Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 23 May 1935, p. 7

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thobsday mat isrd 1mb the acton freepress tub gajtdkn steaks com air good birds bobtn and wren and thruab oome with glad words and bright dowers phlox and delphinium rose and tall illy oome make fair the hours oome bees because hero sweeta without measure walt lor your pleasure it butterflies pause here toads and you room in the awcoi thickets humble hrown cricket make you at home be kind here weather rain wet the tender roots j3un waiur the golden fruits dews softly father love be the warden pcac all the borders fqld god himself once of old walked in garden by nancy byrd turner twenty years ago from the issue of the free press of thursday may 27 1915 waterdown had 125000 fire on tuesday mr wm cooper merchant tailor has secured mr rcld first class coat maker from alllstan for his mer chant tailoring business the removal of the weigh scabs which have enroached on the comer of church and oudph streets for the past twelve or fifteen years has greatly improved the appearance of both tree mrs wm gould rcelved cablegram from her husband corp gould to the effect that the transport conveying the regiment had arrived safely at plymouth england mrs smith left to visit her yin t1rm nt mlniwftnnh minn nnri will later go to california mrs smith has offered her beautiful home fair view place to the government as convalescent home for wouded soldiers the kings orderlies bible class of the methodist church ore making tennis court an the church lawn st albans boy scouts journeyed to rockwood on monday for days train ing and recreation the verdict of the jury at the inqucsi on the body of lew la rice was that he came to his death from one of two cauues either from alcoholism or from an epileptic uttack followed by asphyx iation actons leading manufacturer walter berdmorc died on sunday after long illness lie had resided hi acton for nearly fifty yeurs and lmd bean intimately associated with thu town the queenjl birthday will lung by remembered by the congregation of ebcnesor church the gathering assem bled for the laying of the corner wtous was very iutbo one and seeven corner stones were well and truly laid iwvitsr andkiison in narjui4juwya on thursday wuy 13ui to mr and mra victor anderon daughter ini mcbougall in kjjiuejiing neur acton on saturday may 22nd mulcolm mc uoujfull ucd 50 yctirs dearjdmore on sunday may 23rd at toronto walter dowbr uoardmore in lilt titith jeur chronicles of ginger farm written specially for the free press fcy gwendoline cfftkkk if the doctor doesnt soon gjvo me permission to set up uhttll feci inclin ed to change the name of the chron icles of olnget farm to adventures in counterpane land because what do know of what is going on outsldo7 it keeps me busy to keep tab on what j4 going on inside and many laugh get out of it too one day partner sold well if youvo got to lie in this bedroom much longer you had better get yourself some now curtains to look at of course was perfectly willing go ono of my neigh tb prmiy nlrf rf poplin for favorite spring dishes by betty barclay mu and offered to make the curtains however thought coura sit uii in bed and hem curtains and did but by the time was finished it was wowc than wf hnrrt wtrk the next thing waj to ret them up but partner was quite willing to do tliat part of it probably because he had newr done tho job before all rlghtglve mo the curtains now what do you do with them get chair no tho chair isnt high enough put paper on tho window sill and stand on it yes thats right now put the rod on uui left hand hook no of courts it isnt long enough its an extension rod yoi musl pull it out to fit tho window there now youvo got it too long say look out youva got your foot right on the curtain there now is that all rlght7 jwhy douglas kgjptlan liniment ihuold be hi every household slops bleeding at once cimurkti omuls and prevents blood poisoning keeiu au uy inflam mation and proud flesh rilk kings kvil tlie tu cliarli ii gold touch pieces recently offered for juiil in lon don urve as reminders of the time when rnoimrclu were juppoed to cure tho dtieaw known iui tho kinds evil which was kind of plague tim cur was effected by the sovereign laying hands on the ulfllcted peruon who was thui presented ulth touch pieces edward the confessor introduced the ceremony into ligland and the power to heal hi this manner wui aupposed to become hereditary in the royal line tpsuillly ourtoucir plecti wcrcr of gold but during uio troubled days of the reign of charkj bold being scarco silver coliv uere often bejtomcd uiough toma tinier tjic itoai phlilclnn had to dlschuri the patlentii emptylianded thu jitrunue cuitom wim at 1u height in tho reiyn of charlie if who pro claimed definite