Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Mar 1935, p. 5

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pwf maboh 2ut lwfl the acton free press pact wm varu ulfle gleuiincb coomto inff vtaitoa and folia vhiln of pcnojttl interest mrs wj gould returned last week fromk holiday ipent in florida mioses bessie bawling and kathleen beckett spent the weekend at lat tefo home in xcwean klt obener attended the funeral on monday tfco late chas conway friends rejret to jearh that mr storey has been 01 the peat week and hope for his apeedy recovery miss evelyn shleja and mr eugerio mofhenon of toronto visited on sun day at the lattera home here mr wttuam williams of toronto rislted with his son here and other acton friends over the weekend mrs chi imtolam of toronto spent saturday with her m6ther and sister mrs root garvin and miss margaret 3nrin mrs wm patterson has been seriously 111 the past week but friends are pleased learn that she is now progressing favorably mrs moore who has been 111 cor some weeks is now gradually im proving all wish her prompt return to good health mr and mrs thomas bell of st catharines visited over the weekend at the parental home with mr mrs mcdonald mlffl margaret mcdonald spe yes office hp by diane westerly white tttluuum ontario terday with mr and mrs wm mc donald and family at georgetown also called on mr and mrs ed hill and family mr and mrs norman mosaics and miss audrey masalesof toronto spent sunday at the homo of mrs robert qarvlnand miss margaret garvin peel street mr ttiio harbord insurance office typists en mo and typists wont but tmpeccnblo mlaa trench went on for ovar just at present mildred david son waa the typist who had moat re cently arrjved and who it seemed to miss french ought to be the next to leave nice neat pleasant sort of girl miss french was telling mr mlctuiel harbord in condescending sort of way condescending not of course toward mr unrbord but toward the girl in question but ahe simply wont do she isnt the typeshe doesnt belodgrand besides she cant manag her typewriter oh well all right snapped mi chael harbord who sometime wearied of the efficient methods of hi stenographer who was ten years hi senior and had way of treating bin like nephew obviously miss french bad soma special prejudice against mlaa david son but they decided not to tell harl of her fate until pay day then they would give her weeks salary andl tellber not to come back that wa thvaystem at harbord insurance of fice kelther he nor miss french saw ber that evening go down the hall to the stockroom whro ahe sought and found teddy the shipping dork and ofllce opener you know you prom ised me koy to the offlcc she whis pered tohlm dont nay anything to anyone teddy its am rltflit yoo know you promised and with llt tl more coaxing miss mildred david son was going her way the cheerful possessor of the key she so much de lrkj jr then oh miss french went oat she stopped td ee teddy she asked him about girl he know whthjnlght want job were letting mlaa davidson go tomorrow miss davidson exclnltned teddy dont bollovo alia knows it well of course havent anything to say about it of course you havent teddy agreed alias french acridly this wauis of toronto apentj mtag davidson lat the sort of girl the weekend at mr andmrs swack usually employ her hopo you hameru mrs wallisand maaur hay derstandv returned wkh him after spending week teddy didnt understand in the least at her parents home miss davidson was neat trim and good tolook at hut not in the least what mrs hd graham of winnipeg man teddy would coll finally perhaps is now residing in toronto with her her work hadnt been up to tho mark daughter mrs hutchinson ghe made but she had only been thora two tho journey from the west with her weeka teddy went home and cou daughter mm pred hunt and is 1m tinued to worry ubout the koy until tho white irllllum botaniodlly known as trillium oxandifiorum has been selected by the ontario horticultural association aa the moot suitable floral emblem for tho province tho assoc la ilonvwlll petition the ontario leglauv tuns to make ltoo by law this beautfful white flower grows profusely in ontario appearing early in may and dotting largo areas with its iovoly blossoms it lo hardy enduring and friendly and grows and tlourlslius profusely it survives the hardest winder wiui sufooompofluro and is one of the first to naluto tho re awakening of nature in tho spring ontario has boon slow lm dealing with the questman of provincial flower em blem for many years three other pro vinces have had their provincial flaweni the earliest was nova scotia dating back to 1001 when tho trolling arbutus locally known as the may flower was created tho floral embletn act of legislature in the following year manitoba mode tho official selection of the wind flower anofoo pollens as its floral emblem and six years later al berta by bill sponsored by tho min istor of education selected the wild rose rasa aclcularls although nova scotia pabod its