Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 4 Apr 1935, p. 1

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wht tt siitietfi year no 40 acton ontario thursday april 4th 1935 flight homeprint pages five conn credit of 100880 shown in thirte power hydrd commfeaion aaksprivilfieeof making rebate to consumers from surplus funds now on hand oface hours changed to suit public better water metres to be repaired and put in operation arrears must be met or services discontinued the regular monthly mooting of the pubuo jjjlutlcs commission was held an friday evening oommtosloner arnold was present with chairman ktoff prckllng it wasmovcd by arnold second ed bar king that the serretory bo authorized to pay the following accounts of ontario febru ary power 307103 less crt 100880 bell telephone services king fe mbeochern gas association of municipal elec tric utilities membership fee underwood elliott fisher sup plier ouelph paper company paper mcdonald electric supplies canadian oencral electric comany supplies jt end transports express matthews postage sangamq company limited metre coll jsxjl mcfcenzkr ac son supplies 306323 647 200 310 11101 3913 303 1000 ids 65 057 336607 waterworks oeporimenl hydro department power at spring 4903 cunningham jilll ltd supplies 1390 canadian brass company ltd supplies 85 13416 the secretary presented the fidelity bond to bo signed the commission seal ms attached the secretary presented the receipt for payment of tho group accident in surance no policy had as yet been forwardod but the commission was in formed they were covered the secretary was instructed to notify the board that they had not ua yet signed contract for water and lighu mr arnold was delegated to taku thcmallcrbf anew lcajuwltn thu as tho original lease had been misplaced superintendent wilson reported tlii truck needed some repair work done it was decided to leavu it over till the special meeting to bo held on tuesday letter from the ontario hydro pre sented the thirteenth power bill the net profit from tile years operation nui 100660 after providing 1366 00 for depreciation hie sinking fund now es tablished amounts to 3040660 the superintendent reported that there wore 03 water meters out of order 63 of these are installed but art not word ing the reut liavo no meters tho commission felt that it was not fair to have some on hat rata anil others on meurs king uus to wait on the council on monday evening and find out from thent if it was uielr desiro to put all on flat rate or to mstal meters mr king was to report buck to tho commkailon tuesday evening the secretary wtyi instructed to wrlto delinquent consumer by registered letter regard to the paying of his account ontarios deficit shown 308994078 for year ending october 31st keuef expendi tures included jn years spending news of acton and the district ontario had dafllcltof 3059034978 for the fiscal year ending october 31t 1034 premier mitchell hepburn re ported on tueoday in hk budget oddresj suffered fatal injuries in on accident good production mv porcival leslie georgetown has just qualified number of his pure bred holstclns in uio canadian record of performance among them being the flvoycarold cow honoy brook abbckeik pontine with production of 15001 lbs of milk and 673 lbs of fat this record was madu in 305 dayu on strictly twice aday milking funeral of lain amet jaeluson tho funeral of tho late amct jack so eramcoa township armor who as provincial treasures before the on tarlo legislature for the new fiscal year beginning april 1st and ending march 31st 103g deficit of 1460034687 was estimated presenting the first budget by liberal government since 1004 mr hepburn in cluded uupplemontary statement cover ing the fivemonth period between oc tober 31st 1034 and march 31st 1035 in lino with now leglilallon to change tho fiscal year tiie interim statement actual to feb ruary 38 tit and forecast for march showed deficit of 744023361 the following arettm highlights of the budget presented of 14 606340 87 for ncw fiscal year be ginning april 1st direct relief costs of 1655607062 alrc hictudcd in 103334 deficit and estimates for direct relief in 193530 are 15000 000 estimated ordinary revenue for now fiscal year 7370534638 and estimated expenditure 8831159335 premier mitchell hepburn in bud get address charged former premier ow henry manipulated accounte in the last budget and nhould have reported deficit of 373472003 instcud or surplus of 47643561 mler will seek conference with the ion government after next federal to ascertain what relief