iivliii aob eght the acton free press thursday april ilth 1025 hotfeea of blrtba karrurea wd dtatlw inserted tatlila column without char memorum notion aae and mc pr um additional for poetry intajuukd oraptmcfmhilan at the tjnlted church panoago 34 weumley btrwt toronto on friday april 6th 1985 by rev park gladys kunbeth mntvp11t yoangmt daughter iof mr mcmillan and late william mc lauten to mr george emerson gtaff second son of mr and mm john graff acton died ooujop at norval on sunday april 1ib 1035 amelia muly mitchell svtxe of or oollop in her 69th year botbbsvtbott in georgetown on tiles day april oth m30 oorge robertson beloved brother of misses cecelia and margaret robertson ooxat nta late residence township on sunday april 7th 10 thomas cox beloved husband of jano green in hie 80th year in memottlam gamble in loving memory of our dear mother mrs bessie gamble who passed away apru 0th 1033 ever remembered by ray elvin arthur georgetown td boon time to go hunting iwil4 flow ers oood friday week from tomor row april showers have thus far been mostly snow storms there is utill ice at the arena but not for skating or hockey couplo of oascs of speeding wcro heard in police court in acton today messrs moglbbon and mofarland were in washington on monday attending the funeral of the late oaiucar cobb husband of anne mo afbbon georgetown armories have undergone toxtcnalve alterations during the past few weeks new sills with oemant footing have been pyt in new roof has boen put on and outer walk aided two new rooms for the officers have been added the floor levelled and repaired and two new toilets installed the ex terior has been painted battleship grey the newly appointed relief commis sion held its first regular meeting on monday apru 1st in thte waterworks office twentynine families wtth total of 109 individuals received relief urlng the month of march s403j16 was expended in addition to sum of 8300 spent on county road work tor february at the annual mooting otteorgctown post of thte canadian legion theld last thursday night the following officers were elected for 1936 president brown vicepresidents dr hams dr learmonth secretary parr treasurer thompson com mittee couscns john 33 holly smith croat herald erin mrs lee of alma vktlted her sister mrs geo roseell and mr rosaell last week mrs mckechnle has returned after spending the winter with her sisters in toronto highly respected farmer passed away at the family residence lot 18 tpwn un caledon on sunday march 31st in tho person of michael flaherty beloved hus band of mary ann oarvcy in his 8lst year cedarvale sunday school was favored lostsundoy with special music practical onavangellsuc messages and heart stlrrlng testimonies of group from mcadowyiew baptist tihurch oikjlph messrs jobson ahd penfold wcro the leaders word has been received that mr harris who recently underwent an operation at christie street hosprti toronto for tho removal of pieces of shrapnel which have been lodged in his leg since the great war is milking satisfactory recovery and will son be able to return home m1 xr waiting for over three weeks for tary at tho clmtozi coifs to finish going as far burning questionofuie nay wui the coal thats in the bin loot the season out lot of long dlstanco records aro being established in the legislature at least the bumps on the highways ore now nearly all levelled out and the signs have disappeared the public library has been closed until saturday to allow for finishing tho floors and woodwork good crowd attended the dance held last night in tho town hajl under ihetausp loesofttctonu7t pto the road drag has been tried on some streets about town but few rains would make the work more effective mr chaev darvell exhibited the other morning some radishes of now variety no has grown tha year known as ruby they were particularly unl lorm and acholce variety ballinafad mrs williams of durham and isr and mrs cushnu of toronto were visitors on sunday at the homo of mr and mrs alfred sopcr mrs bert lingers spent day or two in toronto last week mrs wm hitchcock han been con fined to bed for the post ten days and under tho core of the doctor with pleurisybronchitis mr mccartney of brampton spent the weekend with his cousin mtj large mr gcei sinclair and family moved ic week to his farm in trafalgar mr george mcmonemy and family have taken up their