keuons wht publiclc luallny sjiould like place the uflllcuil with the kings evil had to ix commanded for touching by the iiaruh mlnlter or churchwardens dur ing on period of four year the klni touched nc irly 24 000 persons on fcuur sunday iciki louls xiv at utfdedl bou tttrlken people uttering uie woriin ih lini tuehi thee muy god cure thee iiftttn uiu uere ulrn to each ivt nrh patient and thirty each fnreifjner l3 old gentleman why are lou cry big my lift inun little jioy bobbin bttilj dont know what to mmhrh won let mum uu my luid unci daddy icrutuhlci bmiki wmr out tn ijitm in the world didnt you ask mik neigh bor to hong them then you would have had them right what is the mutter with them thry dont look right yet no dvar you have too much fullncsj in the fur tnd but never mmd they will do answered making mental re servation that would slip out of bed when the coast was clear and tee what could do wlui the help of stick partnerij forte muy not be hanging curtains but he fa dandy housekeep er all uio same and has the children scuttling round here like young rabbit uhon tluy are at home maybe the chants will do them good moit chil dren have too much done for them any way one day partner had been par ticularly busy boui indoor and out and coming in to see me he asked well how ure iou feeling now oh just line umwered this rest cure is great uilng you should try it ugh grunted partner as he walked out in dikuht after clving mo look that words cannot dccrlbc ono day the children came rushing into my room crying mother mouier jimiis back nou of course ou hnij forgotten all about jimui even though he has bten mentioned before but that fa becnuse you didnt know him to know jlmus wbj to renumber him for he wan uie flnut cat ever iaw we rufaed him from kitten ami ljpt hlin all one summer and whiter around the house but in the spring developed ery questionable moral character and in uie tnd disappeared entirely taking wiui him his brother squealer after year squealer return ed and nou after three yiars jlmus fa buck but of course thought the children had made miutake it must be some ouier cat butlf you can catch him bring ilm here and can boon tell if ifsjinius in little while they were baci again the cat in uielr arms and the flet jlght of him waji enough to convince me he bore an his ear the marks of battle uhlch ue will hope were honor ably wan ufa coat was as tleek as over his gray fur having peculiar uuidy glint which dfatlngufahed him from oil other cats and he wni just as tame as rheid ad most of uu can afford to forget that distasteful and frcqucnuy faddish com mand dont cat this and dont eat that if we will merely use little com mon sense dont overload your atomacbwlth heavy foods sec uiat your meat hah and bread ore balanced with milk vegetables and frultu eat little leas as the weather gets warmer really if wc follow these rules we nevd not worry ourselves to death about calorics overutlght and undcrnomioh ment during cold wcauier need foods uhlch are sources of quick energy keep the body warm but au spring ad vances we may reduce uie quonuty of uiuse foods the craving for more food may be apposed by eating more liber ally of light dishes luscious ginger bread and milk for lunch healthful raluds plooty of greens uiese will help yoii to prevent iprlng fever try uio dominion oofttuijcdftal weekly news letter totioubigvicirwthii epnnffmrbjttitui lug thctw delicious dulntilj for some of your heavier foods spring oinqeituitead cups tjfled cake flour teaspions baking powder teuajmion soda teaspoons gbigcr teaspoon cinnamon teabpoon ialt cup butter or other shortening cup sugar egg unbeuten cup moloujcs cup sour milk or buttermilk sift flour once measure add baking powder soda spices and salt and sift toreuur uirec times cream buuer thoroughly udd iugar grudualiy and rreain togcuier unul light and flufry add rtrtrandbhtwjl uicn molaktafav add llouralternately with milk small amount jotth nilllbeatlib after enelr addiuon until smooui bake hi greased pan 8x8x2 inches in moderate oven 350 degrees ijo mlnuies or unul dan strve plain or cut li squares and top ului molotut whipped cream made by folding tablepoons molasses mto vj cup cream whipped may salad package lemonllavorcd gelatin pint warm water plmkmto cut hi strips hardcooked eggs coursely cut cup chopped cekry cup chopped olives lj teaspoons chopped chlveci or teaspoon scraped onion vi unispoon salt tablespoon vimgar dusli of cucnnc dfasolve gjutln in warm water chill until slightly uilckened arrange plmi ento stripe in bidividual molds com blnu remaining bigrcdlents fold at once into slightly thickened gelatin turn into individual mold and chill until firm unmould on crisp lettuce garnish wiui majannufae serves baked lisii tablespoons quickcooking tapioca uiupoons talt teaspoon pepper egg jolkti