Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 28 Mar 1935, p. 6

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ritacm the acton free press thursday march 21th ims letto dear mother nature wrlta to ask soros things would like to know do we always and the 0tuli where tbe fuasywlllows grow do the buttercup and milkweed uve together aide far elde feo the btuebeuo ring for un fautes when they warlder far and wide do the trumpets blow on tho trumpet vine 60 many things would like to know wish that flowers could talk cora severance menu hints recipe car new and novel olahcs doaaehotil ideas ut baggeations steaks and salads please the the mtw many women think of natural plnd npplo juice as refreshing beverage or something with which dillclous deserts may bo made tho juice of this luscious fruit fa rabidly gaining favor in meat and vegetable cookery ixen la recipe that wljl make ono of tho most inexpensive cuts of meat tost like kings dish and another that will make slmpc but very asty in both cases be sure to use tho natural unsweetened pineapple juice whlcn comes in tins of soveral suics and not the owcet syrup in which sliced pint bppio is packed deviled 6tte1axl servings flanked steak largo onion tablespoons butter tablespoons flour teaspoon salt teaspoon mixed dry herbs teaspoon pepper tctgwon pnnrflra teaspoon dry mustard tablespoons elder vinegar cups pineapple juice uelt butter in oven and brown the sliced onion and powdered herb remove onion and brown the steak which has been cut into pieces by inches and rolled in flour add flour pineapple juice cover closely and sim mer for several hours or until steak is tender moulded mayonnaise salad cups boiling pineapple juice package lemon flavored gelatin teaspoon salt dash cayenne teaspoon woreheslcrahlre uauco cup grated cheese cup tnayonnalsu dressing reul thick dissolve gchithi in boiling pineapple juice odd seasonings chill until cold und syrupy place in bowl of cracked ice and whip with egg beater until iiuny and thick like whipped cream combine cheese and mayonnaise and fold into gelatin rum into moltb chill until old man burdetts by lucy fox vs jin upurltt hi tt riiuill thill null it iiim ri in imi itusiui fit uhi im id 111 iin in tin hur tlljl httl to lii onxlili ii ill jit it ist in luke itlirl it lilirl pr mid nt for twt nty tn tt ttli itlm ii filliillv lihl ihiivnl ttllh nil iiml hnl xiiiintl dm ir hitshiindh oiilhl th int ml it limits only jmit iturdett uuiliii at liomi tin imtrrli at lxnt dn il nitht mn nfftlttxl it nri 111 tin ii uhlti in list on tho hill vth only hi fulln nu hoiimi unr tint iiml for nit mm lmioriil all tin miu htiiiliriix ln fluur il that if lh njbl in to mar hun uiih rt is uh nho mil lllll kl lnu iillin to lllow tin in iuirvi ih iiiililnt iiold hi tint dm in nl icdht fuihtlmih nd hik wan corn mi an talk with komi of lh in hi informal rt tlorw uhhh toil pi it rhliirly luuttir of form ill tlti prt nidi nt iioiih in or iu month naturally jim tat pit iim oh man lturditt an tlu prt sld nt juno fl futhir viih coiuinonb known around the caiupuh jane in nplto of hi rut hi wed tided ilfo on tho uk cuniptik liked to bo with turn it uui when hhc wan having day renin of that vurlcty one fall evening that she heard lot of nolo and commotion outfddo tho homu thero were male voices studi ntu voices she knew id the window hhe could see the reflection of red torches of some sort then she could make out wba yelling it was down with old man burdett down with prexy burdett were here to kick him out jane dldn know what to do wtyit made the situation bo complex for tier was that her fnthcr was out of town giving lecture in boston fortunately tho housekeeper mrs doddfi was qutti deaf and she lived in the back of the lioiittt ho that hhe wouldn hear the dlaturhnnct it was up to juno to do bomuhlntf binldefl watch uhnt wjis golnc on from an up stairs window stiddi nly nho wtnt doiihtiitra tnrni th thrth lights on mid thi wilit otithlrit to mi what could he doiio quit thi howling molt tuc iiijj her wtru nhotit fifty or hlxty yonu nun ulan tiny tau what pood uuiulii ii rl wnu lit for tin thl tihhd tin ir thinior to mo what tin old minn duiiuht uiil to uiv for hf rf if fiithi ih out of toun ulic old thoin don nny uhnt ou until orulmt all lie rlt int ut in am hut ni rnthrr isyrr in tin huinlllitloii that oii imw iniido tiie queens pabk arena by the watchman toronto compared with past weeks tho last five days of the legislature have provided lower lively episodes than at any time since tho house opened bu it has been rribre productive in the way of actual accomplishments in regard to legislation approximately ono hundred government and private bills have re ceived cither first or second reading at tho tlmo of writing and every effort will bu