residence on their farm on the ninth line bajueslng mr buntlo returned kome uuj end of lost wuck from toronto hospital where hu had been undergobig treat rneut miltoi thomas caxc main street is wo regret to say quite 111 his many friends hope ho will have speedy recovery mr and mrs wyatt nee marguerite kic master of toronto have returned from three months visit in california the fi3rd anniversary of their mar riage was celebrated on saturday lost by mr and mm henry pay mr pay is bo years of age and mrs pay ten vcara younger both arc enjoying good fcewttc about 75 turned out on sunday aftcr noqn at the mens class in st pauls united church schoolroom when very fine address on making record was given by mr lloyd dingle of bur lington ho was accompanied by tho male quartette of trinity united church bullngton which rendered several pleas lng numbers milton plro brigade had busy time on prlday last answering two alarms within one hour but the firemen did hot need tho firo hose in either in otancu tho flrut alarm sound at 1100 when overheated furnace plpa at hb plumbing establishment but no damage was done tho second alarm was turned hi at 13 oclock noon whem tho firemen were called toochlmney blaze at the homo of stanley buck queen street 31iarnplon as they couhtjn tho intermedloto and finally being eliminated by whitby tho officials decided it was tlmo for showdown for tho london free press trophy and called sudden death game in gait lost prlday night between tho erin shamrocks and thjrcuviton colts the score was b1 for clinton advocate very descriptive man who had been waiting patiently jiinjio post office could not attract the attention of cither of the girls behind tho counter thp evening cloak explained onteof oakvkule soiennficaixypitted shoes for men by soou uolub xyl rachlin acton major lpish of oakvllle wai honored by the party of west york when they nominated him us thtlr candidate for tho coming federal elec tions pouowlng an ubsenco of fourteen toonth oooasloued by uhiaut llandnias let william wllluinis tv turned tot take hw place ut uie heud of tho bund when on sunday night delightful concert wni given in uio gregory theatre ookvlllo lighthouse wul put on hew opr big krb itlsuitrboiuitlnf acl and slid is llktsly to wear it for uio rest of the navigation wasou tlio revolving light will be green beoauie of uie new regulation tient out by tlio department tlie piro brigade was given needle ram saturday afternoon in response to an alarm sent in by constable who buw arooko tmiulng from victor rink it wiui discovered that the tanoko was from nres hi various parts of the building llghud by tho banket coin puny to melt tli ice iirepurutory to using the rink for store room for the season star ruv caswell and mm caawcll centre avenue have returned after spending the whiter monthtiat daytona beach plorula navigation was officially opened in oakvllls harbor on wedneday wlicn the coal carler oadwell arrived in the harbor with curgo of eoal from oawcgo the vessel was under the com mand of oupt torbcji mr pred wlffrii retunied from ten wteks trip to the old country on mon daj morning while in tigland mr wurd vtslted hfo parents and mr and oarner in wiltshire mr aborts that conditions tho are better than in canada recleaned barley wo olfer limited quantity of recleoned and graded barley at 03c per bushel each tfob our elevator sacks included or wo wlllrexehange this recleanud barley for barley of mjlublo knalt lne quality at tho rate of buahel of the former for bushels of the latter canada malting co limited foot of uatliuntt strict touonto ontario royal guelph now playing anna gnry sten cooper the wedding night stauts saturday the good fairy all uriloiji cuntrjy kuirlntf ma1kj alogv sullivan lmiiucin marshall next wednesday mississippi with king crosby fields uailv mi 315 ieo dm saturday cootiaooiu to 11 tho girls to her companion rcdlngoto design in gorgeous lame bro cade with fox fur and wide pagoda sleoves at this point tho iongiufferlng cus tomer broke in with wonder if yoj could provide me with neat purple stamp with dinky perforated hem tho tout ensemble delicately treated on tho reverse with mucilage something at about three cents charivari uwb jnto steal storage and 0v insurance ship voar rubs wltli confldexic bdpoorflfaiicpm uijt tlic nuiumtf frank de guerre manufacturing uaiuer s3 st clair ave