Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), 6 Jun 1935, p. 8

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s5rskra ffbbjeto mob miur the acton free press juw 6th ims rrilwil bbtfc hatisaiaasaalbaatka asvuuaaal fa poetry bokn yufuk the ouelpboisnana hoa nltal on amiiadajr may sotb ibm tomr and mr aukhim acton son john ansa kobrisonmclknbby at tbe far ioduc oaorgalovn on saturday apu lit 1030 semetta daughter of mr arid ml mosoery oeorgstovn to ur sunlsy morrison km of mr and uoo morrison acton ooopbivjaokbon at chalmers pres byterian church manas toronto on saturday june is bev btewart josephine jackson daughter of the lata mr and mrs jackaon to bart cooper toron to son of mr and mrs win cooper acton wintersjohnston at the home of the brldea parenta erin township on baturday june 1st 1935 by rev poole klva euaabeth cldtet daughter of mr and mm john daughter mstdn to jul william w1 ter son of mrs and the late daniel winter of thlstletown ontario died btjrn6 suddenly at quelph general hospital on thursday may 30th 1035 william bums hookwood bejnved husband of minnie lush in his mtn year hezzetiwood at verdun manitoba on tuesday june 4th 1035 mra emma holmes hezaelwood the funeral will be held upon ar rival at ooderloh at on batur june 8th from the station to maltland cemetery juno the month of roses our brides tho dandelion season seems to be about over maro rains this wreck and still wel come mostly seven cases wcro on tlie police court docket today things that utera loo good to bo true often ore the maples arc beautiful just now in their full foliage telephone pole never hit ui auto except in selfdefence some more loads of gravel at thu crossings would bo welcome for best shopping value consult the advertisements first in tine par ibej3 excavations are now almost com pleted for the new bymous block on mill btrect its ucliool examination time again but thi only few weeks until holiday time too widower describe his second mar riage as the triumph of hope over experience the garden party season opened last evening with the event by acton citizens band the acton ball club stepped into econd place on saturday there are iwo gums tills week there have been many beautiful ted of tulips in tlie grounds at homes in town the pant week why is on electric range clean er is the subject treated in tins popu lar campalgnin page 61 the chain letter rocket wsems to be on the wane too many trying to gat profit seems the weak link council made tour of inspection of the titrceli and walks on saturday to outline repairs and improvements there wtyo not many of elate rleud who had scon bor when aha was consumed by mood of do proasion bat aho certainly waa in tho midst of one of the darkest this bleak frornopn crowning her mood wna tbe fact that eho had been unnhle to obtain aeat for the concert of grcathoart tho master violinist nt whoso feet uie en tlr nnltefao throw us anmlrlnt tribute in th6 oyea of bar friends elate waa pse af the moat helpful adorable and entirely to be relied upongtria whom it waa their joy to ttnow but in her own estimation alio waa mere slog tholuncuiarir rebuild the sidewalk on mill fitreet from willow to main streets on the west side of the street admission of 5c is now eliarued for ail children at local ball gomes thto cluurge is necessary to comply with the amusement tax regulations substantial and appropriate fence will be erecuxl around tho ihoneers cemetery us rettult of meeting of uio cemetery trustees and the council mis lorna xfccomh graduated tills year au nurse from the toronto general hospital and received hit diploma ut the recent graduation eiur else in toronto special nnetlng of halnn pres bytery of the united church is being held ut cedar tlpruigu next wednesday picnic and uupper will follow the busl kuss of the meeting itev it hackett or port dil houale was tiie minister ut thd united church hist sunday morning and luj and mrs hackott wvru warmly welcomed on tills visit to tlie foriuer congregation the hew issue of biumpa put an aale on junu 1st luivo been on view to tiik yw luknii window tluy eom pxlse all denomlnatlohs up to 100 and are now on sale ut the acton lost otrice poatarlty nor the present generation would be ever the better for her ex latence it waa drawing near the time when the great master would be ami ling hu quaint smile upon an adoring audi ence and elsie was bumped out of