Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Mar 1935, p. 2

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sapv al rukrltom the acton free press thursday march 21st 1035 8h alton jrrwp tfrctbb pnbflinnd kyr thoitdy aetna ontario rates saoa pr vaar na adva dlueoal sib copies both old bs fircn wneau caaaga ol cahcnxlaticmswe fioa out of oar sob prefer to hnva tnefa subscription intcrraptad la cum tkt bu remit before cxnfentjoa wmle ub tr will mat bo carried la amass over an ox knjasa wo am notlaad to can as wisaa ths aervica oantaa4 lo by refiatercd latter mt xdi fvkirnsino auttk3lcl noticaa wptrllmni ant aasartioa pa una tor eacb anbacanaat insertion tsadsrs soc mr line for each insertion if la block uco trpa sr um additional nodosa qualifying cosn bl attractions inch as concerts cntertainascats chorea acciety or organisation meetings tc toe per line asinl anas charge ajc report of meetings bld gladly inserted free la mr marians notices soc and toe par tine extra for poems birth bfarriae and death notice free small advertisements tc per word wblmom charge asc cash if booked jeej also ioc extra when applications are addressed to this oflct display advertising rates vary according so space contracted jor although rrery precaution will be taken to avoid error the free press accepts advertising in its column on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement pabllsbed be re under unless proof of such advertisement is requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free preas businasa ottce dulyelgncd by the advertiser and with aoch error or correction plalaly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not by the pre frees its liability shall not exceed inch proportion of the entire coat of such advertisement as the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole apace occupied by such advertisement afclop dills editor telephones lml sad bm bcsirfenco caitadlan building aeuvltlea construction contracts avardedln canadtf during february totalled 110672200 according to figures released by maclean building exports ltd build irig activities were greatest in the province of on tario where 338 contracts aggregating 0702100 were awarded quebec ranked second with contract svards to the valuo of 1484500 of the total con tracts awarded engineering projects accounted for 4401800 and business construction accounted for 4306600 which included contracts for 73 public buildings with value of 3267700 ridiculous but true now that hockey is no longer contentious ques tion wo presume the next argument that will be of any size prior to the summccsports will be the day light saving question next month toronto and some other centres will adoft the measure at other times for month or more other places will adopi the daylight saving time and for two months there will bo degree of uncertainty within radius of fifty to seventyfive miles of toronttf thorp seems little use in advancing any plan to avoid the con fusion since all factions are set that their plan is the most feasible the question is so big or so small that it is doubtful if either the dominion or provin cial governments will dare to mix into the muddle and so municipalities can prepare from april until october to again carry op in confusion of times the whole thing looks ridiculous but experience would seem to point that the question cannot be set tied let us hope that the war threats do not tako on more serious aspect when such little differences of an hour in time cannot be more uniformly settled mdrjal fc memory making some one has said that tho memory is worth more than gold mine yet plenty of people in the world would bo only too thankful if they could lose their recollection of at least part of their lives instead of finding joy in remembrance they arc tortured by it tho unkindricss of which they wcyc guilty their cruelty to those who loved them their failure to stand up under responsibilities their cowardice or meanness or ingratitude are always lurking in the background of their consciousness ready to spring out and torture them your memory may be foun tain of joy as long as you live orit may be ii source of misery ah depends on hat which you put into it today you are storing up memories for the future will they be comfort to you when your hair is white or will they be of such sovilfat in days to come you will be afraid to be left alotie left to the mercy of your memories changed it seems to be the usual procedure in sponts to talkbasetallas wonastho hockey team is eliminated from the running and in some municipalities it must be admitted that the baseball propaganda must needs start long time before the season opens tho streets are drying up and the back lots now have some measure of footing and with the bright sun the ball tossing will soon be familiar inbetween time pastime its like