vx thub8day may 1mb 1933 ctheacton free press paoxbmwm gods uttlz things tn man thimrra aod the loamy cent of fcoahturaed od tlw fleecy white cloud in the akjn the paaung of th eouui wind br owtmf hath of bll bml and all the alchta and afrmdi of aprlng lore the dan when dimmer fadee the aearlet tinge in forest ladea the wild grapee purple on the vine the erlap air heady old wine the hint of mow hi graying aky to warn ua that old wlnterto nigh pastl blair veabs ago chronicles of ging farm waiiaa bpettailt tba wnu txwm gwtpounb cn amine lane of the fixe proas of ttnanaw mar 191b unltenlty examination rarolu allow ntht throe mora of our bay ware sue eeaatul in the years work john ijwmurciiyseta his fourth year in medlctoe aod srle oarvin and james lawaon gec their final year in the col lege of pharmacy mi anni ch our montreal for the front this week reeve hynd received word on monday that his eon robert had sailed from montreal on saturday he is mem ber of the band of the20tb battalion the officers elected for the current year of acton women institute pre aldent mrs bavlu 1st vicepresid ent mrs tjrr qroy 2nd vicepresid ent mrs holmee secretarytreasur er mrs smith from the observers column when our new tarvlacoated streets are ready lor use we will be even more apt than ever to be run over by autos cycles and rubbertired buggies gliding along smooth highway april showero were few but mays have beeri numerous mr and mrs malcolm mcdougall second line were sadly bereft when their little daughter jean died very suddenly partner has juot been in ta tell me the spring grain la coming up iwas very glad to hear it because one field lr lust opposite my window and it will be nlcejo watch it growing greener ovcrv day people coming in to see me often aay well it is too bad to be laid up this tune of the yearl but dont feel that way at all of counvo it is too bad to be laid up agree sjith that all right but if were allowed to have my choice it would certainly be now rather than in the fall or winter the spring time is time of promise one simply couldnt feci utterly blue if one looked out the window and saw the dauodus and narcissi nodding their heads in the wind the green gross growing longer and greener every day the catkins on the poplar dropping oil to give place to the wee grey leaves and the first tender shoots of the spring sown grain shewing courageously above the brown soil and if the warm sun and refreshing showers con give health and growing strength to plant life knt it reasonable to suppose that wo ordinary living mortals must benefit too7 another thing have had sold to me oooooooo ooo oooooooooooooo the test of time by ad schuster doooooooooooooooooooooooou attiuiit foitlii ilproucliud the ijflt of the tfreul edltur with utile of ftiir mid more of contldrnce mis ii hpnrf minn tf middle uf0 nfid oito ulio hceiiiud well woru by he jiruifhmeti of tluie uod labor tliirfc witii for luhliiuu liarc opot on iiih cukhv und wero iiih hut re inotejl until her would kjiow on tin lop of his head liitumtr wuh tlm limd of fuinily of uuno demands uud honictliileu jual once in while he fell thut lit could understand the emotloiih of ii trtilk horse have luttlmer uddrjtsd the editor written mi nrtlclu to huhmtln iur competition tonctrnliik whut the jounu uoinnii of twouiyllvu turs in motobv accidents give reason for concern recently the chief constable of tor onto in making his annual report re vealed facta concerning motor accidents which provide food for serious thought not only to toronto but to the province of ontario generally it was stated that ib out of 22 charg ed with manslaughter and 35 out of 41 charged with criminal negligence laut year were concerned in motor accidents tv qtmr nhtaf rnnlahlr til most cases the charges were withdrawn dismissed or no bill found three por fiona convicted or criminal negligence were plaoud on suupended sentence and five flnod in some cases perhaps the evidence may have been inadequate but seems sofo to assume that in the majority of cases if not all of them the police were tairc of the facts before they took action which brings us to the pain conclu slon that some judged and juries seem to think more of the driver than of the puoplo who ware run do killed or dominion expxuolacntaj weekly news letter autumn wheat at the ccntcml epcrl mrnui rw an examination of the autumn wheat plots at the central experimental farm reveals striking dhtcrenoes in their abil ity to survive severe winter and early gprnft conditions such standard varl