ft faok bix the acton free press thttftsdayr may 33rd 1833 two little ftxk3ks five little sheep on hillside erased where the ragglest daisies grew and just overhead in sunny spot were five tittle clouds in tho blup and tho ave little clouds in th sky looked down on tho five little sheep below and caltad out to them in friendly way uttio whlu flock hcllol wo look alike wo mint be alike now isnt that plain to you come up with un in the pasturesky little whit flock please dot but th6 ave jlttj sheep on tho hill looked sad and nibbled tho grow instead and each ono umothcred sorrowrul algh shaking his wise little head and they called to the flock in tho uky oh no such union would never do wo must be fed on tho greenest gross whllo your meadowgrass is blue and how would wo look whcn tryirjg to fly with harcl little feet for wings bhevp of tho earth and wheep of the sky wens made for different things and the little white flock in tho sky looked down on tho little while flock below how and they said to themselves how queer when we resemble each other sol by miriam clark menu hints recipe for new and novel dishes household ideas anal saraestlons unustfal fish dishes only tho careless cook falls vary her fkih dishes fuh or all kinds lend themselves so easily to unusual tastlus that tho thoughtrut housewife constantly surprises her family and gus with office help by diane westerly at tiik fluxhiml tnaurnnrc office typlnt rutin iiiidtyplkth went but impmable miku rrtih wtnt on for ever junt ill pitkcnl mlhtrifj davld son ventt thr typixt who had liioht re teull arrived iitw who it hemned to mihs french oiijrlit to be the next to leave nice nem phuknnf wort of girl mihs french wan lelhng mr michael itarhord in coildekcendlng aorl of way condescending not of course towurd mr llnrhord but toward the girl in quentlon hut khi nlmply wont do slu ihiii in type h1 doesnt bulling and hewldek sht cani manage her tyikfwrltit oh well nil right snap pod mi flsh dishes that are actually unique try these as samples kedoeree breakfast dish cupu cooked fish fresh or conned tabkrpoons butter cup cooked rice salt and pepper hardcooked eggs free tho fudi from skin and bone melt butur in saucepan add the ltdi und stir gently put in the rice tho whites of thai hardcooked eggs and season to taste with salt and pepper move gently 4ibout over tho lire until thoroughly hot and nerve on it hut dish with the yolks of the eggs pressed through rlcur over tlw top pink hash cup cooked codfish cup cooked potatoes cup cooked beeu spoonful pork fat und scraps these are the meltoven an old fashioned cod huh dinner chop the cod ilsh potatoes und beoli together heat the pork fat and scraps hi frying pan pre the hash firmly together and fry good brown on each flde serve pickles or chill sauce with it chocolate junket icti cream junket tablets tablespoons cold water ounces chocolate cup heavy cream vt cups sugar teaspoon vanilla flavoring cups milk dissolve junkvt table in cup with tablespoons cold water melt ciiocq late over hot water and add cup of the sugar add milk and cream very little at time stirring until smooth after each addition add wat of sugar and vanilla flavoring and warm to luko ward wot hot add dissolved jun ket tablets turn at once into freezer can let utund in warm room until iirm about 10 minutes then cool pack in ice anduh and freeze de luxe pie indeed no doubt about it coconut cream pie is du luxe pic worthy of special occa sion dinners tills la tho time of year when you can turn this dessert into buperpje by adding strawberries to uj chad harbord wful sonieflmisf wearied of the efficient methods of hla btenngriipher who wan ten years his honlor and had it way of treating him like nephew olivlouuly mikh french had some special prejudice agnlni mluaioavld flon hut thev deehhl not to cwjl her of hpr ft until pay day then they would give her weeks salary und tell her not to come buck that was the hyhtcin at ilurhords insurance of fice neither he nor mirh french nqw her that avenlnj git down the hall to the htorkrmitti where hiio sought and fount teddy the uhtitplng clerk und ofllco opener vou know yon prom ised mo key to the orilre she whis pered to hhn dont nay anything to anyone teddy its all