Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 4 Apr 1935, p. 3

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tbubtsokt afro 4th 1m the acton fijtee press the way of the cross ajw3 aret aanoster to krjl jrankun typed the next course vera called at richard terrys punday serm wjth troublo in office not that wont the job tho her heart thetroublewa acr reasoned with herself but might aa acute that she was all hut unconscious well see whether or not could rate of the beautiful words that she wo typ position outside the church in real ftut business organization she went over really should take it she told her to the factory in spirit of mental defl telf if stay here itll be the same once defiance not against the church or work tear after year and it1 die poor against heruelf but against some lnng cant ever hope to get raise in salary lble thing belong in church work she ueyre paying the utmost limit already argued as she went it suits mo and im good stenographer too and like ltbut still little idea nagged at deserve chance with one nervous her brain id be interested to know finger she hanged out final period and that man actually meant it when he paused to contemplate her work said hed pay me twice as much as im yea vera realized rt again as she making now surveyed the rows or neat accurate typ richard tcrryu office was quite mag ing she was good stenographer she nlllcent when seen after the pariah houae was far too good to bo wasted in the atudy vera as she wav shown into the dingy parkin house of poverty swept room was struck by the elegance of the although busy church of course her work in the parish house was interesting she copied sermons such as the one which she was now typing cent out bulletins arranged club meetings too minutes and visited throughout the pariah dont know how xd ever manage without you miss rankun the pastor reverend williams had said hundreds of times you run the church and the con gregation and me he lauglied gently in such wonderful way dont know what wed do if you left us only wish that could pay you all that the job is worth vera had looked at uip nmtr txifc luff 4hjj saw nnnm vuryimi onwtnidflie age with kind tired eyes and glowing smile she had smiled in answer ind had said you pay mo quite enough xont you worry she had meant it then too temp tation in the shape of commcrtcol products incorporated had hot yet coma to her perhaps it was fate that made jtlchnrd terry wander into the parish house one noontime when the girls club was having fifteenminute meeting and basket lunch the church blood just stoncj throw from the factory which controlled and was controlled by commercial products incorporated richard terry general of uu factory although he was but shortly out of college had already attained large and uoportaut poflltontfhrejunklrid people said that he had gone fur because his grand father was the founder of the buslne honost folk said that his success was due deep leather chairs and the luxury of the walnut uull paneling her cy3 went longingly toward the latent model typrc writer that stood in tho corner she hud used tho old typewriter at the church for ho long that it fairly wheezed with age could do exquisite work on machine uko that she told herself iu she unswerod ufsfiard terrys cordial greeting moment later she was ilta tlllg in chair beside his desk and chit ting away wlpi him as though she hod known him all her life vou must think im cruay tho young manager of commercial products incor porated told hor frankly ottering to plftwlaowwrjt trtyownrth4nff about but could ceo ntrabuncc thai youve genius for management and the urt of tact uiat is priceless eitt in private secretary tho way you got mo out of uiat crowded room ho chuckled was masterpiece of diplomacy vera joined in his mirth weren tho girls excited too whcn eomo back she told htui hut tliink its onhtfilr to explain to you tint ive decldcdtnafc dont want to make change im very happy over at tho church tho mhiuurs darling ahd he depends on mo in every way it intjthat think im idhpenwible no ono is uut do tia that uie church cant puy muci money for help ehe uho ullllng to uke on the job ut my salary would be inetttclcnt wonder if ou undtratand what moan lilchurd terry wniled into venns earnest face ves understand exactly merclaj products incorporated had offered her the upshot of the matter was that she went into the store and tried on the coat when she found thai it fitted her and that it was most becoming she knew that her resolutions were slipping wont take it now she said to the saleswoman wh frpi ht pe try on the coot but ru think about it she added weakly while on her way to work she had seen the coat she came into the parish house and hung up her outer garments with feeling of intense martyrdom and misery the same old grind lay ahead of her the girls club the boys club tho mothersmeetlngrthe visits to quetulotnr slck people the midweek address to oe neatly typed and the minutes for the trustees meeting to be put in order she settled down to tho shabby wheel ing typewriter and began to put the minutes in order as she was doing so tho pastor of the church came in he looked worried harrasscd almost ul wo have passed through such des perate