Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 25 Apr 1935, p. 1

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77 ss sixtieth year no 43 acton ontario thursday april 25th 1935 eight homeprint pages five ceatt various items of local interest eetired after yaai of servv another employe of the berlmoro oo with long service record haa retired troqi active work mr william main prise be his been in the employ of the company for over 30 years and recently retired to take wellearned xeat mr mainprise has been engineer and mach inist at the plant in acton during his employ and in retiring both employee and employer look back on many years of friendly and intimate relatlotuhlp to meet to acton net week there will be quite gathering in acton on thursday next may 2nd when the sixth annual meeting of the womens missionary society of halton presbytorlal assembles in the united church here sessions will be held at 30 200 and 30 mrr standard time special speakers who will addrcsa these sessions will be mrs marshall of hamilton and mrs homerbrown of west china representatives from all the womens missionary societies in tha presbytery will be present at this gather ing cor wrecked pusenrer uninjured an automobile was almost completely wrecked and the passengers escaped wtty7nrnrntn rvntrt if wnrfrrumktiv school reports of the neighborhood results of easter examinations in the ruischoolflnear acton limehouse au way ireignttatnnnrornrb erosalng on suffolk street near edin burg street in ouelph the car driven by charles hodgkinsou no hockwood and owned by robert kings bury of the same address was proceed lng west on suffolk street and the train in charge of conductor john warden was going south the car was struck on the right side by the train and won almost completely wrecked the driver of the automobile said that the sun wo in his eyes and that he did not see the freight until he was almost at the cross ing then he turned his cor sharply to the left george roth ho ouelph was passenger in the automo bile consiraeuan shows upward tread building activities in canada are on the increase according to report issued by mac lean building reports ltd con tract awards compared with 19355500 in 1034 and 49703300 for the first three months of 1033 totalled 39301300 in 1935 during the first three months of this year construction hi ontario his in creased by 44 per cent 1143 jobs have been uturted totalling il8642g00 com pared with 1033 jobs costing12881300 in 1034 for the same period contem plated work in this province umoimtsd to 30384 400 for iaxjobs as compar ed with 1874 jobs valued at 2501300 for the nnt three months of 1934 in the western provinces decided gain has ulw been rtgvterod for the ttireo bionth period with contract awarded totalling 4881300 compared with 1352700 hi the cores pond lng period of 1934v an increase of 2g13 per tent con tracts awarded throughout the dominion ar the month of march amounted to 8490000 compared with 10073000 in february and 7517500 hi march ycur mgo the following is tha easter report of no bsqiieslng llmehouse only the nttmeo of those maklnjw or enrer jippear 6r tv helen devcrcaux honora muriel stephenson isobel stephenson wilfred johnson peggy smethurst jr iv bui hassall dorothy johnsti sr hx doris mitchell alex wright reggie hassan gwendolyn bill orace bcorman iocs scott jr ni shirley wright ii clan jim klrkpatrlck honor raymond haaall rath norton class teddy brown honors bar bara coucns honors albert hassall bobby brown pamela couscns primer lorraine hassall oeorge couscns gordon hassall fred hill meryl qrlndell teacher news of acton and the district no 10 erin the following is the school report of ti no 10 erin sr iv viola spear 73 douglas mceachern g9i marggncfcimmei margnrctrswuckhamcr 58 jr hi helen mceachern 79 chag thompson 78 frank thompson 68 charlie burgess 52 fred spear 51 ti rhea burgcsu 4sit william hender son joseph henderson james hender son frank burgess bo sidney spear 68 walter cole 48 jean mcdonald annie mcdonald isabcll henderson 92 margaret thompson 81 leonard thompson 74 sr ft clara swuckhamcr g8 domiie mclntyro 63 jr fr llla spear 68 dclbert cole 47 teddy cole fracr mcdonald denoted absent jean akitt teacher wan scbotarabip mr easter pastor of acton baptist church won this year the walmer road toronto haptlst church scholarship gtrtai in recognition of twenty years service of dr john mcneil this scholarship is given lo the mcmas fcer student with test preaching ability and the years work at the university and record of work on the field it is the first time anyone has qualified for the scholarship this year when four students qualified and mr easter was one of two successful congratulations are extended by friends hero to this popular