west toronto 2s vart in uu jur luudnoa notice to tax defaulters notice is hereby given that to all arrears of axes for 1034 mitstatiding on lst l03s there willbe added an additional penalty of in order to bring the total penalty up to 10 and that to nil arrears for previous years an additional penalty of 10 will be added as provided by statute and also that in case of nonpayment collection will be made by distress farjuer clerk dated at acton ontario april 4th 1034 april specials candy special for this weekend 19c peanut cluster deliriously fresh regular 25c tb for per tb easter candies novelties and cards now on display oeoroe robertbok georgetown george robertuon dlod lnaeorge town on tuesday after lengthy illness born in the scotch block in esqucsintf township he had been resident of oeorgclown far is earii deceased is survived by his brother robert of cart wright manitoba and two sisters cccima and margaret of georgetown tho late mr robertson was member of the united church and liberal mrs hutoileon milton mary irving wife of hutcneon of milton died at herhomo there on sunday morning after lingering 111 ncas she was in her 04th year and was well known in tho district she was member of knox presbyterian church and in 1918 was made life member of the womens mlfuionory society mas soguweya ircjibyterian church mrs hutchcon was daughter of tho into mr and mrs hobcit irving of nasaa gawcya townslilp she to survived by her huuband four brothers and two sla ters itccvo john irving of milton robert of alberta david of nojjsaga wcya township wujiam of tansley mrs golllns and mus lielen irving of milton m3 golijop norval tho funeral of mrs oollop who died at n6rvul on sunday in her 60th year after an illness of littlo moro than wock took place to evergreen ccmotcry milton on tuesday afternoon mrs gollap bom hi milton was daughter of the lato john mitchell and mat dcwar mitchell of milton before her amelia mi cncle girlhood in milton prior to moving to the west coast living at vancouver at tho tlmo of lier marriage sho and mr oollop removed to tho now westminster dis trict whence they came to norval in 1030 mr gollop id survived by her husband brother chorion in van couver and two sisters mrs colin campbell of edmonton and mw margaret ross st petersburg pla tho funeral was conducted by rev mcklhnan of tho norvat united church xhillbearers were dr abbott erin borden eden mills wed dcwar wilton dr gouop ckhrhtown wiovoollopf norval und joliii sutwart evertonv service 1loor wax lb tin 20c 1iawe3 lemon oil 15o luweii no rubbing or polishing floor aioia jj special per pint fff moth ralls pttr lb fibre scrub brush lamp shades regular 15c for 10c isc loi water color window mjnds 30 inchos wide complete with rollers each 59c rexoleum mats 10x30 inches assorted patterns each ivc vvaluaper specials clearing ivk on hiuuu xou of wallpapcrrf for itedrootiu khcluii klnhi ltooitui liruw olid ilolbi 12 rolbi wall 15 yards border lor parlor or aiullx regular price 345 to clear at 149 id iiliifli kolbl wall 16 yurdl border omurt tllo kltclwll ilog prlea 2i0 to clear 169 iilnule rolui 13 yiurds border an attractive bedroom no rolls wall 20 yards bordt for hull or parlor regular price 4134 to cltur at 259 10 rolls wall 30 yards border for hull or parlor je tegular 4ti0 to clear 249 several itundlrs of sunworthy iuper in 4roll lats just thu thuig for tiuull puntrleii cup hoardu tie touwivvwkbuiulu lfc note extru fhrur uvaihihle where needed for lloorii lobi wo have selected uroup of hcivy sunworthy lupersa oh from rig 40 titock which we olfur tv thb week roll zuc and zdc suivm mid quality muke thjri store your tleudquurlvrw for wallpapers and puintm hin tons 5c to store thomas oox eromosa tjiomas cox one of tlw oldestend mput rcspoctcd inemberii of the commun ity passed away on monday tit his homo on the 7th line of eramasa in his 80th year thomas co was man of sterling cliaractlr and his sane udvlce and goh judgniont woro much repeo ted and relied on by his nelglibom and frlendk hli kindly disposition und keen irish seiuui of luimor made him very popular with young and old mr cox was member of the former methodist and later the united church and was conservative in politics ho ulwayu tooc an active part in all community affairs serving on the school board the era mosa council and acting for many years as rath master ho