Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 14 Mar 1935, p. 1

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sixtieth year no 37 acton ontario thursday march 14rti 1035 eight homeprint pages fivo cents 1l acton eliminated by durham in gameswir round 94 arton lost both games in tws ftonnd to northern contenders who now meet cunton game here on monday night played on poor ice tdurham proved the better team in botji games record crow of 1800 see game to actoh spectators get in brawl and visitors attacked acton player the aftermath haefcey fans wffl be taiereoicd tn tha fane arratogvd feftowfng the cumtamukaac asian in ii rriv wjg act team win play the getpa team in the royal ctty wtth uie retain fame ta actan an monday night both teasaa are out to wtn and this aeries piamtire to canal the ached led asasbj for keen rivalry the series will decide an argument of aaae length ptr6t game round two acton was drawn to meet durham in tbo pooofid iound of the cham pionship race and the first same loat rrlday night went to durham by 43 we were fortunate in having spa reserved in the rmk for the press and it seem to be our duty to describe the pretty fully since lot of folks who bis to get even birdseye view of the strug gle owing to the limited slse of tho durham rink bo heres the ame and wo reserve thfc utile comments until the end tho ice surface is also small in durham and the local lads were at an advantage tiere raybould was laying down sotnn nice plays tor tho reut of his team terry and norm morton were light in but the goal was an offside play dur ham boys were good checkers norm was right in on schuts but had no luck 1st scoring and bus morton picked up rebound shot the first goal was by fridge when mcorrr gave him the puas xfc was nice threeman attack and pulled greer out to make the ucore it lmit long until norm morton evened 4he count on an assist from walter was also nice score bus morton wtent off for tripping rels and oreer ejearcd nice when all were in on hint durham tried to capitalize on uie extra awsn advantage schubs went oil tripping terry whan tho acton wing sann nr tp be headed for tolly thfl final score of die period was made by terry who picked up bus mo ton rebound and sccred schuts had follon hla face in utopping the previous hot tbo period ended 21 for acton with play by both teams about oven durham started the second period with man still in the penalty box norm morton went off for tripping schuu durham evened the score with mehddgj sidling the credit and raybould and aehuta on the assist it was from oramble near the acton net when ac an was ohorthanded it looked an if terry was right in for another score but reis tripped him and went to the penalty box he had only schuu to beat dean pat durham in the lead when he took nice pass from raybould he was right in ct greer and the ploy was usee one dean and itaybould were going sjood for durham when currle uwung at norm morton with his stick the two players mixed things up but were soon suparated and dven time to cool off in the penalty bo and both teams played abort ray bould woe hght in with nice play on oreer but the aoton goalie saved walters was shot into the boordu and carried off the ice for the kvst ofthu per4odw noonedsaw oponouy jack toojc deans pass to moke it 43 bus morton missed when he was right in again walters went off for tripping raybould was right to but oreer saved the score bus morton went off for throwing the puck and aoton finished the game playing two men short and just two goal abort of winning tho lineup was actonoieer goal gibbons and jacii kntner defence morton centre terry and bub morton wings walters joe kentncr mono and huffman al ternates durham schutt goal moolrr and wilson derence raybould centre dean and elvldgc wlngu currle schutx tucker and rcis ohernateo rcrurec ernie wortley toronto from press reservations and werent wo thankful there was scat for the press out of that crowd of about 9o0 it was fcctainate if 500 actually saw the game musical examination results tho following were the results of the puplu of mrawm oowdy at the mid winter examinations of the toronto oonecxvatory of music junior piano helen meoowon honors isobol stephen son passed orade ii theory of music helen meredith passea introductory piano tirana mcdonald honors black and white in 958 whlto letters on blaok background will bo the oolors of the 1036 ontario license plateu hon harry nixon provincial treasurer announces the plates as usual will be manufactured at the ontario reformatory at ouelph under supervision of the st thomas metal