Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 21 Mar 1935, p. 6

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oaai the acton free bress thursday march 21st 1am get somebodt slsk tho lord bad job for me bat nd ao rfuoh eke to do mm you get oomebody else or wait till get through dont fcoow bow the lord came out so doubt hie got along but fdt kind mueatfin like fcnowd doneood wrong one day needed the lord needed him right away bt be never answered me at atf and could hear him say down in my accusln heart tnlggerr iae got too much to do toqgbt else orwajtttll lev through now when the lrocr baa job for me to do never tries to chirk dropowhat has on hand and doestbe lords good work and my affaire can run along or wait till get through nobody elae can do the wor that qod baa marked out for you jjunfcar stopped ham roll slice of ham tnch thick cut from centre of ham cups moistened bread crumbs tablespoon minced parsley cup tomato juice spread bread crumbs over hum sprin kle parsley over roll up and tie pourver tomato juice adding uuls hot water place in baking pan beellng occasionally during the two hours usually required for the baking process hurryup tasties any he aeeds days when there simply isnt time enough for anything but hurryup dessert here are three reolpeu which are real friends in need easily quickly made and so festive looking that the folks wont dream they ore eleventh hour des serts coconut banana snow bananas cut in small pieces vt cup powdered sugar teaspoon lemon juice egg white stiffly beaten vt cup cream whipped cup moist sweetened coconut combine ba sugar and lemon juice ghlu force through storms fold fruit into egg white then foldln cream and coconut serves oooonot apricot plots add vm cup powdered sugar to cups stewed apricots cut in quarters fold in cup cream whipped and cup moist sweetened coconut chlu serve in sher bet glasses and sprinkle with another vt cup moist sweetened coconut may be used as ailing for tart shells servos tropioal tjelloht ripe bananas cup orange juice tablespoons brown sugar eup shredded coconut feel bananas and cut in half length wise arrange in layers in greased bak ing dish mix orange juice with brown sugar and pour ovec bananas sprinkle thickly with coconut bake in hot oven until bananas are tender and coconut is brown serve immediately serves swiss steaic lbs round or sirloin stctdc cut inched thick cup flour salt and pepper mix cup lutfn or bacon drippings pew siloes onion green ptpper chopped nnto cups balling vuur or cup wutur and cup strained tomatoes pound hour into tnejit wltli woodtn potato nuujier or uz of lieavy nhiie heat tlie fat hronn the moot oji earn de in it add onlou green pepiwr boiling water and tomato cover dosory bunmcr two liours this may be cooked ill caaucrole in the oven otlier vvtt ju1in am jim called him john he called me jim nigh fifty years that knowed him and he knowed me and he was fair and honest all that time and square id pass him rnomms goln down the road or driving into town and wed look up the same old way and wave hand and umlie and say how john7 how jim guess you dont real otten sec such kind of friends as him on me not much on talkin big but say tne kind of friends that stick and stay come rich come poor come rain come shine whatever he had was mine an mine was his and we both knowed it when wed holler on the road day john iay jlml and when got hailed out one year john dropped in on me with thai queer big smile upon hid way to town and laid two hundred dollars down and soys no interest understand and no note and he took my hand and squeezed it iand he drew away causo there werent nothin more to say slong john slong jim and when johns boy come courtin sue john smiled an well smiled some too as though thlngi was coming out as if wed fixed em just about and when sue bhishud and told me why set and chuckled on the sly and so did john put out his hand no words but these ye understand shake john shake jim and when sues mother died john come and set with me and ho was dumb as fur at words might be concerned but in them eyes of his there burned light of love and sympatny and friendship yo dont often sec he put lilshand in mine that day an said what else was uicre to say lo john lo jim somehow the world dont setm tlw same itotbiy the tret is all ailome with autumn but theres samcthln