made by tho government to upced it up in order to clear tho decks for tlu bud aq far tut government legislation coiittriiltl premier hepburn und his col biggest f18ding fleet gets reapy rob season to the pcdcroj program of social legis latlon and until ontario leams definitely jir what premier bennett jiaj in mind nothing much can bo done provlnclally it well known that tho unemployment insuranco act as propoued by tho ot tavni kuvcrmont li not acceptablo to tho ilcpliiirn oovernnilnt as soon as the imlnlon plans ric announced ontario will bwing into its own legislative pronram and there are said to bo several measures pending of unusual interest attorney ocncral uoe buck labor ugislatlon lias been given urst reading and the attorneyocnsrjl ulll speak to tho measure ho is spon soring when tt cames up for iccond reading charges made by opposltio members that tho oovcrnment has taied in its election promise to bring down legislation dealing with the unemploy ment and relief will soon be answered by the government in practical way legislation along constructive lines will be the prcmicrte answer to critic ism that pledges have been broken but ottawa with its greater scope and authority must move flrsl prebir hepburn and his cabinet minlstersnaw done something that no other govern ryitmt jn ontariivfl history ever did the approach of the spring fishing geaooo cces great revival of activity among the fishing fleet of lunenbury tha largest in north america schooners are being oyer hauled end gear re placed preparatory to getting ready to sail for the fkthlng grounds on the grand banks the doughty bluenose inter national fishing schooner chain ptaj which wou exhibited at the chicago world pair and the canadian national exhibition at toronto lost year will ma bar tour oftlu brtl xsjua aocprdlng to presenfi plans with possible race across the ocean from icutcues ure in somewhat of quandary ilm ton mass to plymouth england in great deal ot importance io attachnt may with htr hardy rlvaltlje otrtudo uokses in vancouvek according to reporta to the dominion department of agriculture the horse business on vancouver island irj brisk with demand in every district for horses from 1400 to1600jxqnda jtor farm and logging purponc at sale south or nanalmo on february 20th yearling colts sold for 475 each farmers on thu island do not prefer horscu from the interior as these animals ore no usually quiet enough for the small faxmcru who have tree stumps to contend with canadian poultry in jfkanqfe thilolhl now further indication of the appreci ation of canadian poultry breeding stock in franco is utlll another order received from cheron of tho fcrme da vii tlfrn pr to 4jh0 hatching iggs onehalf wlilte plymouth rocks and thj balance barred rocks bo shipped for the present hatching season this hlpment will be secured in uo far us pos ijil in the maritime provinces in order to eliminate rail transportation cheron reports that the canadian birds unit ovvr last fall aro giving every satis action nebauu of tho aiouccter mass fkihlnb fleet one of the interesting sites of lunenburg states tho tourist depart ment of the canadian national railway is to ei the rrcat fishing ffect sailing for the fuhlng grounds or ro turning from the banks with their catch when the waterfront presents buy scene as tho ichoonrrs unload their fish all along thki section of tin nova icotla con known as the south shore are picturesque flsliing vllllages and towns lamb springtime meat firm serve on crisp endive or chicory nu fei and garniih with rodulv roses and bw it hi ri uiih oiitlnmd nlhnii rroni gharklns to asthma suofertmt dr kel logg athnin itemtdy comu like help ing luuid to sinking limner it glve new life und hope iomcthlng ho lias coma to believe uiipoiblc its benefit is too cvidtnt to be quuttuoucd it iu own best argument its own bet adver tisement if ou hixitct from asthma tlib time trud remedy and llnd lielp 11u thousands of otllcrti lti kunti7ts uivlitil many peoplt liuve iwl learned to loox upon adertling hi tho juht of uw flolbtld rhuileur qf on olden time win penned thli famous vcr on adverlls hig go fortli in hpfete wltii blll und paste lroclalni to oil civutloji tluit moo ui in every uiilrutloii in urge part tiie public regards ail vurlmng us ulng of passible advantage tb tlie udvirtlier for which the couumur tin trtud in ii th nn hui lliuirl nod ion lit er hi fi how cup tnln of tho foothill ti mi juiiiptd up on tho trp htop of tin viruniti ilnus thin iu ii lit tlo too far lit kild hi wui mipport nl chum from tin throuj thing it up to in to npoh it to ml hur dtlt and tlu elmr out he mn put our rn hi foro lrt ulion ho tou hiu und in nion onh rl faxhion alii rlellt iho loud ihorim of in ih oiuh mmiil niumlnioum in uiih tlonlni iiih hiitl0 tloim