Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 4 Apr 1935, p. 7

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xgpbgpay april ith ugt the acton free press onoetuniti master at tollman nme lore and zi iii ortune on my footsteps wait cities wad fields walk penetrate deserts ml seas remote and passing by horel and mart and palace etxm or tate knock unbidden once at every gate if aloeping waktfl ii feasting rise before tura awsy it is tin hour of ate and they who follow mo reach eveiy state mortals desire and conquer every foe 6ave death but those who doubt or hesitate condemned to failure penury and woe seek mo in vain and uselessly implore return nomorel ingalla twenty years ago worn the iseve of the free thursday april tfth 1913 chronicles of ginger farm written spaatahy tb wvtm rma hr owendoung ciftlttfm things have been at sixes and sevens this week and partner and have travel led wellworn track from the house to the barn carrying bran mashes and warm water to cow who had fed not ulsely but too well and is suffering aa consequence to say nothing of the extra work she 1a giving ui but that isn tlie worst one nlifht when partner went to the basn bo found stella an ayrshire cow with typical ayrshire hornhad in soma inexplicable way monday snow storm came as quite tb0fi0 jmd uw makl tho aurprtse after the beautiful weather of mo of hc new founj nbprty by easter sunday nur homr on xhe cow nkt hor part militia orders from ottawa announce waj lxtra carly thflt im jt uftt that honorary colonel sir donald mann jl3t luck umt ho lwpponcd to cntcr lhl is to be ilonorary colonel of 20th julton flt thj umo hj dm niuo ulcr rifles march was busy month or library with the issue of 845 volumes the number of borrowers is now 305 the ebencxcr methodist church will be torn down next week memorial services of very impressive character will be held next sunday there ha been religious worship in thiu hallowed place regularly for almost seventy yeaiu tws production pf the scripture can tata zlon rendered by knox church choir on easter monday evening was most creditably done mr wlldgust was the conductor and miss williams organist the choir wou as follows sopranos misses akins agnew garvin johnstone johnstone mbclure mcpherson mcdonald mcdonald reld renwlck mrs wlldgust altos vtv rhft hfryffv th near ton ora messrs clartmgehy6lop icciarw and wlldgust basoea messrs cockburn henderson mann and smith prior to mr and mrs peter huu leaving for their new home in saskat chewan the members of the congrega tional church met at the home of mr clinton swackhamer and presented them with farewell address accompanied with well filled purse principal stewart has had the honor the past year of holding tho pre sidency ol the continuation school de partment of the ontario educational as and we might have had dead cow on our hands as it was jane was bull scarred and bruised and the poor thli was bawling in terror absolutely 1i fcnctucx against her attacker as soon as partner opened the stable door stlla slipped into her own stall and stood as quiet as she were tied tho artfulness of her who sayit animals have no brains partner is hot man to take cluyicci where cither human or animal life is at stake and so tho next morning wo called in the veterinary surgeon and stella aaj three young heifers were deprived of their horns it sounds little like cruelty until one considers that horny animal with mean disposition can inflict far more buffering upon man or beast if she takes the notion than vfftrrtniirvx horning operations one thing is cer tain shall bo far more comfortable in future because always was afraid of stella and invariably kept my weather eye open if the children or were fetch ing tho cows from tho pasture besides all our other stock we have at present three little calves down at tho barn half way through tho vealing stage they are full of life and vigor and urc always up to some playful antics in thrlr pen they look at one with ouch trustful inquiring eyes that have no one of the commonest complaints of bifantxs is worms and the most eflcctiia application for them is mother graves worm exterminator cltobsllkttdlng poultry toll