am the acton free press bscism blrtfcs mm fjl tw fctssrtstf la tfals iwl hi hi iii hi 111 kafc pm tffdbflday icabch tn 1m died ih oeneml tai mm jw1 cooper ionmftt6t aoton mm years tbaradar march 3b um soma ainot jflaoo faejorsd taw frft of xjulan nofsrson in hi sftth ftmaral bo tmia on ettordsj aacnooo wltb arrlm tha mmrfif pimoa tctownslila yy at csmetcrr oaelpb in oook toad s4 lortoc memory of oar dour mother berth cook pund jkmt urch aitta atwsjs ranembered far srentatat ooftdoh hew lfdkjubxa msmaty of my ttdmnd mather botued poderidx on march lrt 1909 and stater zk bt died mllrortan march uth 1903 and toother rubin who died tn aston march 32nd immy uar tether who died t2hon in 1909 and my sister ida who died at gblcaco in jm1 and slater jostle who died in acton in 1m bome day well understand ever rernernb by dauohtter and hutx9eu nan qodrrlrh touxou jrmr khdoy tim potato prfrmliiebt among the mnlaltfct 6ed for food sot only doee the potato furnish conatfe nntrt inwl ml uppnee it in easily dlfcst ihto conn the starch in potat it some her atarchprodoctnr toodk bow jewsr the potato la somewhat deflrlimt in protein and fata it should not tw wed cocluarvely in the diet anahonvl be conv blned with lean meat letfame etsarnr other protein or tatsopplyin foods the method of noookmf potatoes has aome effect upon the quality and food trua ttanert pofhwa sm mnst ttrrty tn easter in three weeita april showers will eoon be due maple syrup is now on the local market march has been anralmost ideal spring like flnflb if ibgrerotapu going to be short this year will have new ooveroor oeneral john buchan the roads ore drying up nicelyveind almost all are quite passable the ontario library board tneets in toronto on april 22nd and 23rd the regular meeting of acton coun cil will be helc on monday evening may will have two holidays this year the sixth and the twentyfourth oct the habit every week of shop ping through the ads it saves time and money the 1935 models ere now quite frequent in their appearance on the highways the public utllltku commission holds the regular monthly meeting to morrow evening spring time moving time an ha cleaning season just part of the things for which this time of year is now the headline feature for the orel night of acton pair in september has already been booked by the director the rough spots ou the second line now under construction have been greatly improved by few loads of gravel acton pall pair directors met yes terday afternoon when plan tor haw features for the 1935 pair were discuss ed lose hi food tame daring oooung this loss can be by coofclne with the skins on baked pota lose wry little either nutriment or in quality when cooked they are usualy more mealy than potatoes which haw been hplled or steamed mashed potatoes are improved in taste by the addition of muk creamor faouer this masxathenx higher in fat than when tbeyafe boiled or baked potatoes fried ba fat are jtoheet tn food nutriments the water is largely extracted and much fat is ab sorbed when poslble it is best to cook potatoes with their skins on peeled potatoes soaked in water before cooking often lose as high as per cent of their nutriments potato recipes to two cups hot riced potatoes add two tablespoons tof butter onehalf tea spoon salt and yolks of three eggs slight ly beaten bbape using pastry bag with tube in form of baskets pyramids eta brush over with beaten egg diluted with one teaspoon of water and brown la hot oven seadaeed potatoes wash pare and cut four potatoes in ourfourth inch slices put layer in buttered baking dish sprinkle with salt and pepper dredge with hour and entered into rest cou from page one mm bliott and girls mr and mrs snow and famuy marjorte and deenor chapman mr and mrs ormdeil sfc ajbans congregation and jwomena auxiliary miss irene bproat fit tbotnas can adian legion 15th platoon com pany iforne rifles mr and mrs geo qroen mr and mm bocleabsdl and bui beardmore lrthers lid mr and mm coleman jr emma and george of toronto miss moore wotkd shoes for men br soou bttrachtln acton canadian salmon roftoak wtt1i xnddstkial wobjkkbs the indnstrial areas of the tjnltwd kingdom red canned salmon is in de inand while pink salmon on account of its lower price is much used among