alinoit liniiiodlntih tho croud 1m un to dl pi jiihi jnihli of tin iiiliiutt fi jam uiut ih nn uin lift oh tho porch loolinir at tadi ollmr ih unv uiih txplulnlnc tho nltuutlim tho host ho loiild hi found it an et riultc dinli nit to hln thouuhrt on tho kiihjitt ulun ho lool ut june ihfi tronhlo uni pro hhut hur tt hud xpi lh four of tin hi nth htitf in tho tolhi on onio hmu tx euso in ti nia ha in itin tin html nta pays ajidylt the facu prove otlierwue tune and time agahi hiu 16 been shown that weil judyid properly conducted nsfciteiitadvir tuingufurai that is carry out to the full the promises made when the support of the electors was sought and one promise was to bring all the resources of the govern ment to bear on unemployment and relief and labor problems generally it is no secret that premier hepburn hbpefl to accomplish great deal in the event of liberal government taking over tho reins of office at ottawa when premier hepburn takes the stump on behalf of tho liberal party in tho com lng dominion election he will advocae tho right of the province to impose tux on gold mines right which ho iu cru has boon usurped by the do minion authorities it fct dangerous predict future political events but if tho next govermmnt of canada liberal one then it is certain that on tario will receive large slice of revenue from the uold producing industry and the monei from thla ource will go long uny tow ird1 rehabilitating the fin uncial btatua of the province not only ihli but it ulll eatx the burden of tin entploment relief whj client present troniendous conclujlon of tla tluaue ucbitc nnr anotlier tup foi ward in tlui progress of the iej ion the iiou ulll rhatlv et down to bu inc on the estimates and it ii expected there will be mo ijcctxculir cnc in the cinmht uhen the lllnrj led forca el ulh tlic govlrnmtnt when spring is in the air houbowivc and others responsible for tho purchoto and cooking of meats aro face to facie with the desire for chango in tho meat diet too much meat of the sumo kind is opt to become distasteful at this time of the yean fortunately ho other country than canada offers greater variety of choice meats lamb in the springtime solves the problem of varlriy in the selection of meats do not ize the uurd cheap it rho old kintkimui tumbled over nol wor hope not word or five burred itc just in tlmo to save him clw no word ot inspiration mlf om thi angry bull it th oadgo of poverty uio signal you brutw ho spluttered ihaking of tllstress cheap mcrchandlso means his fi at tho animal and pvo been cheap mon iind cheap jnen cheap vefcclarinn all my life ruunt william mcklnlcy etlvtirtlsburfj rown brand c5e the famous energy food product aj the canada starch co limited lllclt rou lamb rosf bcheftt not oily or uu ivcron who ut rrucu utteiitlan to his uurtu in uil tnaninr imlyli of tvm rniinunlly after lntervlewhlg large numbers of dutrlbuton uu to the economic ihycti at ad vurtkliig to il pi jituto tho four txptlld men dottor ilurdi tt hud ijjmn tholr uppoul ox cotit that ho harrod miiui of the out taudln uu uho hud rilnid poll 1tnwfronrintth ii ftniin aiiyrorittot otitslih fit tl itlt uhutt it for tho durutlon of tho first nt nu hii ihu iiml iti ftirorj juno had lnoun iioui of the do tntlh hut uho roullul now that por lmpm tin ro tho uiukti for in fa tnt rittnidrirn mpnrniroy6r ittttoir win ro most of tin nil nihi of tin board of truhtiti of til hit ctiuiuutuioof uu ih nation ti distribution conference reporls mid mid thnt uho would xi rt am la iirottdly peaking it would um that tluinit posdhli to trv und thhilh ulu re uu udvirtliuvg creutes an uicreas htrnlhtiind out so ulun lit futhti td dtnund for produeu of certain el uu ri tin nt tin nt hi foro qui 4t wldtr dltrlbutlon of aulii protlucl let him to nlnstiitt tin tpdhd nun oui uords nukis nvu busineii bring higub nl it ued dv tributlon coils und liaii iiid protluctlon at owing to in crcitsul diinand thon cun ho no douh ui to tin valut of iuch advertising not hiireli to thi comxrns that for it but uuj to tin public that cojuum the goodii b11u und paulu unltt until vho in urd uhut ho il lnu in lout on liiatlv ho tull outrl ht to his un ii in uh it lui hap until it uhii ih hail ii hud ii tv in an uli hi had th to wnu ndih nlv the mat popular roi left wpm leu money lioucvcr blioulder roit rib rout loin rou1 or tven brea roiut nnj be purch iscd the lioul kr roaft uully bonvd nnd rolled nnd thi form the en ict roat to enne rib loin and brtat roa are uuul tuffed nnd uuen jerved with dreilng irovino dtllulitful nou to get down to the detail of routing limb the meat thould alwij tu wiped with dump cloth th rub tlie surface ulth of teaspoon of silt ind teiupoon of plpper duli whh fiour and lay on ruck in tho pan lint itlb tip mtlc ovon ijiould be til hut dogrie