thursday april 4th the acton free press paoa nwm items of social and personal interest varion utile gleaning concera ik vfeiton and folks vkittn pcnonal inufmt mr ftay gordon st ataxy tloued acton friend ifr stanley coy of oalt spent the weekend with acton friends miss ctarm xnts oalt spent the irrl rt far homo here messrs wilfred and too sutcllffe of oftkirule visited acton friends jolts loftmvff aisssco of fort credit tlslted neronnrer the weekend mr and mrs albert brown of kitch ener spent sunday at the parental home mrs john mbwat vlsiteff trcrlauah ter mrs baxter in toronto last mrs xl braby of hamilton is visiting at the homo of mr and mrs tfioman councillor and mrs mason return ed on monday from their winter holiday in florida mr and mxb besscy and doris georgetown vknted airs wilsua on sunday mrs herb cleave oeorgctown spent the weekend at her sisters mm wilsons ulss ruby clark and mr boyd clarr of toronto visited over the weekend at their home here mr and mrs charles mcmurchy and herman of hillsburg visited on sunday with mr and mrs reed mr ana mis hamm ouuliffe and shirley detroit visited at the home of her parents mr and mrs ii lnt jprlends are indued pleased to learn that mrs it moore who has been hi the past two months is no jm provlng nicely mr and mrs ernest balrd and master mormia of toronto spent few hours on sunday wllh her grandfather and grandmother mr and mrs if brwon mr mrs joseph lacey announce the engagement of their only daughter gladys to jack richardson ton of mr nd mrs thomas richardson of camp tjelivlue the marriage to take place early in may mr and mru lolloy brown and miss olive of toronto spent few liouro on sunday evening with his molhcr and father and was pleased to know his mother is recovering nicely after her serious illness for youfconvenience in response to requests from many of our customers we are opening on friday april 5th till further notice in the premises formerly occupied by che hydro coromlfff fn we will have on display com plete line of flowers and plants from our greenhouses easter stock is nlrrg on in ex ceptionally fine shape and our stock of lilleo is hard to beat may we have the pleasure of serving you special jo ttii8 weeht bishop son design work specialty we deurer easter is coming and youll want that new suit we will bo pleased to show you our assortment of pat terns from which to choose your measurements willbe taken with precision youll appreciate and wc can assure you of garment that will be credit to your wardrobe prices from 7c up rachlin mr and mrs thonuui warren of abcrfoyle announce the engagement of their daughter franccd jean to mr earl blacklock son of mr and mrs william blacklock hoxsugawcya the marriage to take place early hi april planning tixk home gateofcn where the ortil devoted to the garden is limited careful attention mlkt bo giv en to uuch points os distance between rowt and belwven plants so tliat all space piay bo used to advantage fcach plant must havo room to mature ye gaptt must be avoided study of rota tion of crops and time of maturity hi of great value in planning tho junall garden such copu as radish and spinach may be grown us inter crops between tlu rows of later maturing crop like carrots or ponsnips late sown crops may be planted between the rows of early matur ing crops just before tho luur are ready to harvest two or three crops of such plants as raduh and lettuce jnay bo grown on the tame area succtwnn of quick grow big crops by planting at intervals is also desirable under irrigation the dmvrciit varie ties require different amounts of watr and at different tlliles ilia rows ndiould therefore be planted in such maun that water may us applied to each row as tequrred furrow irrigation tn prefer able to sprinkling and distribution may be obtained by small perforations ut proper spacing in ten or twenty foot length of water pipe tile outer end fitted with houu connection wheraland is fh fti whi th garden tamybf laid out in any shape desired eoe of cultivation sliould be oocuddcrcd all tlie rows may be placed tho same distance apart just wide enough for horse cultivator whether the vegetable requires little room or great deal of room to mature flu rous should be as long as possible for horc cultivation and several kinds of vege table may be planted hi the uuue row ixus time fat wasted hi turning and ulso less ground hi turning ends which ore jrt weedy few muluus wtul hort cultivator will krep farm garden reasonably free from weeds during uie rush bcuaon in tlie bprlng whi ui not time orlimul luialiig uoxsuaul tivtttion reduces the umountr of hand labor to minimum and brings down tlui cost of production at uio aoine timd it often means the allfuxiicc betwetil suc cess and failure with the form garden for tliitf reason tlw garden should bu located cloae botli houue and barn being readily uccetuible from the bom xnaysnean time would be taken to culti vate the garden when it yrouldot if special trip wvre necessary for the work gregory theatre friday afr1l 5tb when mans wan story by harold bell wright starring george iirien com edy compuu hoofer curtoon jock ijliaclc snapshots diop ter of young agles tho boy scout st rial saturday april gth cuimson uomance thrilling air romance starring ben lyon comedy big inca mickey mouse mickey jplays xttpa yvc newt movoay apu1l 8th affalits op cellina action intrigue adventure and uimrt comedy with hock of swell natiuti constance bennett fred eric marcli fay wray and frank morgan comedy stable mated scenic medbury in the orient coming