winter he said desperate for everybody miss pranklln every once in while pm tired every bo often get discouraged but you alwayu seem dynamo of energy this was too much for vera she at bock from the typewriter and folded her liands hi her lap im not dynamo of energy she sold simply im just human being like tho rctt of you and gut tired too do you know ive had big job uttered mo mid ive half mind to take it the mtlarytt more than double that im getting hero and tho works cosier and at sight of tho expression upon tho worn mlddluaged face of the pastor her ipocch faltered the minister was storing at hr itraugcy somehow mkjt pranklln ive grown to think of you ai ilxturc here love you like daughter and admire you as helper youve carried thp cross along with all the rest of us in gallant way but if you want to icnvc stand in your wav all an ajtkal message to the cltlsens of ontario from his honor dr herbert bruce tieutenantoovernor his excellency the aovemor general has inaugurated the king oeorge jubilee cancer fund hi canada the culscns of every province in this great dominion are being invited to assist in bringing about the ultimate conquest of deadly relentless enemy whose shadow falls across all our lives cancer neod not say bow eagerly seize thjs opportun ity to afspcal to the cltlsens of ontario to do all they can to make thfa jubilee year of his majestys accession to the iiironatorcvcr glorious forevejc orcx grace memorable for all lime as the year evolution in canadian dairying canadas dairying industry has been going through period of remarkable canadian mining bjsvdxw general improvement in canadas mln ing industry is revealed in the value of evolution the moss outstanding phases mineral production which totalled m77 of which have been the decrease in cheese production and tho incrgaae in tho production of butter as about 04 per cent of the cheese produced in canada is graded within very short tlnm after it is made grading statistics furnish fairly reliable index as to volume of production in 1034 the quality of cheese graded was 147671 boxes leas than in 1933 which decrease is equivalent to about 13 million pounds cheese production in 1b33 was slightly more than 111 million pounds in 1934 it was somewhat under 100 million when we all in massed formation began pounds probably 97 million to 98 million planned attacked upon cancer pounds which is tho emallest rnako since tho jnoatv elusive the moat secretive and lb88 tiu other hand produotlon of the most toexorably cruel of mankinds creamery butter in canada during 1934 cnemjesv am confident that only thus reported as 231448703 pounds which output of gold wae oniy slightly greater 402203 in 1934 gain of 35 per cent over 1033 according to preliminary report issued by the dominion bureau of statistics galpowere genera in all groups metals fuels nonmetals other than fuels and structural materials tho most striking improvement is to be found in the mctdki group where several new high rccordo of production were estab lished oold mining was the outstanding feature in canadas mining activities dur ing 1034 higher gold pricey resulted in the development 6fmany new mines and the re open ing of properties closed down come years ago owing to the face that they could not operate at the price then obtolnfttoo for gold tho quantity ai rineoweighatmnturac6ruu out of tho room vera was left alone with her thoughts not knowing wlicthqf hj bo defiant or mibducd in tho mldut of thk mood she became rwuro of the tinkling sound of the tjl phone she answered it and licard richard terrys voice coming clearly over tliii wire mus franklin he aald ulthout prelude ive been promoted im to bo manager of tho whole chain of our factories now not only of tills fac tory want you to be the iirst to know it becuuid now can oifer you even more than ottered you during our nrst in ttrvlew wildly hysterically vera found that he woa thinking of thefureoat and that it was all tangled up with the mln teri worried face and with richard terrys volco id like to talk to you utfuin lg managed at lust shall victory bo ours only by such con certed action can medical scienco bo aid ed in wrestling from that dread disease its last secret the secret which onco knbwn will rob cancer of its terror jlow supremely appropriate it is that such campaign as tills should mark tho celebration of tho completion of twenty ttvo ycaru of his majestys beneficent reign they have been tho most eventful yearn in all history never in similir period of time have the peoples of thn earth witnessed succession of epochal events so bewildering in their number seemingly chaotic in their varloty so charged with explosive dkruptlve power and in thoir effect so w6ridencompobslng and world changing war lias all but decimated whole generation of tiu youth of the western world nations liavo been made unmade and remade iratltujlojis havo fallen on their ruins other institutions other modes of life other forms of government have been insecurely erected sclenco has poured into the markets of tho world tho fruits of mechanical invention uhd research only to lind thvt these apparent blcjnes tfttvirtff7tmtrhgimttnh btwi wiskwrnw when vera met richard ut tho tea what you mean hu old it