Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Mar 1935, p. 4

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papai the acton free press thursday march 21t 1833 neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which many of our readers are interested georgetown mr mckerrfll returned home from guelph hooplul but sunday and is con valescing at his homo here mr a1 squires who has been con fined to his room through illness for thd pst two weeks is improving nicely mrs 1m fleck and miss marie flock of town and mju dorothy maroellus or iroquois motored to st augustine pi last week and will spend pouple ot months in the south at the meeting of the council the fol lowing resolution was passed that whereas the central relief committee has discontinued adirnktratlonotreucjt in georgetown and whereas the respon sibility now devolves upon the munici pality or the administration of ouch and the funds for same will hav to he supplied from the municipal treasury therefore be it resolved that commkt slon or three members be appointed one representing the municipality of george town one representing all womens or ganizations and one representing the canadian legion the relief commis sion appointed by the council was maclaren mrs mackenzie and ohn kelly herald hillsburg 0akv1ixe mr webber or tho bonk of montreal staff left on monday to take up his duties in brampton mr sutclute of klngsvulc replaced him mtlo trcmblln fish native of snld crs trafalgar township paescd away qt st josephs hospital hamilton on wednesday march 13th aged 65 yoam after brief illness the town council nt their rcgutar meeting on monday evening appointed frederick john mocallum as tax collec tor for tne town 6f qakvtllo at salary of 91040 per ttxtnum payable fn instal ments of 20 weekly star the ollbrca dairy has installed the newest and most efficient typo of pas te urizer the adjourned tax sale of town pro perty woo held on monday morning when in the neighborhood or 30000 was collected rev tebbs of burlington was the speaker at tho service held on wed nesday night in st judos anglican church schilling has applied to tho for transfer from southamp ton allowing him to play baseball for oakvlue oakvlij town coimcjron monday nlgbt approved of tho plans of tho water and light commission to construct water mr bert alfcett is spending some time mtus on kerr street arid tho clgfith line lth mr and mrs hugh reld third at estimated cost of s7u0 three shots were flred at wouldbo robbers on monday night when the attempted summer home of allan ross lakcshoie road eatil record mfes marorle thomson at her to see marjorie back at her duties soon again mr mac aluir has gone toronto to takx poiiuoa alter spending some ume at the home of donald robertson mr asd mrs alex bessey and enna mr aad airs wuuam bearfy were sun dy vfcntc wuh mr and mrs john near ret and mrs carl waurworth and 3dc of smmerskje who have spent ih past tao months with mr and mrs borden and othr relalltcs rcuimed to their home list veek miss marjorie thomson who has been home under the doctor care are glad to report is able to be around again and expects to resume her duties at cedarvllle school soon mrs millar spent lost week with mrs bert heron at elora last friday evening about seventy people gathered at tho home of mr and mrsj somervluo to tender mr and mrs gordon watson miscellan eous shower after which an enjoyable time was spent in dancing mr barkis tlvltlan of toronto spent the weekend with friends around miss marjorie carmlchacl spending some time with mrs albert awrey rockwood mrs peter sim was hostess of thd presbyterian womens missionary fcjoclety for the march meeting last thursday afternoon after the call to worship was read and the njiujlug of hymn mrs mcnubh led in prayer letter was read from tho president ot tho pressbylcrtal also paper on prayer by miss mclelluh mm qcorae lavcrty read an account of the scott institute fresh air camp to which the society makes yearly donation special collection wuti token for uw prei byterlal uicpetucs mb jean mclean rul chapter from tho itudy book the clurut of tho indian road an invitation uu received to the provin cial to bo held in toronto april it was decided to hold tho next meeting in tlio church sunday uluiol room and to join tho muulon band for ot ussbited by mrs wllkle irved dainty refreshments naufm mip tlnlf c4 churchbcld usucccasful bt ptrlok ua last saturday afternoon at the horn ofmnuckritntiiilioltun rev nrlttingci held tho nrst of tho lcnum icrvlccn hi