Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 14 Mar 1935, p. 4

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atf xvazskitmeaiuvyttl vuum ns ual pun von the acton free press thursday ludob 14th ims neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which many of our readers are interested baixin aead ifra oeorgb mcmrnneroy is in the general hospital guelpb and is doing nicely after her operation last monday mr tbos allen fa in st josephs hospital ouclph and was operated on far npendlclus his mapy friends hop tbrvspeeay recotcrjr ttr again mra cripps of toronto spent th weefeend at the homof hersfatcf mrs large bannockbukn the fouowlng la the report of ban nockbum school for the month of ffefcraary sn iv bui orofta 72 jock noble 693 jr iv xrma watson 8r hx jean bcottt c8j1 jctta rossnt 631 8r cutford mcdonald 66 nor man mcdonald 64 jr ix harold rosacl 61 sr lots wateon 712 jackie gor don 66 alvey gordon 64 pr lawrence anthony beckett teacher mjk prod beckett of toronto visit ed his cdatcr miss kathleen beckett at the home of brown on sunday nassagaweya the ladles aid society of the eben eser church held very successful meat on wednesday evening 6th tost and the jrogram waa thoroughly enjoyed by all the passing away of euda iicntt beloved wife of mr wm elliott of moltat on sunday march 3rd was shock to the family and community mrs elliott had been at church in the morn ing and did not feel well in the aftei noan and passed away about nine oclock in the evening the funeral was held on wednesday 6th with rev jones her pastor conducting the bervlcc with mtcimcnt in moffat cemetery it is only abort time wgo that their ton was accidentally killed the bereaved family have the decput sympathy of the community their bvreavoment maple sugar making has started in this district mr rhurby of hjiatohbull watf the nnt to commence tapping trees there has been some very good runs the past week mr willed kennedy of knatchbutf is movmg to ills fathers farm lot 16 concession nacsagaweya near the no bchool mr bert nightingale of orongeville visited his parents mr and mrs arthur nightingale of knatchbull over the weekend umehoustt the weather of the past iw days hasnt been very pleasant but we hive this comforting thought that with spring birds flying around and bam ground spring will soon be here word received from harold johnson during the weeks say it is still real winter where he is temperatures rang ing from fcero to 10 or 13 below with nearly thiee feet of snow on the level monday nights game at the arena in acton drew quite crowd of enthusias tic fans from here to cheer the boys on rhey made brave fight but opposition proved too great the boys deserve grcit praise however for the wondeiful euc ccaai they had during the raon the harmony club of uu united church were visitors with the youff ivtoplevi of the united church george town oil monday evening follow big tho opening cxercitfcs short progratu of musical numbers was given by tha jlimehouae giqu thos taking part were cliarles douglas and wilfred jotui ban kenneth and norma stephenson dick pucker elsie davles helen mero nd me ud aac stepheneoii gave nn oddrczl fol lowing the program all joined in playing gat toes after which social hour was bpent togethec over dainty lunch serv ed by tlui host neighbors and friends are no triad to everton mr john mocutoneon fell on the led at his back yard and broke his hip he was taken to the hospital for an xray ond is resting quite comfortably at his home here may watson woo removed to the hospital last friday in serious cond tlan the many friends of both in this community hope for opuedy recovery mrs john alton and daughter ejet or ore visiting friends in toronto for couple of weeks mr mrs thompaot mr and mrs leaman thompson visited mrs lorce on sunday mrs llortop occupied the chair at the march meeting of the everton womens institute held at the homo of mrs percy smith in the absence or the regular organist mrs smith was oiganlt thd secretary mrs thomson stewart read several letters of thanks received for remembrances sent during the post month social evening was planned for the april meot lng to to held in the kverton hail in the form of baaaar mrs hamilton then presided when the following took part in tho program mrs el mc phedran very interesting paper on the motto for tho month good thing to icmembcr and better thing to do is to always work with the construction gang and never with the wrecking crew solo mies dorothy church rv mcleod very interesting talk on womens bights pioneer chronicles of ginger farm mrs geo reading motorists auwuuiiuu mrs coullng misa ana jackson and mies dorothy church were op pointed captains for spelling match with mrs mcphedran winning the prize tea ftas served by the committee and social time enjoyed hy all mr thos tolton is home from the hospital and gaining strength as well as con be expected mr john otendenning