signs limited acton womens institute the regular business meeting of tho womcnvi institute was held at the homo of mrs browne on thursday last with tho president mrs oamblc in thv chair the meeting opened by singing unto the hills do lift up mine eyefi followed by the lords prayer in unison five minute talk on the motto was givvu by mrs hall houses aie made to live in hot to look at after the butd lri was disposed of the following items awa glvn mm salt anjnstrumeptal at 744 the rink was full all that came in alter were just extras they certainly uurcnt bpectators but the bood was on hand and that more than loui of larger rinks provide lot of the numbers wure decidedly tamlllar too the trip was jut an even 70 mluis iupper was served ot mount porest lunch on uio return in guelplu lwo bus loads made the journey from acton but tcw of them were able to ind tpace to ec tile giuntr rathtv straiigo corbcddenco two doctor were managers of uio tcuumi dr neloon or acton and dr burnett of durham the uniforms of botli teams wero very much alike but durliam didnt alter th4r outiu prlday orungo and union urv uuhud durham rink was built when such crowds weru tiot usual at hockey gamut but the durham uom lias uui record of not lonliig game on tile home lc and tluuii sumpln durham aotvon acton made its vxlt from uuj inur medlate roco by way of durham in tho luial gome licre on monday night when tluj visitors gave tha locals trim ming to the tune of 51 at the acton arena jajtermhe game in durham tliat went by 43 score for durliom it looked as if the locajb hod chance but there wot no doubtt about it after the 61 game hero on monday which team was superlof and the durham outfit will make strong contenders wheu they mit saip witli whitby in tho final it will likely toko uio three gonies hi tlie finals to dcchre wlnrwr liovvcr but heros tlie game it appealed on monday duai modtf uie nrst rusli and uy bould tlie first sliot when tlie gauie opeti ortmie juicy ice surface provided that had been well moppud all afturnoon ltaybould wad cltedcliig nicely and dur liom had uui flnit five mhmtes of tlie period before thd localil got into stride norm and missed when teotner missed tlie opal net and the period ended 32 for durham with the durham boys getting in the uvt gome period three was still flvenum liockey with each side having player in uio ooter klvidge mlsoed on rebound ahot and all were hi tlie acton except the rubber actoti evened coreonhmmutm to1 goal of who to crwllt but bus morton mode she shot hit the crossbar and becahle angled up with the goalie tie fell in the uet with it and lt alul all wuo mdner upset ueferrv wortlcy was right the pluy and ruled it goat prom tha position of the goalie it couldnt be anything vue but tite goal juduc could mot jkw it wltll tlie wxwi tiiml lui earns went to work jack kentiur xhot right into tichuus pad wlui he wtut in tha goal tliw ijacfc went otf for talpplng mumblc ui front of the acton net failed to produce botl mid it was rather lucky norm moruwi went ff for tripping jack keiitner jiud in ather cloe oiid in the corner of uie fesetr aruf thiii front out of uu crowd on ted the old ong litlc uji your troubles moroan brotheis liad only tile outle beoi but failed to win tlte declstitn terry misled on nloo tusii terry and norm morton were right hi again and schute canw uut of bis goal save it wou nice stop jow kcntner knlaaed the open tiet and ewidge trld the sunt thing for duhuun durluun vnt hi uio lead again when kittuxd tliey were right in and huffman missed on walter rebound at 040 dcoji sot the inst tally oil mooura xmm it wait one thjose soft bifl that roliedlnoif oruers tlck olid tlie oilly oiu of til uhtno on which lie didnt play in real btyle durham was ploying nicy imsu uu ifiine norm morton mluakl on terrys pafu and biu morton foiled on to core taid luul durluun sewed up ujid clearing down tha loc acton wtu not covering tlie checks well when tliev ueiu hi ou tlte acton net bos mortal nicked tlu goal wat and norm uot lu chin hit on tho boaidi the period uuhd 10 for durham and twt up on th round puiy woii clean wltliout iwiulty handed 6ul llaybould was lh news of actop and the district cleaver of burlington chouen at the con vention of tho llberalprogrcusive association in milton on saturday or candidate in the dominion elec tion this year hughes cleaver selection of news items chbmen ubenupracresatve candidate at larrely attended convention in titan on katurday huglvu cleaver exmayor of burling ton wat chosen liberal candidate for uu coming federal eleotion at tlie con legion officer