floral emblem act in 1001 tho province cannot bo said to havo shown any conocm for haste hi that respect for tho subject woo first mooted loo years ago when in 1825 tho trolling arbutus appeared as the decoration on the front page of the nova scotlan newspaper with regard to national floral emblem for tho dominion tt is more than eighteen years ago elnoo the question was first advanced by tho on tario horticultural association but since then llttlo progress has been made in connection with the matter crewsons corners mr and mrs ouorgo halcovltch and mlaa helen evans of ouclph visited with mr and mrs joe evans on sunday mr and mrs hepburn visited wlta mr and mrs john bennett on sunday miss maud mocalg was homo from alowill lams over tho weekend mr wm nickel visited in georgetown mr tyler visited in toronto the many friends of mr charles lambert will bo pleased to know ho is able to be about again mr frank nash of toronto visited with mr tyler over tho weekend miss crlpps visited in acton fora few days mrs bennett of georgetown toa tho meeting at tho church on sunday mrs john bennett visited in acton service at tho church as usual 1iope ever the hopeful man will pray well why because he la always expecting an answer it is tho man without hope who fcjfgptut soy his prayers if bo llevo that gods hand is full of glfto wisdom power strength love all tho tilings want for the days work can not fbtrot my prayers if you go to tho cod of hope full of hope yourself no wonder you come up to tho city wth glorious morning face milton oodisorercr hi luv and mail may forever utter himself in obedience phillips brooks notice to creditors spark from chimney on march 7th started ilrc on tho roof of joseph mitchells homo on tho trafalgarnelson town lino which did 300 damage mlai margaret foathcrstono of tra falgar township was presented with writing desk by the of bethel church prior to her departuro for tor onto where olio will train for nurso in tfcllcslcy hospital improvement and boautiflcation of lakobank fork at oakvlllo is provided for in tho will of tho late william an drew ferrah involving an estate valuod at over 4o000 which has been enter ed for probate in milton in an exhibition game played in th arena hero on friday oven lag lost mlltonts fast bantam team defeated tho orunkby buds by to and in tho return game played at grimsby tucadaor evening milton blanked tho heunion in ditch two old uoldlors had not seen ono another sdnco they came back from tho war sixteen years ago although ono lived in orucnwaldo and tho other in rosen fold sojton villages not many miles apart by coincidence they each decided to pay surprise visit to tho other at tho same time and both sot out about tho same urao in tho morning on their motorcycles at dangerouri bend which both took rather fastaiul at tho same moment they collided headon and were both thrown into tho litch and ono anothers arms they sat up dusted themselves and tho words of abuse died onihcir lips as each recognized hk wartime comrade stark optometrist will be at rnchlins store acton on friday march 22nd puone us fob appointment toronto addrem sulto t5 medlcml denui balldbw 435 spodina aimneki 252 bakebs do all of the bbead making in ouba ttiiniliyirtanjikn evekton proving very nicely from lengthy lllnwin icrs clearwaui and sonfl roy and russell mr bert clearwater mr and mra jaa keating and eon bulle all of toronto mrs loyd clearwater of her recent tn that evonlng then lnj boldly called up mr michael rarbord at hla bom and told his employer of th key michael harbord said that there could he no harm giving tho key to the girl who doubtless had some work hamilton mr and mraw smith and do hotor hour in the morning then bf got to think lng about it mirs fvnch hnd said mrs jasroney of oeorgetown visiied at mr and mrs honeys knocking out the bottom rung the people who are stage managing the buslnes practices enquiry at othiwu have great faith in tho canadian educa tional system when boy comes out of school they seem to think ha knows all there is to know about business lie requites no apprenticeship no training he is ready to take on an executive job at big salary many of the outstanding business leaders of canada blotted their business lives hi jobs that paid them week or littki more they were glad to get on opportunity to become ussoclated with an established buslnesi ia start hi on the ground floor and learn trade or profession to go to school under capable and experienced men and gradually worjc their way upward learning as they climbed but thatse days have passed if frirfni tnvnrt in ivif gives him chance to learn aonie thing about business pays him modorulo wage durmg the period when he is of little value tiutur trade is taking lorgd cluuice of being summarily exposed hi the public if tlia tuwi wl gave their nmt jobs to lot us say jlr chorlcs oordon blr herbert holt thftqinstornriiihaw rrimouty bato nn other canadioii executives of this and other gwicrauons who started at tha bottom aiid reached