Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Mar 1935, p. 8

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ssassskeell paob bpht the acton free press thursday march jut im icattaw si blrtks kanbcc a4 dasuu hionl iu oolaaw wltaom ctan kcawisa notices foe aaa per urns 0obn davedeon at wra ootta on fridar ineh buj 1s3s to mr and mn kennettl danafcon aon mcxxmf aloin aetrolt ulcn on sat urday milch 16th ims to mr and mralalrf mcdonald son eobert murray paltrom at vancouver on wednesday marco utn ims major wllaam panton formerly of milton in nlsbsth year davibon euddcnly at owlph on saturday march letn 183s jama davfoon principal kmerttus ouelph collegiate institute tayior at tne home men mills on tario on monday march 18lh 1035 janet benrile beloved wlf of john taylor in her mth year oonway at nls late home church street acton on sunday march 17th ims charles alfred conway bekrred father of conway buntarffle mrs johnstone of delaware and alma conway of toronto robsom at the home main strew acton on thursday march 21st 1s edna beloved daughter of thomas and 111 kobson in her 14tb year the funeral will be held on saturday afternoon with service at st alhaus church at three oclock interment phlrvtew cemetery acton in memoriam snyder in loving memory ol dear son and brother will snyder who psased awaymarch lth 1b3s no length of time no lapse of years can dim our loved ones past for treasured memories hold him dear arid will while memory lasts ever re by mother and sisters easter is just month away tho first day of spring today the robins and spring buds are get ting julte numerous these days tho bright shiny new cars are bc sinning to make their appearance tbo wortit of all failure ere those who never fall because they never try auction sales liave been quite plenti ful and improved price seem to bo the rule brampton will adopt daylight sav ing at the same time at toronu april 28 th lloraua seem to be ul quite demand attlieauouonxaleaild bring cood priced barrie has ttruck tlie tax rate at 60 mill the highest in tho history of the town the streets arc hi much better con dition thk week ulnce the surplus water got away daylight saving in guelph will com mence on may l2th and continue until september 3rd newmarket has reduced 1u tax rate by three mills this year and will finance on 40 mill rate rtisrmahoncouoty laocauptestival will be held thid year on april 13th and 13th in burlington sap running and its maple ayrup time although llttlo of tho product has yet been put on the market acton juniors defeated milton junior laockeyists in an exhibition eanie in mil ton last week by tfl score bpeclal valuei and the besl buys oi tho week are found in the adverilas meotii itcivd tliem before you go abop phig tit tv lxnti smull advertisements provide an easy and convenient way of aching many tunall article not required about ihhous harold titode oulph hockey goalie lias gone home to zurich to visit with liisparchtsror bliurt ntnr fa amtlclpaud ho will bo back ul time tat ih imhi maasftn cluuios piuuckt the veil foot uel glun who has been in acton since liui full iiuvfd uut witli his bagjuujo and bcitafffj car vast uwk and lias now located hlnuulf in oioruetown itsav humley of qtorgolown united church has accopuxl call to laldlaw mumorlolclmrch ijfamllton uid llev vc ovcrvud of tliut church wlil go to the church hi owi rge town arrougomiiil hud bccn made for ovorgetown and acton to play for uw ieter timlui trophy on wededuy nnd imday of this week but the hiud wru tlicr hiurfvrtd with tlie pliuis tiio canada tututr company plant in kitchener vub destroytl by hrv on mojiduy tills plant vi owned by moasrh itoyqt flnrdu bauer form rca of acton tnv plant will be rivbullt lin mediately in tlw hit of acuiii ltiiton otxccfh published liut week tho tollowlng of ncurs were biudvcrtuntly oailltc chaplain luv ll ucnnle tkrtitlt iltarnati coouey 13 audll ots ja adamson and john chapmult fattt oak faddrg pay bj bastty barclay cblldreo of tfab oitld od fit fborlck xay to tine mast important holdlay of this year even those who an not from srln acknowledge the day ideal for parties since such gay and at tractive decorations gamea and menu can arranged bran spice cake with green lcln or dotted with tiny green candles makes an appropriate dainty for tadda parties containing bran valaable bulk bood it healthful ao well aa delicious braul 