elected lost night well attended meeting of acton branch of tho canadian legln was held in tho legion hall the elec tion of officers for the year was hold and resulted as follows preuldent mcdonald first vicepresident arnold second vicepresident ejiar rop treasurer dr pcareh exe cutive prod coles bayllss george muosellei and barr zone com mondcfgol brown was in charge of the election power saw cuts off thumb cutting wood on farm near moy fleld on saturday edward poster 17 ycarold son of mr and mrs foster of cheltenham had the index finger and thumb of his left hand severed when his hand come bjpontact with the powvr saw aguinat whtp he was hold ing stick of wood he was taken to tlie office of dr if hetherlngton wlio hud liini removed to the toronto western hospital potters condition is hot serious the ivel crohlnjf accident hear milton particularn of tlie level crossing ac cident last thuruday wlwn william cosi grave watkulocljdiowthatiiie crossing county council will assist in providing treatment for cattle plan to eradicate bot fly in cattle of county bank cannot give iower rate than on borrowings county employees to be protected by insurance corn borer inspectors are appointed resolution endorsed for legislation that qualifications for municipal office shall include property holdings absent friends paper mrs chb liolm home muklng ideals was very helpful and instructive plans arw being mode for euchre and dance soon afei lent donation was sent to the cripple children fund several alr of mitts were sent to tlie gordon home in mlltxm curreht events were given by mrs col lier roll call sing say pay or play on bclialf of tho play committee mr davidson called mrs bishop to tho floor and read an address mm lants pre sented her with gift as an appreciation for juppiylng ilowors for die occslan mvu illsiioj was quite taken by surprle but mode very nice reply vote ot tliunks wtu given mrs browne for tiu wm of her home community junglnu cuil tlie mitlnu and social time wa spent the iy nt prayer yhe world day of prayer was observed by tlieladied of the anglican irabyterl an united and baptist churches in tlie baptist church on friday ufternoou tlu theme tliroughout was bear ve one anotlrors burdens mia worden open ed tlie service and mrr landsborough led hi prayar mrs barbcree reud tlie new commandmfcnt and ubw orfcred prayer uiu johnston led hi the player for tin growing consciousness among chrvitlans of tile shorucombigs of tlie indilvduil christian mrs held tuitod uio meet ing to offer silent lirayer for uie oppor tunities vhlch tile present offers to women to dedicate their uvc to the jvlce of their neighbors hespoimlvij jeodlng was led by mrs behllle alld uie solo comfort ye one anolher was rendered by miss orr splendid paper based on ve worlds day of pruyr its origin and different mectingti lield in dlffemnt countries was glvai by mrs beiuue ttie speaker pointed out tliat in 1020 this day was observed in 3d countries and hi 1034 in 48 countries mrs smith led in another portion of responalve read big prayer was offered uy mm biduingur uiki mlij oraham read portion of scripture most impressive servloe was brought to clow with tlie repeating of uie lords prayer in unison jtolnt meeuuc of baptist and aullean youn people tlio of uie an church rr ii all members were present and tnb warden hi the chair at the march meet ing of the halton county council held hi milton last thursday following the reading of the minutes and correspon dence delegation of farmers from tho halton agricultural society interviewed the council with regatd to the warble ply extermination campaign mr whltelock halton agrlcu turol representative introduced the delegation in his address mr white lock stated that 3500 horucs had been treated tor warble fly and fanners im ported their horses were looking beltsr on tlie fcajnu amount of feed in rcrard to cattlo mr whltelock stressed uvjlnjlijy done to hides through tlie ravages of warble and bot iiusj and exhibited piece of leather badly punc tured and damaged through the fly ho also referred to tho ion to the farmur through lower milk production caused by gadding by the herd when torment ed by the bot or heel flies in summer and estimated tho dwrago herd would drop about half call of milk per day ftjptreaong tlie warble fly there were paid return visit to tho baptist socuiiy on thursday evening tile churcli was filled almoia to eapaclty and after mr tittmilcyorippa had welcomed the visitors mr ftogers took charge of uie jiieet tng kuv mr brllllnger offered prayer and luod portion of scripture from tlie tii