imues to hl ability his unfailing instinct mid me want lmvo vou worlc uuj aord room around tho corner from the parwh his clevemebb tlmnever onocim buyettlcuincy but houeekhecoujdnotrlielpnotlcing nothing more than an adventurous tovwlt rure be prepared to tenw jt of excitement about him sen of curiosity however iwd drawn atart you ut ho mcd ligure unit lilm into the parkh housw that especial taov ww veras brcatji vsuppouc noon he had heard the bound of laugh ulve ttmplc letter now to that ter mid music as lie watt pairing by and uc cfm bca how ul dictation goes lie liad wanted to iee what caused them vera had ruxn to her feet however embarrassment held him rooted to tho ami wus nervously clasping and unclulp ipot when lie discovered uiat ho had uj her ultndcr hands id rather not stepped into room whleh was teeming witli chattering sandwichmunching girii vera initiklln liod been buiiy wlui tho girls making them comfortable arrang ing chalra performing cordial introduc tions she glanced up when iudden hush fell ovor the room and taw uie flushed young man in the doorway calmly pleasantly instantly she left her charges and hurried forward to meet him suppbae alio sold with smile you come into the study and ill see if theres anything uiat can do she left the sentence unfinished as she led ilichard terry past tho doorway and into the pastors study when um safety of uiat ltudy had been gained xuchard spoke whowl he exclaimed never saw so many girls all at once lnmy wliolelife vera smiled they meet here twice week she explained its one of our social clubs hut riow she paused it there anything that can tell you or uiywaylhwhlchrcanhclpyourm the pariah house secretary stichard terry tried to explain hear music as ws paui he id and it awakened my curiosity bo came in and very nearly lived to regret it but you can tell me one thing now that im here llave you ever considered another job any girl who can handle crttwd uie wav vni tin ton irln be waatrd in fhurcli work vou soex needa secretary im hlchard terry and rm maiiuger of commerlcal lro ducuf incorporated our factory across the direct from you vera nodded know your factory heaaid incidentally many of thi blrls who urrlned you luippeti to be your own employees uiehard uiugliod you see lie ex clahned its just as ild need somebody who can manage my employees and point uiem out to me wont yju come to my onko and talk it over ml he heal ted until vera supplied the name mis rvanklln talk busl nees mean vera hcsitaled hricily before slia uuuij aniwer why ahe said ut lost iva alwayu been quite atkned here mr terry ive hover thought of changing juchard looked thoughtfully around the shabby parish houso utudy7 ifj gaxo took hi 1u every threadbare spot without knowing wliat th py you said think can eafely promko to double your salary that was tho beginning of it all of like tho sample letter she said da pcratcly ho tried to express herself oh feel uko saying get thee behind me satan shouldnt leave uie church and icnow it yet when think of nil uie things that could buy and all the thhirs could do and all tho money that could uavc well youre making it varv hard im going to run back to my work now richard terry looked keenly at veras lushed face if you were any ouier girl hlwud id uimk you were bulng clever and ctaillng along that you woro trying to glt mo interested to uio point or ottering you more money uut tiotiu how dont uimk that youre being clever merely uiihk youre being honeit understand my point of view misd franklin when tell you uiat uaut proinkd iotrto bouier you any more wiien see uomeuilng uiat wont and dont mean private secre taries alone go after uiat something with flmhed ch veru loft luchard terry aonice ahe walked backtouia clmrch wiui tumult in lur heart she went straight hito uie pastor hhidy and bento tytw the next sundays sermen and as said hi uw beginning of uiu story oven uie beauuful words of it lert ier quiet and wluiout any sensutlon of uuui im an idiot she told hcrtrflf lie typed sliould take uuit job xejulyeallyshould durhuuiowekthatwolkwedher interview in richard terry to office vera iaw uw young man frequently tho meetings were coaual onp wlilcl lutp pened when she was hurrying out of the parish house to iut an errand when uho was coming in of morning at when alio wodleavlng in uie evening once or twice ho walked beside jier to the aub wuy and they clmtted of uils und uiat always in umo way ho manognl to inclnuata word about uie job that was waiting for her if she wanted to accept it dont want to toko it vera ans wered him wvory time im going to utawhcrejlam churcliwork uiu ma bettor iluui the other sort one day uieu she saw tho coat xi was beuutirul fur cout uiat liad besn rvduced after hard whiter in which sales hod been few xt wiui luiuy iersoilried the kind of coat of which no sensible parish hotuo secretary would dare dream yot vera looking ut it ruauied suddenly uiat alie could do more than dream about it slie could pouotf it if sikj earned uie salary wucu com tliey ate imp creamed chicken and alad richard terry talked boyishly of his plans they were plans that in cluded all sorts of happy things tucccfj the home uiat he would one day own motor cars and trips to europe vera did not