6pice cake cup sugar egg yolks sell beaten cup allbran rolled cups nour teaspoons baking powder teaspoon soda teaspoon salt tetcpoon ciores 1v4 tssaapoons flntiffmr teaspoon nutmeg cup sour cream tlnck add sugar gradually to egg yolks add allbran 8rft dry ingredient add alter nately with sour cream beat well pour into greased tin bake about 43 minutes in moderate oven 400 degrees yield 16 servings cake inches by inches this cake can be iced wlthyour favor ite frosting using green vegetable color ing to obtain the true 6t patricks day hue dont etop with the coke here are number of recipesfor novel dishes that wilf make et latricks day ikorth while try them all btupted oreetf peppers green poppers cup chopped brazil nuts can teaspoon salt pepper vi teaspoon uugar teaspoon onion juice cup buttered crumbs cut tops from green peppers bnd re move seeds and fibres mix corn and nuts with seasonings and tnl pepper cover with bread crumbs put in bak ing pan pour little hot water around the peppem and bake 25 to 30 minutes in moderate oven 376 degrees jjme tint russian cream tablespoons sugar teaspoon salt eggs cup milk scalded teaspoon vanilla package lime flavored gelatin cup warm watr ih teaspoon talt teaspoon almond extract add sukut und salt to eggu and beat ijlghtly lour ttmull amount of milk ovor cga stirring vigorously return to ro mahilng milk in double boiler and coo until mixture coats spoon stirring con stantly remove from fire add va nilla chill dissolve tfelatin in worm wuter add salt and flavoring chill until cold and uyrupy place hi bowl of craokbd ice or lco water und whip with rotary egg boa er until fluffy and thick like whipped cream then beat in custard turnjuto individual molds chill until firm uu mold reserve with whipped cream jserves fl quick pofndant whhiwh nrirnwfrt ttillkjt easy to make prench looking cream pat ties or stuffed date4 or cream fondant flilcd balls and where thy usual fon dant takes 40 minutes to make and uien luui to ripen for 24 liourt this fondant made with uwceuiied condensed milk takci butilvo minute and never fulls just sift 1u cups confvctloners sugar and blond gradually hito cup of sweetened cotldcnttd uluk add teaspoon vanlua or flavor wltli oil of peppermhit or oil of wintergrecn for variety continue luhdng until smooth and creamy por variatlonii plaoe fon pbesentation to ur and mra wilfred kennedy and family by tbair friends in naasagaweya the home of mr and mrs wilfred kennedy was the scene of very happy gathering on prldfiy eyenlngwhen number of neighbors and friends called to spend tho evefimg with them mr and mr kennedy will shortly be moving ty kcrinedys boyhood hojno lot 18 concession nojagaweya3jbhefc ho will take up farming operstsins since their marriage they nave lived on lot 24 concession kasaagaweya and mr kennedy has been valued employee of tho mkcarthur construction company at different periods mr mc millan called the gathering to order and asked mr and mrs kennedy to take chalro and the following address was read by mr malcolm moffat friday march 16th 1935 to mr and mrs wilfred kennedy and family we as group of your neighbors and friends have gathered here in your borne tonight on hearing of your intention to move some dis tance from our midst wo are sorry that circumstances make this move necessary but on tho other hand wo are pleased to know that your now homo will not bo far from us jn the years that we have lived elde by side we have all enjoyed much liapplness and contentment together and perhaps we have also breasted few of lifes stormu and upon all occasions you have proven yourselves to be staunch and loyal friends and wu hope that you will carry with you happy memories of your homo amongst us as you go to yournow homo nearby wo trust that those ties 7jr ia twutuh nm febcus8ion instruments there are two sets of percussion sounds in cm orchestra tho kind that lias skin sretched over rim ilka tho tambourine and drum and tho metal or wooden kind like cymbals cas tanets triangles and bells drums oro the oldest of all for even prehjotorlo tribes made music to the monotonous occompojilment drum top rhythms in military bond small sidedrums ore used and big drum too strapped to the player but jrr an or tea kettle drums are used which have defin ite notes tho other percussion instruments have no fixed sound at all qongs ore of chinese origin and make ghcjuy