right you know you prduitaed ami with sllfc tre nio intcim nltmisvtt xi rttdpitv tl son waa going her wny the chenrful possewor he key nh sired then ns mirh knnrh went out she stopped to himi teddy she naked him nbout klrllie knew who might want job were letting ml us davidson go tomorrow mlas davldbon exelulmod teddy dont bolleve nie knows it well of courno havent anything to say about it of course you havent teddy agreed mlns french aerldly this llmt davidson ihtit the uort of girl wo usually employ here hope you un derututid teddy didnt underhlnnd in tho least mihs davldnon una nent trim and good to look nt but not in the cant what teddy would call tlumhy perhaps her work hadnt been up to tho mark but alio hud only been thoro two xveeku teddy went home und con tinued to worry nhnut tbo key until oven that ovenlng then ho hohlly called up mv michael ilarhord nt his home and told his employer of the key michael uarhord antd that there could bo no harm in giving tho koy to tho girl who dmihtletm hud homo work sh wanted to do before opening hour in tho morning then ho got to think lngiib0ut it mihh preneh jiadiinld that the girl didnt belong michael hadnt had tho tnnut remote idea of what she meant by that hut porhaps nliq rosily hud unme miitjplclons uboitt the girl tt was nearly eight oclock when michael hnrlmrd urrlved at his ofllce michael lot hlmwlf into tho outer ofllco hello ho called out anyone around then there if hlu own otllce vlth tho door open between it find the outer ofllco ho aaw mildred it was mildred davidson surely hiif mildred wore dust cap rh woro an enor mous apron hanging longer thnn her trim uttio frock and when ho first saw her there uhe wiih on her knees vigorously applying what uppearod to be furnlturo oil to tho end of his desk oh hever nought youd come she crlo was jiiht trying to clean things up hero ft little heard you say that it annoyed you boraiiro tho cloanlng woman never really cleaned your otilco and it driven mo most cnixy tho dut and everything ko jukt mudo up my mind to come in brought wonp nml ior rlnthw slars diasy by boss paaqtjbab fpriday pa run in to joe hlx this morning when he was going to wlrk and joe was kinds bothered ho did dent no just where ho won at ho sod bedus last nltc at tho unctions dance two friends started to take him homo but it seems llko they must or miss laid him saterday blisters is got noshun ho wants to jobi up with tho army nit ho dussent want to ever bo commlshund otrisor becuz he sed ho drutiier bo on salary then ho all ways knows just xavkly who mutch ho has got todipnnd on when satcrday nlto cums aundayrwe hod kwlto argumit at sunday skool today the teechcr scd mancti oney had lname und we waa trying to dlisule weather moses was his last name or his 1st name munday pa got postlo card frum tlie hoglttlo where his boti is at ufte hnveiug hl operoshun the postlo card and wish fought and won jl4w uia uil you was here imited of mo tousday well ukool will bo out soon and we will havo few weeks wo wont hall glvesnm nosey woman skool teechcr lot of lrco lnflrmashun for nuthlng wcnsday ma and pa lncludelqg me went to cull on mr and mrs vittcrnl tonite and ulowy was very very glad see us bticiiz overhrd mm vltteral tell mr vittcral out hi tho kitchen uh uus glud we cum now it will bo over with and ho replyed und seed yes thank goodneas tlrstlay ma was kicking about lloocal today when kb conger was heremowing the yd she std it couted more to live ieiicu probuliun wiu repealed und ed scd to her yet it does cost more to live xgesiihutiti wirtli it mi li street acton ont houm 930 to 1200 noon 100 ta 500 iiaiilrilays4l0ilajock rersianbalm creates lovely complex loiui velvety smooth cools and relieves thu skin makes it delightfully sort textured alluring fragrant delightful to use swiftly ahwrbed by the tissues imparting that elunive vharm so dis tinctive of tlie dainty woman iperalun unliu protects the dellcatu skin prc irves and enhances the loveliest com plexion every discriminating woman hould use tli silvery lotion it fe un rivalled as lawless aid to beauty replace worn screen doors and windows broken screen is like bucket witb bole in it useless you may think you arc protected against flics and mosquitoes