her mood by the telephone ringing jet on your bonnet ordered masculine voice at tho other end of the wire ive wangled scat for yon after all no dont tell mo yoara aorry ennt accompany you youd rathvr alt ami listen in ullcnce to oreathoartthon have abundli of ru bles toased in your up much ilhs hay ing nib hitting besldu you chattering hustlo tin you liuvtmitinuch time elsie wna uglow from imud to foot as aho tntorod the pucuid concert hall and wdh khown to liny kent wjuoerod into tho ytuge bax on tho very frlngo of the blago uaelf il wiw ko great and unexpectimt tnrat tluit kle moatfeu us if klwi4ouulrewurdthe giver of the wnt with tho hand be bad so potblnteitly wmlit in tho hush tliut lhljrkej the draw ing usldo ufthe curtains inifore great heart stood befory ilmm hugging hla violin to lila brcaal elsie funded he would hear the thumping of her heart bo close she win to him its he utood bowing kittle suddenly felt consuming power ttwbep over her it seemed for moment as if the universe spun in circles of light imd grut utrcngth about iter and then loft her wircnely calm that rilrongtlt kent her from anoth er world remained with uur grvutheurt kinllod und his audience burst into wild uppliiuue iuh was perboniillty to claim tlu iteat of even thu hurdest of hla critics quulntly uduruhle gently lovuiu was this great master hu gave the world freely of wonderful gift mid chimmid wiui but the puling of ula how ucross the string of hu loved violin elsie found thitt to uutk tit him und listen ut the wiuiu time wiih too great joy so khe used her eyei komewhst untieelugly upon kiiiiiii mirror that hung hulfwny up the proscenium urch und reflected the centrul entrance to the hull then unsint fiuund in the pucked houuo during the mnnuiitk when mu ule such us the world ieldom heard was druwii forth by greulheurt and elsie along with tlit thousands of oth era uritenlng wu curried to rflulraa thut niukt uiihuredly be fringe of hoavtn then without inouurts wiirnlug eu4e bprung onto the singe hung lier body slrulglit in front of the miibter oven as loud report rung out from tho buck of the iioumj then tihe fell lu faint ut great hearts teat und thin ktrenm of red filtered from uomewhere in her body there was tihout at the back of the house und the man who hml tired the uhot wnbcoptu hla itnoklng revolver tlll in his grusp ilehlud thu swiftly drawn curtalna elulo opened her tyh to look into those of tho mauler he held her gently in his arms und gazed down ut her with look of audi inlenso won derment thut eule foolishly found iln nwll iyfcj letters to the editor th free pre welcome letter to this column oe msttera of general interest to it reader but io not occesruy endors the opinion expressed all letter mail be signed bat tuy be published rwtr pen name if so desired and speci scd in the letter communications should not be rmr spa words in length and must be received not uter than tuesday at noon to ensure publication in that week uiuc better iwoii vkwwieal dear paaa pams it is tosslblo thati not everyone would abscrlbo tothls ejctract credited to chesterton but why doeana conllnc his strictures to the cimimetoncfcs men tioned of all modern phenomena the most monstrous and ominous the mjost manifestly rotting with disease the most grimly prophetic of destruction the meat clearly and unmlsajcably inspired by cvli iplrlla teo most instiuiuy and overahadowed by tho wrath of heaven the most ntar to madness and moral chaos tho most vivid with deviltry and despair is the practice of having to listen to loud music while eating meal in restaurant while it may be true that distance lends enchantmunt to tho view fear that in the present instance it will bo contributing force to tho writers denial of tho privilege of attending tho go ti anniversary of leslie school in erin for which cordial invitation has been received tills would have boon privilege indeed as such an occasion would bo fraught with many precious reminiscences altliough iiover pupil there there was an intimate acquaint ance with the locality and many indeed of thu people therein the invitation coma over the names of president mc keownnnd secretary fcarcn llttlo boys of an early acquaintance now lnfluoj tial citizens it is matter of interest that tho present school in its opening contom porary with tii ftx vaicss both bobig of tlie date of july 1st 19s ttie teacher of that time was mv william