st jolms churji lastjti wlun aftfr df votlonal exercuud blules wen shown bt connection with the life of clirut whtcli wuro much apirtcluted by thaw who were prdllt last saturday evening jack ilojrcu lutd uu ntufortiino whllo out with mr oanut ivttya brvtco truck in sown tmunur to have uime of his llngcra pn the right hand badly injured wtlii ittnoved to uie gviwrul kiotuul in ouelph on hundny wlwre hu injuria wuk attended to hu many friends hope to iuo him urouiul as uuul but it will be borne unid before ltv will be iblj to vhj bark bi tho garago work mr ocorgo oakes and mrn ocoruo lave tya re ic nd lng dayo tn bunau mr wrtnuun of knox college con ducted acrvlevi ut the lrejbyuruin church on sunday ills earnest dls course wan much enjoyed by tha congre smtsao uaroh is still displaying her ituji weather conditions last as real aprmglike but durmg and early sunday morning nd gradual drop lii umpr mixturethat by churchgoers is recovering from her recent illness otvvn 7fv tn unjfr andvlcinuy cnixiijriinm allan luratlngmbdigcommunuytutir roin reply xln l1mehouse tlie sattmlll is centre of activity these das termers ate getting tlicu lacs sawn and lurmw drawn home teams are ulso busy hauling tlm saw dust which being moved about ns fait lti nuuiu sawdust for preserv ing loo not us plentiful as in days gone by and is hi demand everyone cannot arford the more modern cooling si items in oncor uie last hockey games of ule weason hekl bi ac ton recently in which tiwj local bos won by substantial mar gin onu of the boys was credited wltn four goals and an assist nino points in one game is some record st patrick croktnolo party spon sored by tho harmony club and womeos association of the united church held on monday night this week was enjoyed by good crowd eight tables were kept busy all veiling highest tcoro was nuule by mv wright wltli 1605 points taking hrtt prise mls orlndell won tho ladies prize alex wright boys prlso and helen meredith tlio prla for girls somo wings were enjoyed and social hour wua spent to ooncludu real uood time wood fcuwmg is still gibig on mr mcoowuit and dr sutlierland had machine ut their big pllea uiid slti klrx putrlek liiid unotlior machine ut lit pile both are now reduced to stovo suu sid kirlcpatrlck has been real sick durmg the uut week and undtr tho doc tors care we btiw ho may boon feci utter prepurutiorui are being made for monster young peoples itally to bo held hi uw united church georgetown next saturday and sunday mrs albert meredith is homo agan after having itiient threir ueeici at hov ion liome in brampton mr and mrs oordon meredith and babe of toronto wero vbilton on sun day mr chaa galo pent tho wekenrt wlui the newtoh family return big to toronto by train sunday evening mr and mrs arthur lane and chll liobt dren tpeiit diti week end at homo uent homo wltli therrr sunday evmiluu ami will iknd few daya in toronto homenfor ehrtfeedfawd will makifwwno more alterations and npalrs to uio homo yuvo1 wuha ill uu1 xmi r4iu tknuu4n uw mr and mm robertson were up to thofcottt4tonsuiuljyjor aftowluwr they intend having hydro lnutalled this spring tiifci will only leave twoor thtoo hoiuet in tho wholo village uuwlred hydro has provod luolf great blueing and it has recehed great alrliitf lu the ligbilutipo tho jiuit few weeks woro all hop in if it may huvo boneilclal eifoct on the rates in uio near future spring that glorious timo when crea tlou rylrrtcted li ulmodt hero the balmy winds of tho past few days males overono fuel llko taking dotp broaum tho following tlio tvbruury report of no only tlio nuniii of thoio making oo uppeur sr iv hlen do lionori iwib stephtnon lvy snuuturdt wllfri johiuum jr iv bill hassall bannocpjbukn tho regular monthly meeting of the bannockbum womens institute was held on wednesday march 30th at tho homo of miss oreo the meeting won opened by singing the opening ode tills was followed by all repeating the lords prayer the roll call was answer ed by the characteristics of an attrac tive olrl after other buslncos matters wero discussed uio following program wan given an instrumental by miss margaret brown paper by miss edith ruaicll entitled if ovcryono wero just like mc what kind of an institute mem ber would alio be piano dubtt by mrs fisher and mrs cole tho report of tho meeting of uio county exocutlv by mrs olarrtdge the moeung woo closed by singing the national anthem after which lunch was uerved and social half hour spent campisellvillu tho st patricks supper held undor uio auspices of the