pastor if the local church farewell party and presentation last wednesday evening mrs dun bar received number bf unexpected visitors at her home on young street too young ladles of the shoo factory gauicred to say goodbye and good luck before mrs dunbar left to join her hus band at london the evening was thor oughly enjoyed and program of gamirt ul lining and competitions was indulged in the winners of the contests werj uenotta waller and mrs dunbar dur ing the evening an address was read by violet white and mary simpson mode th presenta of silver causcrolo toss it around just aiumbunx konnd before the nssrtuin season get under way believe it or not bill houowayjsaued call for baseball practise for che inter mediate team saturday afternoon and the roll call was pretty well answered with daylight saving in effect next week the evenings wutfceong enough to have the squad out to practise every night the weather has been with the game thi year the ball uamooaur dry and dusty and ready for playing the same as in midsummer rather unusual for the third week in april but it will take about month to get the boys in condition before the season opens all the boys who were playing year ore again on hand jock wicter house hati been holding down jib first sack position in the workouts which is entered 3ntn ftrfii wm hunter aged 04 died at his home in chlnguacousy township after lengthy illness mr hunter was born and lived all ills life in the township he was son of urn late samuel hunt er surviving are his widow formerly miss sadie drlnkwater two alstexs james manclark cheltenham and mrs miuer giffen mount forest and three brothers kenneth in the west and archie and hugh of cohlngwood easter services in acton churches splendid congregations attend fh iw slory ore featured the only change made in the lineup to date the local schedule will bo drawn up for next week and the season will open on may 18th it is planned to hojd two gumes week which should giro the funs plenty of ball over in guclph it seems that uaj in tcrmedlute entry has bech making ap proach or somu of ho nonlor players that is just too bad for the local grou3 mlis william chapman milton cqtherlne urrle wife of william chapman died early friday last at her home the result of stroke suffered on march 3rd lost she was in her 70th year and was member of st paulns united church surviving are her hus band two brothers duncan currle and robert currlc both of campbcllville und three ulsters mrs john hume of esqucslng township mrs henry mo master of lortage la prairie man und mia jr elliott of milton committee of the young ladles and everyone was at home in lime to proparo for the labors of the day may isabel watson no erfcst tlie following ki the report of the easter examinations for ho cedarvalc sr iv gladys sin 75 honort ornm fines 73 phyllis smith 70 botty sim 67 kathryn miller 64 jr iv margaret gordon 75 liouorifioroaim72waltersmart c3 ellxubeul sim 66 jr iel arthur saunderfl 79 observance of jubilee at hi jolcphs churcb at tha servicers st josephs church on sunday he father mcbrlde rftd the following letter from ue buliop setting forth on observance of the kings jubilee by the catholic church from both tlie federal and the provincial gov crnmenu we have orilclal hwltutions to mark thd coinmemorutlon of tie twtntv flftlittmlverwiry of the anniversary of the uccvbsiorl to uve uurone of hu majesty king george now gloriously reignlng by religious celebration in thaliksglvlng to almlglityaott for tho blessing he has granted ua during thut period of year it is but proper and dutiful that wo comply most loyally with that request und add sio our prucnt fnithlhuppimiiiriwllbclngofthttr mujcitu tlie king und quccn on slul duy may 5th tliereforo for tliwiw in tentions we ahull offer to our heavmilv snuui honors dorjs archie luuioit honors colin mccallum 76 orlnin 73 sr ir dorli keekr 70 itay mllkr 37 jr uueth hardhig 71 gordon tis blllle sim 61 cunningham 47 sr albel hardy 81 honald saundura 80 honors beth mccullimi h0 honors oordon rotsf 70 honors primer thelmo hardy 75 honors elmeda sim 69 adeline cunnlngliain 01 roy harding 40 absent for one or more exumlna tlonti marjorle tlioinson tuclier travelogue on ceylon tlie young peoples league of the united church wore fortunate in secur 44n mr ilcbidgham of tho ceylon tea company for another illustrated talk on ceylon on tuesday evening mr bingham took as his subject the people af ceylon and their mode of living tho address was again divided into two parts first verbal description of tho people and then two reels of moving picture showing tho people who live by flehlng and the hill country people sowing and reaping their rice crop ably explained by mr bingham during tho program mrs gardiner contributed