crewson liimsclf son of one of the very earllcgt farpjitcs of the school sec tion at its extreme southern corner an earlier teacher in the older school build ing wad mr macpherson whose son hugh became tho wcllbclovcd pator of kncoc church acton and later of chalmers church toronto indeed it used to bo related by one of tlie matrons qt tlie community about the time of hev hughs induction to knox church that as uho and jjome other companions were strolling up tlie itrst line above the old schoolhouso one day at noon that mm macpherson was crossing tbo held bctweeji their small dwelling and tln larger homo of her parents elw vau ovcrlieard callbig to little lad running after her rin away back to tlie noose xlughle and daddyll glc ye conic mere dinner come across today in my pocket book tlie accompanying clipping which haiv treasured for some time as bclntf in romc degree appropriate for some euch rcmlnlucent occasion if the editor judges it worthy of place perhaps eome elocutionist amongst tho remln lscciiterinilghtadaptunlmeatotlie occasion and gave it proper emphasis imttstrated 6o thki at last is my old home xong years dreamed liow would come to visit liaunbi which well knew in distant childhoods days wlum patlis trod were pleasant ways in alien lands uvrce yearning grew to see uiem onco again my eenccsstlrl tlie place seems fair tlie woods tlie hills the moor tho mks pdoans diboovkkt by ella parker butler ca story so yean old wah hay whin ol was af ther rum magln in mo cellar ol found wan dozen champagne bottles goln waste an twas pity see thiro go waste ol tuck look at thlm on ol seen they was all in good condition cxclpt they was full av champagne wathcr put tin th twllvo bottles wan soldo ol went lnta th back yarrd where tho grape vine do be an fronv th grapevine oi took wan av thlm long curly tendrils friend av ftilno so happened bo tit prkddlnl av ot mimil guiu stecf company an ol sint him th long curly tendril from ui grapevine an ol said wud he make mo duplicate av it in tlmpcrcd steel shu re ho wad glad acommydnto me because wanco mo old man was afthcr buy in aharo av steel stock from him whin no wan seemed want anny twas not she weeks whin ol reaavyed hnlf yrofn th prwilrimt li th fitel jy boy scout notes the lot acton troop went on hike lost saturday the boys had bettor luck with the weather this time and did riot have their uplrlts dampened as on the former hike tho crow patrol turned up with ovcry member present and walked about with crowlike dlgnlly while the other birds brooded over thu missing members of uioirmlock ball game had just reached the peak of excitement one team having 10 runs and tho other side anally in position to score when bcv arnold took mighty swing at the ball andfell heavily to tho ground tho boys daubed in from tho sold and huddled around tho aocno of io accident the nrst aid kit was hurriedly ruhcd in tho scoutmaster examined tho break and oakyd for sug gestions tho boys thought they had better buy tike wolf cubs new bat the first ingredient in conversation truth the nexty good souse the third and the fourth wit eir my child my child cried great heart brokenly why did you do it you might have lout your life for ib and dill lie lihil her gently in ids urm white ti quickly uunmioncd uurgeou utteuded the wound tliut tho bullet hud mitdo in iinih wide would gladly iw ko mild ku toftly gludly wivi you for ho world uiu juwt culdutcu viw whtlo you you hut elsie hud ins eunsdnukhlhi aguln and when tn wola up mc ond time tdie wiih in her mvn kkmii on the sunny coudi by the uindovv and oroutluiirl wuh lttlug hcklde her jfliere whs huge imiwi nfrose und the wonderful iiukith thai gave jtich glorloiia uiuhic to the world were htrouing the hair hmu from icisleu forchtad thai look of lniinti wuder wnu hi 111 in the eye of griatheart uh if lit wtre trying to fathom ntuptn douii truth he did not au yot lamw that tlu great truth was love love in form thut few mortal could rnl itf fco big uid eoniptlling ami ulto gither beuutlful it wuh uu was maduuiu he told lior koftly you bruvtr llouse dont kiii1 kiki koftly only hnppeued to hie hhii in ilim in thut tiny mirror am dad uni glad lw glud to hint doni inn ut ile thing worth whl ht and lli great tnumter of niulc drew klulos uitnd uu to hi lips uiul hild it thern am in thut tiunneiil khdt knw why die liad ben glvu atningb for it was to pro tod the loved oqe