chapter of matthew mr bur ton of queiph pivsciued tkutch teu actonptovtiryoruriiowrf mghctdryufatroujlg tired of kupiiortlng his fatlier and had urrangod to liave lilm kent to tlie poor liciiie ua yohng son however remind ed him uut noiiw day he might nml neccusary to do tolilm juij wluit ha was ubout to do to tlie boys grandfather tho old man did not go to the poor houie the duett lullubye way ung by misses olive rogers and front uir for tlie vtiltors play woa fulrly chtijiolm miii esliicr tuylor uave lvtm with on edge for the locals but very inj talk on hynuw and the going was too much for acton their writers mr burton gave two at tlu lirt of uti iecoiid period alb very enjoyable violin bi lections hie bons muaed on norm mortons rebound lut number on the program was devo ikhuli was playing good goal and wx lanul play which was kplendldly uctd prttty lucky daihum broke through by tlie followhig cast matrtno miss olive when acton waa down the ie und grr llookes simon mr ltoors anus tame out of his goal to juivet durliumms went on tlie defensivi ivrry tried ici uilo effort and mcolrr mlsirtxl ui ounier ox oroeru liot by tlkj fiactlon of an inch itaybould sliot one that put lreer down to tmve miirui toolt pen alty when lie iut elvldge to uie boartk auui was loose covcrtiu chocks again norm morton took nice bacltlutnder and iirry was going nice when tie jush ed half lengtiiof the rink to check obntbiued on page five taxitrloe lay lor nobleman miss titer laylor 1vdku noblemans snr vunt horry wabe miclioel miss ur baru ivy lor uie woman miss clara luiuer the twins joan iurgeter und helen hull thehymi ukat ue uui lie tliat binds uuid benediction by iutv mr brllllnger brought wotderrul evening to close every item on the program was uioroutftuy enjoyed and hope wen rkpruwvtxl of mure evenings of tile bomn nature irctcssivc atiaociation in tho town hall at muton on saturday night ttie hall was cowdcd to the doors and 327 out of 330 accredited delegates were present and voted about thirty attended from acton there were 15 nominees and five withdrew lcavbig ten to be balloted for they were mv cleaver burlington ed win harrop milton feathcrstone bronte campbell moffat leltoy due georgetown jamca walclbrooli oukvlue fmcnivcn nelson townuliip wi padbury nassogaweya township anderson oakvluo and hani iiuiw milton mr cloavtr wots chosen on uie third ballot which resulted as follows for cleaver lwfor harrop 123 for feathcrstone 33 all of tho candidates were given um minutes in which to oddruig tlie gather ing prior to tlie voting mr buikelock address ed tlie meeting and briefly outlined the wok bobig carried on by tho provincial government hu pointed wltlia gooj deal of pride to several election promises tluit had already ben fulfilled mr blokclock in uie brief time at lifci dis posal touched ou many things of in terest to uie electors young for weybum sasit gave an addrcsti on dominion matters mr young is member of uie pro spread commission it was midnight before uie meeung was over and it was utatod it was one uf uie mast exiunislaslic liberal gauierinrs held in halton in many years tra ui each for expvnseo to rurat bilh hint tin inf th rmri relief to be discontinued by eramou council after mareh slkt at thb year kockwood hydro in good mnaneial conditio the council for uie townslilp of kramoca met in uie town hall rock wood on monday march hui at 130 wiui all uie members present and the reevo in uw chair mr arch mcnabb presented lie audltom report of uie rockwood hydro electric as follows genuemeu we uie auditors of uw township of eramoa hereby ccrtify uiat liave examined uie books and vouch ers of uie secrelaryiveasuer of tliv rookwood hydro electric and luive found same correct slipwlng credit balance of 44 or riinde up an fallows bank balance credit decem ber 31st 1034 4430 chiuaahdhnrcit6tuwn toovit 440l also credit account hi uie sav ings account of 7047 all of which was respectfully sub mitted jii fox arch mcnabb auditors the report was accepted on niotlon of messrs storey und tiuah tlie agricultural rp resen tutlvti fir tin county mr strothers confer red with the council vegaidlng tho wurble rty camiulgn and it was con sidered uiut uie luwnship was well ortfahtl by school sections and uw powder being dlwtrlbuud in this way it was unttecewuiry to cull general lileut ing and uiu holding of few barn partlea was proposed ut whldi the agrl cultural heprefceiitauve would demon blate uie process of application on motion of messrs storey and liuh it was decided to dieouunue relief at march 3ut accounts amounting to ttluu3 wvru passed