solo the meeting was in charge of the mis sionary convener mls elva johnston prlendj of mr and mrs hugh watson the guclph entry should be able to put of rtiaa win mly regret learn in good team without making any steal of uw deauu htcr from 4he nlor entry who wajt in hej iouru shc piuwd the general hospital also notice mat die taurroll has ihcii guclph on tuesday the body is rest appohited coach of the senior team and the mclntyro funeral home hi vc rather imoglno that will put on end guelph md tlie funeral scrviccssvu to nny drift of senior players to tho held at the church of christ disciple intermediate ranks tho guelph coach everton on friday afternoon at three oclock intrmcnt will be made at the everton cemetery the bladklockwarren wedding quiet but pretty weddbig was solctn nbtcd on saturday at duffs presbyter ian manse when frances jean daughter of mrandmra thoi warren aher foyle became the bride of earl block lock oldest son of mr und mm wm blucklock of nossagawcya the brids wore gown of dclph blue crepe anil carried bouquut of red roes and swvt peas mis reta rlacklock slstcr of tlie groom ucted as brldamald she was tfrejiscd hi mldnlght bluu crepe und carried ellow rowt and sweet peas mr llios warren brother of tlie bride was bailsman recepuon was held jit the homo of uio brlddit purcnut utter which the happy couple left amid tliowers of confetti und good wishes for uiort honeymoon the bride travelling in smart costume olomm blue enaembje uitli gray accessories to match on their return they will reside at jlrookville milton champion in hockey seemed able to keep all tho territory re tty well covered and if ho dous the uamc hi baseball the senior outilt will have tho pick of the royal city players from way down south in oakville where theyre haying their troubles over pitcher between oakville and bronte tlie sports writer on the record takes time off to follow some of our baseball comment regarding tho new league of tho north and odds the following we will have two group titles in tho county this ycarrand duplicate the hockey teams feat anyhow we will let tlie dead pabt bury its dead and wish acton and georgetown every success hi their now group we cant help but feel that we ore going to muu thesu two teams this sqason acton es peclolly an far as georgetown is con cerned tho local players will mlsd the annual hay cutting on what unit town terms baseball ileld with apologies to tho liay flald provincial police are kcuued to klandlc situation crowland township men whx wont to work to be given chance twenty provincial police constables who will operate under uie immediate direction of inspector oiirls alrey of nlagura falls yere ordered to crowlaud iowiuihlp yabrday by th provincul government as the hituit dtvelopment in uie serious situation that has uriseti out of the btewmly spread lng strike of rrlkf worker hi tliat municipality the constables hastily ossetivblvd lait night from headquarters haftlng airf various polnta in western ontario will bo on duty in crowland thy morning now bittt it nice to know that some one will hibji you well leave tho one about uie harvest for our neighbor to give regrets we utlll think the group will be good one and especially from travel ling fiundjwlnt well mls oakville too and milton also if tliey are not in tlie northern hut maybe well cluih at the clow of the season variety of news the waduwmcfonad wedding tho homo of mr and mm wurdlaw of cresona corners was tlie wkiiio of ault but pretty weddmg on wednesday afternoon april 17th when uielr eldest doughtecr mary ibubel was united hi marriage to john wlirtam mc donald bou of uio lata mr and mrs wm mcdonald of acton tlw brldo who wim given away by iter father wore dreia of marhia blue silk crepe with grey shoes and corsage bouquet of sweatheort roia lie tuylor of the itockwood united church per formed uio cerenieony hie brldo and viry ustrotivo mper tbeufcy in themomwrc an hdnie and ttreiurd the lniikiruncj of peulcr couuln of uio bride playtd uiu mualer being taught in the rurul school ueddlng music after tc dainty luncheon niimjiiiiwej institute iclecu otfleerti tile regular monuily meethig of uio nausuguweya institute met at ue home of mrs george robinson on april i7th ttie meuung opuned by singing uio in uituui ode followed wlui prayer by mm heuderoit tlie roll call was responded to by ways of nelgliborlng after uie business was over miugowdy duitrlct president lhneliouie gave mrs merry hornby district secre tary uuo gave interest lng tube how to live on 34 hourd day luui btvn served to the guests wlio con stated of only the very near relauves of the bride and groom uie young couple aiiil complfiiienteu uie brhchrtlhtfieftrtiniiu wisheafor king pontifical high xaw and mark cha wltu taik of ensuring