rcpon ty dominion government will as burao government announced new buccosslcn duty tax on estimates of more thou 1000000 progressive increase of ono per cent on each 1000060 to maximum of 14 per cent old tax was 10 per cent eyndloauunlutolginoludodujwlir stock transfer tax tax to bo throo cents for every 100 or fraction thereof grant of 25000 provided for mainten ance of lieutenantgovernors official residence for new fiscal year lost week took puvco to wood lawn cemetery guclph the aerviceu which were attended by many friends of tho deceased were conducted by bov mr mokle pallbearers were meivin leg gott john leggvtt harwood molcod robert grieve henderson block and george bogorsou fctocord for library on saturday evening die acton free library was open to patrons hi tho now quarters in thu bulldlt it was the largent night in the hlstoy of tho library witli nearly 250 excliangtai or borrowmgs books in that evening in tho midst of the business section and lmfltdbnclt quart ancffucihuos highway fatauty pclef boyd 11 transient hit by cx and succumbed la xnjurie inqucst piwded over by br moniven tlio superintendent was given instruc tion to remove tlic pole from the front of tho building the wires will all be crossed over the street and sirtuigolongtlia othruu terrible injuries which he received when he was utruck by an automobile on tho guelphtoronto highway near georgetown on friday night lustj proved fatal early tho following day to poter boyd aged 41 transient who died in the guelph general hospital boyd with companion cornelius sullivan wa1 walking on the hlghwcy from georgetown towards acton thy were walking on tlic south bldo of uio highaay facing the traffic and motor ist proceeding in the sanio direction stop pod to give them lift boyd anxious to take udvuntuge of the proffered ride rurhpijflrrajluinrnnil in thejintli of tbr at uie special mcutlng of tlie cqiu imkalon on tuesday evening commu skmer arnold keevo hurriiaju wure present and chairman king pro skled it was moved by arnold second ed by hurruon and resolved tliat hi vlijw of tlie substantial ctudi position nnmirctonputoitrrnaaiitlotihb mission cotulder rebate should be mailo and would sutfeit ten per cent rebate cut commercial and power accounu and twenty per ht on tho dnmerttc ic coun ts carried the ikt of urreara of uatrr and llyh iwrvlces uan carefully chickwl aid in structions fcjmd for the secretary and superuitendint to deal with dthiimienu according to regular routine tlii secretary was ulo instructed apply ull paynuiib equally on water and light uceouiiti and ducontlnup lm trlviuii of ulloulng larger paynnnts oil hydro plans and uaali for grill uork on the writlaibthc front of thrn nice wctt fitilv ly thr com union it was eomldrrvd that tliu work could bj dmi locally and llu suptruitendeiit woj taistrucudto ik cur pru tho applleutloh for water and light srrvlce in th ca building ua liifd by thif irtlclals of botli uriuibii tlotis the question of hours of the comiuv slon ulrica to be mora suitable for jmy contlnue on paga ftvo automobile driven by prcd ituecfcr of waterloo which wan travelling oast sullivan stayed where he was and es caped uninjured boyd wrriiihedtothe auclph lral hopltal but hbj condition wxs regarded grave from the first he died few hours after ho was admitted the two men had tipent tlie previous night in uio transient shelur at georno town on saturday dr mcnlven acton coroner in chnrge inquest empanelled jury and ulth tho aititance of drkuuhon crown attonuy cxumlmd suyivan then udjournwl uio hearing week thought ae force iicli createj ol kliul deli comer back laden with the effect that corresponds to itself and of which it the cauli tui kvknkno mllix bigehteb nittro alio was well known to the judt had bi hahil into ootirt on charge of struck relative with brlcli after the imual prelmuiarli uio fourt inqiilrtd why did you hit this man jjedge lie culliul mo black rascil well you are one arent you yijuli majbij iis ono but jedio spu homo one should cull you black loscul wouldnt you hit vein but im not ono ohi iv nttw sail naw hah you aint ono but sikiiu umiiu oned cull you do ichld of rtucul you wliutd yuu do for uio convenience of patrons tuj library will in all probability prove in creasingly popular some little finishing of furnishings and painting have yet to bo completed before the quarters are finished meeting last thursday uio present ed program of miscellaneous number tlie buslncijj buigcqncluded rev bril lhigur read poruonbf tho scrlptu mrs bisliop sang danny boy after which mrs alger read some of