cay much she had not time for her compmlaiat converuiuon filled every gap at loit then as thtyvwere eating uielr ditert richard camchltlit point well he nald its time miss prank lln tjiat wc got down to caws xlavc you any uicouragement to give me need help now at ive never needed it before ive big job to do and dont think ill be able to do it alone vera had came to the luncheon pre pared to accept on important job riow ihot uie uiuc hud come slie found uiat lihe was regarding the young man who sat oppaslto wlui only misery hi her eyes it was because of uie way he liad said im not sure ill be able to do it alonel all at once she was remembering uio pastors tired face and uie local of the many ouier people who depended upon hiirhui poor onislckonfaiimdthfl lonely ones if cheap casual little typist came hi one who was not in sympathy wlui church work who would help uie pastor follow uie way of uu croai icichardtfutc ortheword ulona liad decided her oh alio half bobbed come lierc uucit you ottr jovarry really did but cant uceept it not now cant desert the people wlio need me you can offer enough money to get uie most efficient assistant hi the world but uio church cant wlui your future and vonr rhiirm von run lin nwl they con gut oiily me slie stopped for oil at onco richard terry wl puslied uslde uio deitrt dlsliui ajid was clasping her hand hoped youd iay just wluit yu said miss ivanklln vera he whfcipered becauwi knrw if you did unit youd liave provxd to be wlmt thought you the crondeit aweetest girl on this earth say luivo ftnouier job to offer yout maybe youll uecept thb one even uiouch its for life maybe 3iut tone faltered und was last but hki ryes held uiose of uie girl aa she amllcd nu imawer she luid enurely forgotten nbuut fur coatd and sil otlu materkl jhlngtl ucniedy loreiiraehe liavd ulu oruclut fct to tndure torture tiw ear ui deluau organ und few care to deal wlui it cousulerhig it work for doc tor or thaaiau kclectrlc oil otters shnple remedy few drops upon piece of lint or kncdleuted cottuii and placed in the ear will do much hi reliev ing palu uiatliaaa wake ncd in tho ncarls of mll lions resentment and despair rather uinn grautude and hope yet uirough every storm against every advent wind uie ihip of state of uie british tmpirn has sailed nteady un swerving course amldut all the turbu lence it has lapt ttoiidy keel at uio head of uie great commonwealth of nauomi his majesty uio king by hb integrity his lead famines hu jldelltv to uie higher ideal of conutltnuonal iaverelgnlty and by hh deep sympathetic undtruindhig of uie nhns and purpojes and dlttlctultles of hl subjects hnii en deared himself to uiem with her orac lausilajlsty uie queen liujum exerted tremendous power in maintaining uiat cohesion uiat solitary and uiat fr unity wiuiln uio empire without which no true progress is ever possible it is now possible for cltlerui of on tario once again to glvo cxpruixjon to that unity the terrible annual tol cancer exacts in uilsprovlnce mustbo checked eich yeiir four thousand people die of cancer in ontario and for every one uiat dies there are usually three more who arc suffering from till painful malignant disease that maki 12000 cas of cancer annuiilly in on tario the ratio of deauis from cancer has lncrex from 70 in 1014 to 114 in 1033 an increase of 43 we may well he stunned by such luiure und will nt once ask ourselves what can be done about it the results obtained today in tho treauncnt of cancer are uo very muci better than formerly that uiose whj notice lump or have unusual symptoirw should not be deterred from consulting doctor because of uie fear uiat ho will diagnose uiclr case us cancer in early coses turgery is dtlll tho beat form of treatment tluier alone or li coinblnatlon wiui xray and radium in certain regions however xray or radium is preferred and good results are obtained rven in late coses the use or xray or radium will relievo pain and delay the inevitable the crying need is for mororioarch more instltuuond wlui facilities for uie is 12216150 pounds or per cent greater than in 1033 in the provinces of qntarlo and quebec alone uie lncrcasa hi creamery butter production during uio year is equivalent to mora than 15500000 pounds of cheese and considerably more than ofluels uio 13000 000 pounds decrease hi cheese in all of the tomlnlon oi tho whole dairy production in canada during 1034 moasurcd on tho basis of butter fat produced was greater than in any ouior year in tho history of uie in duitry price trends have been responsible for uio diversion rrom cheese to butter man ufacture unfavorable prices havo caun ed the cheese make to decline steadily desplto uie conunued upward trend in milk producuon and uio milk output is being diverted mainly to uio manufacture of creamery butter and to tho fluid milk markoui duo to mora remunerative re turnu from these sources ibices of cheese have been lower both on tho ovor ieos mid canadian markets during the past season while butter priced on the canadian market have improved during tho past two years la quality krua it tho fact uiat so many thoumwadi of intelligent people continue to uso dr thomai eclectrlc oil ipeoks volume for its healing efficiency levur since it was urst