pact tour the acton free press thuhsday april 4th 1im neighborhood news interesting items concerning other centres and communities in which many of our readers are interested balunafad mr georgp mcmenemy returned home from the hospital and is improving nicely after her operation mr david mcenery lias been on the sick list the past week mrs richard shortul returned home last weejtijtcrsprndlngnweek ormoru at her parental home in brighton mr robert cole of toronto has been vtolting with friends in the district mr nd mrs kir or toronto visited last week at the home of mr and mrs john mckechnle terra cotta number of our young people of the club assembled at the beautiful home of mr and mrs fred lyons on wednesday evening and presented mrs lyons with beautiful chimes clonic and very suitable address prior to ber removal to cheltenham the evening was enjobaly bpent in progressive cychro and dancing the terra cotta orchestra furnished excellent music for the occa alon while mr ed townsend perform ed the duties as master of ceremonies we ore sorry to lose mrs lyons from our midst but our lass will be cheltenhams gain all report having spent real enjoyable evening miss nellie stamp who recently under went on operation for appendicitis peel memorial hospital brampton we are now pleased to learn hoc arrived home much improved in health mr corner has started ills quarry up tn full blast and has large staif working how bannockbukn on thursday evening march 3fith the bonnockburn bustlers hold their meeting in the uchool the meeting opened with pack up your troubles the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopt ed david darvcll was chairman for the evening margarclbrown rendered piano solo kny beckett gave reading feature of thfl evening was an interesting ucbatc entitled resolved that clean cranky woman is more to be preferred than slovenly goodnatured one the affirmative tilde was upheld by bill pinlayand ralph denny the negative by howard jameti and harry mccullaugh the result was in favor of tho negative limchouse orchestra fav orcd the meeting wiui two pleasing selec uons the meeting closed witli tlie na tional anthem tho remainder of uu evening was spent in lunch and dancing acton and district legion vimy night saturt evening april iegrorctubnooms acton an veteran welcome mcdonald president wniairr secretary milton mfrw camfhkixviijlrv tho womens missionary society of st daxids church met at tho home of mrs alex bru on thunlay with plcndld turnout of ladles great many subjects ox interest were dlscuss td lifter whch dainty lunch was served mr and mm ft elliott and family vlsltrd her mother at ingleuood over tiio ueckend mr david malum of sandwich spent tlie weekend tit hii homo in tho village large number of friends gathered at the home of tlie late mrs mc 1nall no friday last to nav their re reicps electric splendiddisplay of electric al requirements on display at johnstone uumleys estimates cheerfully fur nished on all electrical work phones 30 and 110 now located in johnstone jb rumleys store good trade ln gravcl it is rumored that the halton brick co will resume operations here this bpxlng mrs elrlss of georgetown is spending few days willi mr and mrs mcnaliy and family of the town line wo ore sorry to learn that mr win dawan is seriously 111 at pracnt wc hope soon to hear of his complete re covery mr daatunt had his finite neaiy levered one day last week while repair ing utovc pipes the doctor had to put in uiveral stitches to close tlie wound mr cray excavating coll under his residence litre is also jolng to erect new veranda mr harvey puckering is erecting iicw fence along the front of ills resid ence seeding will toon be the order of the day roclcwood the scholars of the rockwood continu tion school were greeted wiui full house at tholr concert last friday evei lng wlien the parents and frit ids turn ed out to honor uicni all who tooi port on the urogram acted uieir parts to thj best of uie ability and botli teachers and scholars dimrve credit for uie suc ccss of tlie concert mr chat harris wus clialrman uild tile following is tlie program cluurmanj address song by the school rojs speeches by harold hxidkeman jack edwards eldon lani bert lacldan mckersle herb sauiideii japanese song in costume play the dance of the red rose quartette pre sentation of prizes and diplomat form donald mckersle form ran hol iermon form hi whma watson let ter harvtlh kean dl 0lomau kitchener head liny day ivan milne marlon watson swart donnfeu girls speeches by ruby mepherson edith royee hazel scott french song by tight girls