one of our threeacoreandten villagerb is on tho rocovery list mr wilson is very much im proved though not able to be around as usual mr3 appleton of syracuse haa returned home to care for her mother who in vory delicate health the wpmcns missionary society day of prayer was hold at mrajas bordens fonwtrtthtrfitrrvi numlyrl tockwood tho women world day of prayer was well attended wt friday afternoon in the united church under the auspices of tho ladles or ganization of the presbyterian church pancake social was held in the sunday school room on monday evening and despite unfavorable weather was fairly well attended during the evening brief program tms enjoyed with mr jos mcpherson as chairman it in cluded piano trio anna mcnabb laura tone mxul myrtle maud recitation felleen moore guitar solo miss findley de bate resolved tliat the modern girl makes better wife than hen grand mother did the afllrmauve was taken by mlsecd georglna laverty and jean mclean while the negative was ably upheld by messrs george harwood and walter swonoton both sldoi gave somo good points as well as causing some merriment to thejaudienoc mr wm croft mrs wm mcnabb and miss mabel findley acted as judges wllila mr wm mcnabb acted as critic while the judges were deliberating on uis debate piuno duett watt enjoyed by anna mcnabb and myrtle maud follow ed by report of the judges given by mr croft that the affirmative won ule debate mks findley favored to gathering with another guitar solo and mies jean mclean presided at the plana for the national anthem the many fjiends of mrrf fred alton will sympathize with lier in tile death of her mother mrs oeorgo marshall in guelph lust friday as the result of stroke the funeral took place front htr late home oil monday and several from huje ultcndcd the funeral aj rumlt of incument weather church attendance was sonuwlist affect ed uguhi on sunday members of the nltelfawk club of lulcii muu cams up monday tvciiuig to cuibrute the fifteenth wedding annlvet sary of mr and mrs aloe milne pluasunt evening uas enjoyed by ail oongratulato mrs wackhamr again the our irruhd old lady now in iwr b4th year liavlng orkbratcd lur 83rd birthday on ttufaday of this wtk sjci fawackhajncf luts been tvmorkably well this winter for tier and talus keeti hiteraat in what gocei oil arouiui iwr he ii still ble to take part ill tho tutuschold dutw oiul looks forward each day foe the papers to keep lieiuf ported ml current events mr mark given received ulw week beautifully cngravml diploma allowing turn to be the puaaedbor of die best mura to liaraess at last years canadian na tional kxhibltlon this is an added ward honoring centenary year and ffe valuable addition to ule largo couoouon of beautiful trophic won by these beautiful horaea ura shelhwurne arrived luufie atun spending over weak with friends in toronto llnk stephenson spent iw days in tllllrftlmi iset week she happened to be fmaaeoger on the train which kuud aftr omw and felt the alkock very iwlrhaitldc been watching his inssrtng never thinking ufe hhoi vo detained by illness mr and mrs mune web uie reciplcnu of number of pre ttcnts on tlie occasion of their weddirg otuiiveraary jloownt uiid wmkend vultom wore miss ookns it of kltcli ji oakville mr webber of the bank of mon treat haa been transferred to bramttion misses ruth and bllue katon daugh ters of col baton and mrs eaton are returning from england on friday on the washington the duatn occurred on wednesday at her homo in bronte of mm cudmorc in her 60th year mrs cud mores death comb as shock to hi host of triondo throughout tho district star mr clare bus taylor is confined to ills home from injuries received when thecsr hi which he was riding took to the ditch on monday tho death occurred an saturday at her residence colorno street of mint taicy walsh in tier 70th year miss walsh had been in failing health for some time in tho neighborhood of fifty membos of st jdhpji united church sunday school board were the guests of the superintendent mr turner and mrs turner on tucuday night at chicken dinner held in the sunday school hall the eastern town whitby is our choice for the zntermcdiato chanv plonehlp record eden milta not being able to attend on account of on tho evening of marefr 12th very fine and instructive rnkulonary play en titled soup sand and sago bush was given in the united church by several members of tho corwhln womens mis sionary society group the humorous side of tho contents of wmo bales sent to fotcigu parui was well represented ti play was well presented and appre ciated by all present after which pleasing program of jocal talent was rendered instrumental elections by messrs carter and watson arkcll rocu tauons by muu ba boles vocal duetts by mrs starkcy and mr tarzwell arkcll reading by mrs mlddloton cor whin in tlie absence of the pastor rev ii somcrville on account of illness mr ilenry leslie occupied tlie chair