Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 14 Mar 1935, p. 6

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vifijy motldc the acton free press rflubsnit march mtb ims pokocztiko how toil ear loctn you wbr would tnattoe wtaa should va bawl forsrt uw look of ftarryatfttaa kuat tbe uric la wlricr beak no meadow reen obarun not one lopgta to g1d irnjoeaa ace poutii tntoim by jojn phhdtrom mind or do youtnaorigbt memorial only make iii kind maw you mx lorfcet you bran ii they could would the deal forget the larks abora the wood mena hints afx8h ixvap for iojt heres cue where good recipe and culinary ingenuity will turn canned al mon into dish you will be proud to tiring to the table and make the dlnem like jade bpratt oleic the putter dean serve it with cold sliced beets and potato chips and you will have delicious main course for sunday night slipper jelued saladon loaf package lemonflavored gelatin pint warm water tablespoons vinegar teaspoon salt dup mayonnaise oups flaked canned salmon cup dieted celery dissolve gelatin in warm water add vinegar and salt chill until slightly ttilckened fold in mayonnaise salmon and celery turn into loaf pan chill untu arm unmold on crisp lettuce how ithappened ju vanilla junket with apricot whip package vanilla junket powder pint milk egg white cup sugar vj cup apricot pulp teaspoons lemon juice prepare vanilla junket according to directions on package und chill in re frigerator beat egg white until stilt add sugar gradually until thoroughly blended add apricot pulp prepared by rubbing stewed aprlcouf through sieve and temon juice just before serving heap the glasses of junkcf with apricot whip and if desired garnish with oc tions of diced orange oneego oinaerbilead gingerbread queen of the old fasbkmed foods whether you elect to eat it informally in tlaj pantry late at night as dessert with whipped cream or frosted willi chocolate in the modern manner with this recipe you can make thj kind of gingerbread your grandmother was noted for and atill be as economical u5 todays budget demands for it caliri for only one egg cups sifted cake flour tr teaspoonu baking powder teaspoon soda teaspoons ginger teaspoon cinnamon va teaspoon salt vi cup butter or otlier shortening cup sugar egg unbeaten cup molasses cup sour milk or buttermilk sift flour onw measure add baking powder oda apices and salt uiid sift together three times cream butter thor qughly add sugar gradually and cream together until light and rlurfy add egg and beat well then molasses add flour alternately wljli milk small amount at time boating after each addition until smooth uaku hi greased pan bxhi indies in moderate ovoii 350 degrees bo minutes or until done serve plain or cut in squares und top with molasses whipped cream made by folding tabuapoons molasses into cup creatn whipped tiijy hud been married six months lo the very dny pejjgy wasnt kimitltiieittnl about anniversaries she didnt expect candy oi lowers sho uuent econ much diauppolnted when hon fflrgot the date entirely but to hnvu him ehhoso that purtlcblor eve ning to talk to her ho dreadfully and in frtut of all their friend was real 4y too much jeepers don had aald havent yon even brains enough to reyipa lend if you cant learn to play bridge why not admit it and quit hhl she had quit shed left not only the bridge party but don himself several miles awnyi peggy gave various push to the accelerator of her blue roadster und swung op two wheels round the corner into park drive early the next morning miss vera rtern starting oq her dally trip to the meat market for toddles chopbones paused before the dotted door of an apartment on the floor lxlow her own usually at this hour burst of sing ing and the clutter of dlahes an nounced to parserahy that the pretty little rvdhalred bride wus on the job today tho apartment was disturbing ly kllent not that im curious ahe was soon explaining to pluriip mrs griggs at the corner grocery you know never pry into other peoples affairs but it did seem very piir tome very queer indeed wont around to the rourtynrd