farm and day laborera whose families are large and whose wages are not high as in the indnstrial areas according to the industrial department of the qrtmn national railways in this trade as tn others the value of extensive advertising in the press is very marked there is section of the general middleclass who favor brands that are widely advertised the press and it is in this section that the four wellknown proprietary brands find their best market at high pricei one ixrodon firm the largest purchaser of canadian sockeye canned salmon report their best sales for the finest grade in the north of england the great manufacturing area of the united kingdom baby chicks hatching eggs sc white leghorns prom largo birds that have given flock average of 210 eggs and better over period of five years hatches every thursday prices reasonable acton poultry farm paptixon duvajl box 378 acton copies of the auditors report or 1934 will be avallalbe on application to clerk li parmer on saturday and thereafter the shelving is completed and tho hooks of acton pree library all remov ed brthe new library room in the building 13 milt will be the tax rate in ouelph tills year and mills for the apearate srhnol suportar tiih lsto mius higher tlian lost year meeting of the directors of acton was held on tuesday even 4ng when dctllu in ntn4y witn the building were ducusaed hiding blcycltti on the aldewalks id still tirartlsfd by mm of tlm young utik sidewalks were built for pedestrians surely they have some place in the com munily the publuhtr of weekly newxj paperb of ontario und quiboc will txuat in annual convention at tlie lioyaj york hotel hi toronto to burrow on tur day moniliib tiuy will vult urumpton sl keejts list op sales thursday march jsth mac sinclair lot 16 pirat line rln parm btock and implriutnts etc tuesday april 3d adactt lot 73 sixth concession ale of parm thursday april 4th dyaon lirm adjoining iruou purut parm stoo implements etc oaturday 0th august buntif biurime7br saturday april 30th jam mills acton purnlture sale ssion rahuwu clearing symona hardware introduces to the acton district pure american water white coal oil for lamps stoves brood era etc no smoke on your chimneys no smudge on the wlcka guaranteed highest quality it pays to use the bast said this oil burns to the last drop over ta of butter repeat until all the potatoes are used few slices of onion may be added if desired add hot milk until it may be seen through the top layer bake one and oneyouith or until pota toes xe soft praneonia potatoes prepare as for boiled potatoes and parboil ten minutes drain and place in pan in which meat is roasting bake until soft basting with fat in pan when basting meat time required for baking about forty minutes sweet potatoes may be prepared the safe way potato croquettes cups hot hoed potatoes tablespoons butter sj teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper teaspoon celery salt pew brains cayenne pew drops onion uioo yolk one egg teaspoon nnely chopped paiblcy mix ingredients in order given and beat thoroughly shape dip in crumbs egg and crumbtf again fry one minute in deep fat and drain on brown paper croquettes are shaped in variety of forms the most common way is to tlrst form smooth ball by rolling one round ing tablcspon of mixture between hands then roll on board until of desired jciyjth and flatun ends weekend candy special to deli headquarters jor wadjmper palnte garden soed uid all sprfnf mowtrhald requirement hintons 5c to store some uowlek3 keatiei an bisect powder waterloo uax won an thejlaymg ilrld1 of wellington socrotes was poisoned by an overdose of wedlock rhe royal mint is what the king puts on ilis ulw potatoaj acrimony which is called holy fe an other hamu for marriage lots wife looked back and turned somersault shakespeare lived at wuidsor with hk merry wives 1wo famomi scottish patriots robert bruce and kdgar wallace sir walur scott was called urn blix xard of tlie ntortli the knight fvll down on ubbtsb tlutt yawnrd in front of hlnl agusomitrls whert ou puupcnniui in wiicn tnljuh went up to heaven his munulplecd fell on idkiut grass inntjw tnxhexi7lto ottivcss lurlm uoyal tlikatltk gulxpiv ohills latit movlts irunci at uio dlipuy iuivrttuit ut in thld