for tlie firt half hour uien lower the hent to nioderute tenipeca turc iy 300 dtgre nnd cook rlonlv until fliiluild ijinib usuallyrcqulreja half hour of cooking for each pound of meat do not add water to the pan and do not te if urlng coil or wood oven took at moderate temperaturt of 3j0 clvgrcoi till cooked when tho ro cooktwl lomove it iyonrthrpftn ioiirike giuvj use ubuut two utble pooiu or nit in thi broun tvto tibli pooiu of hour odd one and tdmmfd hinrfrhlrtfpolnjhalftnjif nratn rtrrtmtn ir tin lj lirm in ijf tlu lru oil miiiih nf lh ih id uimii hlui it in have glvii way to ull hul hu nnd in urd ul tin irh di bag uwulta umtttanrhelpingott heuspaptri und iiiuuanlnejt und th i4 th itlumiih lunt in hi uho udvrtue ar not only utw but lurput und illdn nunil tlu im nltruutl und hminrhroiurfurbyliuip fiht vl iil iuirniniu rhithr nu ihij or in an unv nl un tunt in ri in it mud romuiut thnt ol in itjir tt uiim iunitrunl of bo in in nl in nip it in thi hu win rliil nihil round anil llinn unnl liattii inn hul lift sri to ht fa thir unit ht un ini111 luit or iturth tt aniioviil km hi may huv ihvii hud no proti to inaki vn though unv wun uli gru dilate thlcki and cook two mintiu seieit ulth ut fintjj cut mint leaver or it titii and it tlttli lvmon juice potito to be mid ulth lamb ij pirbolltd lor 10 inlnuteii and then plictd in tlie ru ting pui till coojud tct pa tr uuiifr carrot nui he ivnl ulth uny rout of lamb in clalng ltt ntuin iemind ui ol ha many udv mt if it lng lamb at ihk feiuon of the jeur ikkh hel umu and temltr you ve 111 find it rei ible in prlci und rcu li dioju or kus will be pkuwlut dlhu for nil nuinbtiti or thi fainllj mavbk so ooica boy iujom uilnk some body wants yvu on the uwplione clilef no wllat is ule use of saying you think am wanted am wanted or not boy well sir somebody rang upnj aid that you you old idiot ni liitngliftniit day vvulu io btkly in tlie world will havo iiwigh footl all tlui time bciiard ii ltaiuili sciatica 9ailmacai clashk your byalam of jfa ac 111 rr moving hbeumatlsm and bclatlca biowns drutf store jd rumacapsl in the woods we never grow so old that we do not recall our childhood concern as we thought of what might have happened to the two storyhookrehildreii wlwwtmtler ed aimlessly into die forest and became lost we never grow so wise that we can walk blindly into the marts of trade and straightway find tlie shoes car ham cleaner rug antiseptic or whatnot that best fits oxtr individual need fancy or pocketbook without dependable buying guide we are all babes in the woods lost when il comes to judging qualities values pr styles know the reputation of the store is one rule know the reputa tion of the product and its manufacturer is another the two together make wise selection doubly certain youcanform avcryrcliablccstim ate of the stores which advertise consis htctitry sorafecrof manufacturers only sound merchandise altraclive jty priced can continue to repay the retail er or the manufacturer for this advertis ing outlay if he can risk the money it costs him to tell you about his goods you can be reasonably sure that your path through the woods will lead to the best values tor your buying dollars the advertising columns athepreepressctrethe pathway to highest quality and lowest prices business irectory jdr 4attcluen fhyaiolaa and office and rcaldeno ooniar avcnuo and elgin street dr nelson physician and surgeon blootro therapy phon legal pliooe ho 33 box vu ahold nash farmer barrister sollctterr notary poblle canveyanoer ete hiu btkrtt acton ont houri 30 to 13 00 noon loop lo goo saturdays 13 00 clock krnneth langdon banister solicitor itotary vakoa offlcm acton oeanretotra over seynuck cafe main street por appointment pbone acton 85 ge office hours acton tuesday ana thursday is to 40 higs an request dental buchanan dental sargeon offloe tw lelshniail ss hours until by agpotatlneni oa for xiraetiona oloaed wednesday afternooo haon pearen vetkkixajgt dr bruyns vetcrtnary snrgeaa all calls heclv lrompt atmtiem terma reasonable rilonb 135 acton ontario office mill street harrop so wion day or night itcaddenoo bowor avcoua aoton all calls promptly answered bataf itoosouable mlscklxaneous trantcis n0nan iloolblndct account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of evpry description cur fully bound uuling neatly and promptly dono wyndiiam strict ouelpfa oot general in wr sltciaij7jj jn life tire ijealth nnd accideiit automobile and all general lines of insurance also pluto giiiss hdelity bonds annuities pension bonrl etc ilaihng comlanikb rnclljlrnt faciuties frederick wright wnmlhzj main stiukt customers new customers mmy be gotten by geulng your story prtnted hip u1 win the acton free press iffli ulvajiwltu

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