hearty vote of thanks was tendered to all who assisted in plcauant and prodt abk evenings entertainment after tho closing number tho national anthem everyone present was generously served with coffee and lunch ospwnge mm grundy returned homo on saturday after ten weeks visit with members of lier family in detroit and stiatfonl tho weekly sing song was held at the home of mr and mrs geo cooka wish about twentylive present plans were made for tlw social night to be held in tho church on thursday evening mr and mrs mcklnnau offered their homo for tho next ting song little miss marylln and masur bulla miller of brampton spent lout week with their uncle and aunt mr and mm fred bapta mr and mrs goo ronnlck and marian of milton tpcnt sunday with mr jinamrs stewart tlw cuxx report of no 13 erin for jaimaiy and february lj as follous lurtna locker 245 maximum marka 500 helen robcrun 000 dorouiy mckeiizi 7ffl alvm struthers c30 gordon roberuon 631 maximum marks 1050 jr iv joan peavoy 018 fir in oructi burrows 767 georg mr und mrs mcmillans mrs arfciiur hudd and duughkr mlj betty of durluun at mr and mrj littles mhu jltleii pamore obigt rsoll mind fcjcliul pearal of dundas mr frank cutt of guelpli spnt sunday lu our mldut mr frrd day of colke of education toronto masurs cilairus wusoii uild oordill tolton of iddeai mills at last works meuuntf of ule young ivopwt society of the unltld ciiucli ls laabu llawklns gavtf lur report in connection wlux uie whiter scliool rocenuy held at lolmerston in place of tlie weekly prayer ltictiitf last week in tho united ohurch mi george gordon guve uvi report as dele gate to the ontoiio provlncuu temper anoo union conwutlon iwld in toronto last month holy communloii wuj observed at st johns ohurch on sunday morning the rector rev brullnger oufiducthi the aervioe our local blacksmith mr fred oib oona has recovered from his umesa and is able to resume his duties in the shop robertson 6j7 gordon aitkon 685 oiorbo locker 533 maximum nuorks 050 ivavoy 400 ii norman mckeniie 081 douglas robertson 331 maximum marks 850 keith burrows 5aa hueu aitkin 684 enuiui lansley 553 jean undur hll 348 maximum murks 760 vrhc kumtth poavoy 335 jr iliiloii sinclair 103 maxhuum marks 350 absent for examinations anna foreman tuocjier mrs locker was hostess for tho mooting of uuj wonums iiuitituto last wodiivaduy in splto of bud roads about twljityilvu ladles were prudent splendid program was glvon several numbers brought bulbt und tmeds for tho roll collwhlch was on txclituige of bulbs or tieeds mrs geo robertson gave reading an instrumental by miss lortn locker vtry amusing pupir was reai by mrs locker untitled an auction sale and wedding combined uttlo mus uuude lieid tauig the old spinning wiujel uocompuiued by htf mother and brotiier clarence wlu played tlw kazoo mrs llobortson guve all interesting talk on shnxldcd wheat and the pro oebs of manufacture tllrowh tlie kind ness of the shredded wlieat co eacn lady was preacnted with generous sample slss scankm conducted real good musical contest which was won by mrs brydon and mrs oeorge cooke dainty lunch was served bjthe hostess and her assistant ibin mr james hamilton and miss bertha hamilton ot toronto spent the week end with mr and mrs norman barbour mrs james long has returned to her home here after two months visit with mr and mrs travis in toronto mr and mrs duncan mcdougail entertained number of frlenda and neighbors lost friday evening when the cotton orchestra of orongeville sup plied the mhsic for tho dance dainty lunch was served and all spent plea sant evening miss rcta laidlaw of brampton mies rta bacon of alton mr kenneth cotton or orangovllla were weekend visitors with mr and mrs riuncon mc dougail and family tlie cast and all those who assisted in tho play winnie and the wise young man were entertained at tho homo of mrs mogill last friday evening when all enjoyed varied program and dainty lunch advocate georgetown verdun rcbekah lodge celebrated its 17th birthday on tuvoday evening when euchre was held the firemen were called out about tight oclock on sunday morning to small fire in lyr pauls kitchen tho butzo was extinguished with chemicals before any serious damage was done mr and mrs il wilson have re turned to their home in georgetown wfter spending the post three months in toronto mr and mrs robert erwln george town mls4 mabel erwln toronto and mr robert mcpherson of acton were in rochester on sunday attend ing the funeral of mm charles erwln formerly florence mcpherson of acton the local if boom journeyed scaforth lost wednesday night for gnrrw in fc semlflnol ploy offs the local hoys had oncgoaiiul to take to scaforth and the fans ex pected they would come through the series but the tables were turned and scaforth took tho round by alngle goal winning tlio gjmo to herald colob in amtt menus barbara brooks whether we are conscious of it or not we all respondto the