flitttatlon walk mualcdl uith lck powell and ruby keelcr we clean anything wjictli you want rug cleaned tr ftjln fimk ffarminftlmih the place to come with it we do huperlor ckonhig and dyeing ut very reasonable rates and tkxa prepared to lumdle any kind of job we don injure the most deli cate fabrics you take no clianccd when you let us do your cleaning and dye ing just give uo trial our prices men sulu cleaned and ihxased for sliuno coattj rats gleaned and blocked tuei 90c doe oe loe iiadltii d1ussses me lathis suris iioe 1jis wauynl and sjcrirs uach 5o olovfcii pair ise and 30e spotless cleaners il suuette mgr neat burs clroecry actom newspaper men in convention continued from pace one canadian radio gains the speaker told of the power the print ing business executives wielded and yet how little time was devoted to aulogndng itself every other product had been largely made by its printed promotion and yet bow celdom printers applied tho same promotion to their own business he stressed the importance of power of he press and urged printers to get higher viewpoint and employ their best ukill in producing then work other routine huilnoipi of tha tlon kept all occupied until five at aeven clock we banquetted again in thn royal york on things that were pleasing to the palate and satisfying to the stomach and what efcc pr dannie soloist or some note and ablllly favored the gathering with splendid numbers and variety musician amused and entertained with his repertoire mr hugh tern pi in was presented with tho pcarcc trophy emblematic of having the bout editorial page and modestly ac cepted tho honor and told of the short comings of his efforts while none be lieved him all admired his modesty the speaker on tills occasion was noiw other than lieutenant governor bruce his honor ltrrmod tho influence of iho prcs over uio opinions and desires of tlie public and recalled tho revelation by prof julian huxley in an address hi toronto recently that time money and effort weru expended upon industrial search to an extent flvo times greater than upon medical research close upol tlie heels of industrial research he noted camo research designed to perfect new instruments of war it is your duty to set right such lamentable evidence of mais thinkin declared dr bruce the thoughts and demands of tlie people con bo turned in new direction by tho pen the typ writer and tho printing press and can tjctnn uced to pjcad as ctoquchuyttar the disarmament of disease us for mili tary disarmament it was delightful addrcsx and of course touched on tlie cause in which thu speaker was so interested tho ecareh for cure for cuicrr tlie mom he stressed the opportunities and duties of tlie prcsj tho more ue felt locking the performance of our duties sour day perhaps wc 11 catch up and so liomc but tlie gatlierlng wai not dkhanded on saturday morning tho mcssr charters entertained tlie group brumpton bus took the party to the peel county town and here an interest ing tour of tlie plant of tlie charter publishing co and copeland cliuttersou co were made these modern printing plants of course were of interest to gatlierlng of printer visit to tlo lstute aras also of iteat intcrw tlie 35 acres of greenliouits ut tills tlm of jear are slghtj uiat defies descrlp lion roses carnations tulips orchids darfodiu luister llllfi and number flowers ue can remember or spell miue tills spot ut tills time of year picture indeed perhini few figures would tell the story better than descriptive at tempt of adjectives the firm owns and operates 250 acre plai area jo acrer 133 grccnhoura uhlch if placed end to end would extend miles 400 einployctii central heat in plant conume 20 000 tans annually cooling machine of 20 ton lec capacitj 000 feet of underground tunnels ttock farm feedhik 125 licad or cattle for hr tllker purpoc annual production under claj 10 000 000 bloom peek into the cooling room with its cut blooms war indeed frugront one and glimpse at chipping ord ru attach ed to flouers thowed that tlili large con cern said it witli flowers from ooait to coast as memento of the vkjt the dale fcjlate presented each visitor wllh box containing doufn cliolce rows and in two province thki week tlie vlsu to dales and brampton on saturday lias been recalled in tlie homes of editors of weekly newspapers to finish off tills delightful visit to uram pton rmr atulwr cvv chtkhe uere hevts at delightful buffet luncheon at tliilr home tlio luwplullty of mr and mrs charter has been known to us previously but tlie entertaining of eighty to an hundred hi ones home is quite an undertaking ro iu hack neyed phrase ft was complete sue cti tlie vkjt to brampton will long be remembered forming very unu part of tills ummal convention that our itory of una tiler neupaper convention manufacturers of radio receiving scu in canada finished the calendar year lim in vigorous fashion when produc tlon during october november and de ocmbcr numbered 83 757 seta with factory selling price of 000300 tho on the last quarter of tho year exceeded that of the previous quarter by 78 per cent and tho corresponding quarter of 1033 by 23 perccrux of the total quantity made during the fourth quarter 10300 were standard broadcast band 5553 wcre selective wave and 11520 were all wave production for tlu calendar year 1034 amounted to 188 710 acbrvaiuedat 196348 at factory com pared with 11227a acts with value of s4 401 313 in the preceding year radio hoa come to bo regarded as an almost essential part of canadian home equipment andln country whero the population