bur lovad una as when viewed them last but oh feel cannot bear these strangers ncath my fathers roof and not one face amongst tlie throng with lovlnjf smile nor handclunp strong to greet me from the past all desolate stand aloof th tlmpcrcd steel imitation av th clrly tendril av th grapevine onta th upper lndav this an cross ways twas no thrlck at all fix clothespin ol thin pressed th sharp point av th lower lnd av th ateel ten dril lnta th cork ftv wan of ui cham pagne bottles on twisted th tendril around thin by pullln sliarp upward on ui clothespin on at th some tolmo houldln till bottle tolght butwalio mo knees which ol had covered wld rosin to prevint th bottle slippln ol drew out th cork ol luld th cork wail soldo an emptied th contin ts av tli bottle down tli drain exclpt wan small tumblerful which ol drojik oi thin rcinowd th cork from an otlier bottle an emptied th con tin ut down ui drain exclpt umall tumbler ful which ol also drunk ol tllln removed th cork rrom nri othcr bottle an emptied th contin bi down ui drahi exclpt umall tumbler ful which ol also drank ol thm removed another bottle from tli cork an emptied th drain dovoi thdohttnts cxclpt small tumblerful which ol drank ol uwm removed another drain from th con tints and aiid cmtled th smnil cork down tli tumblerful exclpt bottle which ol drank ol tliln bottled another rmnll remove from tli tumbler cxclpt small cork ful whldi ol drained an conuntsed th drank down tli bottle ol thin tankled bump from nother dottle an ol mean ol dunkled tump from nother coppj you see mo frlind ol moan ol dronkled kump ol mean ol cackled ol mean ol conkled 01 ol well onnyhow ol did it all thlm twllvo bottles tliim bottles wae no wall imply an ol toadied tli house wld wan linnd nn counted tli bottles wld th other there war twintyklven loft out av th dozen thin ol got me scrubbln brush an pall av watthcr clanc th bottles but mo surprise ol found ol cud not bit th brush into th neck av the bottli ol therefore turned tli twlntyslven bottles wrong rlde out an scrubbed thlm wdl an turned thlm rolght sick out agin by this toime th house was re vol via rapid an ol sot on tli uoor on count ed th bottles as they whit by there woii sixtyfour av tlilm ol dumb th kitchen table an produced out av th drawer tli can opener on th hind legs av which was ghuis cutter ol crept back carefully th bollh an seated mysllf in th cinter av thlm and thlm koln round mc continuous by prellnu in difference tlilm an sprlnglnat tlilm whl tliey was off uieir gyuard ol wjiaabje tlxatcuuiliuwan at toune whin oi liad tlius caught bottler ol held it firmly down by lyln on it an wld the glass cutter ol cut off uiobou tom an tli neclc av it tlieso oi put won wilde an wluit remained av th bottle made an excellent lamp chim ney when ol cqun thlm ql found jack and oick vanooozcn paaico oh 2nd class slgmillmg test gordon bllton received his scarf and was officially received into tho troop during tho eummcr months the troop will meet on friday nights junket luxueu dumbl ah7 vain for me to sock relief in tlie whole world from this dire grief scenes wiilch loved of my lifes blood part hcanutones have tjecqmc within that place of graves my heart morag maclean bonnatyne am sameuhut startled to find in the in memoriams in tut 1siri putij to hand toduy tliut tlie death of mr joel ij1u an wliose farm thu school is located settled upon hi the very earliest days by his father mr junius ijctlle in ubout exactly colncldent in may 1031 with tliut of my ow brother william ut hespder who with tile writer were hands together for him back just 50 yeurs auo cordially ooujmak 4057 wilson avenue montreal may 3ljt 1030 tho followbig recipes are taken from thu publication milk dcsucrts issued by tbo dominion department of agricul ture junket thu slmjuvst of tho milk des seriit hi mado by coagulating lukewarm milk with rennet and fiddlng tlvo dcslr sweetening and flavoring ilonnct or junket as it is commonly called is sold in both tablet and powder form the latter containing uugiir flavoring and coloring in addition to tho rennet juncct is delicious served with crushed fruits or with whipped cream two kwckssmeb my boy said tbe rn agnate to his son there are two things that are vital ly necessary if you are to auoceed to buslneaa what are they dad honesty and sagacity what is honesty always no matter what happens nr how adversely it may affect