mfcat am fego production breeders liave long knoun that the crossing of tuo pure breeds givi oit sprlng which ure superior to tither parent brxeds hi vlyor and economy of growth at the ctntrul experimental rami ottawa crosii woii made between bar red plymouth rock and white leghorn to se wluit duteruice there knight be between tlie crosbreds all purebred in both incut and egg produc tion at eight weeks of jigc the cross bred malas wen little heavier than the rocks and the hocks little heavier than tlie leghorn in addition to more rapid growth tlie crosbroeut were slightly more economical in their use of feb at slxtetn ueeks of age thu croisbrcdu and slocks vetaged around four pounds each and the leghorn three pounds and half after this ago the ilocka mode greater and more economical gains than the oroiijiixds and considerably piore than the leghorns in eif production the crosbreds av aged around tea pr cunt more egg for the pu yoar uian the pure rocka and leghorns rho leghorn male rok female oroii gae greater egg prodl tiort uuin did til reverse crc in the leghorn rock fetnule crosj uio seic of the chicks may be determined uith high degree of accuracy at hatching tliuu by uio presence of wing leathern in the female while in the male chick thue are absent or comparatively small the erosaing of legliorik and rockit therefore otters some advanttiges from the standpoint of egg production and bieat production as broilers or up to ubout four pounds weight after which io puru rocks ore supwlor to obtuhi the ad vaataffwtrossrced lng tr istscnthl that only good pure 1reed3shoud be used as parents and thu crossbjredi should be uwd for egg or meat produc tion and hot as brceacrw sociatlon jils presldentjal address at consciousness of impending doom it the opening of the session on tuesday too bad no better fate awaits them was most creditable and wafl listened to uian provide veal cutlets for some whh keen interest bodyt dbiner table but such is life even for animals tho joy of llvlna frequently offset by tragedy and now want to tell you of some thing that came to me yesterday it wrj nothing moru or iut than regular brickbat hurled through ipaco and reached mo through tho medium of his majutys muli pi ked up nice intern ting looking envelop adtlre ied to me and in it found clipping from one of my own recnii chronicles alro letter uhlh viz uorded thus and after the many time have pointed out to my frlemli how correct jour uo of the entllih inguago has been in your lovely article on ginger vrm it wtn signed just friend the clipping referred to wili us folos lat thursday night uaj tli night of our own institute meeting and uhat did do but drive off and fo glt the cream was to take for lunn nlghl and lunch were underline und for few minutes was ot iom to know herein had erred and then uic light dawned without doubt it uas tlie vord lunch in connection with night to uhlch tlie writer took excep tion suppose tlie uord should have ed uil refreshments yes know uas rong plead guilty but ou know jut ft friend it li some times good policy when rome to do ils the romano do lunch lus become fuch popular uord to dej crlbe 11 lit refreshments at any hour of hcioitiikhtlmtldoptveltrtm con clously just for fun looked up lunch in the dictionary and an did so our joung son came into uio roain and the following conversation tooiv place son what are you doing mum me looking up tile meaning of lnnrhi son gee don you know what lunch means yet me what do you tiling it means son luting of course what else conclusive wosu it hedletlontiryfcnira lunch ughtrrv fixuluiiuntii tttkenbctwcon brcakfastrond dinner so by my faithful little oxford dictionary stand condemned becauke our institute lunch ns served ut olev now if may make gue just end uould jjty you are ver much an eimllshjaoman and hold most tenac loixh to ull uilng british which perlmpj ool tault after ull masl coi udlaiis have sprung from british stock und am all for keeping canada oj br tt mi po ibu know dlullle hit ij in und my 11 lug amerlcni lbd uhen it geu into print but it vi uften hupp iu and have glum up tyuttrfiibf ut it oonvictho ot killing 1m0jya1 sos malit svltdl ak joinder