ttji as dawsons ooldcn chalt have been practically wiped out here while irum bcr of newly developed varieties bred chiefly for hardlnen have come through almost perfectly the sixteenth canadian egg lmyinx contest tlie halfway mark of the canadian egg laying contest held at the central experimental farm was passed iua week with 155 birds having laid more than tuo eggs each eulnghkuscwcev the lgg yield was maintained and pro duction wpfi eyenlv distributed through helpi hetp youre ho beautiful darling am really awfully of course know jm no jtidgo or beauty but think youre boau tlfut the difference this is the third time you have asked for an advance an your calory my wife nceda the money badly sir may ask what for you may sir but may not delicious time tables ih1hpcftffisb atactor 2oins kaat dally except sunday dally except sunday sunday only the chicago flier that passes tfcrowbjt here at 835 nu easthound atopa ao at p44 ooteg west daily except sunday dally except sunday dally except sunday sunday only t3 aft 7jwpjsa na pusa standard time quite often hie uluro will lie hkt lit til lor wltlioul turning rt ached oiil for tla idiiiiiislrlit pivt it an ex port tth into bnskvt on top oflllu iltwk ami grunted ty tonshlcrcd with the rest good day ittit ljutliiut wiih not dlhcourugcd ho departed wearing peuceful bmlle jiiik inanuftcrlpt would wlp ho felt would bring him the j10000 which uhould bihf the family through until delia and margaret were married aftr 4hat i1h uuliiry would be enough thvrv wuu hutntthlng in the situation painfully injured the honorable mcqucsten mln iitcr of highwayo sees very dearly tho need for more rootle action in thli respect he has repeatedly and in no uncertain terms stated the seriousness of the problem created by unjustlnablo leniency towards motorists and drivciu of commercial vehicles whose negligence lias caused fatalities out tho contest there were only four eggs that failed in weight requirements the uaefalness of faro aoooanta to tho many obvlbus rcauons for keep ing farm accounts should be added the following ohc at least under present conditions according to officials of tho meld husbandry division formers seek ing credit are being required to furnish an increasing amount of information you must get awflll whiiti buiuhlui hint when taken 111 with rheumatic fever married jacksoncobban at the home of dr elliott brotherinlaw of the bride edmonton alta on wed nesday may 12th 1015 niven jackson of calgary to clara cob ban of calgary aha daughter of the late cobban acton died rice on thursday may 13th 1915 lewis rice of esqucfng aged 34 years mcdodgalii in qsqucsing near acton on monday may 17th 1015 jean only daughter of mr and mrs malcolm mcdougall in her ninth year urn making th girl of tho future pay for lhuupkoup of two khrla of tho present thought and tho umllo widen and utn predicting that the kir of twtntyllvo yearn from now will bo prim modest victorian creaturo that might bupport two typ story but why should any grown person ojaxxandu lonesome lying herel do you know the first time heard that remark looked at my visitor in surprise lonesome why had ncvtr even thought of it if were suffering terrible pain it might be different with ordinary intelligence mind spend ing few hours alone every day per sonally think enforced rest gives one time to relax and catch up on the less material things of life also one has time to give more thought to letters and reading and tilings like that which muplhth latllmer at ids dinner table was completely ulknced uud obliterated by the hpuudor and chatter of hl family tiiih evtiilng however he beamed with un unumual happiiiiiu tho vwlght of blmft and worry soemed removed at this time of the year are inclined to from hlu mhul it wnm oul cubq bo pushed to oms side of course there providing good woddlngi for tho the plain truth of course is that statement of net worth as obtained from criminal negligence in driving is being 1arm account book is tho basic credit practiced on an alarming scale and mout statement in addition borrowers may of it docs not gtt into the lawcourts required to furnish budget of cx and when it days with manslaughter and income in order to arrive at charge laid thu juries become solt schedule of borrowing and repayments heartedloan amaxlng degree lnrao without adequate records of hwv form of the evidence presented business the borrower cannot do himself justice or present his application in the most favorable light furthermore over period of several personal