gone went out of life guess with john he nodded that old grhcdod hood upon the plller of his bed and lifted up that helpless hand and whimpered sometime understand bjo john bye jim cottar at aadbma no one can any with certainty exactly wliat causes the estab liming of nsijimatk from the street from flowers from grsbt and vwjkxsi othter irritants may set up trotkeraxsdssjbletd lrradicatrexcopr uirough sure preparation such as or kelloggs asthma remedy uncer freed generation of asthmatic victim from this scourge of the bronchial tubt3 it at oold tverywhere clkotaicalxvkyuipptli ywu htkav vis1tou no bather need be afraid of cncountm turn for he keeps to the outer oouit but nevertheless the torpedo one of ivrul apucles of fuli poincatjntf the power to inflict electric altocks is kmoug the occasional flahy wanderers vadting uu waters off nova scotlu tlus elec trically fit ted chap the battery by tlte way is situated juat bocat of ida hend southentareatiitr once in while he takes trip nortlt ward on tlte pacinc comit one of hu rejatrves the oaluornls torpedo rmngrs from monterey northward to the stare of washington qs moat powerrul of the aooahod inlrto flshes la believed to be the elec woael it is not true eel which iiflma brabl and guiana the world will gradually ijbl trkndablp can be created of equality and not of hitler moore hare both got in good stocks of umber at ibelr mills for thte cutuiaj swun telephone line from here totsme house will soon be put into operation some of the finest lines of goods in satchekt travelling bags purses to are now being turned oirt tn the new ootchel and purse factory of mr james moore mr prick the superintendent de considerable praise for the taste and skill exercised in the manufacture of those goods at the okatlng carnival held tor the benefit of the caretaker on monday ifcmatrcet won the twomile race tho fastest couple were matthews and miss haty lawsonv the worst skater was barry there were lot of otherthlnga in those days there was the county spring horse show tho easter exam inations at the schools to which all parents were invited was also feature of note the spring building plans were under consideration and tho activities of spring were in tho air its just fifty years ago that smith and abram matthews passed away my haw tunes moves on but that will be all for this week im longing just now for my first tacte of this yearte maple syrup served on pancakes that nobody con make better than mary par bealds and bums or thomas bclectrlc oil is standard remedy for the promof treatment of scalds and burns its healng power quickly soothes tho pajn and aldfa tpocdy recovery from tho injury it is also art excellent remedy for all manner of cuts bruises and sprains as well as for relieving the painc arising from lnflanunatlon of various atnr tneiou wes many doctors and veterinarys fee capture sturgeon with bow and line in iant know where ran across thnt poem but ive bn saving it for loin tlmi seemi tomuki lump come in my throat every time rul it but its too good to kcup so im pushing it on thk week some times we save thing sturgeon big lhji often running wull up into tho hundreds of pounds hi weight arc taken commercially in several can adian provinces by moons of nets ex cellent eating they are too but hi some parts of british columbia they ore auo taken by onglcnt with rod and line however idnce this is true fish story it may be explained at once that tho anglers catch doesnt lncmdu tho big fellows weighing hundreds of pounds rather it is made up of the smaller fish tender wortji catching but nt scalebreaking though measuring at least the three feet set by tile fisheries regular uoikj for british columbia as the mlnl 4num slxo limit last year as reported to the dominion ocpartment of plsherjcs by its huipector for tne hope area of tht proscr large number of small sturgeon were taken with rod and line on tlte proscr river coclally in the vicinity of cnapmans and yale the sluixeoh by tlie way not one of tho fighting wishes likely to give tho angler particular thrilling sport but it mokes tayty meal most of tiio sturgeon taken commer cially hi canada are landed in tho inland fisheries of quebec and in ontario but tlie fisll also occur hi tne prairie pro vinces and in some of the inland waters of now brunswick they are token in the sea fisheries of