us if uiui unnoh appropriate to the occasion duslre uuui that every pjrlii church in urn dlocoe at ull mhh on that duy tin pruer for uie king pro ueue bo added and immediately afur wiwi of thut sunduy te deum of premier heiburn ofriclully uted luie utirday that uny muti who wants to go jto work can go to work tuwptte eiforli to top him by uiae who won uork ihert is no nilnlmlnhig of the iiri uiwiklving be sung durhig umt mais ol1 of the crowlaud tltuauon by iouo sermon uhould be preach ttn phulzlng virtue wldch is today oltlitr eiithvly hjeeted or ut bt midly tug lected uaiiiely rejpct for an obedumee to eonstltuted uuuiorlty which uccordlig quienb park municipal off lolals thcrs hiive frankly tid hi uio sponge und haw udmlttd to the government thir inability eope any longer wlui the trouble the action launched by uvj to the teaching of our faith come from kt ht followed an houru ckom ans 13 unrrttr te tlrrjt lng umt ilbt blesvlng muy irowu wlui abundant fruit uils and all your jealous efforts to irue cluamahlp lit prilctlalnj and promoting loyal service not only to him but to our euruity monarch and all uist his rule represents yours de votedly la christ tfle king john bwlop of hamilton on my th fourday mission will begin in st juuephn cpurch which will be preached by rev pauier lidly cunicru wltli sojnu of thew orricluls tuk bvkn1nq meal dlokfltkb huughty lady afler purchuubtg stomp must put it on myself polite post oruce clerk no madam on uie letter junior imtltulie it being uie only func tioning junior inilltutc lu uie county mrs gamble acton and mru vthiiter of dublin inntltutes alio gave few bords of encouragement concerning livs uork of the iiuutute mrs jl ebley read un hitereiung paper in titled tlie uielr hoirte on uie grooniai farm nuar arton 4g prize shohhorml imu in rire on of the tlntxit shoruiorn lierds in wtern ontario way nractlcally wlpjj leisure lime of the furm folk mm out on monduy afternoon when nte king gave reading thu gauicrln drtroytd large barn on jw farm of wus uien fuvoritl ulth duett by mu kay luur uie village of arkell margaret davuiport and matter hoy fortylive uccredited shoruiorrm lnclud johtiijm ttur meeting clomid by ungingl ing many prize winners ut tlur royal hotue svfccut home und all rupeatlng whiter fair iironto txliultiou und oii the mupah benellctlon in unison attario ivovlnclul winttr pulr were lost the cloe of the piwllng uie nomhuitlu hi th blaiuj vhhh completely rated conimitun noiuluuted uie following of mrs isabella lindsay friends here learned with deep regret of uio death in toronto on saturday lutt of mrs isabella lindsay widow of the late nlnlah lindsay mrs lindsay had been in rather poor health for uie post month she was daugh ter of uio late charles hill and jane graham and was bom at peru in es qucsing township her early years were spent hi acton and as long as her brother the late h1u survived and during tho reslderygj here of her son alio was frequent vfeitor to tho oli home town one son graham of iroquois and one daughter jean at homo remain one sister and four brothers also survive mru kui mustcr port rowan ontario charles hill of munroe mich chester hill of cleveland ohio and henry hill of honolulu to all of uiose who have been bereft uie sympathy of frlcndsherogo3s out at uils time tlie funeral woij held on monday afternoon from uio home 33 colin avenue toronto and interment was mode in mount pleasant cemetery mr and mrs matuiews of acton ut tended uie funeral mrs jessie airdkie the funeral of uie late mrs jessie airdrle took place from crewionh ooni urs church to tho weiland cemetery ofi saturday mrs airdrle was former uell known acton resident who moved to guelph about three monuis ago tak ing up residence ut ja kent street there tlve servicen ut uio church were attend ed by many friends und were conducted by rev bennle awhile at uie gruvo hi weiland rev wr cranston otflolated the pallbearers were messrs cornell ale mochrie olios lambert chas tyler hector guuirle and wm the late mm airdrle is uurvived by five ums john of acton robert george frank and william of ouelph and seven daughters mrs gainings of weiland mrs wm ballautyne of little rupids mrs chas tomllnson of tor onto mus annie of georgetown mbi mury of orlllla miss mae of weiland mllg agms of guelph thl fqug eastcr services and uie easter mes sage predominated in the services on oood friday and easter sunday in the acton churches on friday evening tho choir and young womens auxiliary of knox prcubyterlan church gave the easter cantata tne easter guest in musio and word this service was one that conveyed tho easter message and wo enpyed by all this service opened by the singing of enutcr hymns solos were contributed by miss edna hlnfon mlsa lois atkin son and miss