you always keep your word once you have given it and oagaclty never givu it we do not commonly find men of superior sense amongst those ot uu hlgheut fortune juvenal watch the window for special prices on meats for the weekail laid 14c lt for 28c creamery butler 25c lb lbs large sausage 25c clarks tomato soup 8c un for 15c sfisk meat maeket acton iiitistintiixiiiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiuaiainniiiaiiikiikttiriimtiistiiriitiiiiisiiiiiiiisitiiisuiiiiltsusilbiiailu royal theatre guds now to friday the mark of the vampire lionel barrymore bela dracula lugos1 satmon tues will rogers in his latest doubting thoivias coming next wednesday my heart is callihg junket no ljuket tablet tubleiijiooii cold water or tablespoons sugar pinch of jailt quart milk teuupoon vanilla or other flavoruig coloring if desired crush tablet and dfcisolu in cold water add sugar and salt to milk und heat to lukewarni remove from heat and add tablet and flavoring pour into desert dbriies and let stand at room temperature for 20 minutes then cliill junktn no package junket powder quart milk heat milk to lukowarm remove from heat stir in junket powder pour into dessert dishes and let stand at room temperature for 20 mlnuteu then chill caramel junket pollov recipe for junket no omit ting sujiar and adding onequarter cup caramel syrup caramel syrup may be mad with one cup of rugar and one cup of water melt sugar in heavy saucepan or frying pan and when tlie sugar turns light brown color ndi boiling water cook for 10 minutes until mixture is slightly thickened anew and beautiful musical romance daily at saturday 215 715 9i5 contin lo 11 always complete show after 915 some exwuunce motor car had jnrt knocked down man fortunately without injuring him the young woman driver faced him determinedly am sorry it happened she sold you sbauld take more cure when you are walking am an experienced driv er haw been driving car for seven years well replied the victim im not novice myself ive been walking for uftyscven years had slvintytwol what wkue tiiev mary if you please maam the eotls had chickens mlatrcsu nonsense mary you mean kltterm tary was them chickens or kittens you broiikht home this morning mistress chickens of course mury wihimm thems what the cati had specials week ankle socks pull raliue of slziti colors patterns pair idc milk chocolate buds special per pound fresh salted peanuts per lb 10c 15c ptraw iiatsrmens lloys and ladles jloc mens fancy cotton hose per pair lic xjosquito nett1ko rt per yard luc vurds for ae ladkj white jq aa ihirses at kucy oc ladlet fancy voile dresses organdy trimmed siyes qq 1g to at each oc kiddles droadclotli overall bach zioc to wlllte liquid shoe dressing for 1c v1y con for tc ply spray bottle 26c ply swats each 10c huron toilet paper roll 5c for 13e riixoljum mats assorted patterns each x3c ilatlilng caps 10c 15c 2de s5o paint and wallpaper department 15 discount on room lots of any wallpaper in room loui wcoifer our com plete rangy of papers at regular 30c 35c 40c 45c and 0c ok roll at special per roll uc llimuie ifaint moos atou varnish stain keal hpecul quarts regular 6dc for site pints regular 30c for 35c half pints regular 25c for 15c silk hose lady beth full fashioned pure chltfon hose latest sliodtts jftecular slmvalue per pah 69c hintons 5clo store 1h new ford features frontseat ride for back seatriders iceiulh ost iv saus wtdnvsduy june lutli clearing fiaie thomus clark rockwood saturday june llithleurlng kalj mclam acton tuisday june 2iith lurm sale john woolrutr no ookville anytlilng which devuuxt tlie mind sublime qrtutnrfcs of mutter tpacu power vbrtue or beauty rre all sublime ruskbi jjurti uetta knip12 liad bloodiokuil big nuw alad mac botli cruui corn and bunion salwei at rrownb drug tore inksi rasnllt oi tord pionoaurino thra nginrin principle kvw bman cornbixiakl mors fusjdbl pvhnov oe th tlm xrovl jttattmvrm typ mmt rthr aprt rovieu loitqaxr for bpnna action wajghf of both oar ud pn smparsl has bn mora vtnly dlariributal ovsr mil otu whli all batst kav bn ttiowswl forwarcl boaait paanorai now rid ixs bont of tk ud inataad of ovwr it ahto ksw brmko esmyaotlon clutch niw body lin nw forol draft crnkcaw parlormanos trtf that rid yriurswlf taka out ouf darrtoxiatrator driw t3bj flrimt rwd aw wit norton motors 1mionk g9 acton ontario

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