the acton free press thursday may leth 10s5 ip artun nr frees pubtiabed thnredej actaa ontario subscbdtion ratzsae per year ijjs kuswn eac aavuuotfal sile eesde it both om rstaw hoou be te wb eba iddfm nenmetaat carlcaoaationswe sea that bm ol criber vnfar xk to their abecrldtlo ta taca the to relt belor otplrauoe whu pb etierse wlehee the aerate cottoot luce 233 uto br reentered letter order or cheque advzbxoihc jtatesl otteo lee per lb fac are faaeertieel tc per llw ase each eubaeooeat ttajttlob ktotrplci cw cb urtiora to buck too svtsvo edditlooal notlcea quauflo co totatmctlou ck concert entertalnaeenu church kow or orjeouation nutlarn he ioc per ztstcbmrvc ajctlieport ol eeoetfaca bald udlr buorud bee betftoruaa notlcea loc and ioc per uno extra lor uav birth marriaze end death notlcea free seeeh uhtrlikmoila le per vord minimum tbui cubl ii booked jsel alao loc extra when application ere adareeaea to tbla omcu dieplar edeertlalne retee eary eccoraine cv epeee contracted tor ahuh ererr precaution wul be taken toeoeold error the free preee acccpte adtertieine to lie cohunna on the nnderatandinf that it will not be liable or ear error to any advertueoent pabliahed hereunder unlee proof ol eoch edertlcment la reqaeetcd in writin by the adeertlaer and returned to the pree preaa buelneea ocnee duly elfined by the advertlaer and with bach error or correctione plainly noted to wriunc thereon and ut that case ii any error noted la not corrected by the yree prcea ita uabulty ahall not exceed each proportion ol the entire coat ol aueh advertisement aa the apace occupted by the noted error bear to the whole apace occupied vy ench adeertiaemest alttof dills tditor telephonks editorial and bualncaa office seeadence edndrj generally approved notice has been received by officials of the mothers pensions board that hereafter mothers with one child will bo entitled to receive tho pension al lowance this is another promised reform that has been fulfilled and will bo greeted with gen ap proval many times in fhe past mothers have had to sacrifice the care that was necessary to the young est child when the other children reached the age of sixteen and were not yet earning or of any assist ance in maintaining the home yet with the ouo child it was just as necessary to maintain the homo and give the attention the new rule is generally approved care and more care campaign for safety orr ontarios highways should find favor with every citizen during the month of march there were thirtyone deaths result ing from motor accidents during an eleven month period 522 persons were fatally injured as compared with 362 for the previous eleven months tho greatest number of accident arc reported from towns and on county and township roads as the number of accidents in cities and on the kings highway showed only slight increase one might suppose that accidents would be more numerous where traffic is heaviest yet the fact that more ac cidents are reported from towns and rural districts is possibly reflection of the mentality which stems to guide most motorists when man is driving say from toronto to cooksville traffic is heavy and the need for alertness is practically forced upon lnni but when ho gets on road where there is little traffic he not only steps on it bui is liable to relav mentally and thus becomoiess vigilant second band cars of the rattletrap classification are also often in poor mechuiicial condition tile toronto star tells of man who bought 1010 car torseven dollars he could only make down payment of two dollars operated it on learners permit after tak ing glass of wine and fiveyearold girl was in making tour town better whats your vieon improving our city feature which has been running in the north bay nugget for some time has brought out some very interesting and helpful suggestions one at tfre most practical answers was that of patton who recommended the adoption and practice of the fort worth creed for building up splendid commun ity spirit in support of his recommendation mr patton said the creed is now being adopted as policy of personal conduct by progressive citizens of many progressive cities citizens who refuse to take part in progressive movements but content them selves with destructive criticism hamper civic pro gress all civic movements have weak spots subject to criticism but the criticism should come from with in instead of from without the citizen who follows the port worth creed as his rule of conduct in civic life and service andsives up to it faithfully is well on the way toward 100 per cent citizenship and will not only benrfit himself but the entire rnmmnn ajtyj which ho resides consider particularly the poten tialities for good in the ertizen who refrains from disparaging remarks about his city its institutions and his fellow citizens casts his vote on all public questions civic provincial or dominion seeks not to evade jury duty patronizes home merchants lets no day pass without doing to the best of his ability some littlo bit looking to the betterment of his com munity that creed sounds as if it would be of real help if practised in any community jurcd as rcsuft as nuglit be eifpccictrrrrnrcar wus found to have defectiva brakes the incident leads the star to remark that the time must soon come when no car transfer will be permitted without thorough examination of brakes und steering gear and certificate from some competent person that it is fit for the road reckless driving and excessive speeds are due to draw heavier penalties from he courts those who operate cars while under the influence of liquor are tdue for some time to meditate on their