and looked up and every window was hut tight and there wan this peculiar odor it somehow buggeutcd hohpitiil to me but it wumit ether fmnrnthnnv thats it yes im sure thnt was it iont burghirtt use chloroform yen they do or somellmes people kill themselves with it hut you say they aeenied quit happy oh very happy jut bride and groom you know and nhe was such pretty lllth tiling with lovely red hnlr oh dear what do you think id better do oo well of eoiiro your janitor wonhf have pnkhky but dont ieiily belhvo oh my goodness theretho trolley coining decidedly oufof brejith mr orlggs hunk into the meat ueurent the troltiy ioor and discovered lt othor occupant to friend of hryounger tiutera they fell into cumuiii eonversitlon to which the olderwoman after time contributed the utory nh hnd juht heard the tark court aput4nientsl kline eelalmod ym know whore they are ill he looking for details in the paper ho long bkixisii columbias mining industry british colunimas mineral industry enjoyed ai increase in output value of over nine million dollars in 1934 ac teardtog to preliminary report the gross value oy the mineral production of the province for 1034 is estimated at 42 0499 an increase of 0440341 com pared with tbe 1033 output or 30 per cent the value of the metallic mineral production gold silver lead zinc and copper la estimated at 34 an increase of 8846430 cool shows slight increase in quantity end value and miscellaneous metals and minerals large increase in value the tonnage of ore mined was apprtdintely tons compared wlth 4030778 tons in b33 gold production showed an increase of 64543 ounces over l3fl establishing an alltime high record with an output of 312000 ounces valued at 1001 0833 in can ad ian funds sliver production is estimated at 8jr700o ounces an in crease of 190094 ounces 6ver 1933 and an lncreaee in value of 1647140 cop per output for the year is placed at 40400000 pounds valued at 36fl680 showing gain of 13 per cent lead production established an alltime hgh volume record df 340700000 pounds valued at 8313080 zinc also establish ed new high value record of 253780 000 pounds with value of 773001 coal production increased from 264745 tans to 1337000 tons valued at 5883 250 structural materials showed dt ctlne of 115 per cent and miscellaneous metals and minerals showed an estimat ed increase of 643 per cent mineral production in british colum bia has been very active for tbo past eighteen months and with the close cf 1034 it is evident that the industry aproochlng more stable conditions and that an increase in 1035 comparable to that of ld34 is not to be expected m1gdt see him less rauoa why did you marry dlcjtt mae got so tired having him around all the time stux swindled what did you pay for this oar7 ask ed the garage bmn who been asked to overhaul it well as matter dt fact friend gave it to me man youve been swindled no longer dreaded tho dioad of rcprcwed attacks from asthma oifttt no hofstupan those vho have learned rely upon dr pkeuogga asthma itemedy so safe do they feel that com plete reliance is placed on this true specific with the certainty that it will always do all that fa maktent claim if you have not yet learned how safe you are with thle preparation at hand get it today and know for yourself ductloo for the first half of 1034 allowed ftrftmnrvttt spaper ccntr at almoot tin aanm moment downtown us room pluujp matron uudilenly exclaimed to her bottom friend my drsr do look tit that girl tearing out as though th plsce wua ou fire hhe waa llntciilng to you re thls reclpe may bo bakihi gream7rhmikeoherennhnnpsrrtsn cupoake pans in moderau ovon 375 degree u0 minutes or until don mmikm llfmlrf vftw whrt know how suddenly croup may suise tluiir clilldnm and how necuasary prompt uc lqnlsiriplyhtgtcllcf7nlw wv aid supply of dr tlioiiiaa eclectrlc oi beeuuke ekpurlenw has taught uutm tluu this is an excellent pruporutloii for the treatment of tliu ailment aid they ure wud for 1u various uucs render it valuable medlcbie uon ultkamh glulsvatu wlityi lion escaped frotn klde ahow on the