aubm of ottaua pleudm guilty in tlie ottawa police court on march j5lh to cliaigi of ulllng table syrup imitating muple syrup in old win bottle on which tin nature und origin of thi uyrup wad not cu irly indleated mugitrattv strike limwiiid llnu of 10 and id uoiu or in default thrvo day hrjatl tjirclurhi wu hiid by thw fruit brunch deutuulm 13 partment if agrlculturi imdr litlon of tho maple buuar induntiy at und lugula tlonit which states lo peron uiall manufaeturi for aale sell or orfcr rxpnae or hold for ile any sugar or jiirup reciubllng or being an lniltatlon of maple sugar or tnupl3 syrup wldch li hot pure maple sugar or pure maule syrup unless tlie tutturr and ortfin of suh wigar and byrup be clearly indicated slats diary by ross parjouhab friday ant emmy claims that usl becus man pre fern brunet it aint sign be isont gentlemen satcrday pa went vcr to sec mrs stoop today about wether she will take the paper or nol he told her ix the mountain wooden come to mohammed well then mohammed had to go to the mountain she got very very sore at pa when ho bed that may bo nccua she ways over 200 pounds without her ttocg ing ft sunday joe jilx told ant emmy ho dldclcnt care so mutch about tubing but he just anted to show his wife and sum uthcr foktji that ho was tfllling to wlrk munday ant emy wus tawklng tt arthur blunt witch is going to take job down in mexico and tihe told him he beiter watch and keep out of the sh down hi mcxio becuz slio herd it wiu wo in th bhude down urn paru of mexico 1utlduy pti kot nutlier bulling out by the boss doun at uic ttootr papir wiar he wirk be cur bo iet up add about oitomobet for salu for 50 ulth puyablf in 1lash tho rest in vy pny mints wtiuday ma li lore at tho prccch er becua to day when he was hero at arc house he picked up onovle she was rend ing and be sed they charged more for dime novletj now then when he was yung man ho ed they was belter printed though thirsday reccher ast us kids to ritu poam about skool today and was of tlie 1st boys not counting the girls witch got there pooms on her desk it went skool is wear wo go to study wo half to go when it is nice wether or muddy we lorn to pell sum times and agger so wo wont be so only dum when we grow up bigger on th last da of wo han lp piinjstttiet and show off are manners fcamng thl tourisrb wav the admittance of millions of tourists to canada each year presents situation to border officials of tho dominion gov ernment quite distinct from that of regular commercial traffic both immi gration and customs inspectors welcome the bonafldc tourlt tmd admit him with the minimum of formality with vlov to altordmg thtr greatest facilltleti and the least possible inconvenience and del ay to visitors arriving by automobile the regulations governbig the admission of tourists automobiles and outfltz have been revised front time to time as ocea slon iiiggested during the past few yeari and while the changes tills year are few in number the which liave been made will have very definite effect in the deulred direction under tlie regulation at prent in effect tour urrlvlngtiy automobile with tourlt outfit such as guns flhlng rodi golf clubj tennl racquel or camping equipment is required to complete twa forms one giving detailed description or the automobile and the other lumlt partlculom or tlie tourist outfit importe therewltli in future one form u111 cocr the admlsslon of both the automobile uqd the outfit which accomun le it tills hould elfect coiuilderable avbig or time on the purt of the tourist and thu customs officers at frontier ports md assist in mitlimuing the documentatla required in dealing with the tourist und lib effects anqtlior important change the ex tension or tho shdrtstny period for many years the regulations liave author ized the admission without the formality of tlie liiuance of permit of temporary vllton wliev duration of ttay did not ece twentyfour hours and who travel in canada did not extend beyond tlie jurisdiction of the frontier port of arrlvol this period lias now ben cliang ed to forty eight hours to include wee ends and public holiday amendmentr to tlie touru outflta and travellpri baggage regulatlonji