wan born lived and died on the farm to which his parent came from queen county ire land over nlnoly yearn ago the farm was wllderncu then and as his father died when he um5 only boy to thorno cox eoes the civdlt of building up one of the ilnoct and most uptodate farms in the community no was one of family of five of whom two arc jllll living one brother edward who isaow in lib dlst year and llvosnear shlloh and skter mm wm bowley now living in fergus two suters mrs wm mclellund of garufraxa and mrs wm coic of toronto aro deceased in 18fl7 thomas cox married jane drccn of erin township and ohe and the follow ing ipiijraivddniigh tors are lef ttbmoum the lali of jn ever loving and devoted husband und father annie mrs james hlndley william of landls sask john or blujky alberta frederick on the adjoin in it fnrm harold and edvard at home marjorle mm earl jesop of orton end herbert of vancouver ono sondiud in childhood and tliuoldtuittibn albert two years ugo und ernest who served in the royal airtviroe died in 1021 animal iiikkus salmon taken in the nclvut gweo dnjrowiu inurked und released twenty four hours later it was token sixty ml lea away ut ballysliannon oood going yet not wpiul to the travelling powers of the sial aaii marked on the prlbllof islantls in the far north have been taken liuthe anuirctlc 10000 mlkts away tlieyi have covered umt dbitnncc in flvo montlui most wild creatures ure home lovers and upend ull tlwlr lives hi cine dlstrlcl but uiere are cxceptlono tlio caribou trek north in spring and tunith in uutumn they move in herd lar that uwy will take forty eight hours hi puss one spot und they cove bet wren tii ty and xe veil ty ml ls dallyr klephanti move tn smill hcrtte at vc regular interval they travel nlirht and coiuildirlng tholr weight it bt ro murkubk tltut uuy can covr fifty mllet bitween dusk and duwn jg6ess0r1es to add color and style to your spring outfit for quality goods at reasonable prices see elliotts scarfs new trmfl nd puld 69c to 100 girls sweaters now pullovera puff sleeves and long sleeves 59c 100 59c print dresses special value jean gokdon print dr new styles new fruits collars orcandte loe sun theyre new 39c 100 blouses only 100 hadknjtfull faahloned sujc hose scmlservlco chllton pair dt crppo service pair 100 velv suede cjotosok lingerie slips 119 15 bloomers vests tao panties each gloves now stylos in cham abctto or eillc greys fawns browns black 29c 79c sweaters wool fpauorcn new shade lb z95 childrens hose cotton uale suk and wool 25c to 75c lisle hose popular shade steal value at por pair fc in the mens department ties new sprinc sludu 50c to 100 socks cotton uile wool 25c tl 50c sec the new summer weight wool sox at pair ouc caps tweeds and cbecks lorre variety the 8wantex ensemble heal smart rrr 250 hats la tot spring siyktf se these 149 325 shirts ftilii und 1ultnj 100 to 200 sc our line of mens clothes wade to von measure heal values s1915 and up coat and pullover styled sweaters ncwcolorsttndjiljlcijljio j500 grocery department chanulathii sugar 10 jhil 55 nit hivk corn syrup 39c pickles sweet mixed ofr on jur zjc ouick quaker oats plain larue vaclcauc 3c china larue piickaue 31c quick quaker macaroni lb on packages ujc pumpkin large tins for jq golden bantam corn tis 19c sliced pineapple tins 19c or pearl soap bars bars 19c quaker health hran puckftflct 23c phone 3h free delnnery grow soya beans new okal wv tuafuiite payiiunt in cuiji far your crops ai prio tr luuliel kut icii mum tlte prld for utxtulurd whent wriu for our groutw conlruet and puxtlulrurd koya miiis lim1tkd 45 itlclnimiid ktrott wii toronto ontario v8 nkway llact lluvo yim vr utuntlnl cnnklnff llumlli yia uili you irani miythuut yts all tin ntws of tlwi nrluhbor liood have demonstration rr then youll understand why the ford v8 is called the balunced car the eight cylinders give power plant and per rormaiice that have made this car so popular with ease of driving and economy in fuel added mechanical performance there is flic new riding comfort for buck and front sent passengers new larger tires and new springs to tuko the roiul sh we could go on and tell you of many other points that make lie 1035 1ord v8 outstanding in the car held but best of all get bemonstration make us prove that we have tho best car value in the 1035 field norton motors phone 69 acton ontfreio wteh um fords go bf