ladles aid in st davids church campbellvillo on friday evening last was decided success mtss barbara snyder of hamilton upent tho weekend at her home in ouclph junction mr omcr vunslckle of toronto was homo for the weekend mrs wheelman jock and esther spent tho weekend in brantford mrs bert turner spent tho wcekml in toronto number from here took advantage of the excursion to toronto on saturday labt miss lottie mooro attended tho funeral of tho lata donald moore which was held in toronto on thursday lout tlio many friends of miss jenny mac mulan facpleagcd to knowthairshp ospringb mrs albert mccutchoou spent fsw days recently with relauves tordlito on thursday evening young peoplofl social won held hi tho basement of tlio church with ovyr fifty present singing and games wero much enjoyed after which dainty bulfct luncheon was irv ed by tho social committee miss margaret cooke guelph spent the weekund at her homo hero mrs nell mcklnnou hill4urg visited few daya liuit wevjt with mr alld mr brydon and miss klrkwood mrs ida tovcll ftndmua vera tovoll guelph were weekend kuoau with mk mclean mus neilhj aitken and mlaj blancho mcklnnon were visitors over the week end with tho former slitcr mlai mar jories aitken toronto mr kobt akltt had uie mufortuno to catch his lutnd in uio pulpcr on satur day night tlio two middle fulgent of his left hand wore cut rather badly medical attention being necessary friends of mrs mccutcheon will be iorry to learn alio is not so well again hor daughter mrs mcdougall of toronto is wlui her mr john aitken spent tuesday in brampton with mr and mrs mokin non mr and mrs stewart attended presentation tit orton on monday nlg1t bi honor of mr and mrs robt king nee vema stewart on sundny evening uie weekly si nr song was held nt uio home of mr and mm mcklnnon wlui good attend ance mba lorcna locker and mr ruu fiell struthcra gaw readlngn qjid trto mlijies locker burrows and mckcnzle cang the next meeting will be at the home of mr and mra vred biptle the belwood dramatic club prcten their play civil service in uio church on wodnctday evening under tiro aus pices of uie ladlo aid mrs molean and miss mary mc tuvlsh spent few days witlt tho form ers daughter mrs tci walker and mr walker qnclnli towiauiirj dal mlu stolen cook of kltclwner vkiltlng friends in tho district mbs myruo allan was homo from mono mills for tho weekend mr and mra joseph allen celebrated tholr silver wedding on saturday march iflth tlio ladles association or uutuhjud church held pot luck supper on friday night march 15th in uio former metho dlst church there woo fair crowd and all report having good time mr eplulam swindle hurst lias been poorly for uio past few weeks terra cotta mr win hunuor and family spent sunday with mr and mrs mckeown and family of acton sawing bees still seem to be uio gen eral order of uio day altai nellie stamp has undergone an operation for appendicitis and is now in the peel memorial hospital at bramp ton her many friends hero hope soon to hear of her complete recovery our local quarrymen are all prepar ing for uio spring rush of orders for stone mr vincent bottom of toronto is hpcndlng few dayo at pis old homo here mr george evorf wo aro pleased to note is now ablo to bo around again as usual after his recent occident nassagaweya pleasant surprise portyand prcseii tauon was given mr and mrs wilfred kennedy of knatcbbull last tviday veiling wliun number of their friends and neighbors gathered at their homo nndpresenteduicm with an address and bcaytlful aladdin lamp altliough cdy made ve iirnddruns wus mad by mr malcolm moffat and uio presenta tion made by mr arthur diamond the knatchbull group of uio womens missionary society of ebcnczer united church held their meeting at uio homo of mrs john marshall hint tuesday aflurtioan if und mrs near of lot 29 concession fl nauadaweya celebrated tho fiftieth anniversary of uielr marriage on tho 4th of march with all uielr family and number of friends and nplghborw present wo extend to them heartiest conaratulatloiui and wlih uiem many more happy celebrations of uielr mar riage burlington the halton county musical festival will bo held tho trhilty united church hero on friday and saturday april i3lh and 13tli don rao local hockey player accom panied tho brltkh consuls team to tho states last wvsck where uiey played ex hibition games in pittsburg und now york city mr und mrs sherwood have returned from their wedding trip and left on tuesday for fenwick where they will make their homo young who