individual core and rcspoil ycwcuf farm hrlng out labihtyumong motorists isofcouxsc th4 fa fu fact tho moat elfectlvo rmam to scalhig down tccords suggest that different fields need the toll of accidents as the motor dtffcttm mill treatment they givodi vehlcle branch of the department of miite stahdard3 ol lier ulc use highways kt constantly pointing out of vc ul thc producuon ot butterfatand onurlo must start thinking safety othcr lvesulck product do much tho appalling toll of accidents would cllai ulj plulw of thj tgxmlr be reduced if operators of motor fr0m mntur of cluincc ttnd change of heart in drivers would help is the one true family aid for skin health and beauty aids the mother in additional loveliness pro tects the tender skin of the child dc lights the father as ahahrfixatlvoer cooling shaving lotion no matter to what use it is put it is alwat bene ficial to the skin every woman should use it persial balm cools and caress is the akin and createu complcxianp of surpassing loveliness are times when one particularly rcscuof ones inability to get around for in stance this week was our annual in utituto meeting and really could hardly believe wasnt thuri instead was watching thc clock and figuring out tho different stages of tho mectuij now tho minutes will have been read now they will have the nvw pre sident elected and the pirst and second vice hope the secretary will stay in and so on oil the atter maple sugar crop is worth millions to farmer tlie mild sumiy days of late march and early april will be worth more than 3000 000 tlilu year to the farmers of southeastern quebec and tlie province of ontario according to thomson commfcs3lonrr of industries at montreal for the canadian national railways the output of tnaplo susor in canada averages around 5000000 pounds on nually at tlie present time and ulat of maple uyrup approximately 2000000 gal ions with total value of more than 000 000 this output is produced by nearly 50 000 farmers hi central can ada and the total number of trues now being tapped annually ranges between twenty and twentyrivu rolliioiiuslx yoars ago the total output of maple products was valued at about 0000000 but sice then the trade hi blajpic products as in many otiwr unwi has been con siderably reduced the tapping of maple trves goes back to the indian days on tho eastern eit bourd and wldle little appears in his tory about their method of extracting tho sap and rendering it hi to yrup references are found to tlie tribal danceri known as the mapludance lield in the spring it was not until lasb liowovtr that the maple eyrup industry began to recerro promtnence in thetepottsor the govcrnont and in tendon of ntw pranoe towards tlie aid of tlie 18th oentury the hiduatry gabled recognition au commercial venture of some magni tude mucli of the udvanounient of tlie noon until by supper time was ao hoi and botiiered niight just mi wvll have been there taking tlie meeting mystilf that evening several of my neighbor members cunie in and of course wc wvnt through the wliolu bushicss agaiu from beginning tomd partner and the children aro luivhig their own sucot time tho days some times tlie aifairs of tlie day bother me and at other tjm they amiutc me quite bit tlie conversation overhear is two and thtn perlmpy ho could do tittle hi the way of improving his own wardrobe could ustuirt himself in ouior ways and ii vu up to this ufo to wiijchh glrln had been accus tomed look at dad exclaimed delltf tho poor man lu uclually happy tho can ei of attention flushed yes my dear and you and your aiutor unwittingly norlmpit and by contrast uro tho cuukes xhecrtillcutteriinciwhlchheri fuscd to explain lnttlmcr felt mndu him bornotlihig of hgure already this contest was getting in its good work tho time enmo for tho announce ment of tho winner of tho competi tion with no one in tho iorhe family knowing thut hutthuud und father wuu possibility when tho check cuniu and uccom punylng letter arrived la timer porhes alghed ami rented ilih head in iiih hand the loud uuh lifted and tho of collecung and boiling the sap making refuting simple and profitable al though maple uyrup and sugar making are still carried on hi more or lea primitive way ui some sectioiwi there are aloo number of rofutcrlus using highspeed scientific machinery for thu purpose what words very nice old lady laid few words to soy to her graruidaughtci my dear ttaid the old lady wlm you would do bomethlng for me wish you would promise me ncvr to use two wards out wll and thu other is lousy