the marbles and skipping ropes the urge to use them comes for no account able reason but it always comes next fall there will be just as much impatience to pass on from the summer sports and clamoring for the pastimes of winter year in and out the same urge for change is there alwuys we suppose it is the same desire ornorxhangchntutashcttowe the house inside out from top to bottom every spring and fall it is in the uir right now therell he lots thb sunday school lesson rob sunday march tn changing to suit conditions acton welfare board to cope with present conditions is one that will commend itself to all those who have made study of these matters actons board as originally planned and carried on until the present has functioned well when it is considered that until the present year not one per cent has been paid for relief out of the municipal treasury it is readily agreed that the boarrfhas given good service but this could not be carried on indefinitely and this year the council was called upon to supply the funds required to carry on the work with this change of plans it was obvious that the large committee was not further required and the recommendation of the district welfare inspector to the council was seerj as the sensible thing to do started as an emergency plan the relief work has been carried on so long that it would seem that it is now part and parcel of the present affairs of the country and the municipalities like the mothers allowance old age pensions etc the welfare work appears to be here to stay many of the cases are not direct result of the depression but quite often cases of individuals who are unable orincapable of working oven ffcwork were available the small committee can give closer study to the matter and lit in with plans which seem to be more of the pcrmanentnature all the members have had considerable experience and have served on the former committee editorial notes of3otbckstmdcboi weather before the balmy breezes blow but every activity seems to have springmctivlty 3trarttafrtrcieiir the walkerton heraldtimes says solicitor has advised wentworth county council it cannotgrant s800 to combat the warble hy that work isto es sential it might have been better to have granted the money and asked the solicitor nothing about it apparently the halton county council just went ahead at the last meeting mid authorial the expen diture on the material to combat the warble fly but the decision was just barely majority one there is no question that the plan is commeiidible one but the expenditure by the county council on an ijemhatjkne that is another dangerous precedent of course the county council is used to establishing precedents and apparently has no fear in this connection so that possibly another one or two makes little difference the principle is the same us in the burlington guar antefr only section of the county benefits and yet all share in the obligation if memory serves us right we believe stipulation is made for the guid ance of council to the effect that legislation for imhvidualsnorccrrarrt groups tnay not bo passed shipmentofcanadiandressed poultry to tlie british market during january totalled 871000 pounds germany evidently still considers scraps of paper very lightly apparently the last lesson has been forgotten premier bennetts relaxation from his onerous duties seems to betiaving the desired effect of restor ing him to good health it is hoped by all that he will soon recover burlington is troubled over tho selection of site for new post office we know of another mun icipality that had similar difficulty twenty years ago iinfuusn poa xhljteparioxcrmtthyvottvitiesndnrparii tions that can only ultimately culminate in war havi been rather alarming the past week it would sft that in very few years the terrible sacrifices of ion to 1918 are forgotten and the same plans that led up to that catastrophe are being enacted there may be some people who do norreaw the importance of professional hockey among our winter sports for them we pass on the news that wheni montreal club arrived in windsor two hours late coming from chicago the provided special train to toronto so that they would not miss connections for montreal fergus news record athiiicetingof oshnwueitycbun resolution was passed unanimously permitting newspaper representatives to attend all committee meetings of council commenting upon tliis reversal of policy that hud been in force for several years theoshawu times says where all business is trans acted in fair and aboveboard manner and where there is nothing to hide the press should be welcom ed it is only when the elected representatives of the huvc likbtltliliuil their delibera tions that exclusion of the press becomes necessary petkn describes the christian life oolden text sanctify in your hearis cfartstotf lortl peter 15 leaadn text