lillian woodhall and duett by misses mcmillan and elisabeth orr tho story part of the cantata was read by rev bennie an easter thank offering was received at tht baptist church on sunday morning mr easter had for hfct subject the empty tomb three young people were bapthvjd and uie ser vice was moot impressive easter flowers and plants were in profusion in thu united church rev mr poole delivered splendid easter message at uio morning service and uio choir ably luiilsted wlui an eastef anthem in the evening tho easter drama jteour rictlou was presented by uie young people under tho very capable dlrcc hfttt nr it ifnlih tnttr various interesting items of news is easter portraiwi was mosl imprecslve and congregauon that filled uie church was present the muslcjy uio choir und organist ably assisted in making ulut easter service one long to be re membered those taking part in the drama were tho woman helen cook uio nameless one mrs stewart gaza norman gibson uio young man jack reld uio figure in white torn nlcol josoph of arlmathca george it poole child at uie cross may nlcol at knox church rev mr bennles easter rncmaigo was from uie subject tho olory of uio garden in uie evening uie minister subject was ro incarnation easter music by the choir added much to uio services and tht easter uplrlt prevailed profusion of flowers bahked uio altar ut st ban church communion was admin bite red at 00 and 11 do by the rector rev el brllunger an inspiring easter sermon was preach ed by uie rector at uie nino oclock mats in st joseph church rev father mcbrido preached forceful sermon on the risen christ th altar was beautifully decorated with eater lilies tulips snapdragons und cut flowers the boys chancel choir axtilsted hi the mass and sang appropriate easter hynms there were splendid cougregauons in uttendunce at ull uie euatertldc scrvlcei general interest infews rrrnhfrnilea brahedr contraei mackenzie bon local buildijo have been awarded the contraofor tho constnicuon of georgetowns new 50000 poet office and custome house th structure is to be of canadian aandstone and limestone with clock tower and was desjglned by walker and elliott architects of toronto work is expected to commence about may 1st on this muchneeded public building georgetown herald beautiful qulh won by islington lady splendid crowd attended the euchre and dance held last evening in uie town hall under the acton womens institute auspices tho euchre prizes were won by mrs wm evans and mbs laura hall charles holmes jr and mr lindsay tho beautiful quilt uio draw ing of wlilch was feature of uie event was won by mrs severe of islington the music for the dancing was supplied by the new harmony orchestra and be tween uieords and dancing splendid lunch was served it proved very pleasant social evening finishing toocbes tho exterior painting at uio week and other reirsrnacieiha6 awaiting uio fine weather the portion of cement walk between uie steps and uio sidewalk has also been laid the cement floors in uie public lavatories locker and shower rooms ore being treat ed and pointed with waterproof material the street lighting pole that was direct ly hi front of uie building hae been removed with uie lighting provided on uie front of uie building another unit was not necessary here and uie removal of uie polo adds to uie view of thti building and improvement of uie busi ness block teen grondclii lurch the late mrs abrd rlu was predeceased by her husband john airdrle and two daughter jeirfde und mlldrwl tif cjdihiif rtiyrs for rh yi mrs 1st vicepresident miu harold fcbley und vic president mm dredg sccrturytreasurer mrs bullard district dlrcctj mm hhmehurt organist mrs uichardiion auditors mrs john allison and mrs mcphedron program com mittee mrs henderson mre rob vruun mrs dvenport mr wlkr directors mrs richardson mr freeman mrs prank airs morten the cducouoiiul value of ulish urummur arithmetic latin and geom utry uu taughb in public aiid lu uia tirly years of high schools today waii laid opvu to question lust night by dr ijong ontario college of education wluii before uie homo and school sec tion of uie he iuid uiat whiiu teacherti would alwuyai remain uie most important factor in education uie time had come when curricula must be chang ed to conform more closely with tlie needs of the child of today he be lieved formal engliuh grammar should bo ullluir reduced materially or abolished urge frame structure and gofoot win 1nurely from uie public school and from worjunxuqji ul jim yat iuxhlgh sohool ite once of nelghbon huoncded hi saving btllevld arluimetic is behig taught befovo ouier uie minds of children ure ready for it four valuable cows white five anbimls bruke looe and freed thei selves cause of uie lire is unknown ahoruy ofur the bbie