for payment council adjourned to april aui landule said that he saw uie car comlug but could do nouiing the train struck uio rear of tho car which was badly wrecked and cctigove was thrown out on thm side of uie road he was breath ing when picked up by tho train crew but win dead when the train arrived at milton the crossing known as uie stone road crossing has clear view on boui nuies but uie car had black loauier curtain on iho side struck by uu tuln thu late mr cosgrove wai form erly resident of hesptler and worked ot the sudden livery stable ho married tt mhm black who with uirec children survives daughter mrs charles pan ubiicker rosldes in hespcler will midi control ktoord katbdy halton bairymen durhig uie past few rnonuis the actions of uie ontario milk control boiird luwd been the subject of much comment favorable and ouierwlse nuwur paper aticlcs have been eo controdictoo that we asked agridulturul reprtucntn uve whltelock far statement mr whltelock replied to our cnqubry by pointing out that dairy and milk pro ducing organizations from one end of the province to uie ouien luul recently al most wlutout exception passed resolu tioiut expreiising confidence hi uio board and requvjsting uiot uie board conunue to funeuon it is also ratlwr significant he stated uiat uie milk distributors in general are alo solidly behind uie mhx control board anyuibig which tends tocnsuc steady supply of highly quality product at fair price is hi the best interests of producer dfatrlbutor and consumir alike and uils after all is tlie objecuvo of uie milk control board it wau uko pom ted out to us that there is close relation between the city or wliak milk trade and tlie milk used tat uie manufacture of butter olieese and otiier dairy byproduchi someuilua must be done it wait stated to secure fair return from milk shipped to uie clieesery condeiisyry aiid creamery or uils wul react ou uiiole milk trade prices in addition that old worn out adage of efficient production cannot be foi gotten if uie milk control board is to completely fulfil its purpose in other words dalrybig con never foe made puylng proposition viui low producing co wsund faulty fcvdlngpractiods to uils end cow touting is even more cev senuat today ulan ever beforo every dairyman realleod tho oouhouiwsti of cow teiithig but coiiiparauvely few are avail ing uumselvca of uie cow testing service offered by uai local branch of uie pe liaruileilt of agriculture that tlie qual ity of uiei cows in uw county yarbs tjej in ymi fyiit hy thf fflft uiat uie re was difference of 8731 lbs of milk and 331 lbs fat between tiw uveruge ioiluctki ir oow hi uie high and low herds in uie local association lust year 11 it local navt iesung asso cbttion commojioes new year wiui the current monui ajid number of new liurdfj liave already enrolled farmers two to have uio county supply uio powdvr and have it distributed to uie facmers if treatment were carried put effec uvly mr whltelock was of the opinion umt the warble and bot fly would be completely eradicated hi unx years mv hart op representing esquesinj township addlessed the council in ids opinion countywide campaign fbianced by the county council would prove more effccuvomeons of bradica uou that would be uio cose if it were left to individual farmers mr man nassagaweya mr walter readhead nelion and mr wllhnatt iihua sioke very much along uiu saluoi liiltu as uie former speakem wadcn have you any ilgures forour guidance mr whltelock mr whiulock if the powder is bought on wholesale scale we figure 11000 to 13000 pounds would bo needed to treat all the catue in tho county which number about 3goo0 or 37000 heiid at an approximate total cost of 4750 warden if uie county pays for uie powder who will distribute it mr whltelock explained ui proposed nuuiod of distribution uirough mem bers of uw committee and linemen and hoped it would be possible to make uils treatment looi eflecuve mv thorpe coming from fruit growing dkirict cannot claim any great interest hi cattle but would like to toy that we have dlflvrent peuts and insects to contend wiui hi fruit growing but we buy our own spray we dont ask uio county to pay for 1u mr hall mr thorpes idea may be all right they may not have cows but uled fruitgrowers have to drink our milk and we dont like thu idea of sell ing them milk front qnlr that have been infected with thin bot fly mr hewson otf the former knows not fly control is of benefit to himself fin ancially cant see why any farmer sliould neglect taking this precaution and if beings them more money why shouldnt uiey bear the expense