edgar guests poems trio composed of licv brlllinger meusrs bogers and web ster sang lenten hymn mr brown uien showed nmbcr of lantern slides most of uicse were delightful studies of wild life mr brown recount ed few of his adventures whey takinrc tho pictured the meeting closed with uie ranging of the national anthem popultr nunttcoiicirl tlie band concert on sunday evcnhig sponsored by uie duko of dovormlili chapter of uie had splen did attendance and tho program wai one uiat was enjoyed by all asktlng artists were miss buth gibson and mr norman gibson in vocal duett and mlurj loui auclnson vocal colo which were well rendered and pleasing num bers their accompanists were mu5 jessie young and mistj jessie atkinson selections by uie band under the leader ship of mr mason included tho tal lowing numbers old hundred nor ma garden of eden march the corn huskcr bower of beauty wain the old church organ serenade when love4hlifes in cacred election old favorites selection and conclud ing with abide with me and the national anthem the numbers wore all well rendered and the program most pleasing the begent of the order mr cooper presided it was intim ated that the concerts will be held monthly until the uummcr montlui uvtlectii onicef tlie held their annual buinlcm meeting on sunday evening mia chau lmdsbo rough the vfceprcjildcnt occupied the chirb mbasmasftlrsgftve the report of the nominating commit tee nu the following officer were elected honoiury president mr it easter president mr crlpps vicepresident mw charles lanus borouyh secretarytreasurer laura 1c bold organlit mr chas laiuuborough asjlstant organbil mk ttwrwoi den devotional group mr franklin ivllowjihlp group miss mcmullin stiuurdshlp oroup miji jeulc colej strvlce group mliji plank aftcr the business session the regulur upekly meeting wiui held and tin program of mtnlc and tfiort talks cai rlid out mr cluui irunklln gave tulk on i3ithuituujn he said if there aoi un much oiuhulujim shown in the work of the churchui iu there wtui lit hockey and other sports different and better results would soon bo accomplish ed mr colct spoke ulunit the smalt comer we occupy ethel franklin jilno roitrgaid jvftwlcnl fdttvul played jestijibuts us shine on uie organ while uie uudlencj sang the hymn group of young ladlwi misses plank laura bold ijium mcmulluii jtle coles mrs uuuuborough mm veldhuu and mrj mlno sang number of go pel song with uuloharp uceoiupaiiltnont by miss plunk miss ij hld gave thi tuinul tiuunelal report showing sjmul bulatice to the credit of uie organbauun the roll of honor for past month public school pupils who took highest standing in their classes in march senior fourth elmer lacby 507 blno bralda 507 douglas smiut 405 eva turkosa 485 donald hydcr 433 francis papillon 482 total 050 bennett prjpclpab junior iourth gordon mccutclieon 4ob mlna crlppa 450 delia vanwyck 444 jack winter 425 beverly arnold 432 annie moloi fclo 421 total coo folster teacher senior third polly forty 500 buth hubble 431 herb cook 431 daisy buchanan 424 jock chapman 410 elmer malnprlxc 411 leonard lambert 307 total 550 orr teacher junior third fc margaret smlui 524 olga drylv 507 austin gibbons 477 mlargatct somlrvllle 450 frank toui 442 rona bralda 435 total 000 anderwn teacher seooncl cujai evelocn bralda 452 jack bruce 425 enoch marctak 12 wanda stachnlak 40 mary bitchle 400 peter turkosi 377 total 500 awmacmlllan tcachy first clasa annlo forty 249 oharlui hubble 241 betty glbuon 240 margaret blow 230 norman fryer 235 hartley coleu 234 total 300 young teacher fimt ciom cleailr allen 280 mae spires 270 may nldol 244 frcddlo kingshott 238 beggle brr 232 howard kuuck 231 totul 315 tcnior primer clayton fryer 170 bllllo mcmillan 1g0 jean harris 107 victor patrick 100 total 215 odbert teacher it4majry jack stewart may dyrlw dorothy pallant armand bralda anettn evans acorge euiott hunt toacluv liobkitt klng hornby in uie death of robert king reurtsl farmer of hornby at gait general hos pital on saturday halton county nas lout iv wcllknowri resident mr kin who was in his 00u1 year had been re siding with his nephew dr lklne gait for tho past four ycahi mrs king died 15 years ago tlicro were no chil dren mr king was jx member of thu united chyrch hornby and was con ner vat vc play well presented cmuint through tliii itye by ilie norval junior fiuniers xvau given lit towu hull acton tlie norval junior farmers presented humorous play coming through the bye under the actondalo cluh in uie town hall on friday march 20th wlui good crowd in at tendance the cant van as follows