Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 23 May 1935, p. 2

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rum two the acton free press thurbdj ay may jjnl 1935 lp acton 3jto ttea pobuhd xvry thurdy at actoa ontario subscription ratesmo pr in unliwt suui bo mldltlooal single copie jc bolb old and addvscb should given wbtn cbaasa ol cxnclratiollwe 4m that ot ol oar crlbcra prefer to tbeir abcritum ia cm thy uu to remit he term explrtw while ub enctioaa wilt not be crrled in mrmt pwer an extended yel wb tbe ubicriber wufaes the eetyice eootfamod reaittancu should be made by registered letter money order or cheque advertising rates legal notices ic per line lor first insertion tc per line or each sab sequent insertion ramders lee per iine or each insertion in black see type per una additional notices qusluybik as com ing attractions sneb concerts entertainments church society or organisation meetings etc 10c per line mini mum charge sc reports of meetings held glsdly inserted free in memoriam notices mc and ice per une eslrm or poems birth marrise and death notices free sin advertisements ic per word minimum charge sc cash if booked isc also wc extra when applications sre addressed to this offic zhsplay adwerttsing rates ary according space contracted for although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the free press accepts advertising in its column on the understanding thst it will not be liable or say error in any advertisement published hereunder unleaa proof of such advertisement ia requested in writing by the advertiser and returned to the free press business ofice duly signed by the advertiser and with such error of corrections plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted ia not corrected by the free press its liability shall not exceed sufb proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by auch advertisement aftlof dills editor editorial and business office residence ephbri may days jthcsc spring days mean variety of things to different folks to somo they represent houwiclean iog and gardening to others fishing baseball golf and sports to another group the time of motoring and picnics and camp lifemay ho heralded by the warmer weathei and to the sick the sunshine gives promise of an opportunity to get out of doors and the prospect of renewed health to the farmer there is the prospect of the crop just ahead small wonder that these may days are so popular they hold an interest and promise for evefyone cool they 1iave been and growth may not have been as rapid as some would desire but the bright sunshine of this year has made this delightful month maintenance nocestjaiy the municipal council is to be commended on planning early in the season for repairs to sidewalks and roadways about town plan that witkeop the streets and walks in repair is really what is neces sary while it is alwaysdirablc7tokeepthe tax rate at low level still the neglect of repair that in the end iiecesstiirre larger expenditure or recon struction is not the best of economy roadways are now in dire need of loads of gravel to fill up holes most all of the crossings require load of gravel to level them and avoid the breaking of car springs there arc several portions of cement sidewalk that require rebuilding while all of the work cannot be done in one year still each council should plan to assume reasonable share eaclj year and thus avoid large expenditure in any one year the survey is to be made and no doubt the council will make ini provomeiils this year that will maintain acton streets in good repair police court joke we have found many amusing incidents in con neotion with police court work but the one that is repcatcittfie mosriiequeiitly unu seems tluthnsst ridiculous is the threat of those summoned to here after avoid the centre where the offence was com mittcdif they aie fined time and again we have heard and read this silly expression that if that municipality is going to enforce the law the person summoned will avoid the town and take his busmes elsewhere as rule most municipalities would be just as well pleased if folk who culmot come reason ably near observing the law would avoid their town laws are made for the protection and safety of all und not to bo flouted the fine is imposed as warning that the offence must not he repeated that is the reason for provision ol gieater penalty for second offence too often fines are looked upon by those paying them as means of extracting another tax from them this the exception rather than the inle police aie not us rule anxious to sum mons offenders ti court but they are charged with enforcing the law and keeping the municipality safe the plea of guilty to an offence coupled with the threat not to visit the town any moie if prosecutions re going to be made forluw tircuking is so foolish nd used so often that it is joke in police court in favor of the taxpayer change has been mado in the penalty for non payment of taxes that is to the benefit of th6 fax payer the first penalty has been reduced from five to four per cent cancellation of the ten per cent levy in may has been made and in its place onehalf per cent per month will be added from the first of the year until the taxes arc paid but not compound ed the change is distinctly in favorof the taxpayer and in keeping with the trend toward tower rates or interest saving of one per cent is made on tl ilrst penalty and four pcv cent on the second penalty that has been in practise locally is to be hoped the reaction will be favorable in fhc matter of tat collection and the keeping of the arrearages down