would you promise me that why sure granny said the girl which are tlie worda often quite illuminating ior instanc say kid you leave my lunch alone mu tomorrow til cut it myself that lettuce was us dry as anything today the usual imina phwats the matter with ye pmt molke mike shure put ol cannot get my iw boots on at all caonwex get new boots on until yevo them once or twice and then from daughter wlven are you going to fill thh woodbox there isnt bit of wood hi thc bout and know daddy will bo hi before the kettle boual hut thc funniest of all is to hear partner putting the cats and doga awoy for tho nljht plrst ihitch uiuit be let out and hi ugahi because putch has never spent night out in hor life then the kittemi mtbt be found und put out partner finds mltchle ciuciilji htm lightly in ono arm while ha hunts for little one but having to bend down and look into all klndi of powdble and impossible places mltchle generally manages to escape b0 ly tlie time pavt lt lnui tliem botli rqunded up he hoa had quite bit of extirclie tlioy flnun by going uirough tho door in hurry fallowed by wtical and juiflu and an exchunation darn it ulll now tlie blaed cat has got its tall hi tlie door my blggefct worry just now is how to krt welcome people in ami keep unwel come psopld out at lirtint if the door is locked then haveto get up to let visitors hi if the door unlocked then the visitors can walk in quite cosily but so can tlie tu pwldler the patent niedlchuj gentleman tlie insurance uguiit uud tlie jew to buy old liens so what isno know anything about problems such vu these when tliey say quite calmly suy hi hct for six weeks tlien tlhres tile telephone as long us imr tner in uu houtw it never rlngii but tlie minute he gocit out tltuts tlie time the plume beings to ring and how it rings sometimes can answer and lometluus not but now kindly uelghbar has come to tlie rescue und umiuers it for me so there is some thing to bd said hi favor of party lino ufur all lhcre now it is good thing imvo got tills nearly done because here conuss my big interruption daughter has just bontu back from trip to toronto where tdie has been parading with the qui guides so knight just au well put thw right away and listen properly ito tlie swell timd vvtxfrtiw has had kuaottcalxv the same and how loiur wero you at your hutt piaffe inquired the manager about tile same as am how replied the prospective employee feet eight inches sir five window of the oliko mid wondered whut men would ihluu if he nhouted tho udlngu to tlw htr et ttio occu hioii ho felt deiniiniltd wing md celo ii rut ion ua vent out to deposit the elieck and on thc way bought tho nmyt cxpeutilvu cigar ho could ilnd tlieu lit read the letter for tho ttecond mo will you pleubu call at our oftlcv it mild and inform uh uhut you can of your llfo and your effort in this content wo will need tho information for pnhlkky purpnseu tiiih wiih an nrdt hi hut it noeenfmry one iuttliner presented hlnmelf for tho kocond time before tlie grint edl tor und wiih wekmned cordially now tell me the editor wild viivnt you mirpilmd to wlu whut will uhi do with the money wiih confident nil tho time wnu he auawer and lit wiuiid tho money on my two ry modern duugh tera and why wore yon cfinlldontf but lattlmer wny tllent clow could he tell thin uiiin that jenra ngd before ihlln timl margaret were horn uud when world waa iniwy crltlcllnv mieyouihor thnttlnierhe hndwmi jiint sin uiuither prize with tlila uime iiiutiukcrlpi toon vehicle uould discipline themselves to drive at sensible speed if they would make sure 4hat their tlrvu braked and lights were eifectlve if they shunned liquor when called upon to drive and if they stopped ttichigchancesnearstrvet cars acrnssjujctioiis oil curves and hills hi placet where tllere urc liable to bo chlldruii hi fact everywhere undoubtedly many drivers are taking their responsibility seriously and aro honestly trying to drive as rciponsible cltueris sliould with duo regard for everyone including thomilvctf but uicse iem to bo jn tlie minority judg ing by the ever in creasing accident list reckless drivers however are finding tlie courts far lesu uympathetlc than of ore jail sentenced are becoming tho rule rather than tlie exception and there marked tendency towards tlie ut most severity in coses where death hat occurred tills of course is nign that the public generally la waking ap to tlie situation it is too bud tlmt fiupposedly enllght cned province ijke our own should need the penitentiary held over its head