were also made ist year witli view to tlie ie moval ji any possible embarros ing re strictions in re peet or tlie baggage and pep onul effects of temporary vlsltori to canada west upprer iud truiul and tn 111 tt jul quite lot of fun oit of it but pliant dnn iv admliso my lngllh asilii but if you do know urn ubsolut ly eiruin to fall from graei now tlun hai anyone ue got brul bat bun ly7 if it eome and 111 glvt it tny bt utl ntlon prefer in ulllgwnt brlek but to fulsome praise any uay frlwdly crltkum is alwuyi helpf ovctl if it only bervei tiie pbrpose of keeping one from grttlng swelled head wkjtry iaoklno tcmtita dressed poultry liould not be packed in room in which the mpcrature higher than 40 degrees fahrenheit an in any case tlie blreu shouh remain hi tl io paek ing room as sliortu time as poikjle if room temperatures of to 4b dfgrues are maintained tlie atmns pherc should have relative humid below 05 degrees however tlie golden rule is tliat bird mould be packed at the temperature ut which uiey ore pre cooled tilt pre cooling process li betl eiifrled out at 30 to 32 degrees iuhren lilit as it tlie lowtst temperuture thut can be employed wltliou freezing but hi actual practice packing in that umpeta ture is toimewlmt uncomfortable for thu gridfrn and pa ken at tlu same tinie too hlgli teinperutures ure to be avoided for two ons oni if tlu blrel ure lull ieij long in uu parking room uiey wurii urnih tothttftlcnb lbetdvtintagvof pn cooling li uiiil iiul two the mob urn in tlu urn packing loom tondi ns on tlie eold birds ruultiug in ldul con dlt ons for the growth of moulds ajid acurla on the surface qultk uetlon saves trouble worry ktep lxiuglas egyptian liniment ulwuys hundy stopti bleehiixig mntantly cau terizes wounds quickly relieves barber itch aid itingworm domtwiom weekly news letter controlllnr la4 blixt of celery since late blight of celery to present in every celery growing district no grow er can afford to disregard preventive measures the dominion botanist ad vku tho of seed that is three or lour years old as any late blight fungi that have been prcucnt on it will huvu died and seed treatment is not necc mry fh most important prcvcutlvo mm un spraying tlie crops wlui bo ux mixture pounda copier sulphate pounds yd rated llmo and 40 gallontt water tho fir two applications nhoald be made whrn tho plants are tiil iii the reed bed thi third application iilj bo mude as soon as the plant ivi recovered from tlie etft eti of truns aiiulig in tint hold subsequent ap pll ttloii hould be mudo at lnurvull of one to two weki depending on whether the weathtr wet er dry until within two or thn wcrk of harvo only thoriugh spruying covering fie item and both sldcti of the leiven will kiv satufactory results waieh the lood supply of the bei most been are krvcn enough food in tho fall to carry them through to tho fol lowing sprbig provided tho winter is not too tevero and tho ipring flowers yield early but many do not live to see the flowers bloom according to tho do minion apiarist more colonies of bet arc lost during tho latter part of march and throughout aprilthan at any other period of tho year simply because of starvation re advlies beekeepers to check up tlie food itipply of the bees and be prepared to upplemcnt it as soo ai weather conditions will permit feeding th chick good startimr mash for baby chicks consists of middling ground yellow to savf an editor here is at least one minister who ap preciates the editor at recent editor ul convention kansas minister is reported to have offered tho following list to save on editor from etarvatlo take his paper and pay for jt promptly to save hltp from bankruptcy ad vcrtlio in hln paper liberally to save him from despoj send him vi ry hem of news you can get hold of to lav him from profanity write ur forte nden plainly on one ido of tin whirl and mnd 11 in nj early nj ible to iavi him from nilitakcs bury him dead ople nni th only ones who never makt lut iki wl cousin prij tiif ri ai itfahon semto wish you uolljd ylvc me job as your private errebiry oh my boy re ponded the only nutor don get mtxid up with th govtrnment strvie nolhlng to ij ruins tv young man