to the minimum canadian forest production canadian forests contributed products to the value of 03773142 in 1033 an increase of 18 per th valu pulpwood in point of value is canadas most impor tant forest product and had value of 33213973 firewood came next on the value list with produc tion in 1933 worth 31 141 1m followed by logs and bolts to the value of 23158381 quebec led the provinces with production of forest products valu ed at 34813053 ontario came seebnd with pro ducts to the value of 23298854 while british columbia was third with 17904204 forest opcra tions in the dominion during 1933 involved the cut ting of 2027713707 cubic feet of standing timber of which about 92 per cent was consumed at home total of 1863093057 cubic feet of homegrowri and imported forest products valued at 85051302 was consumed in canada including wood used in the form in which it was taken from the forests and wood used as raw material in canadian industry of the totgijjuantity used in canada less than one per cent is imported teditohialnotes the bylaw prohibiting the use of fireworks in acton is still in force lit is easier to prevent fires than fight them once started tomorrow is victoriu day and usually ope of the most glorious of the summer holidays giving at the first of the summer an opportunity to enjoy tha outofdoors bing crosby radio and singing star gets 75000 picture plus 5000 week for broadcasts and loyalties on phonograph records why oh why didnt wc take up singing laments the editor of the hanover post at least there are no hard feelings in acton over the distribution of jubilee medals only two were allotted in the municipality and one of these to returned man whom no one knew as resident of acton or could locate those who expected to receive jubilee medal and didnt might stop to ask themselves what they ever did to deserve any distribution and the satnc thing is probably true of some of those who received them fergus newsrecord another 00000000 loan by the dominion gov eminent was oversubscribed in few hours and in cash it is interesting to know that so much leady cash is so readily available certainly the average citizen shared little in the sale of these securities the first issue of the new heavy jubilee silver dollar was not large it is in popular demand at present because of its scarcity if the government continues to issue moro it will lose its rarityand its worth as souvenir it will then drift back to the government because people will prefer to carry its equivalent in paper mail empire tlichttesirhcrbcrf lyecrengtisrractorandwirr summed up some facts of life in the following classic jingle he rain it falleth down upon the just and unjust fella tint chielly on the just because the unjust hith the justs umbrella after ably serving the canadian weekly neus papers as managing director for many years mr roy sayles has reugned and mr charters of brampton has been appointed to the position to mr sayles goes large measure of credit for the success of the association and his administratibn of its altairs has been admirable in mr charters lie has worthy successor who will devotehis abilit and aggressiveness to continuance of the best in teiests of the weekly newspapers jescrihed the uorira supper en text this do lnrcmem or rrrc cor 11 24 ti text mat 26 1730 cor 20 study also uk 14 1720 lu 22 123 jno 13 130 cor 10 lfl 17 time tuesday april 30 place jerusalem in an upper room probably the house of maries fattier exposition preparing for jesus to eat1710 jiua was sitting at meat with the twelve disciples we read in 20 of the ii by this change uio rovlsura sought to feivo accurate impres sion of the tcnc of the original than that given by the hut even the ji7 vt fcfliorancxtfcx rxanaiaaott wratr reclining is thu force of the grctk ileie is the secret of growing rich as by john rockefeller to new york portruit piiintur tliutyuvcn yeurs ujjo if your income is thirty dollars week save ten per cent when it loaches sivty dollars save twenty per cent wbtn it is one bundled und twenty dollar save hlty per cent huts all it sounds easy but human dusiics tmd huinuii fruilties have trick of outrun ning this intelligent pursuit of maturity most people prefer to tuke theshortcur to wealth und success verb it was the oriental custom to rcllnc at meals ta vincis famous picture grves totally false lmpreatloa but 1l is far more misleading in the face of jesus und the durlplet uum in lhcir posture ut the tabic try to picture to yourself tills becne as it actu ally was it was pivclourt privilege to prrpare for jesus to cat that lust paasover the dlicipies got thkt priv ilege by asking for wc can get similar privilege in the siuno wuy jesus gave very strange und improbable directions by which the man wa to be known nicy were to meot man btarbig pitcher of water and to follow him and aik the master of the house wlmre ho entered for the guestchamber where chrut should cat the passover willi ills disciples and he would show them largf upper room furnished me 14 1315 lu 22loj2 but peter and jolm who were commissioned for this work iji 22 were disciples indeed they aiked no ueitlons but ulmply went and did as they were told our whole bu3lnesstb obeying obedience is the supreme ttt und proof of dls ciplushlp and love to jesus jno 2124 and the one condition of enjoy ing ills friendship jno 15 14 in ahls core it all came out precisely us jui aild it would mk 16 lu 22 13 it ulll always come out pre cisely as jcur says it will the omnis cience of jeuu comes out in ilti know ing every llttl detail of what would luippen to the dlsclpler as they entered that