fejuj will convbicf our readers that tlw jtojul iluialrrj guclph is will to the for with thu luuit movies on tfturduy und prlday of tills uordrtown the nrw paul uunl of urn fuultue ftom chain gang fuin und 1uiu davli picture fol lows uu prunt howlng of robert llut trtmcndoiu popularity of ilhlr uy tvuipld uip little big uctnwi will bid fulr to tak tlie seating capacity of the itoyul tlieatrc witch hiia appears willi lionel sarrymoro hi the llttu colonel mi saturdayf for thruoduy engagement nim thlrh is limiting hghlln centres juat now is los polles ber gerca the new maurice chevalier hit without being at all beared of the title this picture ts fat movlrur musical comedy laid 4a paris and la adapted from the stage success of the same x3old diggeru of 1935 fa act for show ing at the royal theatre on saturday april eth so continuing rich spring festival of oertmed atertamroent highway grocer specials week pastry ploor rb bug for 21 no squat und choice tomaroes xf choice tomaroes tireded wlfeat packages for rose or thistle brand saking powder lb for cliolce peamealed bacon bacon per lb pure lork sausage lb for moked cottage roll lb for 10 ivarl whlu soap 23c 19c 31c 20c 23c 33c seedless raisins lbs for llawcv lemon oil lj oic bottle for idcal green beans no tins for hornets vanilla imiul bottle for choice sliced side bacon lb for 1iam bologna lb for ckwtr leaf medium red salmon lb tm for bee hivi corn syrup 2lb tin for 23c 23c 10c 7c 30c 15c 21c 17c we sell soft driiikij tobacco and cieatelleri swceljmillcaud butlckrnilk highway grocer vouno sthtet nesijitt pkoprietor acton rtlone 189 jjettersto tlje editor the pree frea welcomes utters to this col an saauers of cetera 11 rt to lia gradrra bnldocs oat neeessarur endorse the oploloa eapfcsscd all tetters emit be algiivd but taajba pobusaad over pen name if so desued and sped led in tie letter coauaoaications shoiild not be over 500 words in length and must be received not later than tuesday at noon to ensure publication that wpeks issu letter prom montrkal dcarpacs paaoo the letter sent last week was prepar ed before reading of the death at ed monton of one of actons sons arthur moore it came as personal shock for he was the son of family beloved next door neighbors for yearjot only so but so lad he was assigned with bunch of other boys in sunday school class to the writer in bis first year in acton 1893 of that group of boys there have gone forth into the world men hi many walks of life and to far dlstsnt locations whether any great good came of the assignment mentioned jo of course unknown but at any ratelhey have gone abroad one to the other aide of the earth as merchant one copy reviser for great publishing establish ment and walter of stories one wellknown manufacturer who became warden of his native county particu lars cannot now be recalled of all but ot far as recollection now goes arthur is the first break by death work for the night in coming work all the way through the various phases of ufes day until man work is cr writing week ago as to the great possibilities opening up to the promotors of the new in acton have tilnco upcnl considerable timo in loojdng over the fife of sir george williams the orlgtnal promoter and have been struck by the intense zeal for the welfare of fw03 tirmectst fe tip top clothej3 are handcut and individiialljrtailoted tj yourfteas perfect style in fine wpouorg ib laiqelyl yo which ofae htem with efforts for ho spiritual needs of tho young men hi the establishment with which he was connected umj movement grew and as it grew other collaborating featurcu were added but always keeping in mind the uplifting of the soul to tho saviour in fact his own personal prac tice was to every day speak to some one kindly in this uay and in order to do uils ha kppc his own spirit nourished by communion with tho heavenly father at his death hi old age after many year of effort tlm aosoclauon numbered hundreds of branches with an immcnvj membership which of course has vast ly increased since in this city ulono arc nlnt ucthe branches and slf george wlllluttk callegt thlt may lead to some remarks con cernlnk uorldwldcly known advocate of und labrtr for uic uplift of youth shcruood lddy who has recently fijicni mmt tlim