sounds bells make tho prettiest sounds ixmc tubular ones are used in tchaikovskys oveiture with cymbalo too which dom inate all other percussion instruments and make impressive climaxes anotfiek difficulty young wifo anxiously do you think ive put too much salt in the soup dear model husband no darling hot at all there is perhaps not quite enough soup for the salt that js all bj kerbs list of sales friday march 22nd bruyns llrnchousc horses form equipment thursday march 28th 7moc sinclair lot 18 first lin erin forn stock and implements etc tuesday april 2nd it adsctt lot 23 sixth concession eramosa clearing sole of farm stock letters to the editor the free pre welcomca letter thla column matter of setscral inter ct to its rcsulcr but docs not neceaavartl ctstlorav ue op in loo cxpiciicd all letter mutt be aigned but may be published over pen uime if svo deirl nd apeci ei in the letter commtjjjctionb ahould nut be over 500 ward ia leagtb and muit be received not later than tucadav at noon to wxckll through many happy years and as you go we ask you to toko with you this lamp aaa mark of our appre ciation of your good ftillowshtp in times post and as mark of our best wishes fov health and happiness and all tilings gwod and pleasant in tho years to come at the proper time on aladdin lamp was placed before thciu mr kennedy feelingly replied with few words of thanks and appreciation number of neighbors were asked for short speeches after which messrs tuancu nelles kennedy cameron ilomshaw and thos mcmillan supplied music und uw remainder of the evening wiui fcptnt in duhclng js vllosi tiie autobviockapliy ov bcottie as teabked to morgan 1enn1s now there u10 city do 5iu tiiuster ni hl in tho monil before goes to work and hi tho ovenlng when he ounuti home you liave all twm uib teclmlque of tills airing proceia uud pobably never realised how cruel it is to uve dog let me illustrate from my experleucis hi tho two yearu lived in an apartmuiu coming home hi the evening my master would call mo to him snap on the loaih ruiat hievltoblo leash laild out wod go spying an hitercfithiglookhig tree or lamppoii or flro plug would go over to enut ilo would wait patiently for tiio first two or tluroo hivatujailniu but once performed thai act which hqdtwmllg pri reason for bring me out further mviistiijaaioni were ter mhioied by impatient tugt on tho jkiash if stopped to pick up bit of goi3 at tliw or that tm was whisked by it even though hraocd myself agalnt tiiot infernal leash mentioned picking up bit of cln rbrlit hero want to correct an appar iaitly universal uawry tikut humans clierltui about uti tiity ini to tlilnk uuu we tnlif at troe or post for only ope pur post notlilinr could bo moro errcuuioui we invitituiato treea and otlicr dnterestlng spou to road tlw news of specialties ciiem1cax toiu5ts septic tanks wate31 pomps automatic water systehs supeil oiiaiige ci1zmicalb apeclal plilcb 35lb drums itvplcemcnu our spctlalty mall orders shipped same day wrluj for catalogue our prices aru low lor goods of high quality higgins co engineers 5s7 y0nge st tottonto nione kingbdale 1278 montreal letter editor pax psxss dear birr mount royal up thrust abpvc sea of spires you rear your treccu height red upashed by autumn surnmer fpreen by winter dairllng white ocrlooking twicu ten thousand homes guardian angel mild tho beautylovers puradise tho playground of tho child your lack of bulk the west may mock and vaunt her mountains high whoso snowbrowned peaks surmount the clouds and mingle with the sky admired they aretout riot beloved so deeply as thou art for thee tho cityv arms reach out to clasp thoe to hor heart alan maolochuui those lbrus mustappcul to thousands who may have read them in the gajjctte recently and who frequently gaso upon tills great natural symbol of strength and beauty and how shedding its mantle of snow with little phlnlng rills trickling over its ramparts which some mmnirnfl riptf thpmtpvi in sbcen of 8laveky in abyssinia antislavery reform measures lq abyssinia to bring slavery to an end within period of twenty years havo been making progress oincc they were put into force over year ago slav ery department was established in august 1033 and first concentrated on preventing slavo raids and the trade li jslavcs it was revealed that some of the highest oltlciaki were involved in those ffalrohotiaytshaunwsfiholkksuijali