folly but always the meditation period comes after the accid ent some one has been killed or maimed ontario citizens need to give highway safety and an improve ment of its record careful consideration the de partment of highways is now publishing scries of advertisements calling these facts to the attention of the public and the need for consideration was never yratrr chain letters and the dark ages up to the present timeijochain cttcrshavcbeen received by the editor but the mail did bring ajctter telling of schenic from schemers in waynesboro tennessee suggesting that tin fkli pklss circulate and sell prmtbd c6plesnsreltt3nrrnttttet ft enclosed copies of this famous document prosper ity club in god we trust we are just holding it long enough to write this editorial before consign ing it to the wastepaper basket the heading alone is enough to turn anyone against such letter but rho letter tells us we can make thousands of dollars from its use if wo get in on the ground floor and start working the plan in this community the thousands of dollars to be made would be very welcome to the editor but if we have to take it from the gulliblo public and print in god we trust over such methods we prefer to gorwithout the thousands if there is anything that belongs to he dark age iuloawauicrithfiseen ligh tcne times is the chain letter racket just how everyone is going to make the money promised and who is left holding the bag has never been explained to our satisfaction the ground floor is over crowded with such fakirs and it is ope type of nonsense that surely canadians will show our american friends is not swallowed in canada believe it or not this diain letter to which wc refer claims suchjp letters have done much to help restore prosperity confidence and happiness in the united states or america well if that is the secret of the recovery of the united states and its confidence happiness etc the recovery is pure fizzle our advice is to send all chain letters to the dead letter office or the waste paper basket rriend that send them to you have very doubtful type of friendship and remember the ground floor hasnt even standing room left on it now editorial notes baseball opens locally this week but the past few weeks have heard the smacks of the baseball bats and seen ptenty of activity production of 20 gold mines in ontario during march had value of 5801980 including 108760 ounces of gold und 25031 ounces of silver new post offices are being secured liberally in this district of course it just so happens that con struction is commenced in the same year as an elec tion is due tim nrw rrhvy tnv nn mimiitk tn nninptiiips comc into force on june 1st peculiar that garden parties or other functions are not booked for the re maining dates in may year seems to be month of numerous find days to observe but june will provide nity to catch up construction contracts awarded in cunada dur ing the month of apnj totalled 11370400 compared with 8490000 in march according to review issu ed by macleun building reports ltd tho crowland jobless finally let better judgment prevail and ceased listening to the agitators it is nqccbsary in this or anyother land to work for livelihood and none will starve who are willing to work feet are wiukk in new zealand thb sunday school lesson ftm sunday may 19fc baptism croldon text oo ye uwrcforc ud make disciples of all the nations bp tlxtaff tttem into the name of thfi father and of the son and of the holy spirit matt 28 18 tleeoan text matt 28 10 5b acts 2fi30 btudj alao mark 11 acts 16 253 romans 111 tunes may 30 5537 taceaaftlilee the desert stpoaltlon our lords comnm aion to the apospoa 19 20 before commlskmng them jceus dis closes to them the authority that ilea back of the commission that they ore about to receive nothing less than all authority in heaven and on earth those are stupendous worda whoso meaning we lose because of our familiar ity with them and because fee d6not atop to weighthem and meditate upon them it was the father who bestowed hte authority upon the son matt 11 27 john 35 cor 15 27 this authority is over all flesh all the angelic hlcrarchleti and heavenly heats over all persons and things in heaven and earth and hel john 17 eph 21 32 tetcr 22 fhu 10 he lord ofall acts 10 38 wcu may we worship him heb ho had had ukj authorltybcforc tho world was john 17 col 16 but gavd it up to make atonement for our sins phil 663 cor jesus pur pose in mentioning uu infinite author ity was to inspire the disciples with courage for their vast undertaking jestia bid them go hln flxafc word to sln nirs is corny matt 11 28 but his word to disciples is oo our modem gospel hasnt enough go in it they were to go into all the world mark ifl 15 mott christians interpol all the world vtry narrowly everyone of ufi should go to the ends of the cartn by our pcrnom or our prayers or our girts or all together tho measure of our rcsp risibilities ait much as in me is romans 15 slaving gone thoy wore to mnio disciples ii many legionaries seem to think that the comrriusloji of chrut is to educate and civilize and rctinc it does not so read tiivy wcrw to make dlsclped through the agency of ttie preached gospel mark 1g 15 luko 47 having become disclplet they were to be culled upon to make an outward pro fession of their dlsclplcshlp in baptism former profciijiflumcjilttyjrwjtsjpjjnd the other mjht at the wheel of his car which was in the ditcty his wife was picked up on the roadway several miles awuy ho is facing charge of drink while in charge of car just another example of the work of intoxicutingliquor cf acts m7 18 10 at 48 16 15 33 19 35 mark 1g