influence of color psychologists hsjve written learned books about the effect or color on personality fond behavior and upon the interpreta tion or our reactions to particular colors there is no doubtlhat the color of foods in menus lias much to do with our enjoyment of meals good use of color mokes even ordinary food pleasing and riot of uncontrolled color con make eating horror of course color is always important because wo see our food before we eat it in party menus color very often makes tho rcstlveneas of tho occasion ww fed that ouch occasions arc worth the extra thought and time it takes to match and contrast foods to moke meal attractive to the cyo and still have it properly balanced and good to eat civilization seems to havo been pro cess of toning down the bright colors we loved as savages and as young children when we consoioualy try to put color into menu our first precaution is to check the primitive urge to go too far in making up color scheme after all wo want tho food we cat to look natural emer ald green potatoes or pink bread may be interesting as spectacle but wo are not so enthusiastic about eating them such extremes ore unnecessary anyway if wo wont green menufar8t patrick day there are all tho green vegetables to help us oat if our theme is pink or red there are many foods to choose watcn tlie reds though for clashing shades the reds of tomatoes and beets should not appear in full strength on the tabe at the name time ycuow is one of our best food colors it is easy to put into tho menu and most yellows blend woll on the other hand blue is difficult and is best supplied in tablo decorations flowers candles cloth or dishes food should be chosen to set off tho blue accessories yellows and oranges green or tmrrhrn nf yed wotlccd uto the menu milton hundreds of ciowi liave arrived rtg marshall has tulips half way out of the ground in his garden and john tim bers caught butterfly on tuesday jack hardy aged 16 years forgot to sjicok to ills fathers horse before ho uupped behind it to rcadjubt ha harness ho it suffering from two broken ribo because tho startled horse kicked him 13 feet through tho air into it snow bank white leghorn hatched tt year ago and ownud by coulson no milton has an egg which weighs sji ounces lias diameter of inchci central circumference of 7vi inches and lengthwise circumference of inches margaret robinson and barbara nixon passed their elesaentary examination in piano at toronto conservatory of music last week margaret received second honors butinham of hamilton was mied 10 and oobts for reckless driving which tveultcd in collision with an auto owned and driven by george nurse farmer of esquosing township in appreciation of ills eight years of loyal service as superintendent of knox presbyterian church sunday school the teachers prcnted dick with beautiful illuminated oddreoi and on ibony silver mounten cone mrs dick was preoeiued with lovely bouquet of spring flowers tlie presentation of tlw address was made by rev mcfau tho cane beuig presented by allen miui buun presented the bouquet champion burlington dr and mrs harry peart of elm ood wtro hero on thursday laot attending tho funeral of his grand mother mrs blesslnger mr and mrs it bean and son john and mr and mrs wm bean otvvato icowcre uio parsonage with rev and mrs fin lay maiiuaum mfkrtrx mlth ind utollhv secretary of tlie 3ugh school board attended tho ontajja trustees conven tion liuld hi toronto on monday and luesday mr wm vallanoe water btrcot picked snowdrop in the flower garden ul her homo on fifonoay last year uio flrt of these tkllcate white blooms ap peared luro on march 31st wluu lie slipped on tlie ice oil clark venue on monday evening louk walk er town employed had uto mlsiortuna to lnjuro his knee mr walker it feared will be laid up for many wtikd as tho result of uio accident the water commission dlcovoed ut us regular beaslon last night tliot no permkislon hud been secured from the pdcrul government to place tho liiuiko pipe for uio new water tyum into tho lake thd failure to secure this per mission may yet mean considerable worry for the comndaalanera mayor wutaon lloyd dingle art allen malison milne and dudley altvi the commltteu uppolnted to seleot dto for tlio now poit oftice has been in session tdnce 10 oclock tills wednesday tnnming but no definite decision has been ixttijied up to ttrcas time tlm sejectie has narrowed down to dingles property on elizabeth and pino streets milne cool yard john street and tlie premkjus of gordon berry and liar la armstrong on brant street aasette the mighty memories of tho past are of use only as they serve to opur us on to work in the present theodore roosevelt will givo charming and colorful ehect whatever our picture is to be there must bo background for balance tliu golden browns of hot breads toasted crackers cakes and pastry oro not td be looked upon as flaws in on otherwise