whoso wife had actually established slave depot in the sudan through which had passed 600 slave children she was imprisoned in sudan jail literary digest for early production we are now booking orders bmt tomato peappek celery plants priced lh quantities at 800 per 1000 local grower hut year was prize winner with plants from our stock plaoo orders early quantities fairly limited bishop son phonk acton springtime specials ig cabin chocolates real favorite confection flavors mandarin cocoonut honey nougat bordeaux vanilla carmcl chocolate carmcl maple cream regular 25c lb special per lb 19c ladies purses as sorted styles for houuc dreases new assortment pull range of sizes at curtains full site 18 inchesby 211 yards per pair paper window shades eroen and cream each mens fancy socks pair 49c 98c assortment 59c 98c 18 inches by 39c 59c 15c mens work social pair 15c peerless hard water soap cakes moc spearmint tooth paste ugetubo for jluc spccdce shaving cream doubk size tube for uvc lampolacs aj oc largo tuzo tor atoc scrub bruslfes each iso sap paxls special each 17o ice it is prepgrlg ut luu an object of spring and summer beauty from every one of tlio four bides from virtually level plain it may bo vlcwvd and admired in return from its sites may be seen vast cxpoiuu of country but more particularly out toward tho ltturentians on the north and to the south across the st lawrence to thu mountain ranges in now york and ver mont good views may oka bo had out across the ottawu and down rtvrr easterly wa1jpapfr rppciaia for thjajb bedroom paper regular hotlsetalnt qtiart loc for per roll sunworthy bedroom paper reg ioc roll for roll 4hour enamel quart 69o hour varnish stain quart 9o hintoits 5c to store oce ticket silver jubilee year list ov festivities on loequesx vorai from 14450 up excursion kate jutu april 30th 1935 11000 touiiist class is days utop over 13900 fredxtvwight acton ont dont plahi betwoen lutlwd nut moauuie day its our cwipaper our boip or at stuffing for dutos or form into sliaot thus wti ltyirn what otiur doi amall bulls und roll in chopped huts havo paed that way and whetlitrtiiere kbrvldj irratnl cliooolnto or candled fruits or flavor and form into round llat creams trawa puljonf tubleapoom yrajiulaud ye latino nip irinnn jillrn cup plne4ipplo julco cup crujihd pineapple li cup bukor xt5ggwtlitcu cufl shredded cocoanut cup chopped roasted ulinuiuls soak uelathic minute in lemon jute add to pineapple juice which uioum be boiling ttlr in kugor and cool until it tktflus to congeal ileat egg whiles tlh add to uelaithw mixture tlr in cocoonut ulmondi and crushed phicap ple and whip until frothy let utufen and itve hi tilicitet glauuxj about um dropd of icrcvu viutablj coloring will color tho entire dujl irvit with your favorite plneupplo drejudng are any ncwcomgniin tlie iielghborhood and uveius always the possible tlirlirot plckhig up tho troll of cat sucli hv vestlgatlonii men one of our greatest pleasured and to bo turiiled iiill ttlenb of tliem after spondlng uwj whoo uyaqahwajpaytjuar4pr4t urjlblo can tell you pohuiulttdy for me moved to uio country befoo ihu bul of tearing my nupupir from nuyiirlttahdutncdmy me hlutrok dlbpoidtlon ciwcius feats alti ancient many of tlvo circus and vaudovihe fcutr which ur lvrformed today wore performud hi the clrcuii und amphl tluatriyi which drw lartii audiences 5000 ago pvixdv wore roccjltly un covetvd in crete by un eminent artli aoologut which ivpnent charging bull aboiil to tui girl tultd on its horm while unothef girj irt uttuidlng ordinarily uib dtwuirt iiprhikiud wliii buhhid apparently waiting to catch htr additional cooounut and ulmoiuis for man in rprlmtod turning unertiaulls lit wtrlikti day vubstltuui chopped on uuj bull back ah of uuc njrforni grtyen arunc hln nh lrrirsrln ygrrire candun much nimble uuiu worn by juml biuvbuadc jldcni itac reids electric splendid display of eleclric ul requirements on display johnstone rumleys eslimaufl choerrully fuif niahed on all electrical wort jmcisjjojuldjuo now looakied ill j6 rich harvest may cnaue from tho ciforts of those wlio are now laying the foundations of ahdjjioai who will main tain in its integrity tho principles of tho in acton tho original participant may nouslbly not realize in full but maybe usured umt yood re lulti will follow the writer on thurs day laiit attimdbd flower garden show by the montreal