cups cooked fljl cups milk leg whites stiffly beaten cup bread crumb buttered combine qulekcooklng tap loco salt iwpper egg yolla ifah and milk in top of double boiler and stir enough to brax eyg yolks place over rapidly boiling uater bring to scalding point allow to mlnuut and cook minutes stir ring frequently remove from bolmni uater lold small amount into egg unites add to remaining tapioca mix ture and blend turn into greased baking dish and cover 1th crumb bake hi moderate oven 350 degree 20 minute or until broun serve hot serves qont arret the garden thousaflss famines throughout the country ore planning now to ue uu available garden bind to provide food if people on uie land would consider the number of meals uiat must be prepared during uie year and estimate the actual earning power of garden more and better gardens would be planted tn ordir to provide continuous supply of summer and inter vegetables garden of onequarter to onehalf fat ucre in extent propurly cared for will provide enough vegetables for an awr uic family early swrrt corn karjy sweet corn brings tho bct price henife uio importance of painting as sooii as possible suecesiioiial sowlngc jniklj at intervufa of bn dayt in uie uhic field are good way to get early corn should the first pluiiung succeed thv itcoiid or third planungs may bni hot out or if uio first planungs bo killed by frost uio uilrd or fourth plant ing may develop unliainpcred wmt and luist of lax vlaii grouers arc warned by uw pibr kpeclalfat ut uh central experiment farm to watch for tuo common flax diseases that cause considerable injury ti the growing crops flax wilt and flax rut or firing mux wilt attacks urc plant in uie sedhig utago and kills it liecause the germs live in the soil ro tation of crops and treatment of uie jrd with formalin ure recommended vlax rust or ilrhig uttackii uie plant iliore often when it is full grown but hardly ever kills outright tho ilwt ithges of lb faatajupmlucu onuigtt olored pustuks on the item which later recognized as leading opeclflc for uio destruction of worms mother oravw worm exterminator has proved boon to sufteting children everywhere it seldom tails it is not place but love which makes neighborhood christopher wordsworth similar symptoms llcr pother aro you euro you love hiy daughter suitor certain cant sleep at nights for thinking of her father get the qtinu effects from butcher and grocer bills turn buek iii order to save uio crop eurly pulling advfacd so as to avoid uie black stage of uie rust selected healthy seed sown early in uie proper rotation fa uie mostc elfcctlvc mcuiod of control wccdcru possibly one of the most satisfactory implements for the eontrol of weeds in growing grain crop is what fa known iii the finger uecder that implement constats of scries of long slender tecui uhlch form very light harrow the linger wotder may he used to advantage on annual weeds shortlv ar germin ation boui befhro airb after tlw gram crop has emerged and unul uie crop fa some tuo to four inches hlglu houhold mrdfriiif they th it aru utquuiutcd wiui the sterling pro per tlm of dr lhoiiuu kdctric oil li the txcatmi nt jot many uilnunu woiilit not wlutodt it in the hotur it fa truly household tnslu inn anil as it fa effective hi dealing with many ordin ary com plain it fa un tncxpvnatve medlcliif so keep it ut liaiub as th call for it may eouio niut unexpectedly ruiil iiwbj ue are wandering how many of hfa nine llvei hae bnn lwt in uie mctintimc lveiy morning watch the clock until the mall com is just love getting let terspartner laufilis and call its my fan malll but one day uifa week got something thiough the mall that unnojtd me ex ceedingly it uu nothing more or les tlian om of those rldlculou chain tet ters this one flanged lo the propjper itl club variety trust in ood mid si ml dime etc now us it happens con ldr mjitlf us being one of those pojle who do truit in ood but have ft it it mn iry to loni to rickit urli as th to pio it the fact of thi letter being suit to me uas afai iitlit blow to my selfconceit bjslditi it did not plea for unjoue to cim ui unuld be party to any such thiur oil uell it taki oil ltnili ui make uorld iuppoe and as proif in the uiue mill dime lovely little caul din uonian whom have oiuy just hw tlhu on the front plrture uirc tuo littl blhb islng aiiotlui lllll bhd in uii iut sorry to in ar jou are shut in and uu inside uai anothi plctme uhin all th bhd are fre and undw until the uouli hope jou ulll so be nit tigulnl it was such brlglit eh try little tiussigd to si ml to anvone und eomlig ft om un intlrt ly uiifxpetit quaru mad it rvi ii inprc utleinin out ha to be fchut in to rralfac whut theii lltue utteiitiiui tncaii to ikron housing faittf kquilmckt want of care of farm equipment causei heavy inroads into uie operating ccuts of farm