broke out uie building was mass of gained and farmers who runhed to scene were driven buck after saving uio few onlmsu und uuit much of the arluunctlc learned hi high school is of no uie whatever to uie majority of students oven when uiey become adults le doubted the dlaclphnary value of such subjecui as laun and geometry and he suggested the loss which will run into thousands they mfcht bo replaced with more beno of dollars only partly covered by hi nt to pupils by subjects of much leas surance doubtful usefulnem meethig on monday uie members of uio milloi young peoples were uio guests of uio acton in uie absence of the prtildelit uie vicepresident lillian perry welcomed uie visitors mestirs brown and canon nuitell of mjton responded with short speeches mr brown uien called on malcolm moduffy for plana solo wlilch was encored isabel perry read sad mistake after whioh marian fox gave piano solo mk olive patterson recited humorous poem and mr brown sang solo which was encored isabel andrews read two essaya one on scotland and enough to lait for year the last number was reading ntis by mai calm mcdurfy the young people then played few hilarious games and lunch was fcerved by the acton ay tlie evening ended wlui uie smgbigof tho ktnmftnal anuw canadian shoe prudoeuoa up marked hnprovcnient hi uio canadian jjioe industry is indicated in teport on uio production of leauier footwear igfeuraaryr lsmieiyronoomtrnzsir bureuu or stututlcs based on returns from log fuetorles out of total of 100 hi operauou durhig uie monui produc tion ljuued ut 1580041 pairs una bo uig the largest outpyt recorded for february hi any your ohice ipso jtt exceds uie production of january by 250101 palm or 18 pr cent aiid uiat of february 1034 by 355033 pahs or 10 pr cent producuon during uio tlrit two monuis of 1d36 amounted to sttouim pairs eonxpared wlui as6471s hi uie correspondbig period 1034 despite the increased production of can adioii slioo factories imports of foot wear except rubber in february had total valuu of tt7a ooniparad lth 24430 in tho preceding month and mib45 lu february 1034 at the same ume canadian manufacturers increaeed their sales hi foreign countries as exports of canadianmade leather footwear amounted to fl601 pairs valued at 34 compared with 1184 pairs valued at 95477 in february 1934 the chief countries of destination were the united klndom united states three weuingtotou as highway sought application to have three county roads in wellington county assumed as kingto highways has been made to uie pro vincial department of highways by the wellington county council the roads are no 55 running from palmeraton through llarrlston to mount forest no 58 uie elora road running north to alma and no 61 uie eramoaa road running north of guclph in uie dlrec uon of erin similar action expected to be takcilhi connection with hood no 50 running from uie county boundary from uie elm ira area towards ahna und no 72 which goes nurui throun moore held 500 for rural teachers lstablislmient of minimum salary of x500 for rural school teachem was an nounced by duncan mcarthur deputy minister of education at large meet hig of the ontario educational asso ciation in convocation hall toronto on tuesday night not until rural teachers were paid salary comparable to unit paid uioec urban districts and in keeping wiui position of leadership and uocial esteem in uie cornmunity could any improvement in rural educa uon be anticipated he declared legis lation providing for minimum salary was uio first step in uio right direction he felt nearly 600 teachers in the pro vbioe are receiving leas than 500 qo and 1000 more are receiving from 500 to 50 thotts not heauhy ootid uun he said coming events announcement of sfmllngs coo certs or other ewenti under ihu heading ire charfed cents per line with minimum cbrse lew any announcement of tlie regular monthly meeting of the womens insutute will be held at tha home of mrs lanbton thursday muy 2nd at 330 orrenock school erin cleeues school will celebrate their diamond jubilee and old hoys he union on july 1st 1035 by holding an afternoon of sports and garden party in uie even big acton legion are sponsoring jublleo euchro and danco in acton town hail on monday may 6th lucky adxnlsalon tickets and prizes and ample luncheon ore features oils event tickets are now available jroai legion members at 50c yuu havejrphuready received an invitation to fie military ball tho arena ojorgetowri on april mth under the aubplcca of lome bine scottish band we take this opportunity of invit ing you down music by willis ttpptaiff uvivu fj ttium nyiiniy loin new zealand the and his blue dragoons ftplcectehiv and jamaica txa with reputation r7 r5

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