tlio top pjobably did not realise tjiut they were chiiujlldiw the ambitious young lads who started out with them no doubt did not realbo that soraethbig was being put over them tliat they uliould have received from nrst day tlio some salaries behig paid to experienced mi th business practiced enjulry hus jovealed some instances of fully experi enced workers being exploited and paid miserably low wagui but as one purej through the evidence to isolate these an4dlnuntone4w observes tliat ulo commiosluo and 1u that the girl didnt belong michael hadnt had the most remote don of what she meant by that hut porhap he really had some suspicions about the girl it was nearly eight oclock when michael harbord arrived at his office michael lot himself into the outer office helo he culled out unyono round7 then thero in his own ofllc with the door open between it ami tho outer odlcfl he hw mildred it wad mildred duvldron atirely hut mildred wore dust cnp hho woro mi enot wous apron hanging longer tliun her trim llttlo frock and wihmi he hrst siiw her there ahe wiih on hex knes vigorously applying whfit appeared to be furniture oil to tho end of his desk oh haver thought youd come alia erlod was just trying to clean things up hero llttlo heard you hay that it mmoyed you hocnuuo tha loaning woman nuvor rally cleaned your ofllce and it drlv mo inont craxy tho dual and everything ho just made up my mind to enrne in brought soma soap ttiul unmo cloths and some furnitu noh fo an old pall la her and well im gut ting things so they look 111 tie bet ur mthafi1wd hfwmw trfl shilling tlio creditors of cordlua saycrs lato of acton widow who died on the pimt day of march 1935 and till others hav ing claims against her estate are requir ed to send to the undemigned solicitor their full names addresses and descrip tions full particulars of their claims and tho nautre of the securities if any held by them and tills notice being given pursuant to action bi of tho trufcteoa act 1927ctiaptcr 150 notice is hereby given that on und after tlio twentythird day of april 1035 tho executors will proceed to distribute tho assets of tho said cordllla slayers among tlio parties legally tn titled tliereto and tlioy will not bo responsible for any claims of which they liavo not then roecdved notice dated tliki tventyflrst day of march loa5 andjtew john murray and oeouoe herbeut brown executors by parmer acton ontario thoir solicitor 383 counsel are hopelessly confused between really important evidence of this kind which deserves to bo buxoned in tha jmblic preas in order that ijublkity may bring remedy and evidence loonoembw young lads just out of schoo getting their start lnj life apprtntlcea ejatlrely tzjexperlenced workers and men for whom temporary jobs nave been created to give them chance to earn few dollars in tin of btresa the jinan with boundless pleasure nud ndmlru hon ulldred went on miiyhu im twr eidutt vh txh me was of no use in oltlco but just mnde up my mind mint id try to do 1tttooatrnmytin1irry xnttttfhbi you said that tho duat annoyed jou too michael begged tier to stop ukstirlng br that ha didnt wimt her to do uuch hard work and that ho wiih ufruld uhu wodld tour hor nice linndu hut mil dred rofused to quit ill stick urotind hero then he said until you nro through and thnn want to tnuo you hoiuu pluco to hav something to out ran off with out half nnluhlng my dinner and ill bet you did too the next day he tttve miss ktvncb ordsntqultu druutlc ordord to do nothing about discharging mist onvld aon muslfrauchamlkadbutdmae he was told month infer ho told her to take mjsa duvldrions name off the payroll thought youd come to your seusea ymlrued the uhhj steupra pher kuow youd want hur to leave certainly do wild michael hut not for tho rvanon youthlnk im go lag to marry mlldrtd nuvldsoii and id rather not huv the girl im en gaged to working lu my ofllce cut flowers 75c 30c special ixr this week darwin tultju rose wiik per doioun daiuodets extra lare blootm iier dowm vtity cuoici selection ov 01jted 1lants appreciation of our flornl 13 flllm work and quality and irunh nojji of flowers han been nhown in tlio larfre incroaso in butilncsa oc corded us the past month may wo convince you by flllliu your nvxt order no oriler too email or too larfle to receive our beat attention bishop son fllonu 1ws ocllvr aclon theatre bttlgxil eyes kptdal miltlnee at 415 thrilling and drumutlc story of an airport mascot tarring biltiuijy lwmplb comedy mike wight cartoon discon tented canary chapter of young iduglwi tho boy scout iurfal hatluktoay maucii 23rd mehtty widow kpectaclo of music lovt and uller and jeanctte mucdonaid tillly dhuioy little wise hun 1vlx news monday mauch zuu david coplbitflem mpclal matlaoe at la all outstanding classic by charles dickens scenic africa ittud uf contrast mickey mouae orphans benefit llio womens society of tlio church sponsored very interesting st patricks program und tea on monday evening in the church the program constated of recitations by