airls speeches wllma watson arleen young negro song play heuryvi trux fashion show 4udgrs ilerklart mi olrk and bayl rjcctgto ticably all her lfe in this neighborhood and was highly respected by all who kn her the funeral service was held hi st david ti church where she had bten member for many years rev jones hud charge of the service interment was made in tlie new ceme tery tlie many friends of mrs eary will be sorry to know that she is still comhicd to her bed but ull hope uij inuy soon be jible to be around mut barbara snyder of hamilton spent the weekend ut her homo nt guelph junction tlie younff peoples society closed their waon of meetlngi on monday evening with banquet and concert tplendld liot bupprr was served at 30 after which uie program consisting of plxmo solos by kvelyn vanslcklu and myrtle karly violin olo by murray mc phall and mock trial by several members of tho aoclcty was given ospringe tlie uchool was packed on thurwlny evening for the montlily literary meet ing undr the nusplccc of the womens iiutltute tlie president mrs robcruon occupied tlie chair for the very interesting program the chief item being ttebatc reuilved that state medicine would be better for tlie fuul than the present medical system tlu jpcakerc were for the aiflrmative mvjjrj don mcdougall and john rool for the negative mera harold smltli and irvlu jackijjneach one presenting uieir facta clearly and concisely the judge dr mckabb of guelph dr abbott and key foreman or krin each gave chort speech und uuv foreman gave tho decision of tho judged resulting in victory for tlie aiflrmative other items on tlie pr gram uere choruses by tlie school chil dren solo mrs box duett mrs dickltson and elmer flutter select by tlie male quartette mesra mc lean locker altken and akltt pi wiod uett uda poremarrtindmrrr fc sunter violin solo witli piano accompaniment arnold sunter current events mrs oeorge young belectlons 4iy the orchestra mfcs porvman and messrstoncocker jtcooke a4tdj mc leilan humorous dialogue ckoat hoya guelph now playing folies bergeres with maurice chevalier sat mon tues gold diggers of 1935 dick powell gloria stuart baitv at 215 700 800 kjlurdjy c6nunuoiu io 11 next wed thurs fbi gary cooper the wedding nijrht mrs wm chapman is seriously ul her many friends hope she will soon recover mrs thomau mcjannett ha been quite 111 her many friends hope ahe will have an early re dvcry the halton agricultural 6oddty in tends entertaining tho members of last years pageant ami their friends and tho dlrectore wives at an olde tymo dance and card party sllverwood panthers bantam cham pions of tho 31 were held to oneall tie by the milton bantams in an exhibition game at the tt arrnn on saturday whichrwna arranged by the sllverwood company b0u1 teams were guests of tho company in social event at the close of the game iri an effgrt to rake funds novel idea was carried out on tuesday cveniur march 20th when the girls auxiliary of grace church held birthday party at tlie home of canon and mrs kaftel in honor of mm laurcnco king and mrs robert randall whoso birthdays arc on that date the price of admis sion was uie dato of your birth the gilcit speaker of tile evening wad mm rico of uamlltonciiampron cuewsons corners tho many friends of mrburllngham will bo aorry to know hd has gone to tho hospital at hamilton mr and mrs joe evans have vacated the old crewson farm and moved to ouclph mrs alex crlpps visited ln george town for few dayu quite number gathered at tho churcn on sunday to wolcomo col mcammon and party from toronto it botng his first visit to crowbons corners miss plank visited with mr and mrs chester plonk on sunday mbuj mary mocalg was homo from georgetown burlington when mr harvey dickenson un covered ilowcr bed at hbr residence caroline strct cait on thursday last he discovered tjo polihlcs in bloom on saturday night sneak thief forced tho door on tho automobile of arthur carew prccman while it wai ihirked on pino street and carrfod away some groceries cars driven by rendcnon and gibblns collided at tile corner of james and brant streets on saturday even ing both cars wtrc damaged but the occupants escaped injury an additional electric light has been lnstalli on john street between wate tihd pintrsitaramicirwtrrntjipto light up tills street thii street has been dubbed back alley by some ln tho post ohlce controversy edward onions hamilton youth clashed into the rear of phil gages car with his motorcycle on tucduy afternoon mr gages curwas parked in front of tlie bank on brant street the forku of the motorcycle were brolctn but tho nuto