Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 23 May 1935, p. 3

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thursday may 23rd 1039 the acton free press fao 3uje jffrpp flrpaa sluirt 8tnru the lure of the toods by george ethelbert waih fa wxth the ink scarcely dry on his fl dlplomo nutltnff him 4o pxac vax tice medicine oilman horworth surveyed bin now field with disgust und amazement the cluster of small bouacu and shocks the sprawling river the huge etacka ol the smelters and the great woods encircling thvm made htm sud denly hornpalck and panicky bitter feeling possessed him that rio bad been deceived piedmont that ho ri wirnvwrt wi pretty little vlllngj was nothing but cluster of shacks sue down la the woodu the smelter com pany had asked for yoiuuj doctor con structing to pay him enough to live on with the privilege of building up on out side practice it was good opening the letter had said for young doctor who would stay and grow up with the coun try what force declared oilman the country will never grow up and the inhabitants suppose are like uio country poor shiftless and hopctas 111 turn around tomorrow and go back in his anger ho spoko aloud addrc slng no one in particular but girl standing in the shadow of big phic overheard smiling she introduced her self tm sheila mccormlck youre the new doctor for piedmont suppose oilman whirled about ohd ca ffl to face with girl few yeufs yountpr than himself couldnt help owrhrnrlng you doctor she apologized im furry you dont like your new iajld oilman flushed to the too li of llu hair didnt mean to criticize he stammered of courjrf understand felt ex actly that uay when first emtio her when urn that lie tukvd bluntly how long lmve jou been here fie jtors she answered long enough to beuui to like the place unci idvc the people guman frouiud pulled jmt how to place her if joure not koini to turn right around and uiek iho nddi dny seeing man drinking from the itrook uu doctor knocked uie dipper from lib hands dont you wu those rlltns he asked angrily you cant drink tills water the man glared at lum and laughed roughly drlnku water always you not 011 it vou not docta hero you go buck oilmans anger increased while im here my orders ure to be obuyed twa rtmro otnrr runmhuira had gathered and when sheila unexpectedly uppuared tliey were surrounding the doctor with menacing gestures whats the trouble hctro bho asked in broken english pietro explained sheila answerud in the tamo jargon tin men itemed satisfied and went away peacefully gljman clared at iiicm you hccm to have more authority than uiu company doctor he remarked bit terly know hum better was the reply win youve lx en here as long as have youll unuyrutand wont be here that long he plkd bluntly the woods wtro not ko bad however whtn he grew acquainted with uiem they had wild beauty tliat ometlmuj captivated oilman und several times he caught htmiailf admiring uiem the howovr fifymod intuowublo you fainted the strain wan tfjo much im all right ho grumbled trying to sit up it won just lltle giddi ness it was sheer exhaustion doctor do clored shvlla spiritedly you po formed four operations one after on other that was enough to exhaust anybody it was wonderful oilman und im proud of you proud of mo ho murmured drop ping back on the couch shodld under stand then she did not think lees of him because at that last moment he hod keeled ovir but of course the others the friends and acquaintances of hlr patients would not understand they mould despise him more than ever wou it did not matter mo would uoom bo leaving the woods lie drifted off into sleep when he awoke from it ho felt jtrongvr and able to rlio sheila jtudlcd him little dubiously aro you strong enough to mcot them she asked meet unni lie asked meet adopt child week mounting publlo lntereat in the adopt ababy week lnagugurated in connection with the celebration of tno first birthday of the dlonno qulntup fotatfi recipes one day after making his rounds ho itrolled along the edge of the river lurching for good llshmg placu when in jecludd nook ho heard uio iound of jtiuid iihi hurrying through the thlcklu he came upon sheila hung on the majy ground iobblug uj though hir heart would break shellil he cried ill annulment whatu the matter nothhig uuj the muffled reply ilu the clrl iit up and dried htr loan dont toy that person doesnt cry for nothing she looked little deniutly ut him well if ion uant to know had ut or homcslckncx und had to cry it out you liomciilck why thought you the workers and their families mumbling volcvti ouuido caught hli car somebody knocked on uio door then came cries of docta1 doctal shellu jjiovid uie young man toward the door youve got to go through with it oilman kilaw you droit it but its the unly uy like man in dream he opened uu door and utepped ouuldr instantly