mr harrison cannot see how this ti gabig to benefit the townu jwr bycnt it appears to me more as matter of principle the towns have their own problems and tho fakmer utelrsrtwtd ithmit artaers should aa sume uils expense au part of their currymg charged mr lurriaujeedoobftdjumkuch woruiy propoaltlon should not be taken up by uie county it was finally moved by mr hall seconded by mr campbell uiat uie county of halton purchosu the neces mrv nowdpr in fjt til tt whi thjf kvknino acksut blgestkb llie teuclier was examinbig uie class to see how much ilwy remembered of natural hlitnrytcisun given uio cwy before and uild each child to give her uie uupie of on luilmut up went hand well tommy wlmi animul do yo4 remember the warmer was tho unexpected reply noilmuise theteu no such animal sit down xip went another hand please ulss know wliat means rovans an oitrr lly for uie year 1933 the anwunt not to exceed 750 the motion carried by majority of 10 mtr jorvls rcpreseiuung uie guardian xncturance company and mr wilson represvnung um globe indem nity insurance co also addressed uie council hi regard to employers liabl ity inaurallce reports of uie staiidblg oommlttoes were read und dktcussed hi committee of uw whole with reeve hewaon in uie chair finanoo letter was read from uie milton branch of the bank of nova scouu stating that at the present tima it was impotatbie to granl lower rate of interest than on county loans letter from ralph young co fouowing recent audit showed tha county aff aim to be good ebuidlnp tlir county had balanced its budget and showed fair surplus hi both road arid general accounts good roads committee this com mittee recommended that bo em powered to take the tweasary steps to continued on page ira the nassagaweya cquacttltii accounts are passed and time extension given for return of roll nassagaweya council met on march 4th and accounts were passed as fol lows ahetin drudge reucr ft norrish bros relief 8s98 ekuey relief 4470 euey relief 4184 snyder relief 2978 frank day relief q40 dr black medical relief 8113 elslcy rehef 330 86 thos smith widening roadj al lowonco rr 3000 flsley care of hall and wood for agricultural short course 1465 mr finney expense relief work 1440 road voucher no 69 10 mr finney and mr sbnpson were municipalities convenuon motion was carried to extend tho ujno for the ictum of collectors roll aiio mouon requesting the el to cancel henry carglua contract owing to dwelling being burmmi council adjourned to meet april 8th at one oclock acton school 0oard lupuln at school were made immedi ately fouowing ftre inspector recommendation adopted at uie monthly meeting of the school baard held on tuesday wvcnlng trus tees dr buchanan dr peorcn frascr and mc cleary were present moved by buchanan beoonded by pcarcn uuu uils board donate the sum of 1000 toward the trophies of uio musical feeuvaloarried suggested form for keeping the reoordu of tho school board was received from uie department it was ordered to bu fued llio property comndtee reported that all repairs had been made fouowins the recent ore at uie school it was reoonv mended that ladder or stairway be built to the ettlo in the school and this was approved by the board ttie chairman reported an interview wiui inspector randall on hfa recent visit to aoton continuation school th inspector had been very ifrnipllmrrrt on the conduct of the school be bad also pointed out that miss mortimers salary waa below the amount thai abonjkt be paid for teacher of her stand tn and qualifications and urged ta in moved by mcoleary seconded by praser that the salarr or mka mortimer bo raised to th rate of 1000 to be retroactive to janu ary 1st 135 carried tne eeoond jport of the flpanco committee recommended payment of tho yollowsog accounts beardmore leainers ltd sup pifcsa 595 central sdentioo co supplies 3717 ryeraon press supplies 3354 oeo hendry co suppiieo 18jm elliott bros supplies 1jw rdjack ooalodfuet 316a acton public utilities oommjs ajoo aervioea 498 mcoutcheon express v87 it mcdonald lnsumnce prem ium imm dominion of canada ins co bond 600 843903 ttie report waa adopted to ural ejfcague standing loruo brookvllkr dublin rockwood york toad eden mills pw 119 coming events announcement of meeting con cert at other invent uatler tbu he4tnk re rhfgeu 10 cent per line with minimum chrffe for ba7 nnounccment ol sc 6t patrick 6uppr aod procrun la united phtlrch acton mondr mnh 18th admfculon 3o nd iso m1 smlor at wul bold mliecd bridge party od lureh mb at tb tfjaa hlltup ss5aj iiii isi

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