was not damaged tlie lad received slight cut on his face but was not seriously hurt last week dr r7 anderson for the county held conference witli tlie committee in regard to the islto for the new post oiflco tlie meeting was held at the home of mayor watson and all the membenf of tlie eommltuny worn present also dr spcers ii the matter was discussed atsome length and the doctor intimated that tho com mittees vlewu would be given every cdiis id ration gasustte speeches und the winners boys feldoti lambert rarold brldgemon glrlv wllraa watson jlawl scott on monday evening under tlie au ploesof voungpeoplcrtsboclct3rtn the united church travelogue wad tweu by mr card of guelph on lug wife with uie following catt iiuoemttiiithrouhthsouuori mwi bmckinnonrnfwtbhrmrsin siatwi and mexico which proved very clalr cooke aiucen poremnn lnurosung tn uiose present prcvloua mocutclieon mw sinclair and to the slides being sliowu mv george messrs alutcn and strutherj ooy president of uie society opened concluded tlie program the meeting wiui liyinn followed by mrs standlsh spending few one of the jsest chick values you can buy dollar for dollar brays xtraprofit chicks offer you oiu of uie best values in chicks you can find anywhere they are not the cheapeat chicks you can buy but thoy do the things uiat count most in produc ing yearround poultry proilts they hvo with few loases fwayw iilbl rod big by maurw3 itirw ttrmyer by iimif ftiylor piano sola by misw margaret tlioitias rvudlngti by mb helen iwyue at uie conclusion of the slides mr ben hosklng mowd lieorfey vou of thanks to mr card for hu uutrueuve addrj rev taylor excluingrd pulpiu on sunday wiui rdv mr warfy of pais lay mtinorhtl church guelph mr mckay of toronto conduct ed serviced at uie presbyterian church on sunday morning ltnun services ut st johns church ust week were well utundcd when number of young folks ere present weekend visitors wre 0wiurtrttutttlyrifrter cri wood mfcjj gladys carter and mr cluirks williaiiun ouclpli spent sunday with mr and mn robertson miss cooke guelph dr and mrs wholey and chlldiun of kitchener spent sunday at the home of mrs cook xilss jean klrkwood toronto and mrs icirkwood giwlph vislud on sunday uiui mr and mrs brydon mr and mrs wijib and family motored to hamilton on saturday und visited uirlr son leuio mr and mw allan acton were vteekend guests with mr and wrs juti urydou mtndjuittttvewluii washem nttntrlmmqnfmv alul mrs wluoii with about thirty nt mm box laxig nuiehapprt clatod siilo ufur whlrh ganio of biblical najujt was huld tiw uams were capuhied by miss moreno cooke and mr ruatell struuicr tiw mn of uie clmrch are holding wood uw oil wedieday hrternooji in mr vic hardmg busli to cut next winters supply of fuel butfakl dr pred hoklngjiof hamllum mu edna peareil of dundas master james mlhie upent uie week end at kilrn mills mr prtd hamilton highway overseer nd his asshttanta uero busy hut week iunny the mud off uie highway bhm ws put on during the winter wlien tha txmdwmjm were ley also re mo big snow during brooding many cuntomer report lassed or only or chichi out of hundred thu cockerels grow rapidly and are ready in uio least poaslble ihtie they moke to 2i lb broilers ln to weeks or to lb dressed chickens ln thelall mence to lay during month including november and decem ber one of our cuitomcra graded out only dozen pullot wggs from theentire production at 10j bray barred rock pullets one of the main reasons for uw success of brftyji xtrujhroflt chicks thbi thoy aru hatched from eggs weighing 25 ounces up to 30 und 33 ounces per doom they are bigger than average when hatched und keep on growing and maturing faster than most otlur chicks of uie same ugo stop ln and get copy of our vrva hook lot see for yourif what brays xtraprofit chicks tanhrlngiou hi uollutiandeuiiu hext iull bray chick hatchery pllonk its lutaminon ontario l1mehouse tlie girls lookout club of the prci bjterlan church held their regular monthly meeting at mrs robert lanes home on saturday afternoon wiui good attendance tlie ujrvlces of uio united church uere taken on sunday by rev james arthur mri james and mku joyce were vlst orj ulso joyce remaining at the parson age for few day visit rev and mrs stephenson spent sun day in arthur theharmonyclub inulon monday cuing with good attendonoe and enjojed an instructive ujrvice led by mrs stephenson announcement was made uiis ueek tliat radio licenses nru necessary again after having been announced they would he abolished now everyone who apprc elates radio ti obliged to luhscriuc to this nuisance tax our road received its