shout went up he heard confused crieji of jdctu our docttil hands grasped lib otlnian suddenly realled that ho wad no longer an alien among them when ho was alone aguln wlui shell tlio girl said iti shame to disappoint them now they love you when ure you going to leavo doctors tlmeluit his own mur mured oilman im not rure tliat can ever go slhiila held her breath and gazed an to her ive begun to like the woods and the people shulla perhaps um needed here more than anywhere elie in the towtu und cities there ure plenty of doctors but here lie waved hiind expressively and then turned to her again his eyes twinkling doctor needs good nune sheila and if ouu promlu to it tun in gi lone iv do and help mny coinldcr sheila interrupted her eje bright her uhole face aglow ulth happlnev ill stay gllmun we ure both needed here yes think we ure ho added olemnly glancing from her loiely face to the towering woods that inclosed the tiny cttlcment but he caw vision with smile ill try to make you loved it up here understand whly changed do the jou reply but for now that uat quite different from the the young doctor wulted for her tn ill thil get homesick for jtoi old life one which had angered and disgusted proceed came up hore with my guman leaintd in the nct few mln him on that flrt day there wus work brother hu luiiy werent quite all utu somethlnu of her sacrifice dk ihead haid work and prlvutlons but right und the doctors told him he had lining the uaotb nu much he had nt sheili aui alwayi be by his side and good chance if hed live here in the hrt sheila had tried to stllle hr home their npportunltle for service togethlu pine woods for few jeani rortunutely icknei and lonelhkji with work tor uould compen ate for many hardihlp3 jhv ux able to get poltlnn with the litr brothu ike she lnd to carry oa uul duappointnicnti smclttr cnmpiiny hes uorked hli way but in time ihe ftlt the was needed by leto has roused widespread curiosity at to the initial steps ui bo taken by pros pective parents its simplicity luclf said hon david croll mhilster of welfare yester day the nrot thing anyone wishing to adopt child aliould do is to go or write to the ncaresi childrens aid society an application form will be provided iloth uili application and uie subsequent nvgotlatioiw uro tratcd in the strictest confidence of course it is the bound en duty or the societies and the department to we tliat uie children arc adapted into suit able homes this involve certain friendly and confidential enquires the financial stability of the prospective doptive parents is of course considered it lh not matter of wealth but shnply provision uuit the child can be looki after lln other main consideration in potatoes la suisse bake five potatoes and cut slice lengthwise from each scoop out most of tho inside and force through potato uiiisc enquiries re health and character of tho adoptive parents and dclcilt home environment the other side of this picture io tho baby and quite as great pains ara taktn to iusure projpectivo parents the qualities of tho child the child ren ure pused upon by competent baby iiihllalbu it nd psychojpglsu und tiicse oplnloni are avullablc to tho adoptive parents us well as all records an to back ground und heredity the whole idea is to reach an adjuut mmit wliureby uio adoplcd child and uie new parents ajid homo will be tut mut ually harmonious as possible to insure tliat this new relationship is ut uiut approximated uio home fci blted by representatives of uio aids mid tho department from time to tlmj over period hut thb la not hi any sense an offtcumi lntsllgntlon on tlib airiijauaijcxpciinniiimsihaimtttdoptlvc riccr season wltli butter sun una pepper und add small quanuty of milk slip an egg into each potato case and force potato mixture uirough pastry bag and tube around edge return to oven and tioke until rgjgi arc set ar range on serving dish and garnish wlui watercress deeitkoot iotatoes wash and parti potatoes of uniform size he move from each two poruons using an applo rorcr pill cavities uius made with sausages and insert rounds of potatocti to conceal salliages iut in pan and bake in hot oven until iotutocs aro soft sahatoga oiiit6 wash and pare potatoes slice uiinlv tuulng vegetable tjicori hito bowl of cold wateg let stand two hours chang ing water twice drain plunge in koulu i4 balling water and boil aau up rapidly ho mccormlck munmired gllmun frounlng rt yes lie ua the onu who wrote atklntr for doctor and describing the tcenery and people she smiled demurely at him ires the one ou uilnk reponlble for de ceiving you well he not im re ponslble for wrote unit ktter for bob you sec ue need doctor in thv uorit way up here thero none ultliln hundred miles thats ihy uocicd that letter to alluringly well swallowed that bait replied upcrlntendent now the people wiuiout doctor