silas stoncbraker joe lyons llbby stonebroker isabel wriggles worth jesalo weauierby elsie nelll harvey biiyscr spruce wilson james benlay percy hall mkji baison jean hyatt miss bflison hllen hall nosalle beed murlil tlsdole mlia monica kathleen hyatt lily turner bernlce lyoni ronald tanaj ner frank hall trlxy angel alexlma sinclair the sheriff allan harrop bubbles blng bi rural town of bye silas stono braker and his daughter llbby lived in small hotel but it woi very uhaliby and they were poor 4n account of tho depression but few days before christmas bus ih stalled just out of town in smow lrlft so all the pntaongorn with baf mits john wllyie death cumu suddenly to mrs john why to on friday when uho failed to rally following stroke of paralysis on tues day and passed away at the homo on church street in her slxtlcui year for the past four years mr ahd mrs whyto have bm teemed residents of acton retirmg here from uio farm hi nafijis gaweya mrs whylc had up to few weeks ago been in her usual good healuii but the past week had been con fined to bed und under the doctors cam deceased was before her marriage tcr esua etta fox duughtcr of uio latu thai fox and diana mccann und woi born at windsor besides uie berot husband ihere remain to mourn tliu iojjj and revere uie memory of uib be loved wife and mother two daughuru and ono son mm chas kingsbury und mxilr andrew laing of jjassagaweya towiithip imd james bobert at homo to all of uioso bereaved uio uympauiy of many friends at uilu tlrjie eight brouiers also suirlye bussell and frunk in manitoba alhsal in wash ington mid cambridge occar arthur leboy and seymour in british columbia tlie funeral was held on monday olftwnoon with service at the home conducted by buv bcnnlii interment was made at eden mills cemetery the pallbearers were messrs wm robertson fred alexander donald clark wm wlkon george gordon and mac mcdonald daylight saving will come into effect in acton april 28th council decides to pass uyiaw to make for unifonnity in town liability insurance passed cooperation between council and pioneers cemetery trustees agreed upon chairman of utilities commission met with council regard in policy on water metres at tho regular mccung of uio council jnmondayovonhig councilloni mc millan mccutchcon dr nelson and mason were present and lleevo harrison presided councillor mason arrived back that evening from florida just prior to uw meeting and was hearuly welcomed by iteevc councillors and friends mr wilson of uie wluon insurance co was present regarding uio liability insurance carried by uie mun icipality ho offered policy in lloyds newspaper men in convention addreshts discussions lunch eons lianquel roses printers ink all form pari of busy two days nuwspatcr men supposedly tell all ind at course following that thought it is but of enguuid rather than in tho olobo natural that on occasion that occupied baseball organized officer trllceud at annual meeting last nljjhl successful scamm the fust year the annual meeting of uio baseball club was held hut night in uio council chamber at uie town hall tliere was falrcrqwdonjiandnnd thoexccutlvu wojj appointed for uie coming year in the absence of the president ht nelsoi ld ryder was appouitcd chairman for the evening thu club liad pretty good year and finished wltli small balance but some accounts of two yean still leaves uiem with deficit honorary president ii holmes president dr nelson 1st vicepresident burnley 2nd vicepresident ii frauer patrons und patronesses mrftnd mr mcdonald mr jos finitbrook mr and mm lelshman mr and mrs malon mr and mvs dills sscretarytreosurer coles committee mosaics holmes ryder dr pcatvn talbot committee of player will be ap pointed to meet the ext cutlvc and ap point manager walters and holloway were ap pointed to attend lcaguo meeting in georgetoun tontght indemnity co us formerly this now policy gave the town double uie protcc tlou for peihal injuries now enjoyed at no increase in uie premium tnii councl decided was advisable to take uils new policy and signed uie applica tion it wad decided to hereafter hold llio council mtclingu at 730 ra each cveii jng tlio sevenui report of uie finance committee recommended paymcilt of uie following accounts genefal aecoint actom fbee ihcss prhitlng and advertising j9015 kfockenide as son coal and suppllui 63fl munlcljial world slog tags cs und baggage landed into the hotel to stay for few days and it happened they had to stay for chris tmaii on ac count of the storm iinrveybiyrlendfsuas10to nay grocery bill so he could buy more tj feed