is scattered over wide arias as it is in many parts of tho dominion tho benefits resulting from the radio arc almost immeasurable and represent mont decided forward step in human pro gross tuo isolation of tho farm and bush has been banished forever and the lonelier farmer worker or resident ot tlie most dfcitant area is by flick of dial brought into direct touch with the heart of civilization canada may lis en in to an unlimited variety of programs from her own broadcasting stations sales of radios in canada during 1034 totalled 107 177 yts valued at 344 635 compared with 13p 493 sets at 383 840 in 1033 fnvcntoi radio receivers in tho hands of manufacturers on december 31st 1034 were reported at 34 387 seti automobile radios are finding favor with canadian motorists and sales of this type during tho year numbered 13 3g8 with it value of j4309gi no doubt factor uonder why is it that fat men are always goodnatured long to get mad clear through great indeed firt bushiea mall waj tlie confer ence tc rucccxs what did you decide second business man it was great we decided to luive another conference next week credit of 100880 in 13th power bill continued from pag one ment of accounts by consumcra was dis cussed tho comkuuoners had been ap proached by citizens for better ar rangement of hours it had been found that tho friday evening opening was not jjeccaaary since pay days had been alter ed moved by arnold seconded by ii harrison that the office hours of the public utilities be as follows dally from 3q to 12 and from 30 to 530 djb cxfxtr during july and augiwt when tho octlco will cloco at 12 30 on saturday and during other montns oltico will close on wednesdays at 1230 carried tlie question of repairing tho truck was then discussed by tho commission repairs were ccilmated to cost not over 35 it was decided to have the truck repaired by king mceachcrn and uuit on uch work tho various guragi bo gtvi share of tlie wonc horearter ho chairman reported tho result of hi interview with the council regarding tho water motrcs tho secretary was instructed to secure prleo from tho manufacturers for repairing the 60 metres now out of commission he superintendent was instructed to make urrungcmcnu regarding the break ing of pow by truck tlio matter of painting sit on tho olflco wo left over until future meet ing em stark r0 oi will be at kachlina store acton on friday april 5th phone 145 for atfointment addrcsa salle us medical dental bojidmg 453vspadlna arenoe ki z232 canadian sports cain canada xport trade rmulo gain of more than 23 per cent during february compared with tlio same month hi 1034 the value of cxporut was m0 710 401 uhlch compared with 37 842 403 dur ing february of lstryeur sliowed gain of 077 058 the principal items of export were wheat wheat hour fish wood pulp newsprint automobiles and parb copper and nickel eleven of tlnmj twelve items registered increases the only decline shown was hi planks nnd boirdj for tlu eleven month period ended february 1035 canada total cx portsucre valued at g01 30 374 and uhow gain of 70 070 050 compared wlui 521701424 in the corresponding period of tlio previous fiscal year wood grocery the family grocer our aim good merchandise low prices good service telephones store 3il kesidencc 130 specials for thursday friday and saturday maltonb and v1tone ikruclooa 1ood drinka cboeolalo ic oz tbl maiaone s5o 13 tin vrione 4o iln vitone 10o call at riorc and gel tmst cattl and receive 10c allowance on 13 oi or 24 at tin of vltono baking powders lb till magic for lb lln magic sea 2e lb tinthltfab lb lln maple ieap pastry flour lb llasr ijiy white sta 12 lb bac lily wiitte 3so heinz vinegar halt or while 18 ox ilotue for mo 19 cokes fearl so with oolvonlxcd 65c seedless raisins iba for i4o durfs pore lard lb for slo ctnawb lb tin for lb jar lor 36o seeds and onions lbs dutch sets for ho lbs multipliens 19o seeds for ise for iso wiiytrtnrrtrasettcttredy originally uie purser was tlie dls tmreer tlio man wlio held tlie ship purcr and paid out from it uourss tlie modern continental term for tx cliange or money market really tlio amo word us puiw tand so tlie pursur hilght lmve beuii called uia duhunr just as the man of bublneki or mary old colleijtis is technically tlie burjuir on uilps tho term hi time became further peclallzcd and wlareas on modi rn meiiofwar tlie dutlei aro per formed by comiiusloned puymwir tlkj purser tlui officer on grwdt past smger ihienf horw function is largely to look ufter tlu travellers ajld gene ally perform tlve oiflcui of the manager of urge lwtul iitum kiuj1 mrs rattlebaum do you know tlutt you talk in your sleep henry mr ivttolebauin you begrudge me even lima yaw words e3e nev lower prices in announciiik our new plan of an ah cash business we also announce new low prices prices thai will make it profitable to deal at pisks meat maftket when bujinr mtal on and after wcanesda7 april 3rd we will run strictly ciih haziness you real the benefit in these lower prices choice creamery butter per lb 26c crosse blackwell catsup dl1s while it lasts 4mi3c heefgttts choice rib roasts per lb thick ribroasts per lb beefutsr 12c 13c 8c shoulder roasts per lb rib boil per lb pork cuts tresh hams per tb sidl bacon by the piece pr lb 18c butts tumuicj per lb 18c loin ikasts per lb 28c smoked cottage roll whole or half per lb 72c 22c re rusa prices on to our custome rs sfisk successor to patterson phone 17k we deliver promptly allother prices on meats are reduced ac cordingly get the habit of buyine for cash and savins