within millers worm powders being hi de huulrid mile the had rendered imt niand cerytthere ean be got at my aid to the ick and nurcd the joung clumuf or drug ihop at very small oilman grimly and now youve come all this dis tance you intend to go right bact the girl asked slowly llie young man hesitated moment be fort answering frankly cant bury myself in these woodu yes im going back lave my future to consider ee murmured uie girl slowly looking up appealhfgly after pause aho asked llut nou joure here uont you play the good samaritan und help there ure few urgent cases it would nt hurt jou to look at them and pre scribe would it no ill attend to them in fact parents are eager to talk und as bub bling over with news of their childs exploit as upy proud mothers and fathers in the count let of peel and halton during the year 1034 there were eleven children legally udopted into splendid homes and thl year we are hoping that many more uill be removed from the lire of uoclctlfu and given the much needed loie und care hi home at the prent time in the home tit milton there ure number of very attractive children waiting for someone to taki them into uielr hearts and homes one attractive baby girl year old fair hair and brown eje another lovely fulrhulred bluecjed girl two and onehnlf jeirs of age roman cath olic two baby bojs of fair complexion ne eight montlis nnd the other elgn tviji montlis old and tuo lovely bojs with dark hair nnd eju one two jcart und the otherfour jeurs old number of older boo and girls of school age who ire worthy of some opportunity in life not necessarily adoption if jou huieeicr felt the need of rhlld in jour home why not ut thl time ut least make some inquiries pur idling of above gladly ghen on request livlnhtc druhi uguin and cover wlfli cold wutcr take from water and dry between towefc iy in deep fat until light brown keeping in motion with skimmer drain on brown paper and sprbikle with aill lotato nittteits cups hot rlccd potatoes tablespoons cream tablespoons wlno tejlspoon salt ivw graungri nutmeg few grains cayenne eggt yolks eggs cup hour add creant wlnu and seasonings to potatoes then add eggs well beaten having bowl containing mixture hi pan of icewater nnd beat until cold add hour und when well mixed drop by spoonfuls in deep fat fry unul delicately browned und drjiin on brown paper when ufe hkcins anju tnus milton childrens and halton aid societies pea and old through lllmss it was sto cast they are standard remedy for by the superintendent thompson that made the joung doctor ashamed of orm troubles and can be fully relwi his oun dlconteiit upon to evpcl wornu from the sjstem can tte nou one reason wliy tony nnd abate the sufferings that ornu and the others dont take kindly to me raua there are many mothers that he sild smllig at her they have ir rejoice that they found available co idea im here to take jour place and irective remedy for uie relief or their thejre jealous childrlli sheila flushed they did feel tint intfrnational ijiagul i1asu the majority of bable enter this tur bulent world at lui quietest time be tween tuo and lle oclock in uie morn ing strungley enough most people de part life at the ery hour when napoleon insisted man needed the greatest coumgc four oclock hi the morning thess conclusions are reached by famous physician dr edward jenny after nro longed study dr jenny discovered that the number of blruis lncreare rnpullj towards midnight reachej maximum between two and five in the morning ana fulls off to minimum laic in the afternoon there fc difference of 40 per cent between tho number born around 12 257 und gam 172w similar rhythm hi found in the pulse rate blood pressure rute of breathing and other organic activities iuring the coime of twtntyfour hours the deatli rate toji follows cyclj aluiougli mott deatlir oecur at uie hour mentioned dr jenny deducted that in inlkls should feir the hours when night changing into day dawn nnd duk the hour of death howeverttre not marked us the hours of birth cankktt paint for apple trees owing the fact that the feeding of uie applo treo pest uie woolly aphis causes numerous conkers in many in stances upon tender varieties of tho treed control or uve insect 15mnffo rriorc ati flcult for heavy infcutauons on twigs und water sprouts early in uio scaoi tjic use of summer sprays will give con trol but cankers uicmsclvos into whlcn the sprayt cannot reach continue to afford ready source of relnfectation 11 uio use of cultablo canker and uuuud paint says tho pamphlet on the woolly uidil of tlio apple lviucd by uie dominion department of agriculture ottawa it has proven passible to contriil completely uio aphldo hi pruning vounds und cankers wlui om painting only mude hi lute may or june but ip any event not later than midjuly tho canker paint lu made up as fol lows