in tlila city giving many ad drcssl to var ou hiurcsts one of thuo the oritur hml opportunity to liuir as having never heard him it seemed to offer ux event in lifetime thc capac ity of tilt auditorium tomc ioo wai uill illkd and uic audknee hung upon lilm uith uhut usually dobcrlbcd as breath ks attention indeed in many of ills froquent careful pauses for new senunct rb correct phrase the pro verbial phi might hmrd to drp having nd of him for so long and knowlnii of hh lmtnma journiit much older and vorn looking murv uas cxpecttd but he appeared to be in prime strang and virile on the basis of the good samaritan story he declared in opening that religion is on trial mover in the lnot ilrcnuolu das was it morj needed the compkx and desperate needs of the world are tucli that as he seed it the only curt drastic and self dtnylng as it may be surrender to tho spirit and work of the rdotiikr first in the individual then outward to tho surroundings ho traced uie vurioiut pliai of human contacu class with cuuj in the past and tha various eiforu inttfrlous nations to retjuiuu but he se nothing but dluitrous resolution to only remwlki and deploring tlw slack ing of ethical und moral principled and the unreliable standing of grealtworld rulers he made strong pka for uittfo principletuhllhwere enunciated bytbe man of gallke lie counselled no violent uttuckr on capltallm of toda but ftvprtfd pint it huut to spiritual principles lpeclully touchhig uiu hl appeal to youtli to apply them ivty to uiu trvlce ictupectfully collman aqi wjlsjinavrnufl spring housecleaqing time is here again maybe yon are think ing of new curtains drapes rugs or the many other things thaiaare to be replaced at this time we have large assort ment to choose from and the prices are reasonable frilled curtains 39c to 75c prints over 50 pmttems to choos from all tab and sunfut colon stripes checks mnd floral patterns zte iso btu curtainl nets soluble far an emu 15cto 50c print dresses kvery one gsarasdecd smart styles large range of patterns 100 cbetonnes ana shadow cloth sarcral wlatka 15c to 59c jd house dresses rut colar frists special 59c hudknit silk hose fan eashlancd chiffon or scmlservtoe 75 jcrepo servies 100 pair every pair guaranteed wear well hosiery cotton lisle sill all that the name implies ladles cbstiram ue to tso tit la sfc easter sunday april 21st spring suits or topcoats made to your measure let us make your new spring outfit and be assured of ffettlnff smart styling quality doth and 1qj5 guaranteed and up hats caps shirts ties socks underwear new goods are arrivinc smart spring styles from the best makers see what we are showing before buying keta salmon tomatoes kclloggs brun flakes pkjjs fif ktlloggs corn flakes pkgs op cttocery departm sugar 10 ibs 55c flour excelsior or lily white 24 ibs 65c cowans cocoa tin 23c lk1 maiz niblets ci tins scijc kelloggs allbran 22c lurge package or pearl soap bars for brunswick aki1nes t1u 14c corn starch inscta 19 rinso largo package lifebuoy soap 23c phone 3s free deuvery opening ltirfv ll fitrin of pat terson and will give the same courteous and prompt service tor winch this store has been noted here are the speciak for this week to mark the opening fleef cuts choict juu i1qasf3 maher of it and fit doponds ortmoasure tip top tailors limited mad to measure clothe ra guaranteed to fit 2375 montreal march jli 1035 mrs loot rraubl and lbry lift toun inct crt corn mul llutilonsalw lire told by urovni drua slort sojdby pallant acton ontario ins fllic cak accident s1ckn1 ss itc harrop itkfitgsentait core dlstriet uattutj norwlo ctumusuan stre fauwum cosapajsy the laswiisiiiiii cs the cmsaajty ca3aa4a anno the mecehants oassmtty os tlta frtaffekpraarl bfmiaml pnrro thick nib uouiu inr lb shtiiildlr housu iwr lb 4s 14c 13c 14c iilh 1jou ptr lh 9c pork cuts 19c 20c tjtttt5 rrtmmcd pr lb loin icoatfl oo ikr lb lictk to ltt lldi uucon by illa jkr lb fcauo4ctwocojx xav hot wholt or half lb 19c 24c 29c 30c 71 jlgv nor 22c 23c cash specials 2lakd lbs for salaoa tra broun label lb for iii1nz iomaio caisup bottle for 2homt madk sausage tbs tor 27c 30c 17c 25c eisk phone 178 successor to pattenon we deliver promptly free press ads will sell your goods let us convince yon rarriflkwlfl