hitroduced it has grown steadily in public favor owing en tirely to its manifold usefulness in re lieving and healing ulcknes as spcclilc for cuts bunui scalds and various hi jliuiimatory nairni its record is beyond reproacl jl scientist in his great work of investigat ing uie cause of cancer und uie discov ery of specific for lut cure there must be specific but uie cause of cancer mwt flrtt be discovered by cmct poiu taking medical research ttils resean will only be possible if wo all help to provide uie nwuissury funds w1ilj1 tills fund is established it will enable canada to take her place wlut her ulster do minions uius making uio campaign in uugurated in london twelve yeant ag ihm caaif at rheumatism lumbago sciatica kouacam tlv4 inukiu iuf ftai wln kuul ut hu talim llllii lty will blkft cujlhtt tlui buoj oi utk kclil iuul ohr lmhiiu wlocll lumkoi ik vlik taiul cu thcullm luni mltk liliiltu luickh trutlur t4tiutt uf huuacafb will ulvd ya wllmiihl icllcf humacaps rheumatic capsules browns drug store truly british empire campaign against cancer in its scope how ever should make it clear that nil inoncycollcctcu will to spent in this country nppeul to all citizens of this pro vince to contribute 100 or more to tlw iclng oeorge silver jubilee cancer fund for canada will you please urnd your contribu tion direct to lady bcsbarough who uriu acknowledge lt her address jt imply ottawa ontario uian in 1033 as same of uie larger mines wcro working lowgrade ore but the new mills are just now reaching their otrljo und uio quanuty output of gold for ims will bo unquestionably higher than in 1034 other bright spotfl in uio mining pic ture were the increased output of lead and xjnc which exceeded all prevlois records copper produotlon was also record uio previous high year being 1030 nickel production wn tho greatest in canadian mining history totalling 128 087340 pounds compared with 110375 012 poundw in 1929 uio previous record year sliver production wau also higher the producttu of metal of ulc platinum group wasmuch larger uian over before canadian coul output increased 10 per cent in quanuty and 10 per oeat in value tho output of crude petroleum incrcuscd 24 per cent to 1417 368 barrel from tho 1033 total of 1145333 barrels the value of producuon of nonmetallic minerals ouier uian fuels totalled 10 513008 nn increase of per cent over 1033 lroductlon of structural material such mi clay products cement hmo sand und grnvel ihrnrtrti niflnt over tho piedlrigyearnanit re flected to amc extent the increased ac tivities in building construction oh ylisi yes lies always thinking of ouiers isnt he yen uilnklng how he can get uiem to do sameuilng for him glao ijoesnt likk itl do you like codfish no dont like codfish and jcm rtlad dont like it because if did id eat it und hate uio blamed stun not those kind of shoes customer these nhocs bought from you ore too flimsy to walk in wunnnercijj our establishment madam does not protoudto cater for podetrlilhs of course not he oiling up insurance form it acs hero any insanity in the family she well put no of oobxae he ow about uncle oranoe wots in the asylum and keeps savin ea tbm kalacr she yer dont want to take any notice of 1m ea potty must be dead hero postman bad luck pat blackedged letter for yon pjt 6urc tis my poor brother that dead id know his handwriting any where monotony whether wo are rich or poor we au have to right against monotony doing tho some thing over and over until it loses interest we can fight monotony with variety and one way to do this la by wise uwj of leisure if we wish to avoid tho feeling uiat we are merely machines wp must become interested la many uiings doctor said she needed bulk for her constipation kelloggs allbran brings relief to mrs maiieely re tho following unsolicited letter up td flvoycurs ago knew no end of buffering caused by cohsti iiep tivel but only found relief till kot used to thorn my physicinn told mo to nt some kellougu aulfbitan und instructed mo now to use it did just nt was told bv my doctor und today bend my high ost pru lso for what your auyhitan linn done for mo mru jan ofancelyjr addrena upon request dua to ttkuificwiit oulfc vmttlu aijbuant providea kcntlo hulk to help overcome common constipa tion it is ultto iood uource of vitnniin und iron tho bulk of aliduan in often more effective than tho bulk in ruitii and vcjix table ng it doei not break down within tho body two tlhlcspoonfulh daily uro unually iiuihcient if not corrected udfl way nee your doctor itmt thih food much plcannnler and wafer than risking patent md icinen got the rednndtrreen ptick nco nt your grocers mudo by kellokg in london ontario koep on the sunny side of lm bank loans to farmers and merchants appiicioirr5rloatis farmers and merchants needing credit rhu iness purpos arc welcomed and promptly dealt with by the bank ofmontrcal this banks approach to any credit prob lemishclpful and constructivcif you require banking accommodation you arc invited to talk over your ideas with our local manager bank of montreal wubluliil it 17 nrad orncn montiifal modtlln wivicii nl hankinoslrvitl 117 yiui btclslut optraiton 0itcmnot acton brjncli fraser manjger

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