castor much inn oil heavy grade quart water quarts nlcouno sul phate 40 per cent hiblespoons or fluid ounces wheat hour cmulslncr pound mix uie flour wlui boiling water and tir well for few minutes to form imixitli paste lour in the nlcotmo nul phiite and again sur and add uie oil and shake tlio mixture thoroughly until creamy emulsion is formed the flour may be list raw but tho resultant emulsion is not so uiable thfct canker paint should be used wiuiln week or after preparation ciuikurtd trees sliould have all dead tend rough bark scraped off in uie spring and all root suckers cut ut uie ranm time thus careful painting of all the canker und pruning wounds that can bo reached from the ground und by climb ing into the tre is sufficient to give good control for tho whole season nothing at amt hrown bovding to hu friend yes have worked under the same bowt for nearly 20 jears smiui cim beat that its my all er wedding next week wunt risl feu big doctor horworui way little tit first she answered huitily but they dont any more gllmun shooitliij head iil never win uielr love and confidence nu you have no matter if stajed here the rest of mj life wish joud try it gllmun she said genuy smiling if thought he begun nnd then checked himself doctor horworui stayed on beyond the time limit he had et two weelo three weeks month and still he could not leave patlcntu who actually needed him then came the great explosion in uiu inciter nnd his hope of leaving soon was blastedi workman handled some dynamite carektiry nnd blew up ont duyi before return of uie building whvn the doctor reached the bulld llrst case unsthnt ing he saw instantly that nil hid medical of little girl who wu ill with scat li and surgical skill was needed four altemoon games ure staged us part of reverrhl5sccondthutoraniurdjrbnckmen werewriousijrinjurcrttandrcquire1 flhu turunto clubuhoiuarlo duyino las tan operations to uave their lives sheila wiui there white and tluilccn by the catastrophe oilmim exumlnjd the injured and uirn turned to uio girl must ojierute quickly he said it woodsman who had met with an acci dent slulla led him to the humblo ahack wltvre uie pauints lived and for time tho young man forgot his disgust and loneliness in uie practice of hi lm iot week he unnounced speaking of tho littler girl with scarlet fever suppose ill liave to stay until uien sheila nodded soberly but uicre was relief and gratitude in her eyes meun whue there wertj oukr cubes tony tullano luui luuul cruslied in tho smelter and another workman was ov cama by the funics of uie mixer two children were hi bed wlui measles and the mother of onw wud suriorlng front the after effects of typhoid fuvei ill fact there wu considerable typhoid 111 the woods und oilman grew uusplelous of the drink uig water with shclu as bis guide one day hw traced the water to its aobrcc when it was contaminated by the open bewage from huddle of huts on higher ground wo must remedy this mld oilman ahaktog his hed nobody can drink that water liereoftar wo havw lot of ignorant foreigners working hi the smelter she lb bald vtn mfrold they wont understand tbeyll have to understand was tht harp reply ill put up signo forbid ding anyone to drink it ho might as well have saved his time and energy ills signs were ignored ouo himm dfift ufcetrth bnhiasvtns ihme jou help sheila nodded silently he guvo her quick instructions and hi room in the smelter he operated two were major operauonu und two less import ant sheila wad magnlflcsut assist ant slie stood by him white of fuco but steady of nerve for six hour gunuui tolled at his terrible job when tlw wounds of tlw lust puuent wore bound up tcrrlue uuusea and weukneui swupt ovr hint everyuung sctmed to uwlm beforw his yai human nutunt was oxliuustetl and he laid feeling tlmt hd was going to faint trying to get jrrip on lum ielf oud pot expood his weakneisi to sheila ho sold 111 leave them wlui you must get ctame air he staggered us he crossed uie room und would have falvn if supporting arm had not caught hint you muni he down oilman heard side la say her voice soctned faint and far uway ho felt her arms supporting him tlien everyuilng went black befora lum wln ho woke up an hour later he found himself lying tm copch with shlou anxiously watching by hi aldi wliats liappenod he demanded nal hale or special interest of baseball fans throughout ontario is the morning nnd afternoon doubleheader on victoria day at the maple lenf stadium ulth uie duifulo blons meeting toronto maple leafs the blsonii as in the past started slow ly despite uielr strengthened pitching jtnif nnd by the time they play toronto on may 23 and 25 in toronto should be going along at top speed in seaaoru last the leafs have ulwtiys had to battle in every game with the dlaiiu while other clubs found it rather easy to defeat uic herd buffalos