the people he li trying to no wltn llbby along with the piutseugers sailor jamitv denlay and every girl fallti fqr uie sailor and hbi stories of the sea but he falls for llbby jurt ft plihi country girl trlxy angel was very humoroui with lierutirogbuuu7t she trlcx to tak every place she gocji nearly every thing she said tfiit bubbleii nays lilly turner is girl in rye who is trying to win harvey bayuer and in uio end she get him because he trlui to foreclose on mortgage of jiotel and laks the low of llbby and silas jasie weothcrby an old maid but ui trying to go with sluu and in tno iiid she wins htm ronald tanner is pnsvhgor on thu bus uluue chum was in robbery and stays in hu room nil the tltnu and the sheiuf comes in to take him away for tlll couit nihbyfmndrhdiailorjnmitbeniir but is not sure of him ihtuuuj the otnr clrls think much of him iiowovo everything ui oiqilahud and ho pays some uf tho mnrtgugo on tho hotel and paints and llus it il1 up for slhui and llbby eveljoiw moveii on when the bllf giioa through uguln except for juniiti ho stays and marries llbby silo duuli uiui starts things going again lor sluui sftltfififimn of news items three rliiwu ampuoln when oiieratlng circular saw on the farm of mr bllton lout week mr chris taylor had the mhlortuiuvto luc hts left hand come in contact with uie saw und three fingers wore so bady lacerated that they had to bo amputated above oie second joint tho thumb was alo badly cut tho injured hand is jimltlng fuiornhlenrngrfsu georfevtown llberabj iuet officer gtorgotown lllkrols organlied ut meeting in the public library building on tuesday night electing uio following officers president lilloy dale vlccprctiident harold mariuull secre tary clarence benhnm treasurer htchnriltvon ward clialrmun icon nody hugh mcnally harry savlniti spcakcm at tho meeting were hughes cleaver burlington balton candldato for the federul house thai blakelock and paul fisher iliullngton belief ktitpotamt oeourj lu lixxiiiptoil with thu cunell mid hramplon workers association ut an hnpwtso over teller reductions the town council decided to sond mayor meculloch ueovo arcott clerk black unci committee of tho asnc latum to interview tho irovlnclal welfare de partment council indicated lis wlll ingutss to grunt id per cent liicrouui in belief but tho association reouesul per cent claiming that food costs lud risen that mueh 141t0 mr king chairman or the acton public xjtluucs commission was present und prebented to uio council detaiki of uie water services in acton the coni mlsslon hnd discussed the advlsablllty df putting metres on all services or putting all services on flat rate at uie pre sent time number of metres are out of repair and the expense of metre main tenance was considerable amount 36 metres were now in need of repairs and about b0 services in acton were not metred the amount used did not warrant uie cost ot metre tlie council up proved of uie commkiloris plan to have these metres repaired and put in condi tion bequest was made for an additional street light on main street near uio domlnlon hotel messrs moore and broan were present to offer uie cooperation of the trusts of uie honecm cemetery in any work uiat might bo undertaken ut uils property tlie property was not yet in condition for aeedlng down de tails in connection with uie agreement uere dbtctmed by uie council and mem bers of the council felt uie agreement wus rather loose and hard to operalo member of uio board ako expressed the same opinion and it was felt uiat uie council should not have taken uie pro perty over until the work of uie trustees was completed council expressed ap preciation of uie work ot tie committer in uils improvement and pledged uielr support and cooperutlon and suggested that uie present trustees continue their leadership in compleung uielr work until the grounds were in proper condition mr ii fraser manager of uio bank of montreal was present and re ported uiat the head office hnd advised him that the rate of interest charged uie municipality would have to be 5u if however in future rnndltlmm allowed couple of days of our activity last week should be told about tho editor of im free pncss kauicrcd wlui about hundred other publfcihcrs at uie annual convention of uie weekly newspapers of ontario and quebec tlie place in toronto ut the boyal york hctel tho exact locauonln boom 10 on tlio meg lumine floor and wluit did wc do first we heard from uie president mr loncastor secretary treasurer bruce fearce of slmcoo and appointed committees of course forums on such subjoctu as trtivfuig