to prevvnt criminal negligence when drh iug but until the province generally in fully aroused to its rtsposl bill ties while ut tlie wheel or motor vehlclta there seems to be no effective alterna uve wlicn everyone in ontario and else where kolhtu tlint mad ipeed is lacks of crime then we shall have very different and bettered situation the ijjopcr that lianny day arrives tlie better for all of uu into reasoned plans bused on demon strated fact and relationships ivkorning and attutnoon gamls at lea stadium on may 24th douglas egyptian liniment un rivalled for speedy relief in muscular rheumatism lame back hihammation burns and felons biimnfut afomeni millard utlired in hlu eomfortuhlc xmrh ht cmrm hai vr wmc wherf it viih hlu wife and her moth er talking millard llhtened mi huvu beeured upteudld iiuh hand my dear tame hlu mother in lawa voke and ihluu ou ought in treat hi in with iii lie more tact mid tomdderiiflnn when he eoiueh ihime late he agkeahlc mill wait till he explain before unking awkward iih minna ilea jumi the man to up pieihile hlith geuermdly nil your istitt ite llml lo hliu mlllnril ullrred imeaully trying to luiir more when lie awnle with it inlling about tho tel win ii old lklltl familial the hum wen clghlh utrttt inn ulyle iiwutd lluve ytm fellomh heard uboul the farmer who hnh4d stive iur live ithu lu he fine 11 illsiiiieared la tlie tunutly lie uihl he didiil till it it hut he ran ii into hole in the ground and tried it he ik miti all urone and ex claimed in one volt ew heard it hauuas city slur dairyman advertised milk from contented cows and butcher not to ho outdone advertlcd sausages from hogs tliat died happy all qntarlo ulll have chance to view 10 maple leafs in action on victoria l5sy which falls an prlduy may 24tn uiu year general manager arthur lemon hiui sft aside this day us tho only morning and afternoon holiday program jn answer to iuahyjeuestlromba5c hull faru tliroughdut thc province buf falo blsoiu with tholr greatly improved club will bfi tlie maple leafs opponents hi both morning and afternoon lioliduy gtmies tlie morning gamo will start at 30 while tlie afternoon contest slated to get underway at any time uic bowl of kellogg com flakes in riiilk or cream is appetizing and de licious at any time of the day and theyre extra good with fruitt or herries added ideal for hreakfahl itc frcfthing for luncheon chil dren love them for bupper knew alij mlout it the life insurance agent called ujoi big business mai at tlie close of it busy day when the agent luul been iidmltted tho big fellow said you ought to feel honored highly honored young man do you know unit today have refused to see teven in urance agents know said tlie agent im tliem thou shalt not kill drive carefully they encouruge hound sleep lecauuc they digeat bo cattily tin ckiupneilm of kel loggv cortt iflaked hi ptvy tected by hiaiifaled waxtite inner hag grocer everywhere well kelloggv quality guaranteed made ly kellogg in london one corn flakes 88bs mi fen tour conuoiicnm arrow bus effective may 5th j9ss leave westbound d45 rnlzls 215 in 41s 6j5 bia ima 11j5 standard time leave eastbound sao 810 110 zlo dl 110 gum ai boo ttinekales planned to aix points in canada united states mexico consult local agent wiles restaurant central ontario bus lines toronto patterson bo specialist tn eye fnmhrtkwi orthoptic treatment prccripjam 108 wyndham st next to lufclaw 1hone 3108 quality accuracy scar ovenfresh flavorperfect leaves no brush marks ii paint there is good lwuind indifferent paint it just tut impoanbla to gat good and aatisfactory results with had and indifferent paint aa it to get good garden from bad and indifferent cod ah rubbery or plant you paint for two reaaona beautification and protection figure it any way you like und good pjiint will coat you leas in the long run than bad and indifferent paint good paint gives you what the other two will not greater coverage to the gallon better appearance in the finished job vastly longer wearing life with the aiudmum of beautification and protection to your property when you are thinking of paint think of our store and flogjlaz paint it is sold on ati absolute guarantee jas symon acton savage rco watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario 21 wvaauuua uauuaih almua lui ii u4 iu mi it llal ii oue prtmuaj knaiietf rlll read no occasions trfearo otu wtll tooi bo oesttll ilci vw bat tha stsry of yottl aimfc into rosilablfl the acton free press subscrlpuons for au mugnwf taken at the free press obee