ilrst scraping olratlon this spring during uio first or the week wlilcli wonderfully improve theuurfacct wtrthankthceouncllimd hope uiey will keep up tho good worx mr joe scott uie new mail courier took over hki duties on monday morning april fool day mr andmrs nook and jack who for the past three years havo lived on mr herb cooks farm on tho sixth linettnoved on saturday last to houtii ln acton mr noble lias found employ ment in acton mv harry knight who was so uerl oualy injured early hi deeember and htu boon patient ut christie street hos erin mr if harris ki undergoing treat ment at christie street hospital tor onto mrs bonoywill returned homo on m6nday after visiting with toronto frleiub mr gtorge tiiompson sixth line erin met with painful accidnit recently rrom full which resulted in brokon rllwi hb ni iny rhnds wlih him pecdy recovery mr and mrs robert reovcly and daughter gracc of toronto wuro week itid vlsitors with mrs austin ml daughters mrs austin returned to toronto with them on monday qultuu crowd enjoyed tlo progrcunuo euchre held in the town hall on wed nesday evtnlm of last week under thu auspices of the womens in tutu mrs wm suel and mr 0uxir hurron won uil prlkc while mrs bell won lucky number prje mr und mrs norman nixon of scourfuard souk returned to erin tut week by motor and ako had car of settlers eifects shipped which was ac eomixmled by austin island tliey have leased uie furm lot mw conces sion 11 and have taken pooseaalon julvooat tho mobt worthy croun is good re putation ispltgtnua sernhpa unlitb dlpirrli of danaba acton nluet iuir pook paraonoiobowir avenue 1100 eim tlu ulnliur subject the indlbpcnaablo chrtot eacreest of tlio lords supper 13 00 noon sunday school and dibit olaaa 00 the mlnuter subjoot yjhruts only failure everybody welcome unclassified small advertisements advcrtiiemcnta under this bmjuaff ooe cent per word minimum chsrac ic per lnrrtioa five hicrtloa tot ijxx paid ch ioc sdditioo chnrged where ilema bae ta be booked irffibijtrrian knox ciiubch acton ukv bknnie mlnlt manse willow street sunday april 7th 1035 00 sacrament of the iordo supper uq sabbath school 700 rev dr young of kobe japan note preparatory service tonltfht thurndny at 00 young peoples autld mondtly night mission ary nlifht dr youiik ijuitern lecture on japan always welcome sapttflt urtl acton el kabteu putor 11 00 easter everlasting arms 115 sunday school 700 hi the rox ifat wanted will buy horsed injured cattlo ttc or miy thine iultable for tax moat in jured animals must be wcured hnmedl ately us meat must be in perfect condi tion trailer or trailer chassis uaned vannatteft vox parm flolf ptinne nsr avon arch kho are aeun tljleally cerutrueted and fit ted to rive your feet the support uicy require tiani delay buy ialr to day and enjoy new comfort they may be had hi either liuek or ftrown and ln sev eral btylcrf racwin acton on ihio tags dotf tags for uio year 1035 are now available upon application to the mun lcipal olflccr all owners of dogs within tho municipality or persona harboring dots without pouscijilon of tag after april 30th 1035 will be summoned to court and dealt with according to law it li lo pointed out that the tags must bo worn at all times by dos penalties provided under uio bylaw provide line up to 10 and corli mcpherson 103 chief of police the public health citizens are requested to comply with the puillic health act notice it hereby given that all resid ents of acton are required foruiulth to clean their cellars drains yards waer closets outbuildings and other prumltes and remove therefrom all dirt manure and other substances uhich may cn dnngcr tlie public health and to hive the name completed bv the ninth day or may next on which day the sanltiry inspector will commence general ln spcctlon ah citizens are earnestly requested to keep their premises constantly clear and thoroughly disinfected cv ii harrison reeve of jjio municipality acton april 4th 1035 401 hog shipping saturday 00 and ffrode hog trucking free hogs delivered by farmer 00 holmes acton fob sale early norman seed oats for ale john sprowl 463 phone 40r22 acta foe rent six roomed house with three lots cat wellington street acton apply rachluf for sale dooley potatcccrflood quality 25c per bag at tho cellar plted dhnny phono 00r4 no 3actoa wm sale horse yeurs old albo quanuty hay oeoroe robertson no acta houses for hale three houses for sale also house to rent apply mcmillan kiiojc avenue wanted experienced housekepcr wanted good salary to uatlsfactory person all mod cm conveniences tu homo apply rox 208 pre pre3j3 lost pair