ntrfaitffrgry7 the interest would be lowered mr ritchie complained of the smoke nuisance from uie station and naked uie council to take nctlon to stoptthls nuisance the question of daylight saving was dlsciulcd and it was pointed out uiat uiqplant al boardmora liutihurf would adopt uie advanced schedule at the same time an toronto tho council lnstrucel tile clerk to prepare bylaw for u13 next meeting it was decided uiat jis tatei for uie operation of this tlne ahniilil hr from april until the monday in september tlio bylaw will be paused nt the next meeting repoct of water being used from spring in town woj recelvetl and it was showed it unfit for use for drlniln7 purposes tho matter uas referred to uio board or health tho president of the board of directors outlined improvements thar wore required ut uie building and coun cil agreed to take uiojio matters up with uio architect mr ii llolmej requested nermuion to put in cement lu front of uie hotel property and plant flower beds betwon uio slduwulk and curb this permission wuiurajl stipnviiton oltne mtmlclpnl officer tho hit of urrearu of taxes was du cusset by uio council and definite uctitm was to be taken ut uio next lueoung of the council when tax sale proceedings will bo started on obligutloiis not met chief mcpheriou reiuwted regurdlnif uio collection of taxes und conipletcl arrangements to bring to court all di lliiuilciiui who hud hot tnut uils obliga tion and subscriptions were intcrcsung but only to iicwanuper men at uie morning besslon his worship mayor simpson welcomed all and sundry to toronto but ho did more uuui that be told what great city toronto was and ull about uie financial condition and we would judge uiat utuc or nothing of reports of his in uio toronto press uar us it should liavo been but uio mayor likes toronto and proud of hb city and likes all of it he believes in advertising and most of his hearers hed uie same belief mr george houghan executive secretary of the ontario division of uio retail merchants auoicauon of canada had spent several wonuis in ottawa in connection wiui the work of uie price spreads commission while lie was an nounced to speak on some other uubject nobody objected when he gave expression to some or hls views gauiered from his worlc in ottawa he curtu in his statements jbjb oiu2coukhvt helpjus aree wlui hki hope tliat uie human element will not be entirely oblifaeraud by uu present trend of business hon estly we couldnt report uilit or any of the other address why tlie regain li simple we didnt take note at most meetlngii youll usually sc uio newspaper man busy wlui pencil and paper even uiat gets monotonous end wlien at newspaper canvcnuonu wo attend uio only cluips hidustrlously tak ing notes are uie reporters fromtho clly dallies its soft of holiday fponi pencil and paper at noon uie re vcos luncheon in tho room adjoining on uie tuune floor uiat some find difficult to pronounce thro were uie usual or unusual things that go to make up meal mosuy unusual wc would any hi uie majority of cajnm for editors of weekly newspupeiu but following uio satisfy big of uio stomach no less speaker than prime minister mitchell hepburn jari hitroduced to the gathering by cfisfcrvatlve president lancaster ttiere was plenty of goilnutured jok ing from both introducer aud guest xlttakor mi ni told of hki association wlui newspaper men and while some of uiem portrayed hm wrongly and life red from him in his viewpoint he had no quarrel wlui ho conjumtl he did wot like public ufa bubvpiuf erred his farm in elgin county be told of tlio governments problems und he asked the coojeratlon of all in uieeung uiese common problems we have met mr hepburn on several occasions and on many otlieru listened to his uddreshis hlsyouuiful sincerity imd cnuragr in tjirkllng hlgprnhbinn nnd his dcure to irve have been uie things that impressed us moit and his addruis on friday was jutit typical of him mo no llu apparently just dbiusslng with group of citizens uie problems he nut and wo all mmit face then hi uie afternoon an uddress from mr bowman uie klngvj irintr for ontario well describe it as on elevating address an addreu in which continued on pag fivo coming evenls aliinuucrut nil meeliuiih con cert tir ufti vrtits umlcr tn liojilitiw ur ili4rtil io rent irr line witli luiiiiiuiiii lurji for jny ji cif jsi annual liance uio iviwn ii ill aitm on wednesday april 10th old lime und modern dancing music by iiinetmuu orchratru scott hour iiuiiiager admlslon 26c ever body welcome

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