mm georgej young dorothy church itoss dumpier mid churlut stewart songs by mr and mrs black misses dorothy church and anna jackson mr mccutichcon and mr will jackson lnstrumentals by messrs leslie hill albert alton und alox kumubury an address on tho ireland of st patrick by tho pastor iuv mclcoil mr mocut choon acted us chairman in tho abaortco of mr wm ilortop wlio was ill after the program an enjoyable time wau spent hi social way partaking dainty lunch supplied by tho ladlai 1iio admission feo comilsted of tlio ago of each represented in pennies tho proceeds amounted to fidl5 1he oven ing come to un end by olnglng tlio national anthem mr and mrs hancock of olen wllllanis ipent tlio weekend with tho lattera parents mv and mnj hamil ton mr john orlndau of ouelph is visit ing his sister mm everts miss wanceti jfcnnhigs and mr uoyd robertson of acton fcpent sunday wltn tho lattera motlier mrs ilobert con iovctau wilton lackayo wtis on tho program for apcoch at gathering in chicago it was lato in tlio evening yid oviry onu hnd been bored by tho other long winded upenkers whcnihtrtoastmoster announced wilton tjicicayo tho fam ous actor will now glvo you his addrcjal mr lockayo arotus and nald toast intuiter and oentlemen my address is tho lambi club new york ixvj sit down the npplauso was tremendouu in cuba bakbrs do all tho bread mak ing no bread is baked in tho homo tlio hearth method ofaklpg bread la generally employed by tho cuban baker there being no modern ovens in the land the mothod of baking is very primitive and very much like tho outdoor fcako ovens seen in tlio qaspo peninsula in canada although in cuba tho ownd are enclosed within tho bakehouse accord ing to the industrial department of the nhn rt ttrt tar trtiytwijs cuban bakers only machines arc mixer dough brake set of scales and divider and with these ho turns out his bread tho loss by moisture per loaf to tlio cuban baker by his mothod of baking fcj five ounces as against two ounces hi canada yor rlxtcenouiico loaf the family grocer qur aim gopd merchandise low prices good service telephones store 37 residence 130 specials for thursday tomatoes largv tins standard quality l8o cholco quality lo orange marmalade lb tin for bo lb jar for zla quality jams lb jar cheiuty for szo lb jar pinteapple 3fio gmjgrbtrm 6p free cake lifebuoy 8op with larfe ticket uinso 25c jriday and saturday peas no tins slxe standard quality 23o choice quality iso cocoa iri thl neilsons 23o lb tin oowiaws 23o lb bag pure ddtou ibo baking powder lb tin thibtlh 21o lb tin eoao uo ik 2l aiplesw 10 38c dread flour lb bag qoldcn west tfo rat kxnos muskc master of uio music to tho king js pleasant nppolntmont and buxit hpnor hut sir walford dwlpii the twentieth in tho line mutu find it only sliodow of what it wat in iurcolla days then tho mniitcr liad to watch over and uistruct und composo for uu four luluatiutlddltoritiiihoplaydwuuatlia king wili at meals or amusing lilmsoif und jven played hi church tlh rour uml twenty ilddlers fiddled uo klng ikuid of muslcuins out of fashion after diaries tho second tliolr dutlj uilnninl down tho klnffn iwintl rorisod to he nn or btrlngii only and graduajly dimlntahcd and changed to tlio requlremcnui of madam music tlio mail dcllghtrul royal hand had been that of henry tho eighth which hi 161 consisted of 15 trumpolii tlmso lutes threo rebecks kind of luldlu three taboui harp two violi tensack buu ilfo and four drunudadts few yoarulauir henry added thrua minljittvli but ho knew tluii volcci wero only makeshift compared with strings you cant stay where txtukmkly ho cilit to butcher those jui ugea you uunl mejuvtlinchtllt oucclld and brmid at tlio other butclur yos maam in tlieui lmrtl tlnnvi its difficult to make botli uuds meat iv ikk was magician mummle if were iiagodiui should turn ovwrytlilng into eiioeoldus but you could not out many choco lates could should turn myself hito an elephujll you turn tlirough kodak album and smile at oldstyle clothes skirts clutter ing the ankles hats perched high up on hair wasp waists awkward sleeves odd how your taste has changed yet day by day our taste changes in all yon wear and do you dont like the same books enjoy the same movies choose the same underwear prefer the same soap you did short while ago you are so used to the better you wonder why you liked the old advertisements make you know the better as soon as its proved txrbehetter theyellofoodhtngs accepted as good taste in thebest homes the hosiery glasscuroiiiisiiglltntg fix tures other moderns use why their nse is preferred advetisements influence so mtmnmrdymttoco feel the change even if you never read an advertisement youll use in time some of the conveniences which advertisements urge you to use today advertisements form tide of taste that sweeps you for ward you cant stand still since youll enjoy what they advertise anyway why not begin enjoying it now read the advertisements to be alert to the best today

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