ilrst game with the toronto vupk ijafsji uchediued for thuriday mav 2urd ut oclock daylight savluj utme the special victoria day mornlntf tind gram with the morning game slated to start ut 10 30 oclock und the uftcrnoon alfulr ut oclock ontario barseball fans ure again reminded unit starting time of the games in toronto are on no increoia over the regular admission charges und baseball fans outside of toronto who plan to make duy of it ut the fleet street suidluin on may n4 would bo well advised to make uiolr rrservatlons torly tlio huifalo series in toronto con cludes with single game on saturday may 2bth after short jump around boclieuter buffalo and moiktroal tho uufs return to uie maple leaf stadium fur uielr ihial games of uio spring berles wlui uio montreal hoyuu tlio flrat gumo wlui uio ouier oonudtan club bi tho international league scrumlulud for friday may 31st with two gamed listed for uio saturday date of juno jot montreal itoyaut laiye one of uie best clubrf in uio international league this soosoit and uiey are to bo considered real contenders for the ployoff honors accomodating footpad and now ill trouble you to toko off uiat suit of clouicd jones thanks awfully only for you my wife would have made tno wear it for two years more sla rish landings down although three of canadas sea ilh erles province reported increased tche in rebrunrj returni from uu dominions eu fuherlc on the whole iulvamiiljertlinjnibrimry iteason sunday school teacher why was it that david said he would rather be doorkeeper in the houre of the lord bright boy so that he could go out side if he didnt like the cermon ukason knough englishman why dont ou make fun of my countrymen just on you make fun of your own scot well mon its bad enough being mi englishman without makln jrce about it order witiim rodfincf now vml estimates fr twocrtntvnlucnbl metatltodfiog ek cjuhivo putunutd featured eiuirnlitoo wow tliai tiiflttnutt ntui nusy tapplica tioil foriivwlooqi orru reefing siuul ridiu and rnftuc lonjitlm fni fr evtunnte wo ujuj couned tilnn doitl rtt cut durubihty eastern steel products simited kelloggs corn flakes havo time uyrk and riiojicy because tlioy cotno to you crisp unci readylohervc there are no ilrcfl to ligiit no pots these crunchy golden iiiiccti arti nourishing and cutty to digest you can horve kellogg corn flukch with milk of cream at any time of the day many servings for only few cents at gro cery everywhere quality guaranteed made hy kellogg in london ont kmyf for convenience ovenfresh flavorperfect nova scotia quebec und prince ard island all j1iov ed some gain in sea ilrlieriea production hut new bruru ulck und british columbia both reported decreftues with the net rexailt that there vviij drop in total sea flnhcrlei catch for the month of ahoutr3fl50p cuts and landed value fell off by 20500 tho total catch amounted to approximately 100700 gwts wlui landed valuo to flshurmen of 201000 the net decrcaie in catch was duq mainly to the fact uiat the manufac ture of herring meiil and oil in british columbia was on much smaller acalo thun ft ir ogo willi tlieoutlet lor the herring catch thus reduced there una naturally lessened fllilng ollort nnd the quantltj of tho lbh taken was omy ip cm ui ftgiilnm almtvt 7000 euu in ivbruury 1034 british colum bia landlngn of gnivfuli whtcii are awa used in mukhig meal and oil alio drop ped quite heavily in new brunuwlck decivuse of 50000 in total lundtd valuo uos duo mainly to lowered smelt prices ll fee iiridtrfcercaiuritrtftrrtninahtim nova scotia provided bright apot in the iubruary ibjilng rejjullv with blj gam in cod ush cod landlngti in unit province were slightly more uiun u0700 cwts gain ofalmost 200 per oent landings of haddock hy nova bootla iuhrmun totalled 24720 cwu ten in crease of 1000 cwu in quobeo and prince kdwurd island lncreuaed landlniai of miielt were responsible for uio gains made by uiose province molikltn wlittt would you like for your blrui day tommy oh telephone dad then can amwr teaclicrk qutiitlomt wluiout uolnt to school sciatica mtm orlo acid rvllevli oqsumiuna and 6elauc browne dm stan rumacapsi why is an suctd kvc range dependable because it cooks without flcimoy hoat is automatically conirc lied at porfoct cooking temperature lmformrcsulta axo poaeiblo only in an electric range st does its work accu rately thoroughly and with mow you can enjoy all tho beimlita of oloctrio cooking hydrops new plan briags thid most woiiswhisi of all electrical appliances within easy keacn of housewives talbot jos reid uniformity because it is planned and built to do exactly that cooking and baking failures are thus eliminated special terms if you purchase mow monthly payments as ixw ad 5263 down payments only 2000 symon hardware blair hydro is yours ue tf

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