uliickpoul icnguuid promciuidd it ipsut thliitpi bi uuiicrul buddeiily jumped from its cage ulul through bdxl curtuln into box where joyce wottut was trying far fast record tie girl screamed and fuuiiod und lmmedutely panic rcigiud aueiulanu ciuummi oie lion sjidtlwj lion chiued tw utuiulanttt for twarly an hour tho bcuil followed nuruiaii turner who clubbed it with the butt of rln uid it then jumped into fancyarticle acjtt terlng and tearing uie diiuyh at iandanta then ukmi uiitlce tlw aiilnuil bisck to ids cage witli meat but it tuut jus4 been fed and ignored the bait jnnvajjy it was eaged by ckialng lix orr wl mrrloadca don diddle looked up from iiih iohc annoyed by the chatter of the llllng clcrktf insldo the nvxt partition ito half rose from hta chair to nsk for quiet overheard unine one aay tho turk ootirt apiirtmenth and sank buck to luton do grf on kllm itn like hearing tiewhpnper story htforo it comoa out only dont know the omt any way this young cntiple jiiid hen living there for ali montlih und they ueemod crnxy about each other uho asid which doesnt wound like aulelde hut all the doors and windows were shut tight and stuffed round the edges with rsgh und hurglnrh wouldnt do that then there wii thlh terrlhlo umell of chloroform nlnply overpowering and no answer to all their poumllug on the door my heuveuh girls twhut alia mr tmddlot hes boon acting queer ull morning and now hes diifh off without hlu cost or hrttl owr the corresponding period dt 1033 but slight decrease compared with the last she months of 1933 the estimate for the last six month of 1034 is 663 35 oyer the first six months of tho year and slightly over the last ubt months or 1033 during the year the larger opera tions brought their production back cloe to capacity several operations increased their capacity and number of new mills were conn true ted mining com panies foirned durlntf1034 numbered 173 of which 140 were formed for tile pur pose of developing gold propcrtlu divll euds from brltkh coluwbla mining coin paiiles for tluj year are etimated 0763614 compared with 3075577 in 1033 annual tusapobt of goodykalt op canada prillts surplus reserve are up liquid paaltien is strong cldly lipping frosted chocolst und when you msilcl iurk court apart khi litit itiiunnd out of chslr so it happened that don hljdu and his ii evv and tury redheg wl fall lntoeach otheru arms ut the uoor of certain very muthtulktjdof apart nirlit oh darling darling was brute dearest was perfect little fool drove out to mother fr tvhlxht of couriie hintdeuly they veiillxed that ths door of thelriapurtnitmit uteod open und that from within there cunie forth faint hut dirldimlly huiiehthetlc odor and the uouud of volru lit uie kitchen they found muh ktern und ths janitor lultiiily cxiiiiiliilng hnge wooden crate whatt lu ut diinandcd miss hi riingerlnesl houttdtho ilhhltus in chorus theyre bpolllng on thebpttom iniiiu announced the jutiltor urter tinollier whiff and im not uuylng they dont hinell mighty lllcu this hnra liiloroioriii muu veru wuu huutlu for rtuppohe whould upoloule be gun muh stern htlllgtttntly oh jdcuhe dont crlod laggy ndfcd woromost gruttfu to ou itddtml don wont mi lease have sopie ormiuvs an increase of 5135030 in net profit an increase of 1815131 hi the earned surplus hicrcused reierves an cicoellent ratio of asiets to uabllltlaj and strong liquid position were ahown in thu state ment of tlie ooodyeur tire and itublxir company of 5anadu limited and sub sldlury companies for the year eiidlng december 31st 1034 presented by the president carlisle at tho annual meeting lait week current worklig ausets with well bulajidid lnventority entered at consider ably below market price etood at 10 11554710 us against current liabilities of 4004810 und cash on hand alone was over twice tho liabilities ket cur rent oiiaets or working capital after de ducting all current liabilities and tax reserved was 078340808 reduction of 4045150 hi working capital was 0c codioned by tlio redemption of the good year cotton companys bonds amounting to 78900000 par value