both british colum bia and quebec and occasionally by nova scotia sea ikjicrmcu all of the can udloii catch it totalled 00738 hundrej welghtb hi 1x3 is marketed hi uie fresh form byproduct of tlio fkjiery ttnr goon caviar is produced hi ontario but not ordinarily hi tlie otlier provhitws axjbkftxa8 8kkd exchange polkty entering its third season the tseed exchange policy established by the pro vincial and federal departments of agri culture in alberta wlu be continued dur ing 1935 under this policy the main object of which is to extend the use of pure sed in wheat oats and barley crops the formers have the opportunity of ex changing thcu grain for good seed at csbablkihcd rtes freight is paid by the provincial and dominion governments on aproval shipments of seed from growers to purchasers owirmers deliv ering groin to bo exchanged for eeed will be allowed track price for thefr com mercial grain and seed growers selling need will bo iwud fixed premium over tho track prices at shipping point de pendlne upon the grade and quality of the seed which is purchased on seed grade basis last year some fiftyono carloads pure seed including 50000 bushels of wheat 24809 bushels nl oats and 1061 bushels of barley were distri buted to farmers under this policy before ob aftert dietitian yes few lettuce leaveb without oil and glass of orange julcs thcre madam that completes your dally diet mrs otferwclght thank you so much doctor but do toko this before or after meals the bodwn ltbeajtt after the libraries of the british museum and paris no library in the world la more famous than che bodleln library oxford tho foundation atone was laid hi 1610 and the library owes its present form and its 500 years of greatness toslr thomas bodley who be gan his plans for the enlargement and improvement of the library of his own day in 1507 this gift of books and monusoilpts from tho continent was valued at 10000 and his liberality was followed by generous gilts from notable couectoru among them archbishop laud john selden and edward malone today with over million books and about 30000 manuscripts many of them extremely rare and of priceless worth the library is one of tho brain centres of world degree students may use it dig ging into it as into quarry and bringing to light vnst stares of buried informa tion prom all over the world come literary ptbple and epccialists to use the great wealth of knowledge stored in this famous place the books aro never al lowed out of tho building but accredited students can copy what they will it is certain that the loss of this library would greatly impoverish not merely oxford or england but tho empire and the world the fathead two small boys were returning to the boathouse after very successful fishing trip wc must come here again bill did you mark the spot where we caught them oil yes put orpsb on the bottom of the boat fathead wc might not get the same boat next time ou answer oood soldiers are not always good economists and do not always appreci ate the difference between tho force of arms and the force of economic laws joseph stalin professor after lecture any ques student yeo sir how do you cal culate the horsepow in donkey en gine jn boost needed tho visitor from the city was looking jound the oldworld village in company with ode of the inhabitants lovely place indeed he remarked and suppose fcven so small hamlet con boost of football team tho villager grimaced no wc cant lie said we used to boait of one now we apologize for it business directory medical dr mcniven office and residence corner boww avenue and elgin street dr nelson physician and electro therapy phon legal phone kb aa box tm rold nash parmer barrister seuettar nstery pvufta oaotey kte mux street acton out hours 030 to 1200 noon 00 to 00 saturdays 13 00 oanock kenneth langdon barrister baoexec naouy offices acton over tseynucks cafe for appointments phone acton oenrg 88 office hoars acton taesday mui thnrsday ik to 4j0 ewam togx on request dental the mantle ok elijah too long im afraid but after all life has lou of regrets aw shucks im get ting blltlitrhi on that sciithnuital train tufatrr ill juat jut hold of tho old history full of instance of men or whom it has bwin told hilo mantle of fciljah descended upon him it means tliat he was worthy iucceaor of tome iuu more fumouti master por lmtanc pitt