spoke at tha llboralprogresslvo nomlnauon conven tion at milton on saturday night woo tho guest of mr and mra paul flshor over the weekend the many friends of mrs harold wilson will bo glad to know that sho has relumed to uio home of hor parents and is well on uie road to recovery dr and mrs arthur eckert and two children who camo hero to attend uio funeral of mra harry blcjlnger re turned home to chicago on tuesday allan nicholson toronto and well known in burlington has returned home from business trip to british columbia rind during his atay at crunbrook addrejud the rotary club mj nichol son is building lartro portable mill in jhatjlltetrlct to cut tlea and lumber and outlined tltf proposition to tho rotarlans oaxottef erin dr oear and mrs gear have returned homo after spending two months in florida mr ocorgo roszell has been quite 111 suffering from an abscess at last re port ho was improving mrs roy grundy who has been suffer ing from an attack of facial paralysis la convalescing mr and mrt somervllle and mrs hale of grand valley have leaned mra guwimin residence and have moved in number ot local hockey fans took in uie actmtdurham intermediate game at acton on monday even ing und report fast gamo in which durham defeated acton sl and took uio round 04 mr ii harris took with him uireo youhg men of our village last sunday afternoon when ho went to tho ontario reformatory near guelph to participate in gospel service there conducted by group of uio oldoons they were greatly pteascd with uio service and uielr vuit advocate religions rtin0 snttrb drjurrl of canada acton her roote parsonage bo er avenge ii 00 the minister 1300 noon sunday school and wbto class 700 tho minister everybody weloomk ilttbbgtriiatt knox chubch acton rev bjennie infjr manaewulow street sunday march 24ui 1035 1100 nothing in my hand bring 230 sabbath school 700 carecr or calling last of scries of four sermons to young people note young peoples guild on tues day instead of monday next week musical committee some old favor ites spring sacrament april 7th always welcome saultet btiurrrj acton ea8tee 1100 easter 1215 tn sunday school 7j0 we know it broad tie ment to make bat firmly bellevo that theae shoe will give voc more com fort than many ahoefl at two and thre time the price one pair will prove this statement racwin acton out spring cleaning wo con be of extra service to you at this umo of year when bprjngcleaiiingij tobo done curtains and rugs cleaned and made like new fkrttryooata ppwa andtha wardrobe alado vresh fthfl ohian spring suitings the nctv sprmg samples of superior clothes aro now ready for showing tlio range complete and uio tailoring in guaranteed may wo prove it youll find it real convenience and satlsractlon to give your clean big problem to tho local cleaners spotless gleaners next itur grocery miix stkeet acton atldhlmat ncijfhkorhaad new on ihija five increase your returns by using products soyafeed dairy concentrate soyapeed hog concentrates soyafeed mineral mixture soyafeed chick starter soyafeed laying mash soyafeed laying concentrate for sale at the acton chopping mill ptorbest values consult the ads ut hi afcx wright dorfci mltchtli jr ill tvuil lhimell it clii uubi norut luymnd cldai llarbaru cotutmi albert huamii ikrbbl ilrown luncli coojiotl irliiir luirrabuj liubjill oordoil llaaull oeoriio oouaervi pytitldlo kill aiitltvy bertn ucryl arbidell teachfr barrs quality courlesy and service at your disposal we can 4iandlcifwmowjcoodjeay pay their bills how satisfactorily we treat them fresh rolled oats lb 1c fresh rolled wheat lb kc med course wlicntlcts lb cc fine vhitj wheotlets lb fe red rivei cereal tb 21c golden grain cereal pkr 23e livinistons quick oats pk lijc fresh pot barley lb 5c clean white beans lb ttendy cut macaroni lb kc clioicsplitjeemlb 7c bright lima beans lb 12e finest medium cheese lb 19c very choice old cheese lb 27c skraft cheese lb 27c cooking fiys per lb 8c nuts in the shell per lb 13c shelled wulnuts tb 37c shelled almons lb 37c fine epsom salts plg 7c health saltsntl 25c oz tins vitonc tin 25c 12 tins vitonc tin 17c 44 oz tins ovaltine tin 38c 10 oz tin malted milk tin 39c custard powder tin 25c durham com starch pkj lc free running salt pkfj 8c supreme shortening pkg 12c jurecorkjlurupkit ijc neilsons pure cocoa tinjhic our own bak powder tin 23c strawberry jam 32 oz 27c omit ci marmulade jr 27c straw marmulade 10 oz 15r raisins with seeds lb 12c sukuna raisins lb 12c reeleuned currants lb 15c clubhouso mustard jnr 10c fine