garden club in one of tlij largo roonw of the central hero iino in passing along thlon liauway was much impread by tho many par traits of byegone giants of cluiracter aiio have been interested hi work some of tlie collec tion reach bock into uio zaa at lodt ountury one tipecuiuy noticed whofc name had been fumlllar since able to read newspaper was redpath dougall of tlio wltneij dally and week ly latterly weekly only wlio was pro sjduit about 18c3 ills was life de vaujd to human welfare especially of tlie young lit death at about 03 years occurred loit sununer many otlur great mens uuiiui are placed on tho two long rowsofnortrniui there aro hi tliacity several centrci sotta of tiicm fhie build bigs but uiis central is the largest of all and fci splendidly equipped recently in walking down street to mail box gentleman hi passing car jumped out and crosod tho street salut ed the writer byname it turned out to bd uw dr lloyd sjuith who wished to otter me rid down town rather than go by train ut remarked was on my way to mall birthday letter to tlieyounevt daughter of my eldest con who us high school lad prixildod at mock shy lock trial in acton town hall when he dr as hylock wau whetting his knife for the pouiid ticdrr he uuguufcly thal was long time ago au matter ol fact it was about thirty yearn ago dftn txit kviutyoni ira tin ii of will act as assistant asrriculturul tlvo in wellington fur the pxt tim months at leasl mr tclmtine unlu last rail nllcd the posi district represcntativau for tounty elora expretas theri ts room enough on earth to rind raves for tho liiust ubllltls and tioblut pw 11 uiound which received ono ulillt will ultt receive ulo ilvo yh can eajdly nod hpido to dig gravu or ytur ubnti und ubllitlwi your money and your uuw uut unueiuiul umt in burying yum talent yuu are burying yourself burying auit that cod has given you you are burying part uf your 11 fet joseph parker stlkntiilcalxv pitted shoes for 4vlen ly si miaio rachlin acton baby chicks andu hatching eggs sc white leghorns prom large lilrun tlntt have given plack average of 210 eggs antl bottir over ikirlod of ilvo yeunr hatchlia eveity thursday pricks ukasonalilk acton poultry farm paliixon duval hox 378 actolav the new outlook in recent issue publltihtd brief obitu tiketch with portrait of hev dewey wlrniii some of uio elder of 3vti ihiksii readers may remember an young probationer tii tii mhilitry in hip fort meat specials for friday and saturdg keefcuts choice uh iloatiti lier lb lijcy lliick uib jioosu per lb sliouldlr roosts per lb niu uoil per lb 13c 13c 16c 14c 14c 10c iork cuts sh0uulr noaug por lb ioc toncuc ioln tlusilj isr lb side iliicon by the per lb smalad cotufeu rolk icr lb plcklwl cottmc ilolu pr lb 22c 23c 28c 23c 24c 20c 21c pish ii eajluon by the pltc perlb xfac smoked iuid lrh ullels per lb llc rextra special lard tbs for homemade sausage 2h tbs for bottles crosse bluekwells catsup 14 ox bottles for 27c 25c 28c pattersons meat shop ilione 178 we deulver promptly immmlllag wh1 v8 church who wot on thaaeorgcujwu circuit oivj year luftbl just before the great methodist union took pluce that circuit was slitpoint charge with two minister fifth line balllnaiau anil georgetown for one man tlm uriel above acton lliuehbuje and olenwi hams tlio other mr dewey war un tii erg tic lively cheerful young prench or lull of inusiii wlf taught oxttsm prhdn organbt his vlslu to the lfjillo home whin the writer wna inun uuiru rtuulud in some couipau iniuibk 11nglng uhuggyhuhed young inun hu pubibshid imrtrjlt nhowj only fringe ulaivt tin eaii but the suino hp muilc nm ipeiit time us evunuellt wltli lhv crawley brother of luv ii crtkchy of ciojley und hunter fume itrtspect fully js coikmk oiitl wlon avenue mmtiml march liith ltw to the v8 performance thafsotd 1300000 fords we add beauty and new kind of ride what is tiutxj iuhik luiutfhtu irlll though hintill lppeftrhr hmiuia nikke uu mountain tiioiiiinls inukir ur year una tihlis lue trvuilr eure to trltkji tflyr elwou niny die irryuu iluve leilnied to live youne netf low monthly payments us low us 3200 per month note these low monthly payments cgu 11 luxe tu se 350 tudor sedun 3300 tudor touring sedan 3600 lie luxe coupe 3500 lurdor sedan 3000 see norton jviotors ixk details and demonstration phonii69 watch the poni go ijjr mmm vwvl

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