and uie fact is not alwuy up predated that muchlne should not be 4tiofc ob lont rougkt junk 37ui is tuh latt folt flltst night gamk or season already arrangements are being made for gala show on uie occasion of uk first night ball game of the 1035 season uhicli ojneral anager arthur lemon haj announced for june 27 when uie leab uturn to the maple leaf stadium lifter their lnguiy june ro id trip and meet the bulla lo bfaons under the floodlights the re mnptlon of uio nccturnal crime fa great ncus to the out irio fans of the toronto baseball club ulio too tlifa opportunity to vfat tl piciou ground on fleet street st idium iiul cheer for ike bonns bat tling crlu asjhc performed under the mi of floodlights in minor leaguo baeb til no doubt rveral ontario ctntr uill arrange special parties for uu bg night why not make your eat reservations with uie toronto ba bal club now lcauc mo brush marks flccr paint gives tough elastic hard wearing protective film for porch veranda and interior floors waterproof and weatherproof retains gloss under severest outdoor or indoor usage dric 12 he we sell floglaze because we know it is good paint going dally except sunday dauy except sunday sunday only time tables mian nationalfrailways at ajotoii 13e the chicago flier that pasaev here at 95 nu eastbouzul stopa oeorgctown at 944 cotag west dally except sunday a4a dally except sunday 323 dally except sunday 70qij sunday only 1143s standaitd ttmk perly protected ut all times from the effucu of ueather it is not alunys feislble to afford uifa wirt of protection to maehlmrj on farm but great deil more can be done to prevent deteriola tlon than is iomctim the cila mach inery quirs ullib hoislng all un jear round if the overhaul to be kept in cherk altliouijh often in the cclgen fh of fiirming thli fa not alwuys an ivy matter in the uhcn of propr protection from the uiather rust nnu deciy play havoc ulth the various irtu uui careful furmi is make rule to ut ther intcliliu uiider covir as sooi possible llu ftiinupt know that tabling toi mt liimy nece jary for tin ihv jtoek iiu ide bulldln hicxp ijlv but efticlent sheifa for their uhnis the make tit rue to invft tn muehlne eviry day to mc that th biarinus have been properly oiled that the nut are unlit and the uorklng part nf in ahiuiiunt oud vunlhii snuwithly in jiueautlitus have saved mon puvuitid lai thrutiih delay and obii itul ut ion aiui uorry flu pre mttla tiiiu hliw uotktil faun really uquli to be ioulpicd ulth forie anvil stuck of tilt uilll tool under uiitl cli of himuumi vrenclied iiinclu and hlefa not to nun ion upply of ttick iepalr for replacenunt if paits ss0und advlct just lihtcn to kihttkke rico krifljiir4 rrnrlclr in milk or cream so crihp and crtmrhyl and their auvqtc ia uu inviting uu thcix bound ktiee krinpirs rii noiirihli hitf ami erihy to dirut au ideal hrdtimc nnnrk or for this cliildrnih mipiirr thy invito iwhtflll hlp at rocrn rvirw1ier in tlioiloiliiirgooac stoxy piulu math hy ktdlo in london ontario qdiilily xtiaruutood kiiou tliti nuikenu terribly uullty for my oun s4 of ombalou in uili rispttt but hijjn aoiuetlnw siuill hava elitnee to liulke allien da ja sy pot four convenience arrow bus etftctive may 5lh j035 leave westbound 345 121 mz15 tal 41s in 815 1135 015 pm standa11d time leave eastbound 530 h10 au 1l20 zlo tn 110 ni 60 mi 900 tn 1tinkilah1ks planned to au ioints in canada united stattis si mexico consult local agent wirrs central ontario bus lines toronto pattersontr specialist in eye examination orthoptic trcatmenta prcacdikahm 108 wyndhm st next to loww itiokk 3108 quality acuncf servto at every intersection be careful ttntrii were over 80b bicycle riders killed or injured in ontario last year bicyclists especially cluldren are often careless this simply means that drivers of motor vehicles must be twice as careful remember that you are in the heavier vehicle at stop streets hop discipline yourself when you drive cut down on speed especially at night make sure that your brakes tires and lights are effective other wise some day you may find yourself in serious trouble it is better to be safe than sorryx motor vehicles branch ontario department of highways 33 ontario must start thinking safety in oiilxnu lurinji loi there were curly looeio auitv mobile ueeidvihu 512 people were killed people were injured eoiikidcruhlc intrcovcf 1933 it must be evident all tlmikiuff people tliut ilufmuit itop hem il mtquttirm savage co watches diamonds china glassware wedding and engagement rings guelph ontario 21 wjmdkjun bt jreadi ouu tkrlnlad knaitec will btf read dd ocealoii4 wiiero your kalmmea will taot bo heard let taa tui uu btory at yuui into readable bhatel the acton free press subscriptions for all magazines taken at the free lvcss office

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