besides havt prombicd tlint poult on to my ton true friendship being love without compact or condition never pivots on nn equivalent return of service or auco lion its whole sweep is away xiom self and toward the loved one clay time tables order rodfinci now csjimmtts no twosroat valoea 1a mut roofing ex oluslvo ton tod foatures ffuantntea weatber tlshusoaai and eny ppuca tion fornwrooo orrooflnf bnd rid go and rafter ieneths for fro astunate we uao council btan dard for irreat eat durability eastern steel products imitcd school children see toronto corn ground oaa shorts alfalfa leaf meal anis animal feed mixture each part bono meal per cent cod liver oil to per cent and salt per cent start feeding as soon as the chicks cntcr uio brooding quarterr supply water with the chill taken off charcoal uhcll and grit or river sand persian balm tones and stimulates the skin fragrant as flower cool us morning dew safeguards and beautifies the most delicately textured akbi creubs complexion of exquisite charm adds subtle finish to tho daintiest woman invaluable lot softening the jiaiitls and making them flawlessly white cool ml refreshing daintily fragrant delight ful to use chosen unhesitatingly by all women who care for feminine dlstlrfc tion group of utudentn from potor boro ontnilo iiohools vtow hik loronto fiom uio lofty balcony of tho royal york hotel with flio bunk of commcrco iu tho back jiound pr mndlllor rte boro normal school netlnk tulde till roup wan purt of lino ty of ntudentu on an education il no day tour of tor onto oiruulxod by tho cunruuin tficiflc railway he mud plro pralnln tho canadian paci fic euterpriso in conductluu thoso touru naltl iho rulhvayh aro all tho tlmo cxporlmentinr to increayo proflt nblo raffle rehiiiui iiitho itlni lo day all txpciuo trip tliey trnvo ic pi in which nboulil appeal in eeiy uty fo tho traolllm pub lic lictlu they aio udultj or thillicn and ho rciuon ibly pro fit iblc to tlio rlillwny the free press offers you uian nationalrailways at ajotoiv ooln dally except sunday daly xoept sunday sunday only ujotavm eljpam j4p the chicago flier that pa ties tbroate here at 35 nx eastboanel ctops ooorgctown at 44 going weal dally except sunday bm ajsaf dolly except sunday 1j pjgs daily except sunday 00pvc sunday only lllspja standard time travel byr xrs westbooxul pally illy except 45 saturday ii 45 daily 15 pan saturday only 15 pjn dally 15 pan dally 15 pjn dally 11 15 pjn saturdays sundays and holidays only aan laatboand dallyaexccpt sunday 00 aan daily 05 ajn doily 12 45 pan doily lso pan daily dally 40 pan boo pan sorrow wt patterson ro specialist in eje ttismhulesn orlhopuo tretmm lu 108 wjndluun 8l next to p1ions 3108 qiulliy aettrcy il savage co watches diamonds china glassware what could lo mofo compiloto ihan com bination offer that gives you choice of your favourite magazines sends you your local nqwspapet aridgivo yoursolfandfainilyl enjoynriont and entertainment throughout tho whole year why not take advantage of this remarkable offer that means real saving in money to you our guarantee to you fi tliu wonderful offer ij available to old and newjjubwrlbira to thli ncwtjpnpr wo guar antee uio fulfillment of all muuailn ijul rcrlpuopii and you have poiltlvo uivrunca tluit till litneroua offer lj exactly uu ropr ficnted if you aro ut pre uit iubicrlbir to any of thte mniaimj your umo will bo extended mail this coupon today here the offer select any magazines tisted belowto atotal liberty magaxino 52 issues 200 pictorial roviow 100 canadian magazine 00 national homo monthly loo canadian horticul ture homo maga zine loo plcaid clip list of maixiiliuj afr checking publlcailoiu tfurtd ul out coupoi caruly ccntllmen encloo puutotwnd mo the three miiyuined ehecked with yenra uubucrlptlon to your newspaper name sioeev on nn town and province save money together with this newspaper all for this loiv price mai today the acton free press acton ontario wedding and engagement rings guelph 0ntaoi0 21 wjadbam new business iuntei win ailraei uew boalncaal take tba ilmo ot old uiat yoc are get tei pcux on prin tins the acton free press

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