmh on nprlnga popularity improved quality has been thbig fine in character that shous jl an important fuctor in increauing the dlsintcrtsud klndneu to small boy famytt coixeumption of canned fruits wilh whom he is not even acquainted and vegetables as well as opening the we are over mile and half from door to expanding foreign markets the school it is long walk in cold ot marked change in the food requirements stormy uvathcr one day on tht out the free press offers you by the growing volume of friuts and ldo the pot office ii tho usual pi uq vegetables proooued by commercial can nera and preservers each year yresh fruit or proceasing has risen irom approximately 57 million pounds pared to get out to get out but that moans still flvu minutes walk to reach the school tttij the school bill was ringing as son pro in 124 to 106 million pounds in 1933 about 50 per cent of this volume fci camp ised of apples and pears includ ing apples for canning evaporating and the making of cider vinegar and pectin as in the case of fruits fresh vegetables used by the canning industries havj mcreaecd from 157 milliou pounds hi 121 to 311 million pounds in 1033 to ucullng lha major item pro duction made further gain in 1u33 being estimated at 453 000 cases com pared with 17fl 000 cas in 1033 at the begmrung oi the present century the value of products of canadian canneries did not exceed fl250 000 in 1033 it was 939 000 000 kaporta practically all canned frtiltx and vcgetabes show tncrcolses and re flect the growing favor in which can adian canned foods held in the world markets canned apple exports have increased over 300 per cent since khjd mail sit stul you ii be late if you havu to walk will ive you up worried boy nut have letters to mull kind man never mind give them to vj 11 bw to them and so the kind man took the wor ried boy right to the door of tho uchaol he wasn late aftor oll thf kind man was am sure properly thiutxca by the once worried but now ate til boy and when the story was related nt home suh unexpected klndnww hy ft century led to tlu jrtat dev lopment of these ataxia ihe itomuiih in the iuyu of the itoniun empire had uya torn of public vhlclfh for hire which travclwl over donnlti routos and prob ably ut htnted tlmoh ttlllnt vessels of the canadian people is also indicated skiru town jr son was given ebj inwi horwj bu umj ftl tpoht from tho duwn of clvmuatlon alllnsr ships wre built and lined hy the undent rgyptltint cluildcitnh hln dus and chltietie thepldetit palntlnis und carvings left hy the uncknt in habitants of the uphratou in aula show that saddle horttb wen familiar to them and it tt numimed hy one uuthorlty thnt the uupn inncy llrttt gained ly the people of that reejorj was ltrffly duo to the uso of horses in uitr fclvlng them au udvnntncfe over unmountud trlbfl soiuo indian tribes ralls with their ciinm thin nu stranger woti certainly very much appe elated there are also olhr car drivers better known to ua but who ore equally kind the du lostvitrlcnhrmrirlitxmerieahnf uicy ajo uluys wiru of ride with who goes to town every morn iruj when the tempeiature registering somewhere below beta or it is stormy 1031 canned aspargaus has increased wllld blowhig and would from 04 cases in 1031 to 1753 in 1d3j dllo to face tho dements mytidl and 031 coses during the rirst ninj ulc ti so comforting to know that months of 1034 shipments of canned big along the road ktpdhnirtm pears have moved from reported vol wno wu1 fclo orfcr the chl drill tune of 44 000 cakcu in 1031 to 158 ood ub artntli and shelter of his car it tn 1033 and over l30oo0 cases during the orttt nine months oi 1034 na need to vvohjia rf taoale mctavuh was lying scriotjoly fit and her husband was sitting bcauld bar looking gloomy what are ye tbinkin aboottdonald she askixl ah tessie he aignttd was jut tninkin of what id put on the tomb stone when eve deld tlnna ye lash ft heao oboot that donald replied hii wlfa just ye put co the tombstone wlfe of the above unconcio vblx tlave you and your wife ever had uy suffegenoe of opinion fea but alio didnt know il tim them within the term suiting ves itlh detroit nows 3otra johnny anplchoed who traveled thrrtiihout tho country in tho urly days planting upple orchards for tho coming mtthrri ih rigitrdl uh the is particularly eoniyo uiui when clilldrvii are reluming to school after an attack or nu as was the case with daughlj just recent these little ytlndnouus along uftis lload moke one feel indeed that gods irr ilin heaven oils rlgnt with the world and am sure that is tho sentiment of all mothcis hsving chlldru walking any distance to sxliool tory he went ban foot not only hi summer but often hi winter wore au coat conw uack with holoh cut in it for hltj nck und urmkvwuu frequent ly nen wuurlng pun for hut thought it blnftil to kill von rut or pnunnouh niuike was nivtr without iiih illbu enilurtd palu uh the mout rialuti htolc and was loved by tho ucttkrn and fi sred hy th indiums the hitter of whom would not harm hint biaiuk thy thought iiih mind was nntln th ally wqrthml mill hiilti hla dread of qui rm by his xti iihiv anting of titirsirhit he pi for in in rvlcti to humanity not uh hemlulal than huve pi rfornud by uiiiuy btuttamen thems lfe chryaatbthahtutii tloyal ibaltfnim he ehryuitnihi nmiu train itu lonu uumoclutlnii with thf imp rial family athm makes couutless jh purthulur hy tlu in thousand miserable night aiter nlxht hold uu tlo attacks return and even when brlof resolte is given the mind is still in tor tnent from contiltual uiitlclpatlon tit kellogg asthma itcmedy change this belief comes and at once wtdle future attacks are warded off ltav its hi nor to tin ninny urleths with whit wr arc fnnillhir tlu mi imihti icirlnth huvu uditt many ktruiij und ih utitlfiil foniih hi haw product plauts ultlr live or ulxvurhths of size and color on the suutt pluim big the afti ctud one in state of peaec that will grow only one uoriuous flow and happiness he once believed he couid muii with more than uum uever enjoy inexpensive and sold al bj moot everywhere watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings gueuph ontaio wyadliatt cu wh could be hiorg complete lhan corrn bination owerhat gives you choice of your favourite magazines sehcis you your local nowspapor and gives yourself and family enjoyment and entertammenhhroughout the whole year ky hot tako advantage ot this remarkable offer that means real saving in money to you our guarantee io you thu wonderful offer la uvb liable to old and new subscribers to this newspaper we kuar tmtcc tho fulfillment of ull mugazinp aub hcrlptlons and you have positive uturancd that tliiu generous offer is txacuy us repro tinted ityou ore at present subscriber to upy of thtse magoxlnes your time will bo tended ttaitthbxoopon today sbpif pfe libofwagsstno 52usues 200 pictorial review 00 canadian magazine 00 national home montwy 100 canadian horkcul ljluomfl ma line 100 plea clip list of mauazinea ajter checking iptibucfliioiui desired fill out coupon carefully gentlemen ohclose please bend rne the three niugulnos chocked with years subscription to your newspaper name street 0t iul town and province rpcthp with this newspaper all for this low price save money mail today the acton free press acton ontario new business wlb ativmi mtf buathveari te ake the puoe jri our clo ud hniiiiat the acton free leress la gjgi