of glauses wiui silver rim in case on tuday march 22nd in acton reward if returned to pree 1113 opp1pcx maid wanted amaklwa df month apply rox 65 milton post ohpiot or phono milton 279 for rent on shakes 100 acre purm for rent on shares and also quantity of feed turnips for sale pred west 403 no 3r actod plume rockwood glr4 eor sale rrlck house on roucr avenue ho property or uie estate of late joseph holmes par partltulars apply smith 303 or on uie premise for sale 400 bushels banner oats cleaned and first class seed 50c prr bushel neil mckinnon hulsbuitf burns mckinnon no acton permanent waves mr carl kcntner of toronto will be at the beauty parlor thursday april llth to dopermancnt waves 3sqand 55 00 absolutely guaranteed phoae mlu jessie russell 104j tat appoint ment auction sale fcrr 111 hold an extensive clearing auction sale of parm stock and implement grain at lot 21 fifth concession nassaeaueya on friday april 12th at one oclock tlio pullets grow largo and mature early most bray pullets begin laying at monuis old ahd often bray hocks ar laying 50 ut monuis tlie uize or the cgijs rapidly itttnires tont lttfrairrtottinyn7stnltfrtb ed he wim able wiui uio use of crutchr to come by train and spend tho week end wiui friends tho injured leg is almost healed and when entirely healed he hopes to have an artificial foot at tached mr johnson was token acrloiudy 111 on saturday evening and hurried cull for the doctor who responded quickly re lieved ujd anxiety uu family and patient werp under mr robt doughty apent uio first few days of tho week with frlendu in tor onto ife is making preparations for sale und intends disposing of some of hl pruperuus in uie near future tomeofthovbitunriotlccd overthc wrfktndwcrc mr and mrs jiugglnu of erin mr und mrs mlllfere and family of hrumptou mr und mrs fan ball mrs mararut btll and mrs ciuis vansickle of pal ermo mv und mrs alex grant of toronto mr mid mrs roberlwm of tor onto mrw lucy irwin of kltchtucr grow soya ueans new deat le guarantee payment in caah for your cropa at price per bushel iut lend than tle iirieo for ulaudard wheat write uu for our grower con true and paruulcarti mulls limited t6raut ontario soya trlc hi4idrlroetwmrf v8 4a eor demonstratiori than youll understnnd why the ford v8 is culled tho bnlaiiced car the eight cylinders give power plant and per formance that have made this car so popular with ease of driving and economy in fuel added to mechanical performance there is the new riding comfort for unck and front eut passengers new larger tires and new springs to take tho road shocks wo could go on and tell you of many other points that iiiukothouwftfoidvaoutetuiidingiiithbcurflold butbest pfallrgenrtiemonstratibrt make us provethat wo have the best car value iij the 1035 field norton motors ukle co artam amtadi vimne 69 the anfa go by acton ontario auction sale sile or houwhold iurnlturu will bo held on saturday afternoon april sui nt two oclock at uie store on wlllo street formerly occupied by swack hanicr term cash roy hindlry aucuonee credit auction sale leslie webb osprlnge will hold sale of grade dual purpose short horn cows york sows lincoln ewcij on monday april bui commenclnif at oclock roy inndley auctioneer phone 15r fl erin auction sale august bunue lot sixth line erin clearing sale of furnitifre und all parm tmptemenlw tiny nnd nrnln nn tiirrt day april oui at 30 oclock no re serve as uie proprietor is in ul hearji termu casli kerr auotlorfcer 302 phone 3fl actoi agents wanted our liberal oammkjuaii no callectlnjf no dauuulntf jtiillllw proulda you wiui steady work und woruiwldle hiconie our now ultra smart spring uned of ladles lliltwear is ready write ttt onee riutisii knitwear 303 slmcoe onjtarlo 0ksfaxe at uiu farm of uieiale jack son just off no highway at york rood ticlioolhouse near guelph of furm farm stock implements real horses mostly clydcs good xirood mare aud durham grade cows on tuesday april lflui at one oclock terms cash kerr auctioneer 403 phone 34 acton card oe thanks xfr john whyu and family wkh to thank uie neighbors and friends who were so kind during uu illness and death of uie beloved wife and mother tuid to those who sent flowers and loaned curs these klndncuses will always be rente inhered vottham the ew alaska early oats no 17 which are seleeuon from old alaska oat and outylelda them klso more straw grown rrom registered seed field in spected by oovernment inspector nocdous weeds grade no 75c per bushel absolutely pure malting barley 100 and restter4 181 peas also 1bi perns for mixtac 1b0 ra ho mito south of ka 3ft3 sttmmc