catsup btl 17c choice steak sauce btl 21c kraft salad dressing jar 23c corn niblets tin 13o medium choice tomatoes 7c falcon sweet corn tin 10c cm diced carrots tin toc diced beetstin 10c apple sauce tin 15c jbmcrecn plums tin uc falcon keiffer pears tin 13c beehive syrup lb tin 3e homes peanut butter jar ikc large bottle vunilu btl 19c bluck pepper lb 37c excclsibr flour 21 lb 67c monarch flour lb 27c fancy cookies lb 15c whiz no rub wax tin 33c whiz toilet flush tin 23c whiz brass or polish tin 2c new largegillex pkg 10c pure flakes pkg 25c whitex in place of blue pkg 5c gilletts lye tin 13c old dutch cleanser tin 10c goc liquid veneer btl 47c 30c liquid veneer btl 23c hawes lemon bt 23c bon ami powder tin 15c beutsaii bleach btl 5c westminster paper roll fie kirks castile soup cuke 5c many flowers soap each 4c unwrapped soap euch 3c bulk soup chips lb 8c com tort soup for 23c these reasonable wees arc good for the balance of this month phone 16 we deliver promptly unclassified small advertisements advertisement under thl kdtev pn cent per word minimum chr sc per insertion five insertloof lor ioo if paid cash oc additional chnfred where item have to booked uoa su1ppino saturdat 740 and crrado hog trucking qre iloga delivered by farmer 7m 1iolueb work wanted younjr woman wants hoiibework to do will also do washings at name box yn fitee prb3s for sale id cleveland bicycle oood con dltlon cheap for cash apply liopfcan lost about week ago bunch of keys on string reward will be paid on return of tame to il parmer for rent cottage and one acre of land on third line adjoining acton brown phono 0rl2 no acton for sale federal knight 1ton tnick with stake body cheap for caah apply jack airdrie crtywaons corner for sae llanner oau graded for aeed irlak cobbler jotatoe3 goo clean atook niiown wiono 40rl2 no acton housework wanted experienced youngs wotnandeairea pooluon in hbuschold references if re quired apply npv fm vbfg prwhfl for sale or exchange good ouse in acton well situated with all conveniences will sell reajsoc able or exchange for farm apply rox 04 ntee tniess found wrlat wotcli found at arena on tues day owner toay recover same by prov ing property paying expenses and apply ing to chief mcpherson for sale ducdrablc huildlng xot corner of rower avenue und frederick street also guruge in rood condition for rent centrally located 200 monthly in vunce mrs wm johnstone for sale 200 barred rock xmlleu weeks old thco chicks ore foundation stock and wero hatched under the government ap proval system auo circular saw out fit in good condition tiios arrktor no acton clearing auction sale rert haikien lot 15 concession ruso line trafalgar township will sell by public auction on thuraday march 28th at 100 hi horse 15 good milch cows pigs fowl implements etc terms cash cmreifvrm auctioneer auction sale xl adsctt eramau mllcd west of kvtsrtnn m111 hold an extensive clearing halo of furm stock implements hay und grain and ilrstchua herd of durham grade cattle on tuesday april 2nd at one oclock sharp tonnrt cash 382 kerr auctioneer deerhig clerk phone 30 acton auction sale ol taring auction solo of all uioparih equlpmentof llruyiu lma iioum llariui toobi all dairy utensils gioln feed wood etc bulck pama truck on friday march 22nd at oclock turoui cusli no rcnervo mm farm nalti see powrj kerr auctioneer 372 phono sj aotom cikaltisg auction sale in uio township or erin of farm stock implements hay grain tho un dprlgned haa received tnntructloiu from mac sinclair lot 18 first una erin hlwtwttftohiajuitoaaiqaatttav road and two ml leu weiit or oaprlno to wjll by public auction on thursday march lujth ut 12 30 uhurp wftn liiehmw frod mcencry clerk for sale txitncwalaslca eartyoatirtno7lsvy which are election ftom old alaska oata and outyleldti uum ubo moro straw rirnum from yy flfld pcud by government inspector uoxloun weeds grade no 75o per biiihol absolutely pure 31 malting uarlry and iltfguitcrcd 181 puis aha 1u1 feu for mixing wlilu rios wn sweet clover seed ir wicar1y0n no oufclph mllp simiui or no highway on kromoml towiudilp line unal notice final notice is hereby rlvon that nil lursons liable for poll tax within tho municipality of actoo who bvd not jmiui uiu ajesesbmeot must meet tho obligation on or toefapff mtftrctrmtlt lft96 to avoid being auxnznotied to eoort pro uecutlon of deltnwmoto for foil tax fttf wm be instituted ftr that date is tho final watnlnk aaa 7nlmi ijithi fldr taken at tsf wwbbt

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