perfect scheme these foods ore the balancers and background of uio plcturo just as they arc of the meal they give uio contrast neceaary for enjoying richer colors and ilavars tlie following menus have been plan ned to give color and balance green pineapple mint cocktail veal chops stuffed baked potatoes broccoli hollandaise sauce perfecuon salad finger rolls butter pistachio ice creahl coconut cakes coffee red pink menu cream of beet soup croutons cubed steak browned potatoes grilled tomatoes cinnamon apple salad with cream cheese rio baku yr where old bui been lately have not seen him for months what havent you card hes got three years for stealhv car what did he want to luteal carofozij why dldn he buy one an not pay for it like gentleman corrective shoe with bailtln features to cure foot trouble we are eorofp ped to give proper and ac curate flumg moderately priced at racwin rolls butter cherry torql coffee golden menu bouillon toasted crackers roast pork mashed sweet potatoes in orange she hs peas and corrobs biscuit honey butter peach and banana salad corn flake pudding coffee spfcldld up mouier isn dinner ready yet ask ed bobblo no dear its much to early re sponded uio mother liait uio clock low usked bobble no dear replied his mother well fcugftj my stomach must be fast uteri added tlui child barrs big 10c list this weekend gold medal largo tin pumpkin 10c gtm diced beets 10c tin modal diced carrots 10c tin crosse blackwell veg soup ioc christis mccormicks westons soda wafers per package 10c libbys largo 38 oz tin pork beans 10c falcon sweet corn 10c tin folooo fine tomatoes 10 tin horneti sparkling in glass jelly powder glass v8 to the v8 performance that sold 1300000 fowtxha beauty and new kind of ride nuw low monthly payments ai low aa 32 00 per month note these low monthly payments coupe j2 00 de luxo tudor sedan 35 00 tudor sedan 33 00 tudor touring stdun 30 00 do luxo coupo 35 00 pordr sedan 30 00 see norton motors for details and demonstration phone 69 acton ontario watch the fords go by itelujuiiih ertrapa wntttb ffijjurth of canaoa acton mlntalcr barl vml pmxsanace boirer atou 1100 tho mlnlater subject what about uuttuture 12j00 noon sandfly school ad bzms cuus 00 tho minister subject sraoko screens that often deceive tuesday xounir peoples tsgm mlialonary kvenln bveaybody welcoih jlrtfiblrtrrtan knox chtjbch acton itev bennie minis usnu wulow street oimday march nth 19ss 00 historic witness 230 abbath school 00 compsnlotislilp tblnl ui series ot our semiona to 70udc people tho yountf peoples oulld rtthdrasm for mon flay night axwatb wzlooms saplurt etjurrfj actom easteb lll sojiday uarch nth was 00 rn esster pointed dreams 1213 sandey school 00 or unclassified small advertisements advertisement utxjcf this kstasliwtf oac cent word tiatmam etisr mc pr la itt tta 4r caarn afaf tuff hog 3euptxng salttftbay tf 40 and erode boff trucking traa ifogs deuverod bjt larmer f50 holmes atmn foil al bujiot ilniiia table and six cuatm apply ar joldi le3shuax scd oats und eid barley pod tumlpa apply tony haloovitojt ko uoclcwoad tott sajle quantity of hay and oat straw tmt ala also bed oats improved ainerloma banner apply oltarttes rarvkli 303 third line actod found wrist watch found at arena on 1ue day owner may roover aamo by pro irujf property paying expenses and apply ing to chief it ucpheiiflom auction saxe arthur larey lot oonocsolon eriix iu hold an tjnreoorvd sale of jersey cattle oowa and udieitf woolly sprlngeta oraln and square timber saturday march 16th at two bl terms cash 11 khijl auctioneer ihono 34 aotofl auction bale clearing auction galo of all tho paraa equlrtmciitof uruyne um housc horacff tools all dairy utenalu mill fvd wood etc hoick parol truck on prlday march 22nd at oclock term cash no rceervo farm nold qoo loster kerb auctioneer 373 phond 30 aclo oltlahlng auction ha1le tt0 ivroi jurm stock implemcut hay oraiu and hoou of hussell olea iiio will bo offered for aalo by publu auction at lot is tliird lino eramoaa miles north of fcrtunosa cut wcducsday march 20ui at 00 tsliarp torni caah no teerve tb proprietor is kivlntf up farmlntf 11 keflh auctloueer mione 3d acton tax sale undw uul by virtue of warrata from mcbnoiy oauector of tuw tor tho munlclpauty ot erin there bo ultcred by ihlbuc auction at the pretnlses ot uonau molnxvm lotrsqimtrmltilie itrhlvcal tucsuav macu ibui 10js at 130 uio lollowliur uooda ana diutujki cowsl utlfrf years ycarluuf hi idro sprllut calves telua llotees quantity of oraln quantity el hay oral etraw te11ms cash ii keffll auctioneer lllob 3fl aokaa auction sale op western horses the undfiialcned has recerrod in strurctkma from smith to seu by auction on the premises lot 1zb ooncesslap 10 krhi tqn ehlp situated op iha tentri lln on monday march 18th ims comnwrnnn at 1j0 oaolook 17 head of mam nd gcwnga host ol them trotav to tu wi gnqri

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