city and turf what each mna would do is it 2025 jesus btves another proof of illi in sight into the human heart and of his omniscience verily say unto you that one of you shall betray me all things are naked and open to the eyes of 311m with whom uc haw to do hcb 13 jtius knew all the depths of judat lusirt and he knows all the dcptlis of our heurlit jno 25 it was no new discovery to jesus jno 70 71 it hud been prophesied hundreds of lean before pt 41 oj but the auful announcement came ujjon the dlclpki as thunderclap out of clear sky they were exceedingly torrouful well they mlaht be but jesus himself was more deeply troubled at the thoucht jno 13 21 cach man looked into hl own heart and there saw the posilbllty of uich infamy and anxiously cried out lord is it when we each of us look into our ouii evirnvj slbllthx uc tec many of course never look deeply enough to ijsc them others are too blinded by selfcontl dencv to see them buljhcy arc there thank god there is grace enough in christ at our disposal to keep these pculbllties from ever becoming actual ities uc is able to keep us from falllnr and to present us faultless beforo thi presence of ills glory with exceeding joy jude 24 all that was to happen to juua was to be in accordance to what was written of him 24 it was to be by the determinate counsel and foft knowledge or odd ac 23 but oil tills would not lessen his be trayals uullt or the awf illness of hii doom so fearful uiu to be his doom that good were it for that man if he tiitflrrmblmttt burn urrlylhulll meut of the master does nway with ui dream of the uiilveralhjt hut jud is uu unshaken in hi lvii deter mination and ilh brazil ilf rontt uikn lit jlubbp he did not sjv lvltxrjord uuiur4i4iiuruciijdtlut judus eer ealled jcjus lord cor 12 ru 10 10 jea uiiutr in lone that none but judir him it could hear jn 1j 2730 ill thi do an membrane of me jii20 tl lraklng of the bre id wa not ignilieint of tlu breikliiu of chri bod in he eto uno li ju coi ii 21 hi ii it wj imply aim timc who huuld teed on 11m ihu 11u been endli dlculdm hut ihe foice of the wnul in the elan this my dy doe it mean tlut jmu billed the bread it became tlu etuul iihjjal body of chi 11 or do mt in thw bnul uuitllmintil mv bitty uiid just 011 mt uib hpad ami bconut pirt of you you are 10 iit mittiul will lu come put of you oik tun llnd hilp tn an answer to till que linn in ft cu 1u 111 11 25 lm 37 11 mat 13 lu ia jno 10 ttev 20 cjil hut artr nil his hem uald then li douhtus 11 ual prwnev of chrut in thy 1i1 mi ul and uli 11 ue do partul of thiin din ruing the lands body tin re la lji fcfdlilg uikiil cluiit unit jljit us the briwl eat euimj pirt or uo he lnimrlr lietiuuicd part of us on the other hand if wo par take in an unworthy manner mens form not thinking what wo do not discerning the lords body we ari guilty of the body mid blood of christ and wol andutnlfju1opiant la aixtm selves cor 11 11 30 jcauc wlahcti uila eating of the bread and drinking of the wine to be continued by hla disciples until he himscu should come agln cor 11 24 20 the old cov enant was scaled in blood ex 24 there can be no covenant between holy ood and ilnful man except on ihe ground of hed blood heb 1823 the blood is the life and the life must be poured out where there is sin if there li to bo forgiveness lv 17 the blood of lambs and bullocks and goats in the old tcelamvut wim tho typo uf the blood of christ and it is this that really avails tho blood or clirlst was shed unto remlislon of sinu uio uhed blood was the ground upon whlrh ood re or dlttmbbes sin comp mat 20 2fl llo 25llv jno ph col 14 20 kph 13 lib rsnrdttttcv l2 11 14 cor corny with kxv 12 13 there can bo no forgivencw except on the ground ol that shed blood many hi this day rebel at this doctrine so plomly taught in the cripturi thy detlrc chrlst lanlty wiuiout atoning blood they juicer ut the doctrine of utonctnent by slicd blood as bunguhmry theology or uivology of the shambles hut christianity without atonlntr blood is christianity wlthopt rcmusion of ln or peace of conscience hence it cannot be ruled out or dispersed with it must remain for ytt11 lime ns uio groit fundamental truth of the fultli to which we have given our allegnhcc and uirough which we arc saved unto eternal life the poor mauy trlcnd put up in small bottles that are easily portable and sold ior very small suml dr tliomas eclectrlc oil posscuues power in concentrated form its cheapness and the varkd uses to which it can be put make it the poor mans friend no dealers stock kt complete without it confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and honor able courses with sure hope and trust in iuelf cicero brown label orange pekoe 40 lb mustard 10c pdttcnt cwap coffee uullui 27c ptu clov honey kio sh 29c peanuts lb 10c plums 15c su cl prunes lb 15c ompblll youto juice 10otl 5c fiuoj wku corn ho um 25c ovaltine 58c klli hwj wi castile 14c woojoimya ful sjj ap34jw 5c comfort 10 bw 39c eagle or beaver blueberries south african dried apricots fresh foods suitable for lunches to be catcii in the open in the woods beside waterfall picnic time is here treasure every precious moment plan now for your empire day outing cuturuc dry ginger ale fisms 15c hellmunny blue uihbon mayonnaise 10c mclarens stuffed olives at 10c campbells pork beans tr 6c fray bentos no tin 10c corned beef 25c heikiz pound 23c ketchup carrolls limited tomatoes 15c ib oranges jic dojlii bananas per diiun pineapple 12 v2c eacn grapefruit for 25 lemons 1c dozen 21i mill street phone 158 acton orit calikagu new pur lb 5c

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