in pebruary as result of ulli action none of the goodyear companies now has any bond ed indebtedness and saving of 40 hq per annum in llxed charges liau been uffected mr carlisle stated that tho year allow ed generul lncreao in thu volumo of sales to dealers numufocturea ajid to tho export trade although the good ttvotrntplnnrsiadntoyed lo34 rubber and cotton on liand contracted f6r ut below current prices the prottl th 1m lthftfu from this condition to tlio oonia extent us in 1033 akio replacements imd to bd iiuula iuoowwibly iuglweppioks uum in the previous year average apol cost of rubber in 1034 had bttaii 117 per xnt hl spoi coat of mlddlhig uplands cotton 427 per cent higher knc0uhaging this xitkaciieu we should not be beyond takhig en couragenieiit fioiu uie lltth things hi life ai bamest yomig oou iiunlstur wus peak big to one of tlio elders after the service my sermon seemed to rouse the people up ik said do hope good will rutult vwru like verru like replied the euhir 0tl ofteji dek reat thui4ptwltli ho ineuiis ye 11 no forget tkunson on uui wonderful oihigs he did wi the jawbone of an awl rheumatism at iicuticl idmiuiio aulcklr mllsma biowna drue star rumacapsj asa regularity to merchandisers you sweep out you trim the win dows you dust off the counters youmake up new price cards you pack and arrange nw rioqjylpianyjjor mefcblmdise showings you do these and hundred necessary jobs regularly in the nor mal conduct of your business but how about the biggestjobofall contacting the people and telling them repeatedly that you are in business and have the goods they neecb do you do that regularly do you figure that you are going to get your share of the available business if you dont tell folks about yoxir merchandise or your service at regu lar intervals instead of doing the job spasmodically or not at all by all known tests experience and thousands of records the acknowledged hestofau medium or regularity is advertising in the local newspaper newspaper going regularly into the home of your possible customers not only in town but the surrounding territory as well makes it easy enough for anyone to see how your local newspaper offers you the finest kind of vehicle for carrying your business message regularly to the people and dont think tliese folk wont miss your regularity of advertising they look for their newspaper regu lailyread4tregularlytudyits business directory ftninai dr mcniven tfcjraukw am offloa and haa opmar bvvw avwraa and btn street dr nelson ffeyauhw an4 eleotio tliaiapt ucgai pbooa xvo 31 ol box harold nash parmer acton hooia jo to 11a0 nm loo pm to b00 aa satotdai 11m otolosk kenneth langdon burkcer hawiia kwarr offloai over bernocka oalo for appotntmenta fbooa aeton oeorcetoini office boon acton ttoaaaar ttmradav 1j5 to uo ni as lnvi on reqoeat dkntai ompe buchanan dental sargatsm xh leuhznan sours until by appointment oas for ftktractiooa clcaed wednesday afternoon dental biirgiian suooeaaor to lt dr bab pboos 3d ulll vetebikart dr bruyns veterlury all calls receive prompt attnitjlatt terms reasonable tllone 1ss actok ontabiej office 44111 street harrop sc lhone iay or night rttddenoe bower anotu ail caila promptly an reasonable mibceixankou8 francis nunan bookbhidar account books of all kinds triad to order periodicals of every i1i tfi carefully bound ruling oaatty and promptly done wyndhsttj street oualpli oat advertising yours if its there regu and whats more youinmeftliey are biiyjngfnirly regttt arly toqj if yxujl just check up especially with the advertis ers who do use space regularly yours for more regularity in your advertising the acton free press general in we specialize in life fin heautfc ud accident autoatvobaw and all general limog ml insurance also plata glass fidelity bands annuities pension bonds etc leading ooutlniu kxcellknr pacllrnbal frederick wright tw lau main btkkef aoton fcr kvt lv tvv v7 fcvl ivf ttw kviiviv tv ivi tv the advertisements point the way to economical shopping in acton cffitomerf the actonrfree

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