but you arc not for healths sake check over your screen doors and win dows now repiacciliose that arc damaged this iri pleasant and economical way of introducing the tlrt struwberries tlie family coconut cream strawohrry pie tablespons jiugar tablespoons cake iiour teaspoon tuilt cups milk egg yolks slightly boauin cup uiredded coconut teaspoons vanilla pint strawberries baked diuch pie shell egg whluf unbeaten vu eup sugmr dsih of salt tsbvbpons water li teiupoon vanilla combine sugar flour and salt in top of double boiler add milk and egg yolks bdng thoroughly imsce over tmpldiy balling water and cook 10 min utes stirring coiutantly ltcmovo from bdillng water add hcup coconui and vsnlus jcool sllc cup bsrrlos into plosshdlj uum fill with cooked ruling place egg whites sugar salt and water hi top of double boiler beat with rotary rgg bealor until thoroughly ttnxed p1c over rapidly bolting water and beat mlnutu then rcmov from fire and continue beating mlnuui or until mixture will stand in peaks add flavortng pile lurhuy on filling cut rmdatntnc berries in half lengthwise and jiwwm5 around meringue flataide down vwjth points toward center sprinkla ia oocoout 3erve at once ml komttf umlture polish and found an old pull iw horo and well im gut ting things so they look little hot ter michael whs standing there smiling with boundless pleasuro nnd admira tion mildred went on muybu im poor typist miss french told file was of no use in an otlfco hut just muds up my mind that id try to do little to earn my salary and knew you said that the dimt anuoyed you too michael begged her to stop assurlng her that he didnt want her to doynich hard work and that he was ufrald uhe would mur her nice hand hut mil dred refused to ii wtlek round here than ho tuitd until you are through and tlien want to take you unme place to have something to eat run off with out half hnluhlng my dinner und ill bet you dldvtoo the next day he gave miss french orders jult druhtlr or her to do nothing about discharging miss david son mus french sulked but did she wus told iiimilh inter he told her to take mias davidsons name off tho payroll thought youd come to your senses smirked the able stenogra pher knew youd want her to leve certainly do said mlthnel llin not for thu reason you think im go log to marry mildred imvldsou and pd rather not have the girl im en cagd to working in uiy ollce screen every door window ontario safety league have you found the sunny package on your grocers shelf tta delicious rcujxluot rerral million of cuuadiutii have totitld kelloklts aulthan ufe effertivd muiu of corriicilnk cotmunii eon ttjpatlou iha kind caufted by luck of bulk in the menu labomtory measurements fchow tjuit aulluin provided bulk to aid elimination allluan ulo sup pile vituiuiii und iron thp in tbl tempting ce real is more effective tlmti that foulld fruit bull vegetable ltruum it rcit tietititl batter witblti tb body it ulorl tuoi turci sml form soft mau cenily this clean out the intestinal waste yant this natural foot better than takin patent medicines two table poonltu of alslusan dally are usually sufficient chronjp cases with each kuea if this fall to give lief sea your doctor enjoy aubjln sri eereal ot cook into appetising recipe kal logics alxllsan contains much biar needed bulk than itartbrau products be fretlaiidgreen kwekage made by klio onturlo lonao keep on the sunny side off life father tfou say you won thkt prue at echool for uport this book was given for arithmetic and it has an other boys name on it son yes dd fought him for lt information pltakk employer now dont be inquisitive dlacharged my laat boy for that new boy yen air wolwos his niioie and uot did yoil pay him and wot wati lu mqulsltivc aboutv some talker docs your wife talk lot man asked friend talk lot was tho reply if suddenly become deaf and dumb it would take her wevk to discover ltl its about time agent hcrcii book madam which tells how to keep your husband its wonderful little book hoiktewlf ive burn keeping my uuhand for ttie last nfuwn yearn what want li book that will tell me how to muki tilm go tn work and keep mc thou shalt not kill drive carefully whatever you intend to paint there is special maninsenour product