lfl tills baptism was to bo done iruto the name of the lather and of the 5bi and of the holy ghost to be truly baptized into person to put on that person gal 27 the dlv ciple of jesus wlio is really baptized into tho name of the fathtr and of the son und of the holy ghost has put on the three perwrna of thu trinity it very dorbtful if thue weirds arc glvpn aj baptismal formula they rather cxp tlie fulness of tho fullowtihlp into which we enter by true christian bantism cf acts 38 105 ttie oelty of tho son and the holy spirit came out clearly in the way in which their names are coupud with that of the futlnir the result of iiun believing and being bap tised would be that tliey would be saved the result of their rruslng to believe bo that they would be lot mark 18 18 after one ivod become disciple and been baptized he wai to be taught common mistake today is trying to teach men clurlstlan ethics before they have become chr jitiuns he disciple was vto be taught not only to under stand and believe but to observe or keep the commandments of jesus jar 23 matt 2437 john jolui 14 31 33 und tiny whv to be taught to kfcop all tilings what soever jesu had commanded cf ixuc 12 33 the solemn and glorious com mis jon of vit 10 30 is blading upon us the men to whom jesus first gave it uere obucure men and the commlslon uas stupdendous but jesus guvv them an ulwiufflclctit promise lo am ulth you alvuy even unto the end of the age wo too cau have tilts prom ise if wo meet tho condition etc but we haw no right to claim this most preclouu promise if wo are not going forth to do the work that jeus lays uai us whtml we go his way tlwu ktfgoi nur with him in sou winning making dls clplos he goeti out with us in glorious personal fellowship and sttvngtluiiilng and for how long until the btd of the ugc and he will be with us al wuy or all the days ii iiujulrliig ue having bantuud rejoicing acts 3830 tho eunuch utjted question tliat went rlifht ut the lieart of uw mutter of wliom fipeukcth ilic prophet this of himself or of noma other man it is ulwuys well lo know exactly of whom the scripture sptujts uut tilers is no puimge where this question more vital than in isaiah 53 if it refer to the moaiiah theu bcyojul the tk ilbl lty of honest question jxus of naaareth was uie predlcutd tmiuuduh and it docs refer to the imixslah and to jmus in ikieu und rtttlouallsui have labored hard to invent some other mteivretatlon but every attempt has cndesl in utter rallure lire most plausib thro rv that thv havn feet in new zealand on the average are broader than those of the average canadian tho new zealander it ti clai is athjeucjfrorn childhood the children leading outdoor lives through out the ear and go barefooted great deal of the time for this reason wider lasts are preferred new zealand has frequent ruins throughout the year which tends to make the climate some what damp the people however do not wear goloshes or rubbers but go lh for heavier soles on their boots and shoes english pattcmn in shoes pre dominate it would kcm there market in new zealand for canadian shoes of character style and good con struction according to tho industrial department of the canadian national ballways quite different mummy kmt it wrong to anyone smaller than yourself would you mind telling tcachct dont ihhiksheknowa externally internally good when applied externally by brisk nib bing thomas eclectrtfc ofl opens the pores and penetrates the tissue touching the seat of the trouble and immediately affording relief adminis tered internally it will utiu the irrita tion in the throat which induces cough ing and will relieve affections of tho bronchial tubes and respiratory organs try it and be convinced xsraclb 53 so evidently tho sufferer cannot bo israel one can be gin at almost any scripture and preach jesus for jesus fa tho central subject of all scripture the treasurer prompt ly accepted the truth and jaus ii tho ttlflukl nun wen man seekers after truth he would have thought of score of things that would hinder his bflng baptized but ho wwi not merely hi pretence but in reality atl honest inquirer so when he fourd the truth he threw difficulties to the winds and obeyed lt iphllrp does not hisltatc but immediately baptinx him ihlllps ork is done und the spirit takes him away brown label 33 lb orange pekoe 40 lb udvaneed is that it refers to suffering liirnel uut this theory goe all to pieced on the rock that the sufferer is repreitenud as suffering for the sins of tilers than himself la 53 11 13 and the other fur whose sins ike tu suffering are my heople domestic or easif1rst shortening 1lfcrptefe 12 aylmer tomatoes no sv4 tin 15 something snout about sle or the svifv nned fruits nj vegetable yoj use most at happy prices look and seel aylmer pumpkin no sv tin chase sanbortis tea aylmcr wt wblt corn n02u 17c aylroef sicv peas ho siirt 11c aylmr tom it juice nosku10c aywr whole berets aylmef diced carrots nosu9 aylmef kentucky wonder asparagus 10c 7o pfcst 28 chlli sailed sodas sall pl 10c aunl dinah molasses no 10c heine cooued spaghetti se 9c pol barley lbs 13c pe1 barley 3les7l7c hawev cede or lemon oil bd 23c many flowert soap cakes 10c pilncea soep flakes pk 29c aaa aylmer with no 4y cdils pork tin iu aylmer golden bantam choice no afc oil quality tin lj aylmer fancy golden wax beans 10 minute oat flakes smiipls 10 the one and only sauce bottle 27 aylmer ontario peaches 2tib 17 aylmer choice apricots it aylmer bartlett carrolls limited tomatoes lbs tor ujc oranges ioc dozen bananas golden ripe doz grapefruit ror 25c lemons 19c dozen pineapple each 19c cabbage per lb 7c mill street phone 158 acton