peter a18 study atoo ptrtor 16 idrlb time ix pt unknowii but probably jerusalem kxpoeltton of one mind in lta treat passage uw apostle peter la not enjoining the 3owlh chr to wbom he writes to of one mind with the profane and idolatrous oentllea amongst whom they were living his word hero is that being believers in christ jcoua they should all agree in matters ot tfalth and religion and with one accord embrace the lord jesus the one and only foundation moreovorhe is anxlottf that none should seek or salvation through the law but through christ alone and like manner they were to agree in matters of faith so ateo were they to be in their attitude towards civil affairs avoiding contention and strife pfcters injunction is equally pertinent to presentday christian living we who profess the name of the lord jesus should be all of one mind cement ed into holy unity by the bond of common sympathy ministering to the uaints pitiful to the ak erring and poor courteous to equals ca and for giving under abuse seeking peace living under the smile of ood this oneness of mind docs not demand tho monotony of similarity but unity in variety hot the oneness of hdppolo or to pile of hopr pok4 but of plant which with tendril leaf and fruit rears itself aloft in the summer air not the oneness of brick christian believer that he have good conscience and well bo might for conscience is the foundation of charac ter does man listen to the voice within htm can he look himself straight in the eyej that is one of the moot important questions one can ask about any man there arc some men and women in this world who would almml as soon meet tiger in the jungle as meet themselves in solitude yet if man bo accustomed day by day touring his conduct under tho survey of his own conscience and if ho bo moved to joy or to sorrow which in the sight of almighty god that conscience proopunccs that man la safe but conscience must never bo confused with mere conscientious ness which may easily bo little more than coif satisfaction there are few things more otonjhtmr in this world than the numbers of people there are living in it whoso final judgment on themselves is this that they have never done any one any harm and have not much with which to reproach themselves that reveals an li ta con science the human conscience requires to be made and sensitive by acquaintance with the law ot ood as revealed in jeiis word and especially as expounded by christ himself when ho taught that even when the outward conduct is ostensibly correct the law may bo broken in the secret hidden places of the heart only when it is informed by faith and enlightened by the holy spirit can the christian be ikvcr be described in the words of peter as having good conscience such cmisclciicu is good companion for our days and good bedfellow for our nlghu every effort should bo made to preserve its integrity and whennifo is moulded by such on inward influence it will ttvc down all misreprcumtatiou and ulandcr and it will outshine all th mists of envy and malice which have obscured its beams it will falsify fulc reports de tractors shall be made ashamed at the th lp which so many different materials lind contrivance combine to shelter human life mot the oncneaf of chud but of family of children who differ in age character temperament and chosen pur uullsyct ore one in love and leiitkr sympathy one towards another having compassion one of another be pitiful be courteous tlie sympathy suggested by jvters word is comprehensive reeling it li not umluxi to any one kind of experience tuch tu grief or pain xi must diffuse itielf througluait tlie whole capacity of us all and wi how jangling dbcorda subside befortt iu yen lie tmuh there will be no roam for envy or hatred or malice or uncliarltablenej let us leek this precious stream of lutrinony at the faun tain liead let the love of christ coilitruln to liu of one heart and soul if seeing good days 1014 he who would see yood days tnutvt fol low peters practical suggestion to begin with ho will have to rule jiu speech let him refrain his tongue from evil demands tho anosthi and his upii that they speak no guile if we would vac how tills ruling of our speech standi related to seeing oid days ut us remind ourselves of how many of the muamdemtanuliigj separa tions and troubles oy our lives arise out or hasty unwise unkind impure speech es then he will have to order ids con duct and that involves work of two kinds each cicely related to the otlr as soon us we resolve toget our lives into gxiod shape we instantly and there is much to be cut out and cut off the attaining of goqdgoe3lhindlnhnntl with the clearing out of evil iter is set up the moral conflict of life we miait be doing good seeking good filling up our live with good iio that evil can not squeeze in edgeways always temp tation gains its most effectivu victories