tlie younger wortlilly succeeded to tlio man tie of his father tho famous karl oronathiun on ihn ht papers of lusli to ooiithiue my subjuet mr donald moclarty of lot con cusloul guhlllgr has jold itle acre farm to mr tlios mcclure for 0s0 kffin ftjirt iwiom vj nn tuu1fiv morfilng murch 17 in tlie live mile skating race at aoorgatdwn luit iliurmluy veiling blac of pcrgus won ogalrl victor xjhirhig the pat week tlie ordinance of baptum has bmi udmhiisturcd to twelve candidates hi thu x3hclple cliajwl by ltov mr scott thu storm an saturday sunday and monday must liavo been genuine equin octial galo mr brown iluy acre farii hoi btii told to mr lur maim for uood rururt mr brown td111 tvlahw tlio l2 acres on which he resides tim sidewalks are getting bare aguln and thr evrrlice baby carria aoon predonlhiute thervoti phobogrupli and very complete dtjicriptloil of the lieuf canada oloo work was publkhid hi uie kvuu of march lutli and now nfty years later tills fuctory is still going strung and continues to be one of actuus auoocsiful industries when ux over the list of persons aaaoclutod with the business uicn there uru few of tlieni that havu not passed on after three months ot uninterrupted sleighing the roads have begun to break up mesars james brown and thomas lilcliurd cromwell quite fallod to wear uie mantle of his fatlier tlio mighty oliver the phriuu hi obviously biblical frujab it wlurlwlnd hito heaven tlio mantlo with whkh he had dlvldtd tlie waters of tho hi vc jordan fell from ills khouldet klulia hk urvuiit olid ucccior pkcvd uji tin tfallen cloak for it wtmed to tvh4tivwu werv tokrvwl utulel he was true uucctjviftr or iiot tte btory goas on ho took the mantle of elijuh which foil from him and femote tlk waters und uiey parted hltliur und uiltlilr and kluuia wfiit over and tlio wnw of tiio prophets uiw him uicy said tlie spirit ofldljah dotli mst on eikhu man stltlhhhjtlt ituuad of uaybitf that man is crea ture ofclrcuiiutonceb it would nearer tiw murk to uty tliat tium uu urclil tect of clrtuiitonctj it eliaractr whloli bulldtf an exuutice out of clrcuin stance prom thr same material onc man builds palace oiithcr hovcw ono wurchoumi onothtr vlllui brhks aiul mortar are mortar und bricks until the archlteot ion inakd uiem somethhig oli lame back lumuauo rmond qoickjt to rumarars browns dntff stor rjuimacapsl ssiu in the woods we never grow so old that we do not recall our childhood concern as we thought of what might have happened to the two storyhook children who wander ed aimlessly into the forest and became lost we never grow so wise that we can walk blindly into the marts of trade and straightway find the shoes car ham pleaner rug antiseptic or whatnot that best fits our individual need fancy or pocketbook without dependable buying guide we are all babes in the woods lost when it conies to judging qualities values or styles know the reputation of the store is one rule know the reputa tion of tlie product and its manufacturer is another the two together make wise selection doubly certain you can form very reliable estim ate of tlie stores which advertise consis tently so also of manufacturers only sound merchandise attractive lyricedatccmtitiuchbtrrepaytheretail er or the manufacturer for this advertis ing outlay if he can risk tlie money it costs him to tell you about his goodsyou can be reasonably sure that your path through the woods will lead to the best values for your buying dollars thft advertis columns of the free press are tjtet pathway to highest quality and lowest prices sts buchanan denial office in lelshmani hours until tn by appointment oas for extraction wir twwi ttinnn 141 peahen sjl successor to 11 ehr if bab phone 39 lal veterinary dr bruyns veiesteary soxxvob all calls receive prompt attention terms reasonable phone 135 aoton office mill street harrop sc phoneday or night residence bower avvme aston all ban promptly answered hal miscktjlanxoc francis nunan account books of all kinds order periodicals of every carefully bound ruhng fb and promptly done wyndbam street onejph on general in we antciauze in life fire health ud accident automobile and all general lines itt insurance also plate glass fidelity bonds annuities fensloa bonds etc leasing comtihiks frederick wright nmuli ma1n htueet aoton

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