for the purpose five of the most popular arc multiuse enamel for all enamelling outside or in outside iorch paint for porch floors steps etc marbleite varnish for hardwood floor neutone neuglos no smiiou for washable interior walls and ceilings hhteelsnametl7tng youll get best results with multiuse enamel scientifically prepared enamel of the lushest quality for outside or inside use dries fiinthard in foijr hours flows off the brush so smoothly and levels itself out so evenly that inexperienced painters are thrilled at the fine work they can do with it ask us for multiuse color chart of 26 beautiful shades see sample of multiuse painting note the brilliant gloss smooth surface and sparkling colors multiuse enamel is made by the makers 100o vltrepaiut cauajlai imcst bouse paint marti n5enour 100 pure paint varnishes enamels 0t acton summer in the indications from representatives of the canadian pacific hull way throughout the world ure tluit pleasuro travel this year will be on greater ucslo than any time in the last two yeard brlug iug more ylaitora to canada from the uuitod btuieu kurope und tlie orient and pouring millions of dollars into canadian pocket books canada is oxpoouuk good ultaro of thu trufflo and tho canadian laclflo hallway is muk inkextuiialve brupuruttons there in lta hotels and bungalow camps dates huvtt been arranged for special entortalnmunts at luuitf tiprlugh llotol which opens on juno 16 and chateau lake louiue which opens on juno 21 with ikinff or its slater resort lake louise as hoajaiuirtere tburs can be made to such well known places as johnston can yon moraine lake and tho valley of the ten peaks tho lakes in the clouds the plain of the six olaclord the groat jmylde wapui luke uungalow voho vulloy aud buukalow camp tukukkaw 11 la tho historic kicking horao 1ohh mount stephen und tho great mountains near mold hc the large canadian pacific itullwoy hotel ul btthrrtoqulp pod tn ovory way for the comfprt of vialtortt tlie hot radloucttve uulphur uprlngs have boon turned into swimming pool uldu by uldu with ihhil illlod with fresh water tho rolling rloor of tho valley hod been made into plc turosuuo golf courao thero are fast well kept tonnls courtri throughout tbe summer there is run and plenty to do at this beautiful resort with special events at uhort intervals starting with tho calgary stampede which will hold from julyhth to 13th two boclotlod with worldwide knombersblp will hold their offi cial outinga tho trail hlders of the canudlau uockles from july 2flthto 30th und the trull hikers of the canadian hocklea from auguut 2iid to 4th indian days will return to luuiff frnn july 10th to 2lnt when wtvitorn in dians in their nuttvu coutumos will roenuct ancient tribal core tnouloh the llanff golf week with tho 1rlnco of wales trophy us the nialu prize is from august 26th to 3lsl business directory medical dr mcniven physician and sturgeon ofllce and residence oorner bower avenue and elgin street dr nelson physician and surceon klectro therapy phono fts legal pllono no 22 335 harold nash farmer ltarrlalrr solicitor notary publlo conveyancer fctc buhanan icntal surgeon office in lcishman xllock houm until evtnlngs byappolntmtnt gas for extractions cioiiadwodnacdavafurivoouphono lis pearen locntii surceon successor to liito dr jjdll mill street pllono 20 vcteuwaiiy dr bruyns veterinary surgeon ah calls receive prompt attention tvrnis rcaconablq phone 135 acton ontario oh ice mill street harrop sc phono day or nluht 03 residence boyer avenue acton all calls promptly aniiwcred rates reasonable misckllaneous francis nunan ihuikbltuler account books of all klntla made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound ruling neatly und promptly done wyndhani street ouelph ont eagleson ontario and iomlnlou land purveyor ltegbxtcred 1rofckjjotiar kiifbtcvr survejs report liitlmntes plans oltaknagk wouk spkcltaltv tilcphoiie 31 oruntrvillr ont general in wt hltciaijzi in ijfe fire health and accident automobile and all general linen of tnuhtrihin also plate glass kdolliy kondu annuities tension ijoihih etc leatdino oom1anik1 kxcklxjint paclutud frederick wright main stltekt acton the door ofopportunityl these sbmu ads will door tivwmv awl fl