over idlers activity in goodness fci oar safeguard then thirdly christian blllever would see good daytt lie must watch his dally relations with his fel lows let him seek peace wisuj it if we would luive peace peace of mind peace or heart peaed of ttoul we must setk to understand piyiceablenew we must acquire the qlrlt of the peace maker wo must know liow to be gentle considerate charitable forgiving evm as was our master serve the best tea chicken bjtoth infancy diner what on earth is this broth mode fiom waiter surely it lsnt chicken broth waiter well sir ita chickanoth in its infancy ifo made out of thefcvter tho eggs were boiled in always keep dougls egyptian lini ment at hand ready to bring immedi ate relief to bums sores and felons stops bleeding at onoe prevents blood poisoning splendid for nore throat and juinsy fd that runs through all his life the thought that it was the vcryalnlcssnesd of that life which enabled him to do the work for uliifu men that made hun able to take up uiw load there waa no other wood enough to pay tlie price of sin it is the privilege of slrength to suffer for weakness as it docs so strength is gloruicd it conquers wcak njt if tp mngnlf1i thepnaex of its own life it becomes strength tlie right place only the mighty can loves to eat this cereal it checked her constipation kelloggs allbran helped misu kesterko kut mft hipr to we quote ironi her letter thro rears ago became constipated tried many laxatives hut as soon as cot used to each kind began to yet the same trouble last hummer win on my vaca tion they nerved kellogcs aix ihun just loved it feat kcl lngks ali11iian every morning and ever aincu have not had to take any more iuxuuvchv mlas margarot ktntcrke address on request dua to iiinufficionl hulk in ttwalii tejith nhow kl1om alibiun provider hulk to aid elimhtulion til ttw iw ithn vimilnuitanujim cusutlons by the unblenilhed beauty of holy christuutlifc which those who love and fear cod joyfully shall hear the just for the unjust 18 ono of our greatest troubles under the suffering wlilch we feel ourselves or soe all about uti bi that it does hot seem to fall upon tlie right people but when our great master approach05 tills very fact of suffering we have reason to ex pect word from him regarding thu most distressing feature of it and it is here in tlw ihial vrso of our leyion the just for tlie unjust christ siilfer his might as the reason for it ad tlirough the atoning work done for us we ibid our saviour wo come to him through gratitude and an we reach hun we find one that is mighty to uave tbw ulustratfs um meiuilngof tlie last verse in our lesson all of us need to cling to tlie suffering and death of christ and to feel tha the contain the very power of our llvej wltlijn them tlie power of forgiveness and redemption the power of hilppluliji thtf power of the life eternal for tills world und for the world which is to came nridmmr the bulk in auihtan in ken tie it roiifll digestion mtur thuti the fiber in fruiti and vecotahluh co it is often more oifective isnt tliis food safer twuri risiklng patent medicinetwo tuhleiipoon uln of aixhhan daily are usually hiiflicient if ieriousy constipated use with each meal see your doc torif you do not jet relief vita nil cereal or in cooktrfg sold by nil jrrocern mude hy kul loiir in london ontario koop on tho sunny sicje ol life hi cod sunctlned in tho heart 15 sanctlfybig the lord ood is does not mean making him holy for he fcnftmyrrni nnryrll fcxl aiidlm hbn as holy and tiilnkhig of jlim in dlifent from that in whlc tlnnk of uny otiier being ahd it means nuire it mcuns treating hbn as holy not only in our oulwurd dewu or worda bllt in our scret nature wlieru uiose about ils do not and can not see uii or know what payes in iuj we must re meiuber moreover that when tlie apodtle wiys sanctify uie ijini cod in your ik arts he does not give tn mvrrly negative rule to follow but plainly af urmutlveom as though he hud sad liver have the thought of jlim before your mliuli und take care that it be holy reverent und must uicrd thuught and mildly sanctifying the iid gtxl in our hearu mut tiurely have stll more ijeclllc niiuning not only are we hi believe that the grout ood is by reuon of lit omn potency piviiint ul wliauuuevcrywliciebuualsoubflev with our utnuva exercise of faith tint in mysierimis jvt blcmudly rtul ami dellntte wuy pait and indwelling in the heurls of all who have been luaikt inenibrs of christ cliildrtn of cod and inlurltont of uir ktugdom of heuvei iv ijiivlng gikl cnniience lo 17 tin word eomelnoe doori not occur muiiy unus in the ikrrlpturei wmiy thlry tliruil in all und not mire hi the old teatumeitt yet conscience is evimy wher in the lllbk und in no book knoan ut muii ii lu volee heurd more imperatively ivbr stipulates for thj

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